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Dr D

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  1. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71BbsjsyfsU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71BbsjsyfsU&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  2. <embed src='http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf' FlashVars='linkUrl=http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5405872n&releaseURL=http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf&videoId=50078503&partner=news&vert=News&si=254&autoPlayVid=false&name=cbsPlayer&allowScriptAccess=always&wmode=transparent&embedded=y&scale=noscale&rv=n&salign=tl' allowFullScreen='true' width='425' height='324' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'></embed><br/><a href='http://www.cbsnews.com'>Watch CBS News Videos Online</a>
  3. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/11/03/What-We-Have-Learned-About-the-Great-Swine-Flu-Pandemic.aspx
  4. skatha I am a Chiropractor. I am a Licensed Gateway Physician in the state of montana. I have as many or more post graduate hours as you do. that said, I also read research for around 2 hours a day so I am quite up to date. My opinions are Professional opinions based on my personal study and philosophy quite the same as your opinions. Feel free to discuss this topic with footnotes etc. Petty attacks on my credentials make you look silly stick to the facts. start by backing up your assertion that this was properly tested. The time elapsed since "discovery" is your first hurdle.
  5. I will not be getting this vaccine. It has not been tested to anything remotely resembling scientific standards. It contains dangerous adjuvants. The tests were done without the adjuvants. It is plain and simple a pharmaceutical protection racket. Follow the money and you will find truth. We see this every few years or so since 9/11. media hysteria builds up demand and the sheeple scream for the govt to do something. As soon as the govt buys 13 million doses the news stops covering it and no one dies. the statistics are highly skewed now as the CDC has stopped testing for H1N1 in late July. All Respiratory illnesses with flu-like symptoms are now reported as H1N1. The seasonal flu kills many more people each year than the swine flu has or will. Statistically your chance of getting ht by lightning is higher than your chances of dying from H1N1. The vaccine however is dangerous and is being used very irresponsibly. We don't vaccinate pregnant women for good reason yet this time its rampant and encouraged. already miscarriages are rampant in vaccinated women. Don't drink the koolaid:mad:
  6. u need and want new malamutes! you just dont know it yet. the shells lose their stiffness over time and just arent the same anymore:biggthump:biggthump
  7. I served in the Navy 92-94 in the persian gulf and in the army national guard 94-03. I am currently the commander of my local VFW post. A special thank you to all those that keep their service in their hearts and never on their chests. Your brothers in arms remember and appreciate your sacrifice.
  8. Lots of straight stretches here but like boardski said straight is relative here. One good frost heave would put you into orbit:eek: we no longer have reasonable and prudent because some $%#*$&$ from back east sued the state for having an unconstitutionally vague law. He was charged with reckless driving after being caught on the freeway at 135 mph. He was upset about the ticket because he had heard we did not have a speed limit.
  9. AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaah snow:ices_ange
  10. Helmut my man montana is rubbing off on you:biggthump people kill peole not inanimate objects. south africa and australia and the uk have already realized more violent crime since banning guns. bad guys will still have guns or just use a bat or a knife or a candlestick in the library with professor ****ing plum. blaming a hunk of metal for societies ills is retarded
  11. I blane a poor economy! people are desperate so more theft. Jack Jack nothing like closing the barn door after the cows get out! get the training now when you don't think you need it and it will be there when you do. nobosy says you have to buy and arsenal and start waving it around. one gun and a safe to keep it in is a good start. The training is the most important part tho. even if youdon't buy one go get the training:biggthump
  12. those are both steps in the cycle jack. safety on finger outside the trigger guard weapon pointed down or up (safe direction) when a valid target presents itself the weapon is aimed and the safety comes off. the trigger finger is applied last. many things can be happening while this is going on. but a well trained shooter will always follow a disciplined checklist from start to finish. how fast it happens depends on the situation and the shooters skill level. get training if you are going to be a gun owner and shooter. An untrained gunowner is a safety hazard
