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OT: Revenge of the Sith

Jack M

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From the Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) review:

"'Revenge of the Sith' is, quite simply, ****ing awesome. This is the 'Star Wars' prequel the haters have been bitching for since 'Menace' came out, and if they don't cop to that when they finally see it, they're lying."

muahahah, can't wait!

For the rest of the review:

(WARNING: many spoilers, starting in the first paragraph)


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I'm readin' the book as we speak. It usually doesn't come out till about 2 weeks before the Movie but for this one, it came out real early. Wow!! Really fun. The movie is usually just a bonus for me as I'm in it for the story. It seems that this one will be the exception to Ep I and II rules. I loved them but can see how most wouldn't. I think this one will get better "mainstream" reviews.

2 weeks 4 days and counting!


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I've given up trying to convince party-pooping Star Wars fans that Episode I was actually pretty good when watched in the right frame of mind. But come on, Episode II was way better than I, and doesn't deserve to be lumped with it. Sure, there were some schmaltzy teen love scenes (which they cut out in the Imax version), but man, the lightsaber fights? The Clones? Yoda?? Good stuff. Gave me the same feeling I had when I was 6 watching Empire.

If you want to talk about piles of crap, let's talk about the Star Trek movies. (although I suppose I'm not qualified to, not being a trekkie.)

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Guest stoked

Amen :)

well Star Wars is okay but I like the Start Trek universe more too although some of the movies were not so great in that universe neither ...

actually as for the series I only like the main ones not the spin offs ...

I had a neighbor once who was a real trekkie and thanks to him I have one Start Trek card (Ensign Ro)

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Guest johann

All you star wars people are like the battered wives of lucas. episode three is going to be good! I know it! Lucas wouldn't make another bad star wars movie, he's changed really! He's different this time!

As to Kevin Smith's love for episode 3, need I say he was a big fan of the daredevil movie?

I'll be honest though, I hope its a decent rental, but I won't be fooled again.

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Jack/Tillie I'm with you guys, I'm gonna go to the theater and try to find that kid inside me who wanted to be Han Solo in the worst way possible. (It won't be tough since I usually act my shoe size and not my age.)


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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

From the Kevin Smith (Silent Bob) review:

"'Revenge of the Sith' is, quite simply, ****ing awesome. This is the 'Star Wars' prequel the haters have been bitching for since 'Menace' came out, and if they don't cop to that when they finally see it, they're lying."

muahahah, can't wait!

For the rest of the review:

(WARNING: many spoilers, starting in the first paragraph)



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Originally posted by Jim Callen

Ok, besides cool CGI effects, what did episodes I and II have going for them? Not a darn thing. Jar Jar binks, horrid directing, terrible writing, pointless scenes, and that's just Episode I.

Episode II did have some pretty cool CGI stuff, namely that big jedi battle. But the "romance" between anakin and amidala? What the heck was that? I could have directed it better than thos clowns. The writing was terrible, the acting as terrible. And they still had Jar Jar!

In regards to the star Trek movies, yeah, the first one sucked big time. The rest were decent though, and far better plot and script-wise than episodes I and II.

Hmmm....I agree that Natalie Portman and the big whiny dood thay have playing Anakin have acting skills that could be generously called "wooden"...

As for the CGI scenes in I-I think the most glaring error for me was the fact that the characters "glowed" or showed no trace of shadowing. As a contrast, the LOTR people had Gollum's character acting with the rest of the cast, then they inserted the CGI effects post production. The result-Gollum retained the same lighting as the others in each scene. Jar-Jar was added in total post production-not allowing for shading variations. Plus, he was so obviously a "step n fetch it" character, I'm surprised all the civil rights groups in the country didn't protest. It was painful to watch...

That being said, I will watch ep III in the theater

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Why didn't dokoo (sp) know about the clone army? Fett didn't tell him or wasn't paid to tell him or was just about to?? Seems like valuable info to keep to yourself right before giving yor tonsils some sun...

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Originally posted by PeterC

Why didn't dokoo (sp) know about the clone army? Fett didn't tell him or wasn't paid to tell him or was just about to?? Seems like valuable info to keep to yourself right before giving yor tonsils some sun...

A brother's got to make some cash....

