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Everything posted by MUD

  1. Everyone has Olympic dreams.....
  2. I would say talk to Sean about it. He may help you narrow it down. I am going to (hopefully) be demoing the 164 Saber at the end of March. If you want to wait, until then I can give you my feedback....;)
  3. No, it was just called the SG Cross. I believe they had a team and a "stock". The new one does sound like a different board though.
  4. All the MFR's have good sized sides cuts. The AMF isn't bad, but they are shorter.
  5. I just found another one. Rad Air World Wide. The 162 is a 9.8 the 165 is a 9.9 the 158 is a 9.2 I'll keep looking.
  6. The only one I have found so far that can take my feet is a Tanker 167 10.25 SCR. Other than that, the big mountain boards. Glissade brosif 168 9.25 SCR Winterstick ST 162 10.4 SCR Steepwater either the plow or the steep are around 10 Rossi Experience 168 is an even 10 These are SOLID boards, very burly. The Dark has a kind of tight SCR, oh well, it is what I want right now, I think.:o
  7. I do. I just like the surfy-ness of some nice fast arcs in my softies (I am a softboot rider that sometimes rides hardboots than the other way around). I'm working on that one right now. Shopping as I type this. Yeah, I have heard nothing but good things about it.
  8. I have a Tanker 187. There are many reason I like it, here are the main ones. It has an 11.25M sidecut. Really carves some nice arcs. Here in MN our conditions are kind of variable. With the nice long edge it doesn't react to hard (or soft) spots as fast. I think because the edge pressure is so spread out it tends to float over a lot. I could go on and on, but they would be things I find in other boards as well. For being a 187 it is surprisingly agile. When I go out west I usually bring a shorter board for the tight trees and rarely use it. I am 6'3" and about 200lbs.
  9. I am in the process as well. I actually took a couple of steps back. I was ready to go with my press built and everything. I was thinking about what I would do differently if I could build the press again when a guy offered to buy mine. SO, a year later, no boards and now no press. Oh well, in due time.:o
  10. If you want something more freestyle oriented be sure to check out the AMF when looking at the MFR.
  11. NICE! Thanks for posting that Bryan. Tom Burt was shreddin' on that old Sims. Now I am getting all nostalgic, I kinda want my old Kidwell back.....:o
  12. Thanks SVR, That is good to know. I have been thinking about one of these boards. Now I will wait.
  13. They have had a BX board for quite some time.
  14. I agree, I just wish they had longer sidecuts.
  15. I was being sarcastic. Saying we don't talk about fun things.;)
  16. Ssshhhh.... We don't condone that type of behavior here.
  17. No doubt, it is very common in other industries for R&D to work on improving a current patent from another company. As long as you can show an improvement, you can obsolete the other patent. It can get expensive, but if you have the bucks it can be worth it.
  18. I wonder... Here is the Burton patent... http://www.google.com/patents?id=XA8QAAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4#v=onepage&q=&f=false
  19. You were right. I was thinking of Forum. All I found for the track mounting system was the patent. It is some guys, not a company. http://www.google.com/patents/about?id=-pgQAAAAEBAJ&dq=08/901387 Oh well, I went back and "fixed" my post.
  20. Crap, am I that far off? I'll look into it. I must be getting old.
  21. If I remember right, Ride invented it and Burton liked it so much they bought the company..... They may have actually bought Ride for other reasons, but this binding system came alone for the "ride". This isn't right. I was wrong.
  22. If it didn't work, Burton would not use it. I am not saying it is perfect or the future or anything else you guys are going to use to pick this apart. BUT, there is NO WAY Burton would risk the liability with something that would be unsafe. Use you own bindings at you own risk however. The channel is designed to use the bindings designed for the channel, everything else......
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