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Adventures in plates (3D Printed)

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I hope it helps! :-)

A great deal of things are done in OpenSCAD rather counterintuitive to how one initially thinks its going to happen - like, just about every single thing I design, at least... :-) Sometimes its just 'an OpenSCAD thing', and sometimes - like this one - its because the 'standard' way ends up being gawdawful to render. (I tried 3 different approaches - 2 sort of 'standard' approaches, each w/ their own issues (one of which is *still* trying to render), then this sort of 'cheat' approach, which worked the best.)

I'll play around a little more for the opposite cant and lift options - its just a matter of moving the piece to the opposite side of the X and/or Y axes, if there is a negative cant and/or lift value, then doing the rotate around X and Y in that orientation, then moving it back.

I also want to take some more time to learn more about Onshape - you've got my interest in it piqued!

As you noted, its lots of fun to be able to combine the hobbies, isn't it?? :-)

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BTW, you can bump up the $fn on the sphere in the minkowski operation a fair bit - something like $fn=60 will add a few seconds to the render, but end with much smoother edges. ($fn=45 might even be a good compromise between smoothness and speed)

ex - just adding "$fn=60" to the sphere command

module component_plate() {
    minkowski() {
        hull() {
            //note the adjustment for edge_rad contribution to X and Y that will be added back by minkowski()
            translate([-len/2 + wid/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=wid/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);
            translate([len/2 - wid/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=wid/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);
        sphere(r=edge_rad, $fn=60);  //<<== $fn=60 added here

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see if this version of the plate() module fixes the cant and lift direction limitation - now it should handle negative lift and/or cant values, and do the right thing, I think. (Note... very minimal testing was done...)


module plate() {
    lift_rot_shift = lift>0?-1:1;
    cant_rot_shift = cant>0?-1:1;
    translate([len/2, wid/2 + (len - wid)/2 * tan(abs(twist)), edge_rad])
        for (s = [0:1:steps-1]) {
            translate([0, 0,  adj_ht/steps * s])
                rotate([0, 0, twist/steps * s])
                    translate([lift_rot_shift*len/2, cant_rot_shift*wid/2, 0])
                        rotate([cant/steps * s, -lift/steps * s, 0])
                            translate([-lift_rot_shift*len/2, -cant_rot_shift*wid/2, 0])

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Sooo....  I've added some lightening holes. Still working on getting a different top and bottom sizes.

However, it seems to take AGES to build into an STL.  In fact I still haven't gotten a complete one.  Any ideas on how to speed it up?

len = 245;  //total length
wid = 120;  //base width (twist will result in wider overall dimensions)
edge_rad = 4;    //edge radius of top and bottom surfaces
ht = 23;        //minimum height (cant and/or lift will result in taller overall height) - NOTE: ht must be >= 2*edge_rad
twist = 27;     //degrees of twist
cant = -3;       //degrees of cant - this simple demo only supports positive (leftward) cant
lift = 0;       //degrees of lift - this simple demo only supports positive (heel) lift
screw_size = 6.25; //screw hole size
lightening_hole_spacing = 10;  // spacing between lightening holes
lightening_hole_size = 35; //self explanatory
steps = 100;     //smoothness factor - more steps = smoother sides

//this adjusts the total height, to take into account height added due to the edge radius - shouldn't be changed by user
adj_ht = ht - 2*edge_rad;
sh_rad = screw_size / 2; // screw hole radius
lh_size = ((wid-40)/4)-7; // lightening hole size
lhz = lightening_hole_size / 2;

//call the plate module to initiate the render
difference() {
    //center lightening hole
    cylinder(h=100,r=lhz, center=true);
    //screw holes



    //lightening holes        
    for (i=[0,180]) rotate(i) lightening_holes();


module lightening_holes() {

    rotate([0,0,twist/2]) {    
        translate([len/2 - lhz - lightening_hole_spacing*2,0,0])
        translate([len/2 - lhz*2 - lightening_hole_spacing*4,lhz + lightening_hole_spacing/2,0])
        translate([len/2 - lhz*2 - lightening_hole_spacing*4,-lhz - lightening_hole_spacing/2,0])

