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USA's 2006 Olympic Nightmare


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I've always been a fan of the Olympics and still believe that to be an Olympic athlete would be the greatest thrill of ones life, but it seems this year we're just getting it all wrong. Granted we've had some success with the likes of Shaun White, Seth Wescott, Ted Ligety, Hannah Teter, etc, but I cannot for the life of me remember so many miscues and blunders by our team of athletes in recent history. It's humbling in a way to watch as the top athletes in the world make simple mental mistakes and miss out on the opportunity to capitalize on a lifetimes worth of work and preparation. Bode Miller, Apolo Anton Ohno, Lindsey Kildow, The Womens Hockey team, Lindsey Jacobellis, etc. etc. all were favored to win or were in a position to win and for one reason or another blew what may well be their only chance at Olympic Glory. I realize some of these defeats or non results were the direct by-product of conditions or stellar performances by the other athletes in the particular competition, but I can't help but feel that in some, not all, of these instances that cockiness and attitude was rewarded by humilation and defeat. The Womens Hockey team calling out team Canada than not even being able to make it to the final medal round was embarrassing. Another thread chronicles the mistake that Jacobellis made while "show boating" and Bode Miller acted like he just didn't give a damn about where or wether he finished at all. I'm usually very proud of our team and watch with enthusiasm and interest, but this year I'm almost afraid to watch because I don't want to see what bone-head mistake we'll make next and how bad we'll be embarrassed on the world scene. I can't imagine the pressure these athletes must be under, I never made it any higher than the North State finals in any form of competition let alone compete on a national or world level, but it just seems like we've gotten a little to big for our britches this Olympics and the world is taking it to us. Just my 2 cents....

Still proud to be an American!


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...it's part of the sport life.

I was a bit surprise at Miller's stupid comment and as for Jacobellis, well she is 20 years and was overly excited and wanted to show off I guess. I was talking to the TV and saying okay enough of the airs and stop looking back, cause you're losing your balance and then boom. Like Jack said, she has another 2 more Olympics to go to. Hopefully she will learn from this mistake.


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That is part of SBX. Watch any world cup just about all riders will claim it by doing a stylish grab at the end of the run. Unfortunatlly she went down on something that is routine for her, it happens. To tell her she shouldn't be doing would be to take away from some of the enjoyment of the sport. Just because it's the Olympics doesn't mean you have to go out of your normal routine and stop goofing off. It's snowboarding we do it because we love it. Stop taking things so seriously just because it's the Olympics. They are people like you and me, most of the Olympians are huge goofballs. The media makes it seem that it should be all business, but in all reality it should be fun. You guys act like you have something personally riding on it.

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National pride that is.... :D And if you read further into my post, it wasn't just about Jacobellis it was about our overall performance in various disciplines. Your opinion is duely noted, but I disagree with you when you say "just because it's the Olympics". This is suppose to be the pinnicale of all sporting competitions and I for one would treat it with the respect it deserves. Wearing a tiara or Mardi Gras beads while competing in the womens ski-slalom combined is exactly what I'm talking about. I was embarrassed when I watched our supposed "national womens best" compete last night wearing those items and acting like it was a festival event at a local resort. Kildows performance last night exemplified what I'm getting at as far as what I'm looking for when I watch the Olympics. She gutted out trying to make a run last night when she should probably be in the hospital. She's trying to rectify a mistake she made in the downhill and knows that this is the time to suck it up and give it everything she's got because even at her young age and with the potential to return to the Olympics next time around, nothing is for sure and anything can or will happen. Just ask Bill Johnson. My 10 year old son is watching these events with me and although I know he may never compete on this level, it still makes an indelible impression on him much the way it did on me as a child when watching these athletes compete. I want him to have fun when he competes, but I also want him to be honorable and cognizant of the fact that sports are a privilege to compete in, not a right. Once again, that's just my opinion.....BTW can someone tell me how to move this thread to the Off-topic section? I apologize for not realizing this shouldn't even be in this section and utilizing the forum incorrectly,



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Guest Don Speziale
To tell her she shouldn't be doing would be to take away from some of the enjoyment of the sport. Just because it's the Olympics doesn't mean you have to go out of your normal routine and stop goofing off.

Disagree. :nono: You should change your normal routine. This is the Olympics dude, Every 4 years. She may not return as something could happen down the line. This could be your only chance. Stop the showboating and focus on being the best you can be. This is not a halfpipe event sweetheart. I said the same thing when she was doing the tricks, why is she doing that? It doesn't serve any purpose in winning the medal.

After all Seth didn't have time to be fooling around. He was focus and had an alpine racer behind him. No time for games. Perhaps during the qualifying runs he was doing some tricks, but you don't do that on the final medal run. This is it baby. No more second chances. Hey in the long run, who cares and whatever. She has to deal with it. My congrats on the silver. Happy for you Lindsey. However she didn't look too happy after the race and on the stand.

