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Thats a good deal.

Relationships in college = drama which = headaches. I'm just hanging out with a girl that I taught how to ski. She is already fullly addicted, like she is already getting some slolom skis in the offseason and even a season pass. Its a fun drama-free open relationship and better yet, she's older.

Did you tell her about steak and a BJ day, yet?

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Ya I know, a relationship pretty much IS drama. So far, so good though. Drama is kept to a minimum, infintly small. I hope it doesn't past that for a long while.

As for steak and BJ day, we didn't have a grill :(

Justin, just remember the rules of the OT thread:

#1 - The first rule of the OT thread is, you do not talk about the OT thread.

#2 - The second rule of the OT thread is, you DO NOT talk about the OT thread.

#3 - If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the thread is over.

#4 - Infinite people to a thread.

#5 - Infinite topics at a time.

#6 - No shirts, no shoes.:confused:

#7 - The OT thread will go on as long as it has to.

#8 - If this is your first post on the OT thread, you have to fight. :boxing_sm

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michelle...don't say that!

as for the fight for the kitchen...realize that I am man with All clad pots, Wusthoff knives, and every kithchen tool a man can want.

but if it coe to a fight for the kitchen...I do keep it stocked with whipped cream, hotfudge, and strawberries... :1luvu: :p :rolleyes:

STOP TEASING!!!! It's just not fair for us single girls to hear that..... Friday night, I'm going shopping for a new bikini so we can put that stuff in your kitchen to use !!!! You know, because I like to cook in my bikini. It gets awfully hot in my kitchen sometimes :rolleyes:

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I just learned the never drama free in open relationships thing myself. Wow...I got suckered in, I swore I wouldn't contribute to this thread.

Yes, now you are here and have spoken, you have to fess up. And I don't think there is such a think as "open" relationships as much as you guys fantasize about them.

Girls, am I right?

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Yes, now you are here and have spoken, you have to fess up. And I don't think there is such a think as "open" relationships as much as you guys fantasize about them.

Girls, am I right?

I had 2 friends that married, both allegedly bi-. The agreement was an open marriage, with the woman being allowed to have g/f's and the man allowed to have b/f's...

It fell apart because Rob ended up not dating other guys and Jen did(other guy dating, not women)

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I'm very against a relationship within the dorms because if the open relationship doesnt work out, you'll see that person everyday. My school is tiny, 400 people in my freshmen class. My relationship works because she doesn't live on campus and I only see her when we go to parties. I do not see a point to an open marriage though. Thats crazy.

Gecko, we create our own nightmares:rolleyes:

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I had 2 friends that married, both allegedly bi-. The agreement was an open marriage, with the woman being allowed to have g/f's and the man allowed to have b/f's...

It fell apart because Rob ended up not dating other guys and Jen did(other guy dating, not women)

That's a crazy story! I still don't think I could do it - the "open" relationship.

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STOP TEASING!!!! It's just not fair for us single girls to hear that..... Friday night, I'm going shopping for a new bikini so we can put that stuff in your kitchen to use !!!! You know, because I like to cook in my bikini. It gets awfully hot in my kitchen sometimes :rolleyes:

heh...kitchen/bikini, eh?

I once had an internet fling staying with me for a couple weeks. Unfortunately her "ex" kept calling, and one night I got fed up and took off. When I came home, there she was in my studio (keyboards, glowing screens and flashing lights) wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts

still one of the sexiest things Ive ever seen. awesome.

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heh...kitchen/bikini, eh?

I once had an internet fling staying with me for a couple weeks. Unfortunately her "ex" kept calling, and one night I got fed up and took off. When I came home, there she was in my studio (keyboards, glowing screens and flashing lights) wearing nothing but one of my t-shirts

still one of the sexiest things Ive ever seen. awesome.

Why don't guys ever think to do something like that for their women? We girls like that kind of stuff too. I'd love to come home seeing my man wearing nothing but an apron, making some seductive "desert" for us to share........Bottle of wine..... candle light.....sexy music....YOW

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I don't think guys are patient enough to woo, once they've "got" you-at least, that's what my ex- would say...I suggest something romantic and he'd say "Why, we're already married"

Did I mention he was my ex-???

Current hubby gets caught up in projects which completely take up all his attention on the weekends, which makes illicit snowboarding internet purchases so easy to make.... :smashfrea

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Why don't guys ever think to do something like that for their women? We girls like that kind of stuff too. I'd love to come home seeing my man wearing nothing but an apron, making some seductive "desert" for us to share........Bottle of wine..... candle light.....sexy music....YOW

michelle has generalizationitis again:)

I used to throw everything I had into my relationships, until I started getting back only 50%, now I do nothing and have all the free time in the world

oh, and...open relationships. Ive known a few that worked. sure, there was jealousy sometimes, but they worked through it.

100% commitment is a fallacy.

