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BobD last won the day on August 28 2021

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  • Occupation?
    Electrician, Ski Instructor
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    FP 173,156,149,168
    Speed 164
    Rossi 184
    Burton Frontier 185
    Palmer 155, 163, 171 skis
    Burton Frontier 185
  • Current Boots Used?
    Burton Furnace
    Burton SI
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    Burton race
    Burton SI
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  1. Interestingly, he (This guy) makes the movement both times he loses the edge and becomes unbalanced. When looking at arm movements, I always consider two things, the momentum of the moving arm and the equal and opposite reaction (on the body's mass). I think he is swinging his rear arm backward to help move the torso forward (in relation to the lower body) to become more angulated to recover balance. In the original video, the rider makes the arm movement as he begins to angulate for heel side turns. At 1.07 The arm movement is exaggerated to recover as he almost loses the edge. and at 1.23 he mistimes or overcooks the arm movement causing the board to auger in. Generally though for same reason as above, to help move the torso forward (in relation to the lower body) to become more angulated. As Jack says, the counter rotation on the toe sides may be a factor, perhaps causing the late angulation on the heel sides. In case anyone doesn't know the keyboard short cuts for Youtube. j - 10 secs back l - 10 secs forward Arrow left = 5 secs back Arrow right - 5 secs forward
  2. At first it's the challenge, but eventually it's the flow, mentally relaxed, and physically fluid. The feeling of extreme dynamic balance.
  3. Buck Hill will be open Saturday. A season pass from any ski area gets you in free, or it's $20 without. I watched them groom on Thursday afternoon. The snow actually looks good.
  4. The really old guy (75) on 155 rossi sl skis? No, he is not coaching, or instructing.
  5. Yes, it happened after all these years. A bit wobbly, but fun. https://youtu.be/Fxw4HJyEZDk
  6. True. I was just struck by his whole demeanor. The obvious pretense.
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-china-60045448
  8. One supplement not mentioned above is magnesium. Google - magnesium joint pain. Many people are Mg deficient for various reasons. Mg from drinking water is an important source because it so bio-available. Many store bought drinks and foods are made with purified water, which can actually leach Mg from your body. Reverse osmosis water is very bad for a Body's Mg levels. Also living in an area with soft tap water can make a big difference. Medications can reduce Mg levels, especially diuretics. I ended up Pseudogout, which is often mistaken for Rheumatoid Arthritis. It just affected a couple of fingers, and not my knees fortunately. After a lot of research, this the Mg supplement I've used for ten years. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EE0MFO6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. https://www.facebook.com/commerce/listing/288611003324388/?media_id=0&ref=share_attachment
  10. Padraig's Place was cancelled this evening, so it could have been even worse. Haven't found out why it was cancelled yet. On the cam it looked like Ski Jammers had their clinic, appeared fewer participants than normal.
  11. "It is in the shelter of each other that the people live." - Pádraig Ó Tuama
  12. Please read some unbiased articles about this issue. The government is ramping production of the treatment, but in the meantime states with no other mitigation policies are causing shortages. This means that other areas of the country won't have the treatment available as their cases rise. These actions are normal for the national supply of medical equipment and treatments by any administration. Last year, the supply of ventilators was restricted too.
  13. No one is going to catch being overweight. What you are saying is that insurance companies shouldn't be able to charge smokers more for life insurance, or bars shouldn't be able to turn away drunks.
  14. The best advise I got in my first season was from an L3 instructor and hard boot wizard. It was to lower my rear boot angle until I had low speeds control and was able to skid comfortably. The difference was night and day. Over the season I was able to close the gap between front and rear bindings to my now normal 6-9*.
  15. On the topic of vaccine after infection. Although I thought I had got off lightly when I had COVID last November, there was a bit more to it. My worse symptoms were body aches and fatigue. these continued for a few months. I seldom managed more than an hour or so on the hill all winter. Things were getting a bit better until the first shot of Pfizer vaccine in April. My symptoms returned for a month, and returned again after the second shot. It's taken nearly three months since the last shot to finally feel symptom free. Most days this last couple of weeks, I didn't need to take pain killers. COVID was the problem though, not the vaccines. I will definitely get a booster when available because I'm sure it will be better than getting whatever new and improved COVID variant happens to be circulating then. People are so focused on the chances of death and serious illness caused by COVID, but even a milder case is best avoided.
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