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sg performance binders - not sticky enough for topsheets?..


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hi fellow community,
before this season just obtained lightly used and rare sf bindings,
and had problems with them on the 1st day -
pseudo-rubber between Alu base of bindings and board top is not sticking at all - in medium cold siberian -15C I can rotate binding manually (with enough force) even when tightly screwed.

now I use 2sided sticky tape under them

excellent crafstmanship on this bindings, puts f2 in amateur class regarding manufacturing, but..... this sucky problem(

anyone have this problem?


PS rotates easily on OES & oxess topshits


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topsheet 🙂 

I have SG binding but never to -15 degree C regularity.  That's cold... 
once in a blue moon -1F or so (~-18c) but did not experience what you describe.
Don't think the primary function of rubber gasket is there to prevent binding angle from changing?

How many mounting screw thread engagement are you getting?  3+?
On new binding the rubber gasket need to be really compress in order to engage the mounting thread.

Under room temperature:  can you move the binding angle?

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sorry for pause,
I've done super-tight, and re-tighten them in the cold too. bolts don't bottom-out in inserts - checked in room by tightening single bolt and trying to rotate.
in oxess there's rather shallow inserts, not so shallow in OES.
gasket slides easily over topsheet even dislodged from binding and push-down-slided by hand with all my mass, contrary to rubbers from f2/proflex
can use them with 2sided tape only(
thinking about hand-crafting rubber pucks into bolt pits under plate....
and will write to support@, thank you for idea!

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