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OT: waaaaaaay OT....


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  • 8 months later...

I recently met a soul-mate, hardcore. Does that count? :)

It's a crazy crazy story. The short version is, after devoting the summer to my own inner work and spiritual growth, I felt ready for a new relationship. After a month or two, an intense connection 'just happened' between me and a woman in my spiritual group. It was surprising because I had known her for 6 months or so, and while I admired her a lot for her skills, knowledge, and appearance, I wasn't particularly attracted to her. Then, BAM!! and she's it, she's my everything.

Since then, we've experienced bags full of amazing and strange things. We deeply feel that we've known each other in other lifetimes, and that we really really missed each other until we reconnected. Because she and I are so similar, we have a long list of shared interests and preferences that make life together awesome. In general, this relationship has expanded my understanding of love 100-fold... I really had no idea that it was possible to love someone so much, so completely, without any desire to change or fix anything. Most of my usual emotional walls simply don't apply to her, and our relationship has moved at total light speed.

On the flip side, because we're SO similar, we actually mirror a lot of each other's issues, which creates a fair bit of friction. If we're up to it, this is a great opportunity to work on our own issues as they arise, rather than to just map out and tiptoe around the other's. This is something we're up to, and have agreed to set this dynamic for the relationship.

Really guys and gals, I had lost faith in finding someone that I connected with this well. I'm here to tell you: it is possible, just have faith, and maybe work on some of your own baggage to get ready for the awesomeness to come... :D

May you all be showered with love, just for being you. Not because of what you've done or expressed, just because you choose to love yourself in this way first.

:1luvu: :1luvu: :1luvu: :1luvu: :1luvu: :1luvu: :1luvu:

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Wavechaser that really is a sad thing to hear. I hope you're doing okay. Have you done anything nice for yourself,?you'll always have your boards and snow to see you through the ups and downs of life:)

IanM, that is a lovely account. Quite an open account and from a Guy:eek: I was waiting for a punch line....hahaha...oh I don't mean to sound cheeky....

So you get the spiritual stuff....I didn't think in general

people did. I wish you well in 2014.I'm quite interested in the spiritual issues in general ..you could be Bomber's spiritual coach:biggthump

I know I've become too darn lazy to be in a relationship:rolleyes: I have for quite some time kept an impenetrable wall of steel surrounding me. I have a very calm and peaceful existence which I want to keep. Anyway its always good to hear about normal peoples' lives...haha...a living, changing novel...I'll get popcorn out:lurk:

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^ Thanks for the supportive words, floBoot! Cheeky is good; so is challenging people's preconceptions ;)

Yes, I really do get the spiritual stuff. I've always been spiritual in nature, but over the last year I've really explored it more, and have found so much more of myself and of life than I could have imagined! Hence, the different perspective. I am now becoming a teacher in my local spiritual group; we do Reiki and other forms of energy work in addition to meditation. Discussing spirituality and helping people navigate it is something I really love doing, so please ask if there is something you're curious about! I may have experience or insight to offer. Or, maybe you'll teach me something!

If your current life is peaceful, and you feel no reason to change it... then don't! The only thing that matters is that your life reflects your values and desires.


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Great story Ian - good on ya both!! I think the reason my last one didn't work IS because I have taken, and continue to take, the journey inside, and she isn't even close to doing so...smoking weed all day every day, chaining cigarettes, coffee by the gallon, popping Xanax. I had no idea at first...and I'll admit, there WAS a time when the weed might not have bothered me, but 24/7? Gimme a break.

floBoot - thanks...yes, plenty of snow time to heal the soul. and who knows...maybe the "singles" line will live up to its name! :-)

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Wave chaser, sounds like your spirit was telling you to value yourself more hence the split. Without sounding rude in this case this is a positive relationship split. You can now re assess and move on up:)

IanM perhaps you really can be Bomber's spirit guru maybe start a thread? Wow sounds like you really have got your life together and no money or show needed.:biggthump I do my best to be guided by my intuition and I don't care what people think as most people I come across ate full of cr@p...sheeple...I just can't connect with those types....I know how to but I refuse to...as I see it add a waste of my energy that could be spent in my bubble yet serene world...and snowboarding it's very much part of that.;)

Well I must say I don't feel so odd at all after having 'spoken' to you both:biggthum(as well as other Bomber members too) such a nice contrast to the people I'm surrounded with at work...time.to make a change in that direction perhaps:rolleyes:


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Well now, the Waaay OT topic lives!! :-)

floboot...I know you are in Scotland, but since you mentioned "sheeple", I thought you might enjoy this re-write of the Preamble to the US Constitution I made up a while back:

"The Re-Constitution of the United Welfare States of America

We the sheeple of the United States, in order to form a more mediocre union, establish chaos, insure domestic indifference, provide for the common ignorance, promote the general welfare state, and secure the blessings of forced social equality to ourselves and our posteriors, do ordain and establish this Re-Constitution for the United Welfare States of America."