//because OpenSCAD performs all rotations around the X, Y and Z axes, it is necessary to move the geometry to
// proper relative position wrt X, Y and Z. Cant and Lift will be rotated wrt X and Y axes, respectively, so
// for Cant and Lift rotations, the geometry should be aligned with X and Y axes
//for Tiwst rotation, because this needs to be around the center of the plate, the geometry must be centered
// on the Z axis, which requires moving the piece so it is centered at Z, rotating around Z, then moving it
// back to where it needs to be (it needs to be in a different position for Z rotation than for X and Y rotation...)
module plate() {
    lift_rot_shift = lift>0?-1:1;
    cant_rot_shift = cant>0?-1:1;
    //translate([len/2, wid/2 + (len - wid)/2 * tan(abs(twist)), edge_rad])
        for (s = [0:1:steps-1]) {
            translate([0, 0,  adj_ht/steps * s])
                rotate([0, 0, twist/steps * s])
                    translate([lift_rot_shift*len/2, cant_rot_shift*wid/2, 0])
                        rotate([cant/steps * s, -lift/steps * s, 0])
                            translate([-lift_rot_shift*len/2, -cant_rot_shift*wid/2, 0])

//generate a plate of the desired length and width, with a thicness of 2*edge_rad (this how minkowski() works)
// minnkowski operation here is cheap/quick, as its applied to a very thin piece of geometry
//$fn value should be high on the end radii, for smooth side surfaces on the end
module component_plate() {
    minkowski() {
        hull() {
            //note the adjustment for edge_rad contribution to X and Y that will be added back by minkowski()
            translate([-len/2 + wid/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=wid/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);
            translate([len/2 - wid/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=wid/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);
        sphere(r=edge_rad, $fn=45);


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Ok, so, I was a bit irresponsible in how I handled the sub-plates (ie, that created by the component_plates() module), as well as with $fn values - as I noted, I did minimal testing on the little demo - I should have worked things through further, and optimized them more.

As a little background, OpenSCAD uses two different engines for the 'preview' and the actual 'render' operations. (Preview being what you see when you hit 'F5' or the '>>' button on the screen. Render being when you hit 'F6', or the hourglass or 'STL' button on the screen.) The preview engine is fast and dirty, and skips some details along the way, to produce decent output as quickly as it can. (terms like 'fast', 'quick' and 'time' frequently have somewhat dubious meanings in OpenSCAD, under the best of conditions...) The full-on render is much more detailed and thorough, so things that appear in a reasonable time in the preview mode, can sometimes take inordinate amounts of time in the full-on render mode, as you've seen.

Some common ways of reducing render time are to #1 reduce the complexity of the model, and #2 to reduce the number of faces that things like curves and spheres require - this can be particularly critical when using the minkowski() operator.

I tromped all over item #1 -  in muddy boots -  in how I built up the body using the sub-plates - consider that each sub-plate is 2*end_rad thick, and I'm stacking 'steps' number of them together to make up the height of the body, when in reality, I really only need height/(2*end_rad) of them to do the job - so, there's a LOT of stuff being rendered there that doesn't really need to be rendered - its just all overlapping over/inside each other, to no end effect but multiplying time (it is providing a nice, smooth surface on the sides, but at a high cost in time). One way to combat that is to reduce the 'steps' param - taking it down to a value like 10 will dramatically decrease the time it takes to render - the down-side is, it'll have a bumpier surface, as we're still getting the edges made up of spheres of radius end_rad. That can be fixed by using a reasonable number of thinner, non-minkowski, plates between the top and bottom plates, and stacking them vs overlapping them, so we get the nice curved edges on top and bottom, but construct things without the inefficient overlaps. But, for the sake of sanity, try reducing 'steps' to 10; it should render in a matter of a few minutes on a decent machine, with that change alone. (could be 4-5 minutes, depending on your machine.) I'll play further with improving that process.

Item #2 is where the $fn system parameter comes into play. (There are two lower-level params, $fa and $fs, that are calculated from $fn, and that can sometimes provide better performance if set directly, vs via $fn, so those bear playing with a bit, too.) So, to start with, my $fn choices were made without responsible consideration of actual render efficiency. (They'll give *great* results, but you'll need to wait *great* amounts of time for them.) Setting $fn=12 before the minkowski() call should speed things up considerably, and fiddling with $fa and $fs, vs clobbering them by setting $fn, might yield even better results. I'll play around with those a bit, and see if there's a sweet spot, but to start with, I'd add "$fn=12;" on the line before the minkowski() call in the component_plate() module. I'd also either remove or reduce the $fn=45 param passed to the 'sphere()' command at the end - stipulating 45 faces to make a tiny sphere was a pretty grossly inefficient choice on my part.

