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Getting in shape


Prep for the coming season  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Prep for the coming season

    • Cardio workouts only
    • Cardio and sometimes weight training
    • Weight training only
    • Weight training and sometimes cardio
    • Or 50/50

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Good poll. You may want to put weight training/resistance training in there. I do a lot of resistance training, but not necessarily using weights. Over the years, I've found that it works great! The cardio/stamina thing goes along with it.

Try to ride the mt. bike as much as I can. Year round - a lot of stretching, isometric stuff, dymamic tension (mostly from years of martial arts training), push-ups, pull-ups, ab work - all from the comfort of my own home :biggthump

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Ya know, I remember hearing some comments that riding doesn't demand a lot of stamina from cardiovascular standpoint, mostly legs, and I have to disagree there.

This type of activity is pretty demanding physically overall and I find that along with the leg burn & core musle involvement, I'm huffiing prettty good at the end of a long run! (and I have a few here at my home mountain) To sustain the kind of contractions and dynamic tension while riding hard, you're dumping a lot of O2 into the system for those muscles! Just my observation. Maybe I'm working too hard here :eek:

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Fin and I have a standing bet over whether or not I can get "anarobic" during a run. 160 bpm's the cutoff. I believe Cardio has a huge roll in off season training. (I think he'll owe me a bottle of 20 year single malt but I'm pretty sure he'll try to fufill his end with a bottle of wild turkey.)

Any off season activity in preparation for winter fun can't hurt.....except maybe the Scotch.


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Kirk, you nailed it as far as my riding goes, I have plenty of leg strength, but the cardio endurance isn't there, I'm pretty dead after about ten turns. Sure, I work pretty hard in those turns, but it would be nice to do the whole run in one shot. I think this comes from lots of hills on the mountain bike, but not a lot of miles.

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Kirk, you nailed it as far as my riding goes, I have plenty of leg strength, but the cardio endurance isn't there, I'm pretty dead after about ten turns.

I bonked hard in 02/03 after only weight training. Tried 50/50 since then with great success. I like surfing, light weights, and (boring) stepper to start the season.

The key to any training success is regularity. If your body knows when to expect demands it will build muscle in anticipation of that event, but skip days and alter your training routine too often and your gains will be less, if not minimal.

I have experimented with weightlifting for for a few years (37yrs) with predictable success. You only need to give yourself 3 months to acquire a carving physique ready to start the season. Flexibility is another key carving advantage but I'll leave that for someone else.

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I'd have to say, after having a 25 year history of working out aerobically-from running, biking, swimming, hiking-and many year history of lifting weights to fatigue as an adjunct to swimming, I'd have to say that snowboarding, at times, borders on anaerobic work. I've never had the bone-crunching fatigue from riding a century on a bike or hiking X number of miles into the backcountry with a 50 lb pack on my back(old school backpacker here, heavy pack, slow hikes, mucho enjoyment instead of running with a 20 lb pack 20-30 miles a day and seeing nothing but the trail) as I get riding.

Plus, I've never bonked on the bike....and I can't eat riding either due to severe reflux

I don't bonk riding now either, but I'm munching on yogurt bars constantly

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It is when you hit the wall of performance, like running out of gas, or total collapse. There is no recovery for me, just wait until tomorrow. It reminds me of when my back leg won't support my weight while standing (not carving) on plates.

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On a bike, bonking is when your body runs out of carbs, sugar, and any protein. You feel like ****, really tired and it is hard to see and stuff like that.

For working out, i run almost every day and road and mountain bike on weekends. I try to lift weights every day, but work the same muscle groups in a row or even only after a days rest. So i alternate between upper body, lower body, and then rest. Abs are supposed to be an every day workout as well.

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I'm closing in on the big five 0 this year so I need to do more stretching, strength training and improve my all round flexibilaty just to keep the aches and pains away. I mountain bike right up to the snow flies so I think my cardio is ok so all I have to do is maintain my heart and lung power.

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Been only playing soccer with my uni, so lots of aerobic exercise. And a good bit sheer anaerobic leg exercise too considering how often I'm sprinting during an 1.5hr game. I definitely know it anaerobic when I kick it into high gear ~20mi/hr lol. Good ankle strength development from the sport too.

I've got to get on a leg-press machine though. Last year I felt like my "push" of the “push-pull" was lacking some brute strength.

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Lets see? Walking up and downhills every morning, 6:30 am with the dog at 6100 ft. About 2 miles. Lifting tools to work on cars, most every day? I'm still breathing. At my age, you gotta be carefull don't you know???

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Get out of the gym doing your stair steping--You have one of the most awesome sets of stairs to run right on the beach. Seacliff beach from cement ship to upper parking lot--266 steps, 7" rise, very wide (from railing to railing) with few people. They have a great view of the ocean on the way down.

Funny you should say that. I lived 2 blocks up Cliff Drive from Seacliff Beach, 83' to 88'. I like Sanddollar Beach stairs about a mile from Manressa State Beach. What a brutal way to get in shape. People use those stairs all-day- long.

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