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Buck Hill 2017/18


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Made it out for the first time this year only to find a full lot and a HS invitational ski race. Fun day! And Sun! I was pretty much limited to Warners and Crossroads and riding in fear of collision with speedy armored teens. Conditions were pretty good but it took until afternoon for the S chair to open. Both a Bear and an inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex were out skiing today....

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12 hours ago, Mr. T said:

Made it out for the first time this year only to find a full lot and a HS invitational ski race. Fun day! And Sun! I was pretty much limited to Warners and Crossroads and riding in fear of collision with speedy armored teens. Conditions were pretty good but it took until afternoon for the S chair to open. Both a Bear and an inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex were out skiing today....

i tried going at lunch. got to the parking lot and it was full. ran into speedzilla as he took a parking spot. ended up going home. it took me several minutes to get out of there. cars were blocking lanes. 

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soft snow. hot temps. crowds... and the creers. :biggthump


5 hours ago, Mr. T said:

I was looking for you! On a side note, it never ceases to amaze the number peeps who have never seen a hard boot setup and have questions and general awe.

could it be your haircut?



hey, remember when rail yard was called the meadows?


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went in evening. rode softies. lots of snow coming down. think we had 10-12 inches.

not many people at buck. probably due to everyone digging out their driveways.

not sure if powder is the right word but there was lots of it. the tracks were getting refilled by wind and snow. no push piles.

just played in the surf. both milkrun and olympic were great!

there was a drift accumulating on the olympic fence. saw a snowboarder ride the olympic fence rail. it was pretty sick. 

a personal first, i rode my snowboard past the ticket office and into the parking lot. its all good. there was soOOooo much snow.  high five! :biggthump

i almost got stuck trying to leave my parking space. fortunately i brought a shovel to dig myself out.

Edited by bobble
me no spell cant i
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busy at lunch. had to park in front of ski school and then i had to wait for a ticket.

not ideal for carving. snow was groomed overnight but really soft. bumps here and there. no aggressive carving. very slow. warners and meadows were decent. all else you rode upright.

sunny day made up for it.


ami right @bigwavedave @BobD ?

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I had fun today, 10am-2pm (earlybird ticket, 20 bucks). Everything was groomed overnight and seemed deceptively firm. Took one run on a carving stick and found it cutting through the packed powder surface into the soft stuff underneath─what one should of expect on first day groom after a foot of snow! So, got out the 164 Incline and had a ball.

Nice to see both of the Bobs out:biggthump @bobble  @BobD

Warner's was the most fun and stayed nice til shortly after noon, when it got discovered...this photo was at about 11am, the wind last night had spread some fresh snow around after the groomers...trenches were deep, snow was smooth:eplus2:


Took a few last runs on the 180 Incline over on Milk, which was really chopped up, but it just cut nice big carves across the hill. Somehow that board seems to draw attention and I had several people comment on how cool and fun it looked carving across the hill. Good day!

...Yea Bob, the only time I laid down in a carve was when I pushed a little too hard and the snow gave away. Kept you on your toes:ices_ange


Edited by bigwavedave
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crossroads was rough. skiers right had ruts from gates. the moguls are multiplying!!! they were 3 across. now it looked like 5 across in some places. really narrows the run. the bottom half had couple inches of pushed snow that was rough. :confused:


warners was rutted.

meadows was okay for carving. soft snow. boring after awhile. stayed for an hour and left.

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early morning snow was fast thin cord. difficult to hold edge. upright riding. ended up going to meadows where i could at least hold an edge. and so did everyone else. :confused:

spent most of the time over there at meadows and warners. occasionally went over to crossroads. it had icy patches hear and there. i was hoping that the snow would get soft...  ripped the gloves.

saw G-Team on hardboots from south chair. later i saw they had races going on.

switched to skis at noon. rode till 2pm. tried crossroads on skis. almost blew it. was skidding out of control on bare ice. last run.

which leads me to this...



the constant brigading the buck hill instagram account always cracks me up. this one is notable because the post is for the G-Team riding hardboots.



here's the link to that post. there's a video of the hardbooters. (whoops, it embedded the same post. oh well)



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tried riding in the evening. when i got there i was surprised that the mogul field on Crossroads had grown in size. they take up a turd of the run.

to make matters worse, the ski teams took yet another turd for gates. the remaining portion down the middle was just too narrow for me. it was very fast snow. 



the snowguns were turned on over at Meadows/Rail Yard. i saw beached whales under the snow guns. hope they're not planning on putting features over there.

warners had ski teams there too.

