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ACL injury...have you done it?

Guest dragonsword5

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Guest dragonsword5

Well, apparently I tore my ACL and did something to my meniscus. This is the first time I've done this (first time I'm going to need surgery *knock on wood*) Just wondering if anyone else has done this before and how was recovery?

My golf and horseback riding season is now shot :(

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Well, apparently I tore my ACL and did something to my meniscus. This is the first time I've done this (first time I'm going to need surgery *knock on wood*) Just wondering if anyone else has done this before and how was recovery?

My golf and horseback riding season is now shot :(

Did the same thing in 1998..The first couple of days totally suck. Start your physical therapy as soon as possible but dont let your phyiscal therapist push you too hard the first couple of visits. After PT keep on working out the knee yourself. I had the surgery in Jan and if I had done what the doctor told me in terms of working it out I would have been back riding by december of that year. As for the normal activities ie walking..I think it took me about a month and a half to get off the crutches. I was driving in about two weeks.

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been there...

Tore my ACL and everything else in the knee about 14 years ago...

surgical repair using a graft from my lower patellar ligament - I hear the cadaver ligament is a lot better (shorter recovery & less pain since they're not harvesting the new ligament from another part of the knee), but I was a couple of years too early for that. 4 months of PT and I was fine, although my knee is now a barometer - can feel when the weather is going to change...

20+ days of riding a season and plenty of biking and skating in the summer - the only last ing effect is that I can't run long distances. no big loss.

Hope your recovery goes well. listen to your PT and let them torture you a little - it'll pay off in the log run.

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tore the ACL and meniscus. Very sudccessful surgery, the knee is stronger now than my good one.

Rehab took 6 months, I did a patellar tendon graft. couldn't quite swallow the idea of using dead guy ligament. rehab is much quicker, but the graft isn't as strong.

may as well swing and ride away until surgery...you aren't going to do more harm...

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A friend and a girlfriend went through this. These are the things I learned which people had neglected to tell them:

1. After the surgery you need to take the wrapping off your knee to ice it. If you don't the ice won't cool it enough and you'll having swelling issues for a long time.

2. After surgery take your pain medications on schedule even if you don't feel like you need them. If your pain meds wear off, it'll take about 30 minutes after popping more pills for them to take affect.

3. Continue doing your PT after your last visit. If you don't, your knee will never be as good as it used to be and will fatigue easily and will be much more susceptible to re-injury.

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and one more thing to add...make sure you tell your doctor that you lead an active lifestyle. He should prescribe to you a brace...mine is the donjoy defiance..its the one that all of the professional sports people use...I went to a place in denville to get it. they measure your leg and make it just for you..I most likely dont need it anymore but I still where it whenever I ride. which dr are you using..I use Dr David Feldman out of St. Claires he was really good.

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I'm afraid I'm qualified to answer this one. I tore it in a sky diving accuracy competition in 1969 and didn't get it repaired until I took up skiing and boarding in 1997. You do not need an ACL to get around and they generally discourage doing the surgery for folks over 50 but my sports activities warranted it.

A few cautions - Arthritis can set in over time. The repair job was terrific - two screws grafted the patella tendon in and I've had no stability problems in the years since. I push the limit on skis, board, unicycle, etc. and have had recurring problems with torn miniscus. I had a second surgery in 2000 and am scheduled for another "tuneup" on April 25th. At this time, the cartilage is so far gone that I'm experiencing lockup of the knee due to bone-on-bone. The Doc is going to grind down some of the bone to alleviate that.

The FDA has approved a form of artificial cartilage but my Doc doesn't do the procedure. Ultimately I'm going to have to look at a knee replacement but am trying to hold off because they're only good for 10-15 years.

Good luck. Don't quit the therapy too soon and you should be okay for a while.

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Sorry to hear about your injury. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Did you hear that I broke my left tibia/fibia that Sunday after we rode together at Windham? I was riding with Ward, Had and Decker and just lost my heal edge and skidded into the trees finally hitting one. I had surgery last Thursday to insert a rod into my tibia and now I'm recovering.

Just curious, how did you tear your ACL?

Good luck!

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Just want to second: don't skimp on the PT.

Also: go easy on the repair for as long as they tell you (6 months). You've got no nerves in your replacement ACL so you will have no feedback whatsoever about how strong the ligament is, and if it is near its breaking point or not. Your muscles and nerves heal really quick and the swelling goes away and then you feel like a million bucks, but in reality that ligament is just waiting to snap when you decide to run down the stairs two at a time or whatever.

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Ultimately I'm going to have to look at a knee replacement but am trying to hold off because they're only good for 10-15 years.

Getting old is a bummer. Hold off on that knee replacement as long as possible, Pat ... docs all tell you that they're just a run-of-the-mill thing, but I know three people with them and they're a major ...

Sorry to hear about the injury, dragonsword ... speedy recovery.

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Well, apparently I tore my ACL and did something to my meniscus. :(

Sorry to hear that. Did you do it at RT last weekend? I saw you there, but I was busy all day and could not catch up with you.

How did it happen?

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Guest dragonsword5
Sorry to hear about your injury. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Did you hear that I broke my left tibia/fibia that Sunday after we rode together at Windham? I was riding with Ward, Had and Decker and just lost my heal edge and skidded into the trees finally hitting one. I had surgery last Thursday to insert a rod into my tibia and now I'm recovering.

Just curious, how did you tear your ACL?

Good luck!

I heard! Your cousin (his name slipped my mind) told me about it when I was at the shop. Wow I'm really sorry to hear that.