So, below are the changes I've discussed above (reducing 'steps', reducing '$fn', and its rendering for me in about 90 seconds. Its got a bumpy side surface, but we can work that out. (You can also increase 'steps', just realize that it'll come at the cost of time.) Anyway, this is a solvable problem! :-)

Nice job on the approach to the lightening holes, BTW - you're totally getting the 'OpenSCAD Way' of things!!


len = 245;  //total length
wid = 120;  //base width (twist will result in wider overall dimensions)
edge_rad = 4;    //edge radius of top and bottom surfaces
ht = 23;        //minimum height (cant and/or lift will result in taller overall height) - NOTE: ht must be >= 2*edge_rad
twist = 27;     //degrees of twist
cant = -3;       //degrees of cant - this simple demo only supports positive (leftward) cant
lift = 0;       //degrees of lift - this simple demo only supports positive (heel) lift
screw_size = 6.25; //screw hole size
lightening_hole_spacing = 10;  // spacing between lightening holes
lightening_hole_size = 35; //self explanatory
steps = 10;     //smoothness factor - more steps = smoother sides

//this adjusts the total height, to take into account height added due to the edge radius - shouldn't be changed by user
adj_ht = ht - 2*edge_rad;
sh_rad = screw_size / 2; // screw hole radius
lh_size = ((wid-40)/4)-7; // lightening hole size
lhz = lightening_hole_size / 2;

//call the plate module to initiate the render
difference() {
    //center lightening hole
    cylinder(h=100,r=lhz, center=true);
    //screw holes



    //lightening holes        
    for (i=[0,180]) rotate(i) lightening_holes();


module lightening_holes() {

    rotate([0,0,twist/2]) {    
        translate([len/2 - lhz - lightening_hole_spacing*2,0,0])
        translate([len/2 - lhz*2 - lightening_hole_spacing*4,lhz + lightening_hole_spacing/2,0])
        translate([len/2 - lhz*2 - lightening_hole_spacing*4,-lhz - lightening_hole_spacing/2,0])

//because OpenSCAD performs all rotations around the X, Y and Z axes, it is necessary to move the geometry to
// proper relative position wrt X, Y and Z. Cant and Lift will be rotated wrt X and Y axes, respectively, so
// for Cant and Lift rotations, the geometry should be aligned with X and Y axes
//for Tiwst rotation, because this needs to be around the center of the plate, the geometry must be centered
// on the Z axis, which requires moving the piece so it is centered at Z, rotating around Z, then moving it
// back to where it needs to be (it needs to be in a different position for Z rotation than for X and Y rotation...)
module plate() {
    lift_rot_shift = lift>0?-1:1;
    cant_rot_shift = cant>0?-1:1;
    //translate([len/2, wid/2 + (len - wid)/2 * tan(abs(twist)), edge_rad])
        for (s = [0:1:steps-1]) {
            translate([0, 0,  adj_ht/steps * s])
                rotate([0, 0, twist/steps * s])
                    translate([lift_rot_shift*len/2, cant_rot_shift*wid/2, 0])
                        rotate([cant/steps * s, -lift/steps * s, 0])
                            translate([-lift_rot_shift*len/2, -cant_rot_shift*wid/2, 0])

//generate a plate of the desired length and width, with a thicness of 2*edge_rad (this how minkowski() works)
// minnkowski operation here is cheap/quick, as its applied to a very thin piece of geometry
//$fn value should be high on the end radii, for smooth side surfaces on the end
module component_plate() {
    minkowski() {
        hull() {
            //note the adjustment for edge_rad contribution to X and Y that will be added back by minkowski()
            translate([-len/2 + wid/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=wid/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);
            translate([len/2 - wid/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=wid/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);


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That makes sense.  I played around with it a bit and finally realized that smooth sides are overrated :)

In all seriousness the sides themselves play a very small role in the overall strength of the plate. I think 10 is a good compromise.


