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OT: Dog Nut


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It was the stares from the hunters that I ran into last night that made me realize that I'm a dog nut.

I was hiking off-trail in the woods as the sun was setting and I happen to come across a few deer hunters on their way home. My dog ,Soleil, was wearing her hiking gear and as we passed and all they could do was stare without saying a word. It occured to me that she has more outdoor tech gear than most weekend armchair hunters.

Her gear includes:

*Saddle Bags

*Bright yellow insulated rain jacket

*A couple of collapsable bowls

*Dog boots (I'm tired of mending cut feet)

*Princeton Tech flashing dog light (for night)

*Small cow bell so that she is not mistaken for a deer

Items on the way

*Dog boots with seal skin bottoms for grip on the snow

*Towing harness to drag a sled to my friend's Yurt

I gotta quit my job at the shop.

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<a href='http://www.putfile.com'><img border='0' src='http://x10.putfile.com/10/29816221672.jpg' alt='Hosted by Putfile.com'></a>.

Criticism welcome

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That's rad D-Sub! I can get my dog to do a lot of things but I don't think I can put goggles on her.

Bordy and his wife made fun of me when they saw the backpack on her but whatever. The guy that reps for Granite Gear, MSR, Princeton tech, and whatever else, was here a week ago and saw all the gear I have for my dog. He was stoked and I think he said that he'll get us a couple of the new stuff balls or stuff footballs for me and the shop.

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The dog boots are from Muttluks . There is a Cabellas a half mile from my home and sometimes I go into the markdown section to see if there is anything cheap for my dog . I got the boots there for $20 (normal retail was like $40) but I recommend the Granite Gear boots. They are way easier to get on the dogs feet and just as durable. In fact, any of the Granite Gear dog items are bomber and very reasonably priced.

The trick for getting her to wear gear was to start when she was a young puppy and have her wear gear all the time. If I'm introducing something new I start slow and encourage her through play or treats. She forgot about the boots after I pulled out her Kong on a rope. (A Kong is the best dog toy ever!) If you rescue an older dog it's all about finding the right dog.

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Yeah, my dog is such a snow dog. And it's amazing how much she can climb. She's climbed 3 fourteeners here in colorado with me already. Doesn't like packs though. She would throw them off in a second, I'm sure. She scares the hell out of people on the trail though. They think she's a coyote or a wolf.


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damn phil...try picture resize!


man...my dog is so fckin trusting with me, I could put ANYTHING on him!

oh, and his name?


I got him from my mom...someone left him with her to "watch" for a couple weeks...never came back. idiot abandoned the coolest dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. supposedly he got caught in an avy at some point...not sure the validity of that one, but he LOVES the snow!!!

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unfortunately I had to put mine down about on new years eve, 2004. haven't found a replacement yet (but I am trying to foster parent for a Katrina dog through the humane society). (sympathy appreciated, but no need to post it)

But the real reason for the post is http://www.ruffwear.com/s.nl/sc.2/category.13/it.A/id.810/.f.

Mowgli went on several multi day trips thing...it is great...especially the removable saddlebags, suitcase handle, and harness system.

the best part is watching him try to squeeze through a gap that he could normally fit through...without the pack!

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Here's my favorite, Shiloh. He and another are rescues, and a third we've had from puppy hood. All three love hiking off-trail, especially when we let them run. Our dogs are moderately techy: saddle packs for weight/extra water, and in the winter, doggie coats and/or sweaters for warmth. No booties: They don't like them.

We also have a very, very ugly English Bulldog I'm fostering. (anyone want an English Bulldog???)

FYI: Shiloh doesn't like posing, so this shot is candid while we were playing. :biggthump


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D-sub, if I knew how to make them smaller I would. I just put them in and sometimes they come out small other times they come out huge, I don't seem to have much control over it. I though it fit with my dog though since she only weight about 25 pounds, but still thinks she's a big dog. The big pictures help her ego.

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Here's our 6 year old 235 pound mellow giant participating in our wedding as our ring-bear(er). Being a large breed dog, he unfortunately didn't have a long life and we layed him to rest earlier this summer. Now we only have his 180 pound sister and two 95 pound labs - yahooo our food bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

English mastiff for those who are curious. And for the other curious folk - yes, the wife is a hardboot rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I wish I could get a photo of Rider and daisy up but I have no idea how to get a picture up.

Eddie, Christy and I made fun of Soleil's gear because you brought her over to play with our dogs with all her gear on!!!!!! If you were hiking sure the pack and all her stuff is cool but it was a hoot when she jumped out of the car fully loaded... Dont you travel and play with out a back pack?

Randy, Its cool I get to sleep inside now. That dog house was so small


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