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2 hours ago, DonPablo said:

Patti said people were complaining there wasn't the big jumps this year, they are probably adding them back. I think there is some room they can squeeze in the air bag too...

I agree. Plenty of room at the bottom of Milkrun to put in a jump *AND* the airbag. /s


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at lunch. brutally cold wind. flat light. really hard to see the edge of the moguls. snow was hard and fast. good to have room without worrying about ruts.

took a peak at the meadows/rail yard from warners. the guns were mostly concentrated at the top of the run.

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What a contrast to yesterday! A solo SES today starting with subzero temps and a significant windchill (facemask and hand warmers day). Snow was squeaky and hard (felt like styrofoam, but very slippery fast). Snow must have been a bit warm when groomed. Carves produced mere lines on the snow. (no trenches today) Out west they surely would call this ICE.

Olympic had big divots, milk & cross were okay but big traverses were pretty bumpy. I gradually worked down to my smallest board so I could use less of the hill and avoid getting thrown by the bigger bumps between groomer passes. Warners was best and the sun softened the snow a bit later on.

Railyard was closed for construction of a BX course. The kids finally got their big jumps built on the rope tow hill, big piles of snow!

Me and a skier were the only idiots out riding for the first hour or so.

Have you seen "chubby twirly guy"? ─short skis, tucking his arms in and spinning like a figure skater? Looks kinda silly, but he seems to be having fun. I've seen him the past couple of times at Buck. 

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34 minutes ago, bigwavedave said:

Have you seen "chubby twirly guy"? ─short skis, tucking his arms in and spinning like a figure skater? Looks kinda silly, but he seems to be having fun. I've seen him the past couple of times at Buck. 

yeah, he seems to be having fun. think he wears headphones too. 


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at lunch. 3rd chair. rode with ski patrol who introduced himself as Ken. 

he asked me "so what do you think of those?" while pointing to the rail yard.

i said "i wish they weren't there. its a decent cruising run".

he laughed, "there are two groups of people, the majority who dont want those jumps, and then there are the 10 snowboarders who are complaining that there aren't enough ...

... in a couple weeks after the race they're tearing it down"

anyhow, snow was great.

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flat light. lightly snowing. really difficult to see at first. visibility eventually improved. there was a dusting of snow on top of cord. it was slow compared to yesterday. the ruts were deeper. 

it got crowded. the boarder cross was going on in the rail yard. around 10:30 i left early.



On 2/1/2018 at 3:47 PM, bigwavedave said:

Have you seen "chubby twirly guy"? ─short skis, tucking his arms in and spinning like a figure skater? Looks kinda silly, but he seems to be having fun. I've seen him the past couple of times at Buck. 

i rode the chair with a snowboarder. older guy. he asked me about the equipment, what's it called, is it hard to learn, etc.

he asked "where's the guy who wears the red jacket? you guys are always here". @thebionicman, your fans miss you.

eventually he said "my ski friend is always pointing out your turns. beautiful." 

"who's your friend?" i asked.

"the guy who rides the really short skis and spins like a tornado" he replied. he told me the short-board guy is 60 years old and he's been doing this a couple years. i saw the short-board guy later spinning fast down milkrun. it was fast enough that i'd get dizzy. 

couple runs later i was at the top waiting out the crowd. the short-board guy passes by and said "MAN YOU REALLY CUT IT!!!".