I did pick up on a more insidious problem. Doing the twist after the cant/lift caused a compound rotation that introduced unwanted angles. You could see it if you set the lift to zero. I reordered things around and removed the translations to keep things just around the origin. The result is more accurate IMHO. I've cleaned things up a bit and removed the comments because it's actually clearer like that to me :freak3:


Aaaand I published it on thingiverse so others can play around with it :)



Take a gander and let me know what you think!

length = 245;  //total length
width = 120;  //base width (twist will result in wider overall dimensions)
edge_rad = 4;    //edge radius of top and bottom surfaces
height = 23.5;        //minimum height (cant and/or lift will result in taller overall height) - NOTE: ht must be >= 2*edge_rad
twist = 27;     //degrees of twist
cant = -3;       //degrees of cant - this simple demo only supports positive (leftward) cant
lift = 0;       //degrees of lift - this simple demo only supports positive (heel) lift
screw_size = 6.25; //screw hole size
lightening_hole_spacing = 10;  // spacing between lightening holes
lightening_hole_size = 35; //self explanatory
steps = 10;     //smoothness factor - more steps = smoother sides
quality = 20;

//this adjusts the total height, to take into account height added due to the edge radius - shouldn't be changed by user
adj_ht = height - 2*edge_rad;
sh_rad = screw_size / 2; // screw hole radius
lh_size = ((width-40)/4)-7; // lightening hole size
lhz = lightening_hole_size / 2;

//difference to punch holes
difference() {
    //call the plate module to initiate the render
    translate([0,0,edge_rad]) //move to z=0
    //center lightening hole
    //screw holes
    for (i=[0,90,180,270]) rotate(i) screw_holes();
    //lightening holes        
    for (i=[0,180]) rotate(i) lightening_holes();


module screw_holes() {
    $fn = quality;

module lightening_holes() {
    $fn = quality;

    rotate([0,0,twist/2]) {    
        translate([length/2 - lhz - lightening_hole_spacing*2,0,0])
        translate([length/2 - lhz*2 - lightening_hole_spacing*4,lhz + lightening_hole_spacing/2,0])
        translate([length/2 - lhz*2 - lightening_hole_spacing*4,-lhz - lightening_hole_spacing/2,0])

module plate() {
	for (s = [0:1:steps-1]) {
	    translate([0, 0,  adj_ht/steps * s]) //move up according to step
        rotate([cant/steps * s, -lift/steps * s, 0]) //cant and lift
	    rotate([0, 0, twist/steps * s])  //twist along Z

module component_plate() {
	$fn = quality;
    minkowski() {	
        hull() {
            translate([-length/2 + width/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=width/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);
            translate([length/2 - width/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=width/2 - edge_rad, h=.001, $fn=120);


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1 hour ago, erazz said:

That makes sense.  I played around with it a bit and finally realized that smooth sides are overrated :)

In all seriousness the sides themselves play a very small role in the overall strength of the plate. I think 10 is a good compromise.   

You're right, but there certainly is some beauty in smooth, organic curves. :-)  20 layers looks like a pretty good compromise, though - its pretty darned smooth, looks nice, and rendered for me (locally) in 4:40. (There's something up w/ Customizer on Thingiverse - when I try to run it there, it throws an error, saying it can't find libCGAL.so, which is the graphics library that does the full-on rendering. I'm assuming that somebody has already alerted Thingiverse, but it its not fixed in the AM, I'll try to figure out how to let them know, just in case.)

1 hour ago, erazz said:

I did pick up on a more insidious problem. Doing the twist after the cant/lift caused a compound rotation that introduced unwanted angles. You could see it if you set the lift to zero. I reordered things around and removed the translations to keep things just around the origin. The result is more accurate IMHO. I've cleaned things up a bit and removed the comments because it's actually clearer like that to me :freak3:   

Ooh, good find - Thanks!!!  I definitely had not noticed that - really glad you pointed that out, as I'm likely to use that approach again sometime, so will be sure to pay better attention to that order.