Edited by wavechaser
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Wavechaser, it is brilliant and it appears to be coming true:eek: you should have been President with that kind of foresight:cool:

I think some recent figures were showing highest number of people ever on food stamps.

to keep things on topic, did you write it as a poem to woo a lass:lol:

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Ian, you have a great attitude and way with words. I agree, so many people in this world are trying to impress others, and if they focused more on themselves it would be a better world. What a fantastic story! And I love how honest you are, in saying that you guys do have disagreements but you have made the commitment to work it all out - instead of just painting the picture of everything being rosy. That's awesome! As my boyfriend says, It's all in the approach and the attitude. So true.

I, like floBoot, was waiting for the punch line LOL. It IS so rare to see a guy not only speak out about his spirituality but on a male dominated forum where (as girls) we don't ever see that. Just admitting that you know you have a spiritual side makes me think you are a super rare find and she is very lucky!

Wavechaser, I'm with these guys in that you probably dodged a bullet. If the other person is not in touch with themselves, then they certainly can't be in touch with you. Sounds like she's checking out of her own life and is looking for any escape. Sounds cliche, but the right person for YOU will come into your life just when you are not paying attention. You're pretty funny - so I'm sure it won't take long!

"I'm tired of dating a$$holes. You girls are all such sweethearts where can i meet a nice girl for once? LOL:rolleyes:" :lol:

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Great story Ian - good on ya both!! I think the reason my last one didn't work IS because I have taken, and continue to take, the journey inside, and she isn't even close to doing so...

Thanks wavechaser! Definitely, in my experience, one of the largest wedges that pry apart relationships is a difference in spiritual growth. Deal-breaker extraordinaire :P

Well I must say I don't feel so odd at all after having 'spoken' to you both:biggthum

I know what you mean... I felt so odd relative to everyone around me for... well, all of my life except the last 9 months. As soon as I found a similar bunch of spiritual people, though... all of a sudden I fit in! Surely, there's a place for everyone in the world to fit in. We just have to find it :)

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I, like floBoot, was waiting for the punch line LOL. It IS so rare to see a guy not only speak out about his spirituality but on a male dominated forum where (as girls) we don't ever see that. Just admitting that you know you have a spiritual side makes me think you are a super rare find and she is very lucky!

Thank you Michelle for the wonderful compliments! Regarding your quote above, I would say that most of the current awesomeness in my life has come from really embracing who I am; a spiritual and sensitive person. For a long time, I tried to act more macho, more like 'the other guys', and I only realized recently how deeply that hurt me. We can't reject part of ourselves like that without harming ourselves emotionally.

If I could encourage all of my friends to do only ONE thing in their lives, it would be to learn to fully accept every part of themselves; especially the parts they are not fond of. I can't describe with words how liberating and empowering this is...

In other news, our Ottawa group was wishing we were in Colorado tonight. It was -24 Celsius during our night session, and my eyes and nostrils kept freezing together when I breathed and blinked :eek:. On the bright side, the groom was epic, and the place was deserted!

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For a long time, I tried to act more macho, more like 'the other guys', and I only realized recently how deeply that hurt me. We can't reject part of ourselves like that without harming ourselves emotionally.

If I could encourage all of my friends to do only ONE thing in their lives, it would be to learn to fully accept every part of themselves; especially the parts they are not fond of. I can't describe with words how liberating and empowering this is...

Well said! So many people try to fit in, be popular, and do what is "expected" of them in their lives either from society or parents, etc. when people really understand and accept their loves and passions, that's when they become attractive.

CO has been a bit cold, but not that cold! And you were still out riding? Crazy Canadians....

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Wavechaser, I'm with these guys in that you probably dodged a bullet. If the other person is not in touch with themselves, then they certainly can't be in touch with you. Sounds like she's checking out of her own life and is looking for any escape. Sounds cliche, but the right person for YOU will come into your life just when you are not paying attention. You're pretty funny - so I'm sure it won't take long!

"I'm tired of dating a$$holes. You girls are all such sweethearts where can i meet a nice girl for once? LOL:rolleyes:" :lol:

Thanks Michelle. It's a bit scary because I'm almost 52 now...but I also just am finally learning why I kept choosing the type of people I did and why it doesn't work in the end. As IanM said, a BIG part of it is difference in spiritual growth, but I also finally noticed the one thing all these women had in common was a dislike/distrust of just about every male figure in their lives - brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, you name it, but their Moms were all saints. I had NO chance from the beginning. I'm gonna be watching out for that from now on...feel like I need to start with a questionnaire, LOL!! You like that last part of my post huh...sound a BIT familiar?!?! :rolleyes:

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Hahaha wavechaser even I recognized the phrase:p seems like your making positive moves instead of being on the hamster wheel.