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2/3/18 (evening)

went back out in evening. was curious what the tubing hill looked like. according to buck's instagram it was a laser light show. 

where were the frickn' lasers? @Speedzilla i think you were right. probably one guy with a pen laser point it somewhere.


saw this guy out on the run with a monoboard. i caught up to him at the top of the run and asked how he liked his board. he said it was his first time out on it. brand new. never been on one before. wanted something different. the board had a wire that connected the tail together which looked strange -- like it could snag something. he was going up to mount bohemia and wanted to test out his monoboardi.  from coda monoboards.



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saturday morning. got there early. blue bird skies. epic snow.

i got a couple runs in on milkrun before ski challenge showed up. 

awhile later, the ski teams started to set up gates on skiers right on crossroads. i was okay with it at first but then they set up more poles down the frickn' middle of the run that already has a mogul field. there was roughly about two car lanes available for the public to use. i can't carve that sharp (13/14 SCR) plus there were people on skis that going straight down the run. meanwhile over on olympic they just had two sets of gates. they could've easily set up another set on that run. 

i could've stuck it on warners but they were setting up stubbies on that run too.

ventured over to the rail yard. they have a boardercross setup over there. 

was in my car by 10:10.


everytime buck posts to instagram the comments get ugly. buck has already caved into demands for jumps. for awhile they had a large jump in railyard but then converted it to a boarder cross course. but that's not enough! 

in the comment section, in an effort to sound reasonable, buck asks someone to come into the ticket office and give them ideas. whoever this Erik guy in the ticket office is going to get online death threats. :freak3:

i hope they pull down the boardercross just out of spite.

favorite gems:



nick_l11 Horrible move on @buckhill's part. Hyland is laughing and thanking you for the business.

ballofclobb Bucks the kid who peaked their freshman year of highschool

jon_mcmurry **People ask for jumps for months. No one asks for a race track** builds race track

dever_tugi @_dairydan_ dude I went there 2 weeks ago and it was the biggest disappointment of my life. I use to work parkcrew for buck 8 years ago when they actually made legit set up’s. I am never riding buck again, EVER. Biggest waste of money you’ll ever spend.

slbme1 yep, buck has lost its mind...knob and rail yard have gotten almost no use all year...they set nothing up anybody wants to use...

buckhill @slbme1 put some ideas of features & setup you would like to see on paper and stop in to talk to Erik in the ticket office when you do.

slbme1 Put on paper...it is snow. just put similar stuff as other park...people will spread out...obviously despite what they are saying, no one is using the difficult stuff.

slbme1 And why don't you actually fix the pile of snow at top of knob coming off the rope so you can actually get in there...it is mounded too high...

slbme1 People want variety not difficulty



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went out at lunch. warm when i was out. low 30's. snow was really soft on crossroads. lost edge hold midway down due to ice. much better on olympic -- still had cord!



bold strategy... invite the trolls into the ticket office... let's see how this plays out.



buckhill Good things coming!
The Knob will be closed for a few hours today for updates. #buckhill #minnesota #goodthingscoming
john_henning17 You should use that large piece of machinery and make some jumps on jump line
steven_enggren That Astro turf must really be paying off for you guys!! Jump line looking good this year
kuntz_adam @john_henning17 ^
ballofclobb Put the big park on jibber, it's the perfect hill. Everyone who rides here agrees. It's why the parks were always full last year and now empty this year
_kira_sos_ ^^
long.legs.lenny Add flat down flat
hunter.carlson Will it be open today
ballofclobb Listen to the people who actually ride here, not what you guys think is best. Seeing your home hill turn into a joke isn't fun...
buckhill @hunter.carlson It's open now!
colten_rogers @ballofclobb true
hunter.carlson Post a pick of it
marcianovincent Buck hill use to be cool
judeschaffer69 #bringbuckback
sketchbody I agree heaviley with what @ballofclobb said

buckhill @ballofclobb You definitely have some valid points to discuss, stop by the ticket office the next time you are here and ask for Erik, he wants to hear your concerns.





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@bobble You need to show up, clam to be @ballofclob and tell them about the glory days of carving at Buck! :eplus2: Relegate racing to the side. Knock down the features and make it smooth. Heck make one of those Sigi/RedBull carving courses...


BUCK HILL the carving destination!

Edited by lonbordin
Or just goto Spirit
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