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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. D-Sub is not worthy. Send them to me. I have more posts.
  2. I'll take them if D-sub doesn't. Drop me an email. skategoat25 AT yahoo DOT ca
  3. When I ride in Collingwood, I meet a lot of people of Michigan. I think it's only a 4 hour drive. I'd call ahead to Squire John's, find out what they have in stock and then make a weekend out of it. Some fine riding at Blue Mountain. It's not tall but it's very broad with a wide variety of runs.
  4. Do you ever get up to Collingwood, Ontario - ie. Blue Mountain? If so, Squire John's has a good supply of carving gear - Volkl, Prior and NOS Burton boards, Bomber bindings, Head and Deeluxe boots.
  5. Tombo, I sent you email. Let's do a deal.
  6. Any photos of how this thing attaches to the board and then the binding to the thing? Is it safe to assume that the plate that comes with the suspension kit makes contact with the topsheet? I wonder if we're now dealing with potential topsheet damage like with the TD1s.
  7. Nils: I had the same problem here in Canada when setting up merchant account for a customer. They wanted exhorbitant fees, on-site audit inspections, and it took months to set up. For my next e-commerce project, I said screw the conservative Canadian banks and I set up a merchant account with an American institution. The improvement in service was astonishing. There's no reason you couldn't do the same. On a periodic basis, they simply send you a cheque or e-transfer to your home account. Henry
  8. Not so fond for the ski jumper in question! Fondest for me is Franz Klammer's gold medal run on the Hahnenkamm in 1976. Total nutso, there-is-no-tomorrow banzai run. Most gruesome memory: on the same course in the late 80's when Brian Stemmle caught his ski tip on a safety fence then proceeded to straddle it and ride the top of the fence at 75mph. Nearly ripped him in half. The fact that he came back to compete again amazes me. Is it me or is World Cup ski racing just not as thrilling as it used to be? Did they tame the courses?
  9. GPS is aware of elevation. I can't imagine it's difficult to program the software to take change of elevation into account when calculating speed. It's simple geometry. If I'm wrong, and GPS assumes that everything is flat, then your actual downhill speed is faster than the indicated speed. I think.
  10. Saw this post about Seal on oldsnowboards.com: http://www.seal.com/video/album_detailed.cfm?VideoAlbum_ID=2 " The first clip was closer to when he first started riding, I think around 97 or so. He's on a Winterstick Swallowtail. The 2nd clip is from 2001, can see an improvement in his riding, and he's on Nitro Swallowtail. I think I read somewhere that he bought a place up in BC especially for the snowsurfing. (Not to mention he's marrying Heidi Klum, does it get any better than having those 2 things?)" Some nice powder clips. No hard boots in sight but nice to watch nonetheless. (No sign of Heidi, sorry). The original post: http://www.oldsnowboards.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37
  11. I say why not? If you're up for a new challenge, go for it. That's why I took up snowboarding after 20 years of skiing - for the challenge. Both are good and they are totally different for me. I'm much more agile and versatile on skis than a board. I can hop around the bumps, make 3 turns to 1, ride mashed potatoes, death cookies, you name it. On an alpine board, let's face it, we all want cordoroy.
  12. GPS is the way to go. I stick my little unit in the radio pocket on the sleeve of my shell and it gets perfect reception. Someone doubted GPS accuracy but I'm willing to bet it's as accurate as a consumer level radar gun. Here's a study that backs that up: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=15519597&dopt=Abstract
  13. Good luck with these Linus. I rode one of Bruce's early titanal boards last winter and the improved dampening was very obvious. I wasn't sure that I wanted that in my recreational board though. I've always liked boards with a bit of snap - enough to get you a bit airborne during the turn transition.
  14. Left: All-Mountain Right: Race Carve? What did you get inside? Titanal? You bought both at the same time? You got some riding to do.
  15. That's cause you're a young punk. The patrollers tend to leave us greybeards alone.
  16. You need one of these: http://www.canopus.us/US/products/ADVC_selection_guide/pm_advc_selection.asp You plug in your VCR into the box and then attach it via firewire or USB into your PC. Your PC will need a DVD burner. Be careful when buying a cheap analog-to-digital converter. A lot of them have problems with dropouts. I can vouch for the quality of the Canopus product. Another simpler method is to buy a DVD recorder. They have RCA input jacks. You plug your VCR into it and record onto a blank DVD.
  17. Linus: It was mid-week and the run was empty. The only hazard was the lift towers. I stayed well away from those. And, as you know the runs at MSLM are straight. No danger of going into the trees. All in all, it's a pretty good place to do speed runs. That is, when the patrollers aren't watching. Henry
  18. Did you read this part: "Traditionally the front foot should be set at about +70' and the rear foot at about +35'. " Can you imagine trying to run at those angles? I think I'd dislocate my hip on the first heelside.
  19. I wear size 10, mondo point 27.5 and I have no problem fitting my boots into the Catek shorts. Also, I will have my Catek Olympic short plates up for sale in a week or so. I'll email you at that point and see if you still need them.
  20. Clocked at Mount St. Louis/Moonstone (a dinky little Ontario hill), tucking it on an intermediate run. Kind of surprised me. I didn't think I was going that fast. It didn't feel that scarey or uncomfortable. On non-speed runs, I was averaging 60km/h. Again, surprising. The tool in question was a Coiler Racecarve 174 and it was super stable. A buddy of mine tried the same run on a Hot Blast 185 and said it felt squirrelly. He got up to about 75km/h.
  21. Gotta be something non-chunky so that it fits easily in a Flow binding. This is for my kid. He got into hard boots last year but he needs something cheap to go jibbing with his friends. The kid only weighs 120 lbs. so I need something soft.
  22. Sorry to distract you guys from "Ms. Renntiger" but here's are some family friendly carve pics shot by my good friend Gerry George out of Fernie, BC. If you want to use them, I'll ask Gerry to send you high res versions.
  23. You should know they are brand new on eBay (2005 model) at $299.00. Let me know if you rethink your price.
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