Actually I tore my ACL back in January apparently :smashfrea Or atleast that's what the doc said. I felt pain but I thought I just sprained something. Then I did some stupid stuff (hit a jump :p ) and didn't land it right. It hurt for a while but then I didn't feel it. After awhile I would be walking and then my leg would give out or I would just feel pain for a little bit. It was weird. Then this pass weekend I did boardercross (what a mistake!) before a slalom and gs competition. I flew off one of the humps and didn't know how to land balanced (first time doing it) and landed hard on my butt and jamed my legs down. It was painful and my leg felt stiff the entire weekend and I couldn't bend it.

Thanks for the advice everyone. The doc said I had to get surgery. Going for MRI on Monday.

Patmoore: I think the doctor said I have to get it. I'm way below 50 and very active so I want to get better as soon as possible. This summer is gonna suck big cause I can't do my sports :AR15firin

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check out weilabs.com the fasst patch is the thing to look at. I have used them with huge success to speed the healing process both without surgery and after surgery. Post MRI shows very little scar formation on nearly complete ligament tear. you wear them 2 days on and one day off over the scar and any related areas. you will heal much faster and cleaner. If you need a source let me know but odds are the weilabs folks can point you to someone in your area. As said don't skimp on the PT but don't let them push to hard to fast pain isn't always a good thing. Let them know what you are feeling so that they can properly judge your progress.

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ursle, that was one of the hardest posts to read, ever.

I thrashed my right knee a long time ago, on the inside...thats MCL, right? not sure..never went to the doc (no coverage and it healed in 3 weeks enough to ride more with a brace)...no idea the extent of the damage...rarely bothers me now.

so...ligaments can regrow but tendons cant is that how it works?

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MCL is the outside with the LCL..ACL is the ligament that runs inside through the knee along with the PCL. and you dont have to get surgery either...I believe it was John Elway who tore both ACL's in high school and never got either fixed...If you work it out enough the muscle on the outside is enough to hold the knee together. by the way I love google... :lol:


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Just for clarification:

Anterior cruciate ligament - ACL = front

Posterior cruciate ligament - PCL = back

Medial collateral ligament - MCL = inside (left side of right knee and vice versa)

Lateral collateral ligament - LCL = outside (right side of right knee and vice versa)


edit: jdgang, you must have googled your image and edited while I was making my reply. Sorry for the repeat.

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sorry about your injury. I've done it also but went the no surgery/ brace route.

It's been 17 years.

Don't forget your short game in golf. This could be an oportunity to work those partial swing chips and putting.Lots of strokes to be trimed there.

If you have a well mannered horse your entire season won't be shot. Another oportunity is there for bare back riding and ground work. Got a round pen?

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ACL-- Been there done that.

Just follow the docs orders. There was a place on the net called bobs bum knees. Its a support group.

If I have to do it again I think I would want the disolving screws. Im still grossed out over the steel screws.

And do your own doner material if the idea of a dead duds tendon in you grosses you out.

1st week sucks. After that its Ok for 3 weeks then no problem.


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by the way I love google... :lol:


har har on the google thing...you got me.

I think what you said conflicts with what phil said

my pain was the inside (my left) of my right knee. I believe thats an MCL.

guess I'll go google which ones can heal by themselves and which can't. Mine hasnt bothered me in a long time.

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ACL, MCL and both meniscus. putted some hard work after ops on me and went back on the mtb marathon racetrack same year. it's a disciplin thing i think, as long as the doctors do a good job.

unfortunately, now 4 years after i have to go today to my doctor and show him the same knee wich looks like a coconut since last sunday:mad: after a snowboard-hike 2 1/2 hours up a mountain there was something wrong and the following ride didn't made the fun it should...

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guess I'll go google which ones can heal by themselves and which can't. Mine hasnt bothered me in a long time.

Having torn lots and lots of ligaments:

MCLs usually heal by themselves if your doctor puts a brace on you(I had a full MCL tear that healed back to roughly full strength in about 7-8 weeks).

LCLs usually heal by themselves too, but I hear really bad ones (full) might not heal as well.

ACLs and PCLs don't heal.

Some people, if really rigorous with maintaining strength, can deal with torn ACLs and PCLs (I played pretty intense cutting sports and snowboarded with a completely torn PCL for about 10 years), but you are at much higher risk of arthritis, more severe injury, meniscus damage, etc., etc. if things are shifting around in there at all. For example, I was pretty much in top condition until about 3 years ago, at which point for some reason my bad knee (the one with the missing PCL for 10 years) started really loosening up, catching, locking, and generally feeling like I was grinding everything to pieces and had to get surgery, as I was unable to run.

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Guest dragonsword5
Having torn lots and lots of ligaments:

ACLs and PCLs don't heal.

but you are at much higher risk of arthritis, more severe injury, meniscus damage, etc., etc. if things are shifting around in there at all. .

I want to get better for the new season so I'm getting surgery this year...most likely in April during my April break (I was so looking forward to going to Virginia too :angryfire )

The doc says I've most likely torn my meniscus as well. Oh how fun.

Thanks for the advice. I've already got a line up of friends to whip my butt into shape if I slack off for PT.

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The doc says I've most likely torn my meniscus as well. Oh how fun.

They always say that. My DR said the same thing, but there wasnt any damage. Infact it was perfect he said.

they wont know until they get in there with the scope.

Suggestion... there are supposidly some amino acids suppliments that can help with muscle damage from not being able to move for a while (there is a term that escapes me now). I think there was a study done and it did say it did help a little .... I remember this because it came out like 2 weeks after I had my surgery. Google it up .. and post some questions on "bobs bum knees"


And when you get a brace get a cool color. Mine was black that faded into fire red..lol

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