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Originally posted by Vahur

Is it only me or is someone else finding also, that you ride with knees locked together? If you separate zee knees then you riding could be more dyn^H^H^Hnon-static. :D

actually, my knees ARE apart on toe turns, and on heel turns the rear knee isnt necessarily locked to the front...its kinda tucked in, driving into the turn. it feels "right" to me.

pokkis...divx is smaller?

Im literally brand new at this. first time editing video (used Blaze Media Pro trial version) and have NO idea whatsoever what is best. thanks for the suggestions!

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Originally posted by jason_watkins


In my memory I recall you hinging at the hips a bit more and angulating, as well as riding with a quicker rythem. Maybe that's just cuz Bryan was around that day so you were riding with a bit more of his style.

that could very well be, and like I said I wasnt feeling totally "on" this day.


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Originally posted by RCrobar

Hi D-Sub

Thanks for posting the video, I too enjoyed your smooth skate/surf style. Do you come from a 1/2 pipe, long board banked run, surfing background? Sure seems like it watching your video.

I realize you have had some bad luck with your boards and are looking for a new one. If you are able to demo a Swoard try one, watching the way you ride in your video makes me believe you might enjoy one.

Thanks for taking the time to post the vid, it's always nice to see other hardbooters ride:)



I musta missed this post.

I grew up skateboarding...never on longboards necessarily (altho I regularly skated halfpipe on a powell 36"er) but never surfed. dont know why, growin up in SoCal. Part of me is really bummed that I didnt, and now its so damn crowded and commercial its just gross.

the board thing has worked out rather well, actually. more news on that later. as for Swoard...Ive thought about it but 750+ is just way too much, and...it seems that theyre very fragile. for that kind of money they should be bombproof.

anyway...thanks much for riding. IMO smooth is good. I know my technique isnt perfect, but I DO have fun most days, and am fairly content with my skill level, especially for being 100% self taught.

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Hi D-Sub

All carving politics aside, if you are able to demo a Swoard do. Like a Madd 158, which it is meant to be ridden with a given technique in mind, the Swoard has also been designed with a given technique in mind; your video/riding is approaching this technique. If you like the 'ride' of the Swoard, the price will not stop you:)

I agree with you 100%, the name of the game is FUN and riding smoothly!!




Swoard will be releasing two new boards for next season, which will be build in Germany in the Virus factory; the 2D and 3D. Both models have a new durable top sheet combined with nose and tail protection. These were the two common complaints, which have now been addressed. The idea behind the 2D is to bring costs down, the 3D will spare no expense.

The 2D will be stocked and sold in snowboard stores and will be available only in the medium flex, I've read somewhere (rumor mill) that Bomber may be stocking the Swoard 2D.

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Hi D-Sub

Again, I agree 100% with you.

There are MANY great boards that will do the job, I didn't mean to imply anything different. The Swoard is simply ONE very good board that you might enjoy riding.

Case and point. I'm in the cue for a Coiler AllMountain. I'm hoping to fill the gap between my Swoard and my Undertaker. No doubt in my mind it will work great for a wide range of turning techniques/styles.

Thanks again for posting your video, wish more guys would do this!


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I'm more of a croucher too, but I still say you looked damn good. I have surfed and grew up skateboarding off & on until I was 16, so your style is what I originally set out to emulate. How I got to the present style I ride is kind of a mystery to me. I definitely feel different than I look, and in that clip you posted of me I too wasn't exactly at my best (new board, slushy-chopped up conditions) but I'm happy with my progress and hope to continue to develope my skills, not for others to praise me, but to make myself happy with where I'm at with my riding.

Have fun,


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heh. thanks guys. doing things smoothly is a goal of mine whatever the endeavor. if it aint smooth and stylish the best technique in the world doesnt mean jack.

mike...Im sure Tim would LOVE to film you! and...i definitely owe him some better results too. once I learn his camera a bit I can come up with some good stuff

too bad the best carving is probably over...woulda been fun to get Sutherland, McDowell, Abel...all the carvers up here...have a MBES:)

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Guest jeremiah

Nice riding D-Sub. I like how the kid is hiding behing the snowgun or whatever on your favorite clip. Then you spray the other kid. You big bully. :)

I personally like the look of the upright, surf style riding, especially on shallow slopes like you were riding. I'm sure if you had some shots of you on the steeps, you would be bending the knees more.

