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Hey personally I like the concept of two homes and seeing each other on weekends and a couple of times during the week but the other half doesn't agree. We have friends who do just that and it seems to work, but I don't think I will win that one.

As for what we are going to do once we get married, the plan is first to go to the UK to work for 12 months - 2 years and then take it from there. We will be moving just after Easter 07 and we are getting married on 31 March so it isn't a big deal for the time being. I think I'll just put off making a decision for as long as possible.

The best thing to come from it though will be the opportunity to ride in Europe and because we have Round The World airfares that have a 12 month expiry, come back via the US in Feb 08, just in time to ride at SES.

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So I'm guessing that you're not actually going to be living together in London ... Vanessa will doss with friends in the West End and you'll rent a place in Brighton, cos you like it on the coast. And then you can see each other on weekends, when you catch cheap flights to Spain or the train to Paris.

Sorry, couldn't resist... :)

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So I'm guessing that you're not actually going to be living together in London ... Vanessa will doss with friends in the West End and you'll rent a place in Brighton, cos you like it on the coast. And then you can see each other on weekends, when you catch cheap flights to Spain or the train to Paris.

Sorry, couldn't resist... :)

Hey, there's an idea! Do you want to be our travel and moving consultant? :D

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I don't know how I keep missing things that go on here.....I think a driving distance relationship under 3 hours works for a while. It is inevitable that if 2 people live far apart, at some point one will have to move, or both. Personally, I like having the SO live a little bit away, so that weekends are GREAT and during the week I can have my own life.

However, I find it quite hard to date someone closer (like Breck, 1/2 hour away) because it's close enough to see them when you want, but just a little too far to drive when you are tired after work, but then the guilty feelings start coming on.....it's better when they are far enough away that a plan has to be made. Plus, then you know you're staying over ;)

I do think that 3 months is a little too soon to be moving for someone. I would say more like 1 year +, depending on how serious the relationship is going.

What about someone who lives in the states and the SO lives in Europe? What do you guys think about that?

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After college, my wife moved back home to Vermont and I moved to Maryland/DC area. We were still dating at the time. Managed about a year of that before she decided to find a job where I was and move down. Of course, a marriage proposal (and a yes) might have had something to do with that :biggthump

It worked out ok for us. We've been happily married for almost 13 years now.

Gotta tell you though, that long distance thing was tough. Not an easy thing to manage if you're serious about the relationship.

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is Winter Park far enough away? Just think of the romance of learning a new mountain on weekends and during the week thinking of how I might wine and dine you on the next visit. :rolleyes:

Tee Hee.....MIGHT BE......I actually have not ridden at Winter Park, but my pass is not good there.

I agree with jnshapiro, long distance is a bit tough if you are serious, and if you aren't you aren't making the effort anyway, right?

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After graduating high school I made a beeline for Australia, worked on sheep station/rice farm in New South Wales. I was there for two years and met a sheila while there. Roz, short for Rosalyn. Once I came back to the states I/she tried to keep the relationship alive through phone calls and letter writing. I did make a couple trips over to see her and she made a couple of trips over to the States also. My mom and pops loved her and so did I. We talked about marriage and I was close to poppin' the question but chickened out. Just decided to see how things would go with the distance factor.

We did the long distance thing for just about two years after my return to the States. She wasn't willing to move from her family and I wasn't willing to move there either. We decided that we would remain friends and still wrote letters and talked on the phone.

I should fly back to Leeton one day and see if she is still in the area.

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In highschool my girlfriend of 2 years had to move about 50 miles (one way) away. We made due seeing each other on weekends, but it was still tough. We talked on the phone and emailed and stuff too. After college she went to Plymouth State and I went to Daniel Webster. She left plymouth after a semester and went to DWC with me. While she was in plymouth is was tough, since plymouth is about 70 miles from Nashua, but again, we made due well enough.

The real test of our relationship will be when I go to Ottawa for school this spring and she stays here in Derry :( . I figure that after 5 1/2 years a few hundred miles shouldn't be a problem. Oh how I love her :1luvu::1luvu: .

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Plus, then you know you're staying over ;)

Gee, and here we were all under the impression that you were a good old fashioned, no-sex-before-marraige type and you have blown away all our misconceptions!!! :p

What about someone who lives in the states and the SO lives in Europe? What do you guys think about that?

Not a #@$&(% chance!

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HA HA Oh come on Dan. I didn't say anything about Sex. Sleeping on the couch, in the guest room is also acceptable behavior to keep my virtues clean :rolleyes: And I agree with the Europe thing. Too far. I was dating a guy in Germany and we loved each other, but neither of us was willing to move when it came down to it. Plus, it's just stupid - you can't have a real relationship over the phone or via email. You aren't living each other's daily/weekly life, problems, good times, etc. It's a fantasy.

oldvolvosrule, if neither one of you was willing to move for the other, don't you think that says something there? I would think if it was really meant to be, one of you (or both - hey, new place new start) would sacrifice. I guess I'm a romantic where if it's true, then nothing will stop you from being together.