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michelle has generalizationitis again:)

I used to throw everything I had into my relationships, until I started getting back only 50%, now I do nothing and have all the free time in the world

oh, and...open relationships. Ive known a few that worked. sure, there was jealousy sometimes, but they worked through it.

100% commitment is a fallacy.

Oh D-Sub that is very true. I did the same. After dating a few girls and having a few lovers (yes just for that and we mutaually agreed to that and everything worked out until we split to pursue other interest in lives) I ended up with my wife.

After almost 12 years... I don't know. Sometimes I miss that commitment from the other side. Nothing would replace some crazy stuff. Nothing! If the passion is gone... what do you have then? You triy to work hard, but you are accused. Then you stop working that hard and mutual interest is gone. Both sides go their own way even thoigh they do not cheat. Freidship? I have better and more passionate friends that make blood boiling... and still that stays friendship and not beyond that.

Maybe that's why I started that snowboarding and and now car racing... No kids, no home passions, no professional passions (you know how you feel when you do siliar things for 15 years).

Commitmment? Giving 100%? To whom? Someone who does not notice or ignores any attmptes or improvements?

That makes a person cold bastard.

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Maciek, if i understand correctly your life with your wife seems a little empty, and it happens. It is so hard to hear about, but it happens far too often.

Im no psychologist, but Im tempted to think that we end up expecting too much from our "other" and end up disappointed when they can't deliver.

they may do it to us as well.

lately, I've been thinking that if I could learn to view a relationship with a woman the way I view my dog, true unconditional love, I'd be a better man for it. Not comparing women to dogs ;) but saying...I just love my dog. I never falter, I never wish I could have another dog, and when I come home he is always happy to see me. We've had a few spats (he has bitten me twice, both times for good reasons) and Ive been pissed off at him a few times, but the underlying purity....

anyway...I know...totally unrealistic since human interaction is far more complicated, but...you mentioned one thing:

passion. not necessarily sexual, but that is part of it.

Ive had women who were amazing in bed, women who were amazing conversationalists, women who were impressive creatively, and a woman that was just middle-of-the-road, loyal and trustworthy, and sadly with the latter I just feel that Im missing out on too much..

so, again, we're back to the fact that its not just men who are a pain in the ass to deal with!

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Now who's generalizing......

I used to throw everything I had into my relationships, until I started getting back only 50%, now I do nothing and have all the free time in the world

100% commitment is a fallacy.

I think what D-Sub and Maciek are saying is that THEIR particular relationships have had some issues. Skatha says it too, but she also says "did I mention he is my ex?". I think if you find the right person, they will have all of the above - you will mesh great sexually, can hold an interesting conversation, is creative, active, loyal, and passionate. That's what makes a sucessful relationship, is one where both parties feel that way about each other. If one is not feeling it, then maybe it's time to move on??? I'm certainly no expert on relationships, but it seems that sometimes people spend years together (or they figure it out in months) and then realize they have grown in opposite directions. They may still care about each other, love each other, but maybe just don't want the same things out of life anymore? Or maybe they have come to realize they want something different??

Maybe I'm just rambling here......

and D-Sub, I do LOVE my dogs, all 3 of them. Can we start the "do you know why dogs are better than S.O.'s??" thread next?

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but my wife is my best friend period...we do alot (though not everything) together. I taught her to climb so that we could spend time together in the summer, I know I'll never get her to skateboard but I did get her on a motorcycle which was a great success. I'll be paying for her to take snowboard lessons at ECES next year because I am smart enough not to try to teach her :rolleyes: she ski's and that's fine by me, we travel well together too we had a blast in Sydney last winter (there). I can't imagine not having her with me, the passion as you call it has only built over the years :1luvu: . Keep searching a good woman is out there when you find her DON"T LET GO

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And, in defense of my current hubby, he is fixing dinner...

My first hubby, though...Items listed by Maciek and D-sub definitely could have been said about our relationship. We didn't have mutual interests, he expected passion to stay without working at it-I know that sounds counterintuitive....He wanted excitement and I was a dependable middle-of-the -road person...which is not to say I can't have fun, but he needed illicit-ness to feel "fresh" in a relationship-all the time.

He currently is working in Iraq. His current wife worked in Iraq for 18 months while he was stateside and now she works for an energy company(oil) and splits her time between Nigeria and China. They see each other very rarely, but, knowing my ex-, that's probably best for him.

Sam and I try to have weekends alone as much as possible. This year has been a bitch. We missed our yearly New Orleans trip for obvious reasons and we missed our Tahoe trip because of his broken leg. It's hard to do more than that because we have 3 kids between us. I took up snowsports because of Sam, now I'm addicted. He took up 65 mile bike rides for me.

We camp and hike, too

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Lucky is finding the right person but that doesn't mean that it doesn't require work. Any good relationship requires work or it will die

Ditto, although sometimes it is not always in the cards for everyone. Congrats to all who literally "got lucky"!
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