I must admit from your post I thought you were a lot younger. I am roughly same age as you. My last partner and I split about 5 years ago. My life's got better since..no lie:) a couple of people over the years have said to me: 'it's alright for you, you like your own company'. This was said by females who were over the split with an ex but hated being on their own.

Like I've posted I can't help but make a serene bubble world that I live in. I don't need someone else to do that.anyway what else am I going to do.hahaha:p

From another post on here about my DIY, that's how I've become good at it..no man around...hmmmmm...well get on with it yourself:biggthump

wavechaser, I hope you create your own happy world...talking of which I am to finish getting ready and go snowboarding..yaay:biggthump

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ian, I too was awaiting the punch line (oh my, aren't we a cynical bunch? :o ) but all we got was honest open sharing about an amazing life experience - what is this forum coming too???? :) Well, good for you - hope all goes well for the two of you, and no 'soul mate whiplash' from the light-speed progression. Sounds like to two of you are well equipped emotionally to work through the inevitable rough spots, so here's wishing you all the best!!!!

Wavechaser, I too think you dodged a major bullet. She was addicted to drugs (controlled and otherwise, but still all mind/life-altering drugs) 4 different ways? Not really any chance of emotional growth there, and if that isn't how you roll, it just couldn't work in the long run. So count yourself lucky you didn't waste any more time on her!!!! I hear you though - it is daunting to be getting this old and still not with a genuine life partner.... Certainly wasn't what I had envisioned for myself either.

Valentine's news - I too am single again, actually have been for about 1 1/2 years now. Wasted 3 years on the last one before it became clear that his idea of love meant he could be a jerk to me whenever he wanted. Thought I made it clear from the start that I wasn't interested in a relationship like that, but I guess people will just hear what they want. Sigh. And his birthday is the day after Valentine's, so there ya go........

In good Valentine's news, my dear sweet dog Rabbit turns 14 on Valentine's day, and due to some changes in her life situation and food, she is healthier than ever, bouncing around like a pup (ok, she's an old grey pup with a torn up knee and a bad hip, but still acting like a pup again in spite of all that!!!) And the chickens are good company. And I have a new job that let's me go slide on snow one way or another every day - sweet! So I'm not out looking for Prince Charming this Valentine's Day - if he's stuck up a tree somewhere, he can just stay there. :)

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the one thing all these women had in common was a dislike/distrust of just about every male figure in their lives - brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, you name it, but their Moms were all saints. I had NO chance from the beginning.
I have seen this with men, where they think every woman is out to get them. If a guy respects his mother and treats her well, generally speaking they will be nice to their SO. If they've had issues with their moms being overprotective, disrespectful, etc, then more than likely they will have issues in a relationship. this is HIGHLY generalizing, but I've seen it too many times for it to not have some merit. And yes, in that situation, you have no chance. Glad you saw that and got out of them, and so happy you are recognizing it for the future!

As for V-day, my SO is working so I may see him for and hour or two. I'll also be reliving my single days of doing nothing on V-day. Single ladies do a little dance! WHOOP WHOOP :p

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In good Valentine's news, my dear sweet dog Rabbit turns 14 on Valentine's day, and due to some changes in her life situation and food, she is healthier than ever, bouncing around like a pup (ok, she's an old grey pup with a torn up knee and a bad hip, but still acting like a pup again in spite of all that!!!) And the chickens are good company. And I have a new job that let's me go slide on snow one way or another every day - sweet! So I'm not out looking for Prince Charming this Valentine's Day - if he's stuck up a tree somewhere, he can just stay there. :)

That's the best date of all!
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I celebrated valentines day the best way I know how; four hard hours on magical Ontario groom. The conditions were magic. Nothing like celebrating a day dedicated to love by doing something that brings you joy. The lifities were giving out chocolate first things too. Now I am sitting by the fire, reading a book and wondering if 4pm is too early to start on the Scotch. If you are going to spend valentines day alone, you might as well do it in style!

Sending love to all of my favorite carvers ... and everyone else as well. May love fill your soul this year.

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this almost belongs in the 'heard it in the lift line' thread, but it wasnt really about alpine.

drifting into the take off zone on a t-bar (no queue first thing in the morning) after my first run, one of the cute lifties stepped forward and stopped me momentarily with a hand on my arm;


me: "sorry, i left them on the kitchen table .."

ski patrol dude, sotto voce: "smooth. just like his turns."

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