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We can't let a little thing like that stop us! I can get a pass just for you to use and on weekends that you might not want to ski, we could rendezvous in Kremmling, maybe a little cow tipping to get the night started!?


How does one copy a previous post or part of a previous post and insert in a new post? argggg!!

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We can't let a little thing like that stop us! I can get a pass just for you to use and on weekends that you might not want to ski, we could rendezvous in Kremmling, maybe a little cow tipping to get the night started!?!

Cow tipping? How can a girl resist that proposal?

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Cow tipping? How can a girl resist that proposal?

As much as it sounds like fun, I have lived on a farm nearly all my life and I just don't believe in it as a concept. Cows sleep lying down.

Sorry to disappoint but you might need to find another first date idea.

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As much as it sounds like fun, I have lived on a farm nearly all my life and I just don't believe in it as a concept. Cows sleep lying down.

Sorry to disappoint but you might need to find another first date idea.

Damn! I thought I might be on to something, I was hoping that a gal in the mountains might show me how to do this. It's always been a dream of mine.

Have no fear Michelle, there is more romance left in me!! I just need to ask find out which wine's weaken the knees best!

Even if my romantic side doesn't work I still have a pass for you to come and explore WP

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Have no fear Michelle, there is more romance left in me!! I just need to ask find out which wine's weaken the knees best!


Look for the one with the highest possible number followed by a % sign on the label. That should do the trick. Can't make any guarantees on taste using this theory though. :barf:

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I have three "girlfriends" - one in San Diego, one in Portland, ME, and one in northern NJ. We see each other about 2-3 times a year. ALL of them are GREAT and we have a blast when together. But NONE of us wants to move to where the other is (I'm in northern VT). This might be a "no commitment quadrangle" or some other Dr. Phil-ism I am sure...and it does suck when you feel like being with someone on a cold night, or any night - but we are all very happy with our jobs / lives right where we are. I am like Michelle in that I always figure if it is REALLY right someone will make the move, but IS that possible the way the world works these days? It's so hard to get in the right physical place financially and housing wise, then to change it can be tough. I have actually MADE that move twice - and it ended horribly BOTH times when I moved in on THEIR world...and it seemed SO right before that. Hard to figure.

Michelle - I wonder what a Dr. Phil (not you phillfell!) would say about that "during the week I can have my own life" thing...I know what you mean, boy do I, but hey...you wanna join a long distance "no commitment pentangle"?? ;)

PS - Up here in VT we dispense with the "tipping" part and just go right for the full-on knockdown:

http://www.biggamehunt.net/sections/Vermont/Vermont_Man_Runs_Over_Decoy_Deer_11270601.html :smashfrea

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interesting stories... wavechaser do all 3 gals know about one another? ! LOL

when i graduated hs i went to ireland.. met a bloke there named alex and we exchanged addresses and figured we'd be pen pals... well pals turned to romance and it was quite fairy-tale like... sometimes i'll go read one of those old letters and just smile. anyway... he decided to come over to the states and spend his summer on a j1... stayed from june til oct and we fell in love. (awww) in the winter i went and stayed with his family for my winter break (about 3 wks ithink)... then i had to go back to college.

we wrote, we phoned, we emailed... we did what we could... and realization came that someone had to move as winter turned to spring or else it was doomed. he wanted me to move to ireland and get married... i thought i was way too young... and i was.. 19. i tried to figure out a way to save up enough to come for the summer but by may a boy in school kept chasing me and i felt guilty for even flirting with him so i called alex and told him... he wound up telling me he'd already started dating a girl and was working up the courage to tell me. oddly, he said the other girl knew all about me because he couldn't stop talking about me. we loved each other a lot but we were too young and couldnt make a go of it for real.

we kept in touch over the years and i still consider him one of the best friends i have in the world. he's in australia now and got married last yr to a nice lil chinese lady. matter of fact.. our annual phone call is coming up... New years eve :)

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Damn! I thought I might be on to something, I was hoping that a gal in the mountains might show me how to do this. It's always been a dream of mine.

Have no fear Michelle, there is more romance left in me!! I just need to ask find out which wine's weaken the knees best!

Even if my romantic side doesn't work I still have a pass for you to come and explore WP

All of this is very flattering and sounds really fun! We'll just have to pick a day when I am not involved in a Tele demo, Snowboard demo, or dog sledding. I do love wine though......

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