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First off, I am a doctor and was unfortunate to have dated a med student when I was a med student. I would NEVER marry a doc-I work with them daily

Most have a prima donna personality. Losing ones keys for 3 weeks is humbling only if you are secure enough to realize you make mistakes. Most docs would have blamed their wives for not keeping up with his keys in a similar circumstance.

Second,ejaculation is the emission of semen. Women don't ejaculate, ever

Third, there is no "G-spot". Believe me, we all asked about it during gross anatomy class. The "G-spot" is an invention of the woman who wrote the book and carried on by the popular media.

Fourth, there is a difference between the clitorus and the erectile tissue that forms the outer third of the vulva and vagina-the "sling" that forms the floor of the pelvis. The male anatomic equivalent of the clitorus is the glans penis-or head of the penis. The male anatomic equivalent of the labia is the corpora cavernosum-of shaft of the penis.

Fifth, not all womem have problem with a decrease of libido associated with birth control. In fact, removal of the fear of pregnancy frees up many in itself.

There are no medications that cause permanent decrease in libido once you stop them, but there are many that cause problems when you take them-including the big bugaboo of the whole antihypertensive class. I had this one patient who was always bugging me to prescribe Viagra, despite the fact he was on nitrates and had Class 2 angina(chest pain with moderate exertion)

The rest looks fairly accurate-we spent about 3 weeks on human sexuality in med school and that didn't include the anatomy-we covered that in gross anatomy.

Plus, you get daily inquiries, from anything to medical effects of drugs to a patient I had just done a rectal exam on getting caught getting a BJ from his wife by the lab tech to a patient who walked into my office demanding vicodin because she had pelvic pain when doing it doggystyle and her husband refused to change positions(this was after I suggested dyspareunia- painful sex- is treated by switching postions)

As they say in the medical field"Dyspareunia is better than no pareunia"

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I don't know about you guys and gals, but I just learned alot from that. Woohoo for anatomy. We're disecting fetal pigs now, which is fun. The smell really gets to me after a while. My pig is too saturated in phemaldihyde (sp) and its hard to get the tissue seperated.

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I don't know about you guys and gals, but I just learned alot from that. Woohoo for anatomy. We're disecting fetal pigs now, which is fun. The smell really gets to me after a while. My pig is too saturated in phemaldihyde (sp) and its hard to get the tissue seperated.

are you in nursing school gleb? i dissected a fetal pig last semester... ooooh nelly... i loved our pig. we took photos.. me and my lab partner... of our pig, which we named Napoleon... only to learn we had a girl... so she was Napolena. hehe

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just to clarify...are you gonig to teach skipup?????

not that there's anything wrong with that :p

I on the other hand am an idiot...when you said we should have a lesson...I thought we were talking about snowboarding...

haha no, i don't swing from both sides.

sorry Noah, you should have asked more questions ;) hahaha

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pharmacy school for me. I dunno what to name our pig. I first gotta find out if its a girl or boy. It looks so peacful with the tounge sticking out and with its paws all bent. I defintly wouldn't wanna work in where ever they prepare these things. Its so interesting though, how all the muscles work. Bio is def not my thing though. Just got a 56 on the first test (dropped grade for sure) :o

Also, just came back from a long long night of drinking at my friend's bday party. definitly did a lil bit of:barf:. The RA wasn't too happy.

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pharmacy school for me. I dunno what to name our pig. I first gotta find out if its a girl or boy. It looks so peacful with the tounge sticking out and with its paws all bent. I defintly wouldn't wanna work in where ever they prepare these things. Its so interesting though, how all the muscles work. Bio is def not my thing though. Just got a 56 on the first test (dropped grade for sure) :o

Also, just came back from a long long night of drinking at my friend's bday party. definitly did a lil bit of:barf:. The RA wasn't too happy.

Drink less...study more. :smashfrea

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OK...lets get back on topic...enough of the necrophilia...

can anyone eplain the when it rains it pours theory to me? about 6 of my attractive female friends are now looking for love. and I (and all of buddies) am the wong place these days. yet when I was single...me and the rest of my guy friends could not find an available woman for the life of us...

BTW - Any good guys looking, come out to MA, I'll hook you up.

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I keep my drinking down to a minimum because usually i'm out riding. Skatha, I dunno wheather to be disguised or...i don't even know how to finish that sentence:p

Ncermak, what is a "good guy"? I'm defintly staying an independant contractor in the dating department. For some reason, girls love the alpine board and things have been going really well all around.:biggthump

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Heeheeeee :biggthump At home in california, we had this volunteer firestation two minutes from my house and the guys would jog past my house in the mornings. I LOVED watching that. All these hot guys :1luvu:

I used to work for a woman when I worked in San Diego at the same base as the SEALS...Jan would walk out every morning at 0800 (rain or shine) to watch their morning exercise. She'd sit in her lawn chair with Coffee and a cigarette at oggle the men in their little shorts.

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Heeheeeee :biggthump At home in california, we had this volunteer firestation two minutes from my house and the guys would jog past my house in the mornings. I LOVED watching that. All these hot guys :1luvu:

One of the ER's I used to work at was in an old dusty hospital where lots of renovations were being done-the smoke alarms were always going off and the firemen had to walk through the ER to get to the location display for the alarm system....

One crew was really taken aback when I told them to leave then come back in with fewer clothes on ;)

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