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You know what amazes me? That her brother actually said something. Both my friend Kim and I found out all sorts of stuff after we broke up with our cheating husbands, that people wouldn't have dreamed of telling us when we were still together. Why the hell is that? Do we not think people have a right to know? Do we just not want to rock the boat? Do we think it's none of our business? Not that I've ever been in that situation, but if I caught a friend's SO cheating on her, I'd let him know that he'd better level with her, before I do it for him ...

This kind of thing happened to me many years ago. My girlfriend at the time was cheating with a couple of friends of mine. Everybody, including my youngest brother and my mother knew about it but nobody told me. Once my GF broke up with me (she claimed she wanted to "...start playing the field..."), I found out from the friends I used to hang out that she was cheating on me. She used to hang out with them on the days I was busy, bringing the guy she was cheating with along and making it obvious they were a couple. Well, obvious to anyone who wasn't working to pay for their education and didn't have their head otherwise buried in books. :)

Anyways, my friends said they didn't tell me before we broke up because "We weren't sure how you would react." and "We didn't want to hurt your feelings." WTF ?!?! I don't remember what my brother's excuse was. Anyways, it doesn't matter now. I look back at it now and think about how it actually makes those TV and Hollywood stories seem credible. :)

Oh, and in the end, she ended up hitching up with my best friend (how I found that out is another great soap-opera/Hollywood-type story). I hear they're now married and have kids. But do they own a Prior WCR ? :lol:


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You know, I've been there a couple of times with my now ex-...the problem is with the friends who know is that, as that friend, you don't know whether or not the couple will break up or not over the cheating. If they don't, the person you ratted out will probably cause you to lose your friend as a friend. If they do, you'll have to deal with betrayal of trust issues. The first time my ex- cheated on me, I was in Wichita Falls in the AF and my ex-(then my husband) moved back to Houston. Our friends heard from him that we were separated and getting divorced(this I found out after I kicked him out for good 6 years later). They found out that the story he told in 1994 wasn't the case and, by and large, everybody was very apologetic when they heard the complete story in 2000 when we really did divorce. Carl did have a friend who told me he was cheating with gf #2(at least as I know) and he lost his friendship with Carl because he told me.

I told my parents and family about everything with gf's in 94 and 00 only when the divorce was for sure going to happen because, as I rightly assumed, I knew they'd never forgive him for either.

I've heard this is an advertising ploy-the jilted wife bit.....

I hope so, because, even though it's entertaining, I was humiliated about Carl cheating on me and it was hard to talk about it with close friends, let alone buying big billboards advertising my husband feels compelled to get sex outside of our marriage...and yes, I know now it was his problem, it just was very hard to take 6 years ago....

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I hear they're now married and have kids. But do they own a Prior WCR ? :lol:

and there we have it... the ultimate answer to the original question...

Aisling: Forget about men and get your self a Prior WCR, Happiness will follow for the rest of your days.

As the moderator of the Thread...I think I can Officially close the thread now...

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It's entertaining.

You gotta love the internet. Two million people hooked just like that...

They had a radio show I heard one morning with revenge stories. My favourite was the one where the girlfriend poured gelatine into his prize tropical fish tank. It took him a while to figure out why the fish weren't swiming around ...

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and there we have it... the ultimate answer to the original question...

Aisling: Forget about men and get your self a Prior WCR, Happiness will follow for the rest of your days.

As the moderator of the Thread...I think I can Officially close the thread now...

Noah you cannot close my thread, i created this baby! lol

and by the way, I HAVE forgotten about men, who needs them, big babies that they are. LOL

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Noah you cannot close my thread, i created this baby! lol

and by the way, I HAVE forgotten about men, who needs them, big babies that they are. LOL

Men are an inexhaustible source of humor to me....

I was just talking about how women forego privacy when they have children-you know your kids talk to you while you are showering, on the pot, etc.

The social worker Deb was talking about how "David" lost out on social cues and he always wanted to talk when she was reading the paper, when she was on the pot, in the shower...I thought she was talking about her 7 year old-nope, her HUSBAND....

Too funny

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I think if you tell a friend that their SO is cheating in good faith and trying to be a good friend, and they don't split and you lose that friend - they were never really a friend to you anyway. A true friend would appreciate your honestly.

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i agree michelle... i also wish women would listen to other women more... instead they put blinders on and think "oh he'll be different with ME"


Men do the same thing. The former best-friend I mentioned earlier did exactly that with his previous girlfriend: "Yeah, she used to screw around alot before, but I got her tamed ! hehe". About a year later, he found her cheating on him. Dumbass.


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how "David" lost out on social cues and he always wanted to talk when she was reading the paper, when she was on the pot, in the shower...I thought she was talking about her 7 year old-nope, her HUSBAND....

Too funny

Hey that is not just men! Vanessa is exactly the same. It's at the stage now where I am thinking of getting a lockable, soundproof bathroom door when I build my new house.

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Hey that is not just men! Vanessa is exactly the same. It's at the stage now where I am thinking of getting a lockable, soundproof bathroom door when I build my new house.

Didn't you JUST GET engaged?????

it's bad when the shiny has already rubbed off... ;)

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Call me strange, but I just have this thing about privacy when I am on the toilet.

I agree. There are some lines that should not be crossed, and if I'm in the bathroom with the door shut, that's one of them.

I just wish that after you blokes have finished wrecking the bathroom, that you'd shut the door and open the window (or turn the fan on). Why is it most guys I know open the door and shut the window?

And why do you all have a**** like industrial muckrackers anyway? :1luvu:

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You know it's over when, while you're in the shower and "they" (He or she), come in, sit down and drop a "steamer".......

You mean in the toilet, or in the shower with you, and then stamp it through the drain with their feet?

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