Stop taking things so seriously just because it's the Olympics. They are people like you and me, most of the Olympians are huge goofballs. The media makes it seem that it should be all business, but in all reality it should be fun. You guys act like you have something personally riding on it.

All I have to say to this and Miller's comment_____


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Disagree. :nono: You should change your normal routine. This is the Olympics dude, Every 4 years. She may not return as something could happen down the line. This could be your only chance. Stop the showboating and focus on being the best you can be. This is not a halfpipe event sweetheart. I said the same thing when she was doing the tricks, why is she doing that? It doesn't serve any purpose in winning the medal.

After all Seth didn't have time to be fooling around. He was focus and had an alpine racer behind him. No time for games. Perhaps during the qualifying runs he was doing some tricks, but you don't do that on the final medal run. This is it baby. No more second chances. Hey in the long run, who cares and whatever. She has to deal with it. My congrats on the silver. Happy for you Lindsey. However she didn't look too happy after the race and on the stand.

All I have to say to this and Miller's comment_____


Have you ever been to a BX event or for that matter watched one??? BX has never been "pretty" or "serious" Think about the discipline it came from Motocross...showboating is part of that to. What she did was part of the soul of snowboarding...mind you I wouldn't expect a PGS racer to style it up but that's different than BX. Lindsey blew doing something that nearly everyone who has ever been leading a BX race has done at least once. That's snowboarding

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Guest Don Speziale
Have you ever been to a BX event or for that matter watched one??? BX has never been "pretty" or "serious" Think about the discipline it came from Motocross...showboating is part of that to. What she did was part of the soul of snowboarding...mind you I wouldn't expect a PGS racer to style it up but that's different than BX. Lindsey blew doing something that nearly everyone who has ever been leading a BX race has done at least once. That's snowboarding

No I never been to a BX event, but have seen it several times. I always see the SBX as motorcross and NASCAR racing combine. I think it is really cool to see the high airs as well as the trick they do. And yes it is part of the snowboader's attitude to do tricks. No problem.

Basically what I was saying it does come to a point the rider should put aside the tricks for the last 2 jump and cross the finish line, especially on the final run. She didn't and pass up the Gold medal. This is something she wont forget for the rest of her life. That part of the sport. Life goes on.

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The paper this morning had an interview with the winner of the women's SBX-turns out she stood early to celebrate winning a race against Lindsey around 2002 and Lindsey pulled into a tuck and wooshed right by her and won. She told the interviewer that she was concentrating on finishing before celebrating. Lindsey herself said this am that she got caught up in the moment and wasn't thinking when she made her grab. But she felt confident that she'll do well in 2010, but, of course, ask Shawn White about competing at Salt Lake.....

Yes, the Olympics mean nothing personally to me, but, I've watched them all since 1968 and, aside from 2 black power fists, most of the winners cry on the stands. The Olympics are special and because there are people who care and will never win or even get to go, people like Bode who are completely filled with talent and don't give a rat's ass about them really piss me off

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are just cool because there are so many sports getting covered that never do

its big money, thats it

if it were special there would be special events during the games

for the most part all the events are pretty standard stuff, I honestly think they should put up a huge purse for the events instead of making these folks dependant on $$$$$ from wheaties and nike after getting a medal

probably the first thing I would do with my gold if I got one would be to sell it

from what I can see with the olympics is that the investors get the goldmine and the athletes get the shaft

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Disagree. :nono: You should change your normal routine. This is the Olympics dude, Every 4 years. She may not return as something could happen down the line. This could be your only chance. Stop the showboating and focus on being the best you can be. This is not a halfpipe event sweetheart. I said the same thing when she was doing the tricks, why is she doing that? It doesn't serve any purpose in winning the medal.

After all Seth didn't have time to be fooling around. He was focus and had an alpine racer behind him. No time for games. Perhaps during the qualifying runs he was doing some tricks, but you don't do that on the final medal run. This is it baby. No more second chances. Hey in the long run, who cares and whatever. She has to deal with it. My congrats on the silver. Happy for you Lindsey. However she didn't look too happy after the race and on the stand.

All I have to say to this and Miller's comment_____


Linsay is the most sucessful female in SBX to date. And you think she should change her routine????? She has won many world cups, the x-games, and the world championships, against the exact people who she raced against in the Olympics, and you want her to change what her has been doing in the past?????? You give some really good advice.

Seth didn't showboat in the final run because it was a race all the way to the finish line. If he had the lead Lindsay had in the gold medal run you better beleive he would have thrown some grabs in.