As to speed, I was getting 1800kB/sec; working for tier-1 ISP and being directly connected to our biggest node has its advantages.


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Good stuff D-sub. Your style is clean with little wasted motion. I actually would not advise you to bend your knees any more than you are on that terrain - no need. When things get really steep or icy, then you need more "suspension" and would need more knee action. That's where it's more necessary to use cross-through technique.

I'm a believer in using as much bone structure as possible. It allows me to <a href='http://www.bomberonline.com/JackM/highlands.jpg' target='top'>relax</a> more while carving. Sinking way down into carves with the knees all the time is kind of the "brute force method". It's a lot of extra work for the muscles. You're not doing this, so that's good!

I do see a hint of upper/lower body seperation at times. Your front hand sometimes wants to swing across the nose of the board when starting a heelside carve. This indicates your board and body are not turning in unison. If you can stay with your board, you'll enjoy better balance.


(Vice Post King)

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Your front hand sometimes wants to swing across the nose of the board

Which is actually desirable if practicing the swiss style of carveing. In that case more is better, and most likely why folks are suggesting that you try the Swoard :D You might really dig it!


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Originally posted by Daneille

Which is actually desirable if practicing the swiss style of carveing.

No, I meant that his front hand wants to swing from the heel side, across the board towards the toe side. It's happening sometimes during his transition from a toeside carve to a heelside. This can lead to your upper body facing sideways during a heelside carve. This is not what the swiss dudes are doing, and is not a good thing.

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Ive also noticed that sometimes my rear hand stays BACK when transitioning from a toeside to heelside. just a mistake here and there

btw...those slopes arent "shallow" but theyre certainly not steep either. just right. steep enough to go plenty fast, mellow enough to not have to work too hard

not keen on "brute force" either. I get tired!


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Originally posted by jeremiah

Nice riding D-Sub. I like how the kid is hiding behing the snowgun or whatever on your favorite clip. Then you spray the other kid. You big bully. :)

I personally like the look of the upright, surf style riding, especially on shallow slopes like you were riding. I'm sure if you had some shots of you on the steeps, you would be bending the knees more.

As to speed, I was getting 1800kB/sec; working for tier-1 ISP and being directly connected to our biggest node has its advantages.


heh. I didnt spray anyone, I promise. that kid that I stop above was still 50ft down the hill. Im a very considerate rider, and expect the same of others. rarely get it in return though :)

another vote for surf style:)

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you look good

on your heelside it looks like your upper body is a little out of whack but if you are comfortable then who cares

it does look like the way I felt when my upper body was when I was having trouble with heelsides

for me that habit is something I had to cure awhile back and often it rears its head when I am tired or have not ridden in awhile

my remedy was on my heelside turns to reach with right shoulder towards the front part of the heelside edge of the board

but I really don't know if that is something that would would help anyone other than me

something that appears to me as discomfort to me might be natural to someone else

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yeah...heel turns are actually more solid feeling to me. used to be the other way around, but now I feel awkward on toes.

altho heck...I lose my edge on both frequently enough:)

in the full version theres a section where I just kept losing it on a steeper somewhat firmer scraped off run. I think THAT is where bein a bit too extended like I tend to be becomes a problem. gotta work on that.

Watkins was right tho...on my better more flexible days I definitely squat more, and probably angulate more effectively as well

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Oh, great guys, way to go! Now Dave has to buy more gear: A huge pillow for his huge head!:D Kidding aside, I do like your relaxed upright style, something I'm shooting for myself if I ever get dialed in! Must be nice to have your own personal videographer! Too bad you have'nt warmed up to Bend yet, it's really one of the nicer year round sports towns in the west. Keep up the good work, and stop having so much fun:p

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Really very smoooooooth Dave. Lookin good Dude!!

From this point forward you shall be referred to as "H-SUB" or "HD" for "HOLLYWOOD DAVE" , I am just afraid the "D" will remind you of SOMETHING!!! Enjoy the lime light Dude you definitely got "B"s

PS. I still think "Sir Mix-Allot" is a more appropriate handle than "D-Sub".

YOU RIP!! Smoothly!!!

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a name change is in order, for sure.

how about "Limelight"



as for sir mixalot or whatever...thanks, but no thanks.

the name I release tunes under is "Influx1" but...even that feels dated these days.

anyway...sure wish you had been there that day! it was damn near perfect for the most part, and it would have been fun to film you...Greg...Jack on a carver too...

maybe next year I'll learn to be a little more "D word"


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