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How much money would you maximum spend?


How much money would you maximum spend for your dream board?  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. How much money would you maximum spend for your dream board?

    • $0 - $400
    • $400 - $600
    • $600 - $800
    • $800 - $1000
    • $1000 - $1500
    • Even more than $1500

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How much money would you maximum spend on your dream board?

I think this also could be a nice demographic…

Everybody is different and has to manage their financial resources, but if you

are thinking of your dream board, what would it be worth to you?

Also, would you rather own one or two more expensive boards, or like many here 5, 6 or

even more of midrange priced boards?

Just talking Carving boards here and in the poll.

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I know you're a big Virus fan, Ray, but I have to admit that if I'm going to drop 4 figures on a snowboard, it's going to be with someone I know personally (Sean, Chris, Bruce, Mike...)

Also, if I'm spending $800-1000 for a snowboard (my poll response) I'd want the board to perform within 85% of new for about 200 days.

Someday when I'm making more money I could see myself owning two $850 boards at the same time. But I'd have to be pulling in some big bucks before I'd consider owning more than say $1800 worth of boards concurrently.

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Hi Jack!

Not really sure if I understand the first part your response correctly. :confused:

With whom you spend the money is off course up to you and everyone else!

That I am a fan of Virus is true. Others are big fans of other brands… it is not

about Virus here, it is more about to see how our carving community is designating

their funds these days. 5-6 years ago I never expected to spent these amounts for “a snowboard” :nono:

Good point you made here: “I'd want the board to perform within 85% of new for about

200 days.” I defiantly agree with you! It’s sad to see that sometimes big money is

spent and it’s not holding up to your expectations :angryfire

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I dont think my wife would let me spend more then 1000$ and I wouldnt either. I really dont think it would be worth it for the amount that I ride. At 10 to 15 times a year that board would have to last me a min. of 5 years and before that I would most likely buy a new one anyway

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I've got 3 coilers already and they are all the dream I need. and I've already told Bruce that when my AM172 doesn't perform anymore I will want another one just like it. maybe a different topsheet

if I ever replace my race boards I might want to try his latest and greatest but I'll stick with Bruce. I've ridden with him and raced against him and he has turned out a great product for me every time.

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Hi Jack!

Not really sure if I understand the first part your response correctly. :confused:

Yo Ray,

I wasn't insinuating that your poll was Virus slanted or anything, I just know you like them and recommend them. I am sure I would love a Virus. I am so sure, in fact, that I do not want to try one because then I would want to buy one. I know it costs over a grand to get a Virus here. If I'm going to spend that kind of money on a snowboard, I want it to be with someone I know and who I can talk to about the board or anything else. It would just make me feel better. I'd like to think that I'd be helping Claire Martin get to college or something warm and fuzzy like that.

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I hit the 600 to 800 range. I've been riding a long time and I have a fair quiver going and another being built and I do not think I can mentally create or have a board built for 1,000 + that does it all and to spend that much it would have to be a one board does everything kind of board. I personally rather buy 2 boards in the 600+ range that are more specialty boards so I can have a choice pending conditions. There is just to much going on out there with snow conditions that I haven't seen or felt there is a do it all board. I rather have a quiver of selection. And so far I've been able to build my dream boards through Bruce for 600+ a board.

Fun topic though!!!

thanks, Joel

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$800-1,000, problem is that I am still trying to figure out what exactly I want. I like wider (20-23) and longer. What I am working out is stiffness. It isn't that easy since I am kinda small and the boards I like to ride are for much heavier riders. My riding improves incrementally each season and I have buckets of fun but I am nowhere near the mad skills I am working toward.


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Guest Tim Tuthill

Jack: Great topic!! Think of this, Own a number of boards and spread out the use over, who knows?? The point is, that you have enough boards so they don't get beat up that bad? I ride Burners and Hots. I have new ones that have not been on the snow. At my age, 62, I will have enough to last till I tip over? The Virus of Rays' is neat. Maybe he will let me ride it this year?? Hey Ray, give me a call. Tim

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$800 - $1000 since there are options in that range (and below) that are everything a fellow of my skill level would, IMHO, ever want or need. Also, I can't see myself spending any more than that on a single deck unless I start earning a lot more... I guess if the board were a true quiver killer and I could sell everything else, then sure, but I don't belive that's ever going to happen for me.

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For me, and perhaps many others out there in the married w/kids category (or even starving students!), it's as simple rule: sell gear to get gear. I honestly can't remember the last time I simply plunked down $ for a board on the spot. It has pretty much been about rotating stuff out of the quiver and sometimes saving on top of that for several months. It was a little different before my 8 yo was born - but even then!

Have to agree w/Jack - if you're going to invest in something of higher quality (eg - your dream board), it's nice to have some input, or at least know who is building it, etc. So... have a Coiler on order (voted $600-$800) had to let go of a couple of decks and some other (non-snowboard related) gear in order to fund this thing :eek: I'm certain it (including the wait) will be WELL worth it though :biggthump

It's actually kinda funny, when I start talking about selling "stuff" for

snowboard gear, I don't even have to look at her - I can actually almost hear my wife's eyes roll :rolleyes:

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Quiver. Absolutely. Different rides for different glides. I have 15 or so

'new-to-me" boards in the last 10 years- square tails all. I have never spent more than $400 on a deck. Some new (never retail) but most I buy from pros off the circuit with similar body shape (no, I'm not as big as Terje).

