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An arrest was made today...


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The little bastard who stole two of my buddies boards has been arrested at school today. he posted them on ebay.

we tracked down his account, his name, his myspace account, and gave it all to the cops. we also won the auction for the board...

this kid had sold 20 boards this season, and also was selling calculators...which also seem to be missing at an alarming rate at the school. 3 boards came as hits on the Dover VT police blotter...

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Did he steal your alpine boards? If so, the kid probably wasn't too bright considering not many of those going around. Even more so if it was a Coiler or other custom.

I lock my boards up every time I go in the lodge now unless I bring it in with me or I'm camped out near the racks. I've heard so many stories this year on board thefts that it's gotten me paranoid now.

At a USASA race, one guy told me that his kid's board was stolen so he immediately told resort staff and they promptly checked security footage. Luckily they did becuase they nabbed the theives in the parking lot.

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they were freestyle boards...

negative feedback...I Think Ebay has that one covered...they gave up all of the info to the police when they sent in their request...

and no...needless to say they weren't locked...nor checked...

we're a small family mountain...a lot of trust...there were about 10 of us searching cars in the lot when they went missing

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Nice work. So was the creep a minor or adult? In other words, will it be on his permanent record or be dropped off when he turns 18. (I wasn't sure if by school, you meant high school or college).

He must have been a rather 'dull knife' to sell stolen goods on eBay. Did your buddy get the boards back? Or get the money for them? Are they making the kid pay back all the owners from who he stole?

I lock up my board if it's going to be standing around too long even though it and the bindings are used and not the top of the line. I always lock up if my girlfriend (now fiance as of last night!) has her new skies. When I purchase a newer, more expensive board, I imagine I'll be even more careful. The Dakine lock that bomber carries works soooo easy and fast, there is no reason not to...especially when you start talking a total of $700+ for some of you guys nicer boards...plus bindings. Imagine the feeling in your gut when you walk back to the rack and can't find your board! Worth the 27 seconds it takes to lock it and 12 second it takes to unlock.

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Result. Always nice to hear about asshats like that getting their come-uppance. Hopefully this will be permanent record stuff, or at least serve as a warning to stay on the straight and narrow. Although I don't hold out much hope for the latter.

I always lock up if my girlfriend (now fiance as of last night!) has her new skies.

I read that as "I always lock up my girlfriend"

And congratulations.


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Guest dragonsword5
I lock up my board if it's going to be standing around too long even though it and the bindings are used and not the top of the line. I always lock up if my girlfriend (now fiance as of last night!)

Congratulations. And I always lock up my friend's stuff if they come with me. If there's not enough room I always try to make it work. My friend had her poles (her poles of all things!) stolen right from her skis. she was pissed :AR15firin

Imagine the feeling in your gut when you walk back to the rack and can't find your board!

Me being the stupid one I am always loose track of where I put my board when I go out to get it. I have felt that panicky feeling for a few seconds...but then I look around and go...OH THAT'S WHERE I PUT IT! :smashfrea

Worth the 27 seconds it takes to lock it and 12 second it takes to unlock.

Takes me longer...I'm such a sped with locks

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When he gets out, you can post his name all over the web so folks can deliver some frontier justice. :AR15firin:flamethro

Amen to that...frickin board theives suck!

Years ago @ Squaw we caught a guy stealing one of the instructor's boards. went to jail AND got his (full price) season pass confiscated. I think he got out pretty quick, but even back then the pass was $1000+

plus he would never show his face there again. :AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin

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the cops were really excited. It pretty much went like this.

Cop: Get into this office tommorrow with the two boards, or spend a week in lowell (not a nice prison) waiting for a bail hearing....

Then they got nice and just arrested him in school...he's 17.

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Locking up your girlfriend (boyfriend) might be a good idea now a day. I am considering doing the same thing.

As for stolen equipment, I had my ski poles slolen at the end of a ski day. I ran to the parking lot and a low life had just put them in his trunk. To make matter worse he was arguing that they were his until I point out my name ingraved on the hand grips.


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Was the little SOB just stealing alpine boards? I hope they pull the little scumbags fingernails out.

Notice to all! write down the serial # of all your boards/bindings if they have them and take pictures.

Homeowners insurance covers stolen toys. I had $3000+ worth of windsurfing gear ripped out of my car once, reported it, and got to buy all new stuff!


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most criminals are VERY dumb

remember my coiler? last year? The main cat behind all of it is going to prison, big time. Not so much for stealing my board but a host of other tweaker-related infractions

sick, sad world we live in. sometimes it is at least.

glad it panned out N!

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Our DA is tryig to put a kid in jail for selling 1 joint on his first offense for 2 years...

Hopefully he'll bring down the hurt on this kid

Unfortunately, with mandatory minimums, a drug offense is considered worse than "plain ol' thieving"....

So much for "the war on drugs".....

I also lock my toys up. As for locking up my husband, my philosophy is, if I have to, he ain't worth it....

Fortunately, my hubby knows good things when he see them :biggthump

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Thieves deserve to be caught and no one deserves to have is stuff stolen.

My first board was stolen on the first day I rode it (I didn't know I needed

a lock, stupid me) 5 minutes before leaving the mountain. Insurrance covered it, I got a new board and a lock.

Once, I got some bike parts stolen of my locked bike in the middle of downtown in the middle of the week right next to a crowded subway station. I locked my bike, went in a store for about a half hour and when I got out, my brakes and stem cap were missing and screws were on the ground. I was so pissed! You mess with my bike, it becomes personnal :AR15firin Thieves will steal anything to make a dime.

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On an interesting note:

The last board I had stolen was a Rossignol Levitation (big board with a picture of a hooka on the base - speaking of drugs) in the summer of 1999. To replace it I bought a Burton Factory Prime. I'd had a carving board before, but this was the board that really got me big-time into racing and carving. Some good can come from theft, if they still your twin-tip boards. :barf:

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I was at a usa resort and someone stole a one of a kind Burton PJ6 with the grey and black speckle nose and pink tail,, had rat trap bindings old 5 hole pattern on it..

Its custom signed by Peter Bauer and Jean Nerve right on the tail..

If you see it take it! its mine it was stolen in 1991 um no wait uhh last weekk.. yea thats the ticket!!

Grab it..there is a $40 reward if you get it to me..

right said Shred! :ices_ange

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