  13. Being forced to rely on govt is unthinkable for most of us!
  14. I am a big fan of the whole "live free or die thing" its all in good humor. some of my favorite gun buddies are from west virginia which is east enough as far as I am concerned. I went to grad school in SC which is pretty gun toting and redneck. ITs still on a whole different level here. I think it has more to do with rural living (its over 100miles to the next town of any size) Montana takes 10 or 11 hours of driving to get all the way across. you can drive 300 miles without seeing anything manmade other than a fencepost in some places. We have to rely on ourselves. the thought of relying on govt is a joke here.
  15. :biggthumpkids learn that at age 12 here. don't put your finger in the trigger guard until you are pointed at the target either. most of us have practiced to the point that there isn't a significant time delay from ready arms to ready aim fire. and we don't need automatics either one shot one kill less muss and less fuss no collateral damage with one round well placed
  16. This whole conversation and its yearly reappearance make me think we need a quiver thread in the off topic section to show off our arsenals.:lol: Probably need a health warning for you easterners wouldn't want to cause any heart attacks.
  17. my dog only barks when something is hinky! or when his dinner is late :lol: seriously he has a whole different take on life when things aren't quite looking kosher. He'll let me know then go ask the thief to chuck his ball after checking pockets for treats. Equal opportunity pooch:eplus2: I don't think he would harm anyone unless I was getting the hell beat out of me and then I am not sure he would intervene particularly if the guy gave him a treat first. I will just have to trust the good folks from Kimber arms to get my back!
  18. The west as cited no longer includes the left coast! this is always an emotional issue for people it seems. I would love it to be an intellectual issue or at least a logical issue. My basic concern is the right to protect myself and my family. those of you who live in big cities are conditioned to call 911 and hope the cops get there in time. wait times have been researched and in the cities where you would think they would respond the quickest show that they get there in time to clean up the mess. In a rural area you can absolutely count on them not arriving in time to help. Fin is a great example of the usual outcome. Every now and then someone gets shot but only when the homeowner feels threatened to the point of self preservation kicking in. I really tire of the assumption that just because I own a gun and am mentally prepared to use it, I am somehow blood crazed and can't wait to kill something. No normal human wants to kill another human. I have a gun solely for the purpose of surviving a situation where an abnormal human is intent on taking my life or that of my family or neighbors. Theft isn't gonna get you killed in my house but it will get you caught.
  19. Indeed:biggthump you should all read the new hate crimes legislation. It infers that anyone not happy with the current direction that things are going is a dangerous terrorist and or mentally incompetent. So much for freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom to petition govt for redress of grievances freedom to peacably assemble etc etc ad naseum. just cause He sounds a little crazy sometimes doesn't make him wrong sheeple. when we allow an official to abuse his power we can be assured he will do it again. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. D-sub and I don't always see eye to eye but I respect him for his stand against tyrannical acts. Its time more of us were willing to stand up because that is the only thing that will save us from tyranny
  20. Late to the party but here goes.... 1) .223 is a small round near useless on the battlefield. It was indeed designed to wound not kill. IT takes 6-8 men to take care of a wounded comrade and only 2 to carry a body. Numbers call for wounded enemy not dead ones. high velocity is only a single component of the equation. bullet cross section is much more deadly. as well as weight. I would take a hit from an ar15 over a slow low velocity circa 1850 45-70 any day. 80 grain bullet vs 500 grain bullet 2) The little black rifle is an excellent choice for home defense as far as rifles go. Fin is a great example. its intimidating as hell. nobody was even injured which may not have been the case had fin attended the party with a rolled up newspaper ala Mass. 3) We have very little crime in the west because this happens alot. nuff said Montana has recently passed a law affirming a citizens right to open carry and defense of self others and property with no duty to retreat. I recomend not stealing **** or harming others while visiting our fair state. good on ya Fin:biggthump We'll no who to call when the chips are down
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