Some boards are because you guys don't like 'em. Last year I got two nearly new Volants (162,173) from different places for about $100 ea! I was hoping one might last the season. These boards absolutly rock. More a freecarve feel than race stock. The 162 is stiffer and turnier than my 170 Madd, but just as stable at speed. Even though I became enchanted I decided to ride these all out, maybe one would last the season? Probably 20 days on each and they're next to perfect. Hard edges and bases, no signs of delam.

Anyhow... it's not the board.

PS Jack: I admire your postings/thoughts/articles but please, a 200 day board? The only board that went 100 days for me @85% was my Madd. At 200+ days now it's my favorite Pow/chutes/rock board but rides kind of like an old girlfriend on terra firma. Will a titanal board go 200+ days? I'm 6' about 200 lbs.

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PS Jack: I admire your postings/thoughts/articles but please, a 200 day board? The only board that went 100 days for me @85% was my Madd. At 200+ days now it's my favorite Pow/chutes/rock board but rides kind of like an old girlfriend on terra firma. Will a titanal board go 200+ days? I'm 6' about 200 lbs.

Ahh, I dunno, it was just a guess. How about 150 days above 75% of new for a $1000 board? Riding every weekend for 3 months, plus 2 full weeks = 38 days. Times 4 years = 152. Yeah, I guess 200 is a bit high.

Tim: thanks for the credit, but it's Rays topic!

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Speaking of board prices... who is going to buy a new Donek this year and <i>not</i> get the Olympic upgrade? I couldn't fathom buying a Donek and not having Sean's best under my feet, so as far as I'm concerned, the price of a new Donek went up $300 this year. Hmm. I guess I would be paying a similar price for a new pair of skis if I was an avid skier.

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Speaking of board prices... who is going to buy a new Donek this year and <i>not</i> get the Olympic upgrade?

I ordered a new Donek FCII 163 with the stock construction. When I ordered the board in Sept., I did not know about the Olympic upgrade. But even if I did know at the time, I wouldn't have gotten it.

The main reason I'm willing to spend $600 on a new Donek is because I got to demo one last season. I wouldn't spend money on the upgrade unless I got to try it out first or if enough people gave it rave reviews.

For the poll question, I answered $800 to $1000.

The dream board I have in mind is a Pogo swallow tail at 879 euro. With current exchange rate, that's slightly over $1000 without shipping. So I'm waiting for the euro to weaken some more :D

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Speaking of board prices... who is going to buy a new Donek this year and not get the Olympic upgrade?

I am seriously considering a new Donek this year, and if I do, it will most likely have the Olympic upgrade. I am eagerly awaiting some reviews, but I trust Sean and am inclined to take him at his word on what the Olympic construction offers - so I might get one sooner rather than later.

For me, the old Donek FCs were simply a bit too stiff between the bindings and not damp enough. Seems like this years slightly softened FC and the damper Olympic construction might be just the ticket. My other obvious option would be a Coiler RC 175 (similar sidecut and length) but then I'd have to wait till next season. It's either wait or pay more... and since Sean/Donek and Bruce/Coiler are both great outfits, I'm more than happy to give both of them my business :D

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If you can find what you need used, then money is saved. If you buy used and it does not really do it for you, then money is wasted. A new custom for sure will get you the best that the manufacturer can give. Then it's really down to what that manufacturer charges for their product. A custom Donek is $1000. Sure, people can "make do" with less, and when disposable income is limited or spread over a larger area, then concessions must be made.

And some people actually enjoy the act of saving money so much that they are willing to sacrifice performance - that's OK too!

Finally, someone has to buy those customs new so that we can get them cheap used. Whatever, we just want to have fun.

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I think the general problem with the question is over the word "dream board".

Many people simply have no idea what types of boards exist, changes that can be made and a host of other issues. So....many are willing to pony-up $1000 for a "custom" board and/or buy some used pro-deck because of perceived value/benefits.

It's like the carbon bike craze....

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So I entered my poll as (1000-1500$).

I am guessing that my dreamboard would be a gladiator zylon (yes Ray and Chris, like the one you guys have) but I am not sure if it's really that much better than my tantalus team. Sad part is, even if it is better, it is still out of my range of expenditure (it costs 1600 euros, tax and shipping not included).

Another problem with buying big bux custom board: you should stick with it forever and it's very hard to get a fair price for a used custom board.

Having said that, logic can not always rule over passion and/or fun. I am guessing that if Chris writes up a good report on his gladiator, I may still call Frank and beg him to make me one and ship it overnight.

(BTW, if I get to that point of insanity; here is your chance to buy my virus tantalus team edition used for half season :p )

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I guess if I still competed in anything, I may have a different take. For now, my F2 GS and SL boards are everything that I want and need. I really could not ask for more. I have been riding F2 GS and SL boards since the mid '90s. Unless something major changes, I will stay on them.

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I chased down my Sims Burner after almost a year and a half of searching and was prepared to spend BIG BUCKS to get it state-side knowing full well that other boards out there probably suited my riding style better. But, I had fallen in love with the damn things from the first time I laid eyes on one and wouldn't rest until I owned one. I don't ride it as much as my F2 or Renntiger and probably will always shy away from using it when conditions aren't just "perfect" but it was and still is my "dream board". I think about selling it from time to time in order to fund a new Coiler/Donek/Virus/Madd/Swoard, but when I pull it out and look at it, it still puts a big ol' grin on my face and I quickly change my mind. I still continue to buy new boards and definitely have favorites other than the Burner and may still sell it one day, but for me that board defines why I pursued "hardbooting" in the first place. BTW $800-1000 was my vote!

Have fun,


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