Your plates look great - I'm impressed with how fast you've jumped into OpenSCAD and gotten a really nice result out of it! (You need to make your little arrow on top, though - that looks really cool. :-)

If I understand the binding setup correctly, you run the bolt through the binding, then through this plate - if that's correct, countersinking the top of the screw holes isn't important from a screw head perspective, but from a 'getting the daggone bolt to go into the hole' perspective, it might be helpful. You could just diff out a little inverted cone around the top edges, such as I've done here: (its a kludge of an attempt, that I just threw together to illustrate, so I'm embarrassed to even post the code as it currently is, LoL :-)


Screen Shot 2018-02-12 at 12.27.21 AM.png

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9 hours ago, jim_s said:

If I understand the binding setup correctly, you run the bolt through the binding, then through this plate - if that's correct, countersinking the top of the screw holes isn't important from a screw head perspective, but from a 'getting the daggone bolt to go into the hole' perspective, it might be helpful. You could just diff out a little inverted cone around the top edges, such as I've done here: (its a kludge of an attempt, that I just threw together to illustrate, so I'm embarrassed to even post the code as it currently is, LoL :-)

If you look closely at the first print I did I had a fillet around those holes.  Then I realized that the entire clamping pressure is going around those bolts and I quickly removed it. I figure that the tradeoff between ease of installation and mechanical strength is an easy one here.


9 hours ago, jim_s said:

Your plates look great - I'm impressed with how fast you've jumped into OpenSCAD and gotten a really nice result out of it! (You need to make your little arrow on top, though - that looks really cool. :-)


I had a head start and didn't need to find how to do a minkowsky union.  Arrow (and maybe some lettering is in the works! I'm printing a plate now just to see how it comes together.


47 minutes ago, Lurch said:

@jim_s @erazz You guys clock those new duo's in the plate thread? Could be a interesting project to add something like that on to your cants.

I'm not sure... What are duos? (My brain is
this morning)

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29 minutes ago, erazz said:

If you look closely at the first print I did I had a fillet around those holes.  Then I realized that the entire clamping pressure is going around those bolts and I quickly removed it. I figure that the tradeoff between ease of installation and mechanical strength is an easy one here.

Makes sense!

29 minutes ago, erazz said:

Arrow (and maybe some lettering is in the works! I'm printing a plate now just to see how it comes together.

You could potentially include the cant, lift and twist values in lettering on the top of the plate - I'm doing that on my F2 shims, and it definitely helps keep them straight, when you've printed a variety of them.

I played around a bit with a slightly more conservative approach to the body construction last night - it doesn't really end up being any faster, but it does seem to provide more smoothness on the sides, for the same amount of time. I'll mess with it a little more this evening, and shoot you a version, if I get it working well. You may like it better, or you may not - the transition to the sides from the top and bottom plates aren't quite as organic looking.

Turns out the Thingiverse Customizer has been having this library problem for a week or so (lots of posts on it on the Thingiverse forums) - hopefully they'll get it fixed soon!

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BTW, @erazz - there still seems to be a problem w/ the translation/rotation order - try setting a lift angle of 8 or more degrees, or a cant angle of 10 or more degrees. (These may be outside the range of any values that anyone would ever set this to, I don't know. Might be worth noting though, if its possible people might use such angels.) The original model doesn't seem to have this problem, but you noted there were some unanticipated induced angles in the original - so just a question of which approach fits the real-world need better.

This is much of the fun of parametric design, eh? :-)

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Yup, those values cause the top plate to intersect with the bottom plate. That will always cause a problem unless we increase the height (which the original code does automatically). I like the newer code because it measures the height at the center which is how I understand it.  The problem becomes the screw height. With the old code you would need to adjust the height parameter to compensate for the tilt so you would get the correct screw length. When measuring from the center this becomes an issue only if the angles are large (and then you'd have a problem anyway).


In the meantime my test print came out really nice! The steps are much less pronounced than they look like in the picture. I think that having 20 steps is plenty for our purposes.  I still want to be able to have a different size top and bottom and also incorporate the lettering (sizes, angles, etc...).

It's interesting how the resulting design comes out subtly different than what the CAD modelers (Solidworks and Onshape) spit out. Especially the fillet. While the CAD modelers produce a more technically correct shape I think I like the result that OpenSCAD gives. Feels somewhat chunkier and more pleasing to me.