Your comments might carry some weight if you actually followed the sport more than once every four years. Like I said it's just another event on the riders schedule, when you start treating it different, that's when you make mistakes you probably wouldn't normally do. Some athletes take things very seriously, that's how they perform best. Others need the goofing off to keep thier head on straight. Neither tactic is right or wrong, it's just how that individual needs to approach things to perform.

Do you guys even realize that in most event at the Olympics are a lower level than a normal world cup? Many have brought up the national pride thing.... Again if the nation supported these athletes then you would have a case, but in all reality these athletes get very little support in off Olympic years, so as far as I'm concerned they aren't racing for me they are racing for themselves, it is an individual sport after all. If the nation supported them like other countries then I could make an arguement about them racing for thier country.

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Guest Don Speziale
Linsay is the most sucessful female in SBX to date. And you think she should change her routine????? She has won many world cups, the x-games, and the world championships, against the exact people who she raced against in the Olympics, and you want her to change what her has been doing in the past?????? You give some really good advice.

Dude, I'm not saying she should change her routine completely. I completely understand what you're saying about "that's snowboarding." However when it comes to the final lap and few jumps and you have a awesome lead, to hell with the jumps and get to the bottom as quickly as you can. This is not going to change who you are. There is a time you should say to yourself, use caution and win.

She fought very hard to get through all those events and rode extremely well fighting her ways around the turns. To lose the gold was ashamed. I am glad she won the silver. However she could of lost everything if the other 2 riders we close by. And it would been because of the showboating. Also she wasn't keeping her balance very well when she had the huge lead. At that moment she wasn't focus and decided to throw some airs. She was overconfidence and was out of balance. In some ways I wish Lindsey had those other riders on top of her, like the way Seth did. S*** happens.

Hey look she still came out as a gold medalist as far as I'm concern.

She said she made a mistake and if could do it over again, she would. She can't change the past and made the best of it. Good job Lindsey! Not like Bode Miller stupid comment.

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In way I would have to agree in what Philfell is saying about the routine story. That would be like a skier telling us not to carve the G's Turns.

It's who you are and what you enjoyed doing. It really was too bad she lost her balance and lost the gold medal.

It was good for her to come out and said, she made a mistake. That is a professional athlete comment.

Peace :rolleyes:

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Remember, they are called the Olympic Games, and games are usually about having fun. You really have to feel sorry for Lindsey, she is taking a beating for having a little fun. I think she is really upset about the whole thing, she doesn't need the media making an embarrashing situation (that will be her label until next Olympics) even worse. She can do a grab in mid air about as easily as I chew gum while walking. This time she slipped.

Bode....well Bode is Bode

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Remember, they are called the Olympic Games, and games are usually about having fun. You really have to feel sorry for Lindsey, she is taking a beating for having a little fun. I think she is really upset about the whole thing, she doesn't need the media making an embarrashing situation (that will be her label until next Olympics) even worse. She can do a grab in mid air about as easily as I chew gum while walking. This time she slipped.

Bode....well Bode is Bode

Are you kidding me? They haven't been "Games" since maybe 1924. It's about big money. Big, stinking, corporate money. NBC paid $613 million to broadcast Torino. They sold $900 million in advertising.

I know the US pays their athletes a bounty for each gold medal. Anyone know how much? Then think of all the endorsement money a bubbly blonde like Jacobellis lost with that little bit of showboating.

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Showboating may be part of the sport, but when VISA is sponsoring you big time and you blow the gold with an unecessary move, you are letting down sponsors who have invested a ton in you and allowed you to live that "snowboard lifestyle"...if I was her sposor I'd be PO'd.

Lindsay was paid to do a comercial for Visa. That doesn't mean she is sponsored by Visa. Please no one is in snowboard competition for the money. That 25,000 bonus you claim is a drop in the bucket for total travel cost to do a season on the world cup. Yes with a good agent an Olympic medal can set you up for a pretty good life, but that isn't why these athletes are doing this. I know "professional" snowboard racers who have to live in their cars in the summer, world cup competitors who get NO funding and have to work two jobs in the winter in order to buy plane ticket to get to the events, podium level riders using four season old G.S. boards and broken boots. And you are pissed at them for not making the Olympics a big a deal as you would like beacuse of "national pride"? IF the nation supported them then maybe they care more about it.

Wavechaser, Ted didn't take Bode's spot he earned himself one. Earlier someone said that Bode should step aside and let someone who actually wants to be there compete. I say Bode shouldn't give his spot away, whoever wants it should step it up and take it.

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If our National Pride is dependant on whether a 20 year old Girl wins a gold medal competing in a sport where the heart and soul is in style, We have some pretty screwed up national priorities...

PhilFell has it right on...as usual...

I agree with PhilFell as well (he saved me from writing a 3-page long post).
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