Actually, good point...of course, in keeping with the "plots within plots of a good Frank Hebert novel" (to bring the Dune-ies into the conversation), the count is probably hoping for a nice governmental position once his threat to the republic allows the soon-to-be emperor to seize control under martial law

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Yes, didn't you catch it at the end when Dokoo and Palpatine meet up and twirl their moustaches because everything is going according to plan? Did you also notice in episode 2 that Dokoo was overseeing the construction of the Death Star by those bug people?

Dokoo organized the separatists so that Palpatine had an excuse to create the clone army to keep the republic together. Crushing the separatists will win him more power in the senate. This will ultimately lead to him becoming emperor. Then when the Jedi say "hey, a minute wait you", he'll turn the clones against the Jedi. Then in episode 4, he disolves the senate, giving conrol to the regional governors who answer directly to him.

I'm guessing that the people who hated episodes 1 and 2 didn't pick up on these plots within plots.

But honestly, I'm not a nerd. Really.

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the clone wars cartoons on the lucas films site there are a whole bunch of them lots of side stories about what was going on with anakin between ep II and III and some stuff with that bad ass general Grievous

Dune was great the later books were a little wierd with the symbiotic skin and all

I would like to see a quality production of that series on par with the LOTR movies

I guess there are some dune books that are prequels to the origional series but they were written by someone else

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Originally posted by skatha

As a contrast, the LOTR people had Gollum's character acting with the rest of the cast, then they inserted the CGI effects post production. The result-Gollum retained the same lighting as the others in each scene. Jar-Jar was added in total post production-not allowing for shading variations.

Both Gollum and Jar-Jar were fully post-production CGI. Gollum looked better not because of the technical stuff, but because of the direction, in my opinion (Weta and ILM of course both had top notch people working on their respective characters, though assumably the desire to do good work on Gollum was probably greater than that for Jar-Jar "slinky-legs" Binks). Modeling, shading, and lighting on Gollum was indeed superb. When you get direction to make a funny looking character who moves like a cartoon and blend him into a live-action set, you end up with the monstrosity that is Jar-Jar. Blegh.

Well, it's a nice fx demo reel, that's for sure. I wish they hadn't turned the saturation up to 11, though. PURPLE! ORANGE! GREEN! BLUE! I get it already! Jeez... :D

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Originally posted by kjl

Both Gollum and Jar-Jar were fully post-production CGI.

I thought Gollum was played by an actor with motion sensors all over his body which created a wireframe for the CGI people to work from.....? Surely they looked at the actor to get the lighting just right.

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

I'm guessing that the people who hated episodes 1 and 2 didn't pick up on these plots within plots.

I dunno, I thought Ep. 1 was long and boring even if you were picking up the "plots within plots" and Ep. 2 was just too darned long. I suspect if 1 and 2 were combined into a single 2 - 2.5 hour movie I wopuld have enjoyed it a lot more. Have no fear, I'll see Ep 3 though!

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

I thought Gollum was played by an actor with motion sensors all over his body which created a wireframe for the CGI people to work from.....? Surely they looked at the actor to get the lighting just right.

Yeah, the animators had motion-capture data from the actor as a starting point for the physical motions and facial expressions and then they worked heavily on top of that to get what you see on screen. If you want to see what the fancy facial motion capture technology looks like without the great animator work on top of it, you can look at the soulless, lifeless zombie people in The Polar Express (which used roughly the same technology but without much animator help on top). I hear in Lord of the Rings they used video of Serkis' performance as reference to be followed for Gollum's performance much more closely than in most CG characters, so that the artistic performance of Gollum can be attributed mostly to Serkis, but the fact that it looks really good comes from all the subtle details that the animators put in afterwards.

As for the lighting, I can 100% guarantee you that all that work is done from scratch :) Somebody probably went out into the middle of the set and got pictures of the surrounding environment, but the fact that he fits into the live-action set is just plain good lighting/shading/compositing work.

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either sucked out a small hole in a hull to the crushing vaccum of space or be slit open and used to keep some important character from the freezing... or just have his tongue yanked out & tied around his neck...& then an apple shoved in his mouth & cut him down the middle with a light saber.... PLEASE TELL ME HE DIES PAINFULLY!!



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