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9 hours ago, Lurch said:

bottom pg 48

Do you mean make an attachment system like this for softboots or emulate what they are doing for hardboots?

I've played around with multi-material prints and flexibles, you could definitely make a nice dampening system for hardboots but making it strong enough to be the actual attachment point is difficult. The plates above are specifically designed so the screws pass through them.  Otherwise they would probably not be strong enough.


Regardless, another project! Awesome!!!

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So I was more thinking along the line of integrating your 'personalized" cant/lift plate with a extended, relieved base profile (along the lines of a gecko/duo system that is 'edge weighted') to also add leverage. Just a thought  - you guys are killing it. :) 


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Nice!! That came out looking super! I agree that the sides look perfectly fine - also important to bear in mind this will be buried beneath a binding. :-)

Sounds like the angle issue won't really be an issue at all - its definitely happening at the outer envelope of what anyone would reasonably expect to generate, and it can be compensated for by setting a larger height param. (I like your approach to applying the height to the middle - that'l really help in figuring out the range of bolt lengths you need.)

Yeah, things often (usually) don't come out quite as 'pretty' in OpenSCAD, but for me, aesthetics are typically low on the list of design priorities, and the easy ability to customize the resulting model - even by people who don't know OpenSCAD - is where it really shines. Additionally, my mind just is not of the visual CAD mindset - managing planes, dragging things around, etc, is just not a natural fit. (That having been said, I think I like Onshape best of the ones I've tried in a while...)

Holler if you need any help on anything, but it looks like you've got it fully in hand - really nice work, and I bet you'll help a lot of people out with it!

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This is becoming a serious brain teaser. Not happy with how I do the lightening holes yet but at least now you can do a different size top and bottom.

I think I'll print a pair of these to see how they perform.


Here's the code. I'm going to bed. My head hurts...

bottom_length = 245;  //total length
bottom_width = 100;  //base width (twist will result in wider overall dimensions)
top_length = 245;
top_width = 130;
edge_rad = 4;    //edge radius of top and bottom surfaces
height = 23.5;        //minimum height (cant and/or lift will result in taller overall height) - NOTE: ht must be >= 2*edge_rad
twist = 27;     //degrees of twist
cant = 3;       //degrees of cant - this simple demo only supports positive (leftward) cant
lift = 0;       //degrees of lift - this simple demo only supports positive (heel) lift
screw_size = 6.25; //screw hole size
lightening_hole_spacing = 5;  // spacing between lightening holes
lightening_hole_size = 32;
steps = 20;     //smoothness factor - more steps = smoother sides
screw_hole_spacing = 20; //spacing for screw holes - should not be changed

//this adjusts the total height, to take into account height added due to the edge radius - shouldn't be changed by user
adj_ht = height - 2*edge_rad;
min_width = min(bottom_width, top_width);
min_length = min(bottom_length, top_length);

//difference to punch holes
difference() {
    //call the plate module to initiate the render
    translate([0,0,edge_rad]) //move to z=0
	$fa = 1;
    //center lightening hole
	center_lhr = screw_hole_spacing*1.414 - (screw_size / 2) - lightening_hole_spacing;
    //screw holes
    for (i=[0,90,180,270]) rotate(i) screw_holes();
    //lightening holes        
    for (i=[0,180]) rotate(i) lightening_holes();

module screw_holes() {
    $fa = 1;
        cylinder(h=100,r=screw_size / 2);

module lightening_holes() {
	s = screw_hole_spacing;
	w = min_width / 2;
	q = screw_size /2;
	//side_lhy = s + (((q + w)*(q - 2*s + w)) / (2*(q-s+w)));	
	side_lhy = (s + w - edge_rad) / 2;
	side_lhr = (w - s - 2*lightening_hole_spacing) / 2;	
	x_c1 = s + q + lightening_hole_size/2 + lightening_hole_spacing/2;	
	y_c1 = lightening_hole_size/2 + lightening_hole_spacing/4;
	r1 = lightening_hole_size/2;
	adj_c1 = sin(twist/2) * s;
	r2 = r1 + lightening_hole_spacing;
	x_c2 = x_c1 + r2 + r1 + lightening_hole_spacing/2;
	y_c2 = -lightening_hole_spacing;
    $fa = 1;
    rotate([0,0,twist/2]) {    
		translate([x_c1 + adj_c1,y_c1,0])
		translate([x_c1 - adj_c1,-y_c1,0])

module plate() {
	$fa = 1;
	for (s = [0:1:steps-1]) {
	    translate([0, 0,  adj_ht/steps * s]) //move up according to step
        rotate([cant/steps * s, -lift/steps * s, 0]) //cant and lift
	    rotate([0, 0, twist/steps * s])  //twist along Z
        component_plate(bottom_width+(top_width-bottom_width)*s/steps, bottom_length+(top_length-bottom_length)*s/steps);

module component_plate(width, length) {
	$fa = 1;
    minkowski() {	
        hull() {
            translate([-length/2 + width/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=width/2 - edge_rad, h=.001);
            translate([length/2 - width/2, 0, 0])
                cylinder(r=width/2 - edge_rad, h=.001);
        sphere(r=edge_rad, $fn=20);



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Not sure what you don't like about the holes, but it looks great to me! I suppose the other thing you could do is figure out the common volume between the top and bottom plates, then hollow that area out underneath (leaving some wall/roof thickness), leaving material around the screw holes, and a few webs spanning the length and width. (This is similar to what I did on the underside of the F2 pieces, but my job was simpler, as there was no twist, and the top and bottom are also the same size!) 

From the printing perspective, its probably not as much a lightening thing, as a time-and-materials-saving thing.

Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 4.59.36 PM.png

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I tried doing the math to have the holes fill up the area more efficiently. My desk looks like it came from a holywood movie about some mad scientists - papers with equations and sketches all over the place. Not admitting defeat yet though!


How did you do the hollowing out? It looks super neat!

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LoL - these are the casualties of my OpenSCAD efforts over the last week or so. (The sharp observer will see an F2 binding photobombing in the lower-left corner of the photo... :-)

I've dredged up a lot of high school geometry that I had long ago forgotten, since taking up OpenSCAD. I have to admit, I really enjoy it, though. (I have to admit that there are times, however, it would be nice just to click something w/ the mouse, and have magic happen... :-)

I completely cheated on the F2 shims - I render the main block, then diff out a second block that is resized down by 2 times the wall thickness. I also split that resized block into parts by diffing out cross pieces and the cylinders around the bolt holes, and minkowski those remaining pieces, which results in the nicely filleted corners when I diff that all out of the main block. (The resized block retains the proper top angle, so the roof of the cavity is a consistent thickness regardless of lift, cant and elevation.) I was pretty psyched when I kinda stumbled on that approach!

With your twist and difference in size between top and bottom, you've definitely got a tougher job figuring out the volume for the cavity, but I bet its do-able. (Better get some more scratch paper out, though!) The other option might be to put cylinders in the corner areas, then hull those, then diff out that hull from the main block - might save on some math, and still get you a fair bit of volume savings



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Feeling better and better about this code :)

I've updated the lightening holes using a formula for finding incenters of triangles. It works!!!   I know it looks the same but now the code is much more robust.


I've updated the thingiverse link (found here: www.thingiverse.com/thing:2790669)

Hopefully they get it running and we can use that to generate plates.  In the meantime I've printed another set based on this code and they look primo. Super stoked on that! I think that the OpenSCAD version looks better but that's a personal preference :).

The nice part is that the base is only 10cm wide while the tops are 13cm wide. That means that the bindings are fully supported while the footprint on the board is reduced, hopefully allowing it to bend more naturally.

I've examined the screw holes, plates, screws, and bindings - no sign of damage whatsoever. While I'm not the most aggressive rider they do seem to be pretty skookum.  Best part is that they work!!


I'd love to know if anyone else is trying these out! (If you need help generating the files let me know too)


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These look great! Nice job on the updated lightening holes, too! Sound like you're an OpenSCAD believer - its not the answer for everything, but its a great answer for a lot of things! :-)

Its really frustrating that Thingiverse hasn't fixed the library problem w/ Customizer. For anyone wanting to try out @erazz's power plates, though, you can freely download OpenSCAD, download his .scad file from Thingiverse, and customize it and run it locally in OpenSCAD.

Super pumped that this is all finding its way down into use in our sport!!

Great job on all of this @erazz!!

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