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monsanto..GM FOOD...MONEY..Thomas Jefferson was right


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Whilst I was browsing Michelle's website for the recipe on her wonderful walnut, apple and squash bread, I came across a link to the petition website below.

I was horrified to read about the underhanded tactics being used to what I think is the poisoning and hidden genocide of the American people. I signed the petition to stop the SB633 Monsanto and Co, from their dastardly deeds.

Some of my ranting comment in the petition went as follows: 'people have a right to choose and not be told what to eat by any corporation or government. What is being proposed by monsanto and the us government is ....a type of hidden genocide...recent scientific rat studies in France showed the deformations that occur over 3 generations...and that humans have yet to find out the effects of gm food....money is behind it along with another agenda of depopulation, at the cost of the health and future generations of the American people...and that Thomas Jefferson was right:

quotation:*"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

If anyone is interested the petition can be found below

: http://action.fooddemocracynow.org/cms/thanks/stop_oregons_Monsanto_Protection_Act_special_session?action_id=4234996&akid=.926075.AZXxcx&ar=1&form_name=act&rd=1&taf=1

Snippet taken from petition site: The stakes couldn't be higher.*Today the Oregon legislature could pass SB 863 / SB 633, Oregon's Monsanto Protection Act, which would strip local countys' control over seeds, food and agriculture and deny county elected officials' ability to keep GMO crops from contaminating farmers' fields

by the way I also signed Prop 37 last year for Californians to have a right to know what they are eating tee labelling and GMO's...Monsanto being sneakily at it again.

I am under no illusion that these Monsanto types won't come after Europe again, in the meantime they will be thinking up another angle of attack to get their way.

I shall calm down and breeaaathe:biggthump

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Oh hello can of worms!

Not only the bees and the Monarch butterflies, but the human race will eventually pay this price. One of the craziest things I read was that the employees of the federal government and Monsanto eat ONLY ORGANIC FOOD in their cafeterias! They won't even eat the crap they are trying to get the US population, and the world, to eat.

Floboot, funny that your ranting is so incredibly true, and coming from someone outside the US. I guess, when you step back, you really can see the forest through the trees. Thank you for signing the petition! PS. Posting the other pic of the bread on the foodie thread. :)

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Interesting that 'monarch' butterflies was mentioned and not simply 'butterflies', . Because the same sort of people that try to implement the 'you eat dodgy food and we eat organic' (yes I've heard that to Michelle) are the same sort that are into Monarch mind control programming:eek:

Just look at the music industry for a starter and the hedonistic behaviour, symbolism including the monarch butterfly as a marker. Its a fascinating world we live in for those that don't want to bury they're head in the sand.

The main reason I look for information behind what's going on in the world is a gut feeling that things don't ring true and i'm fed up being fed crap in more ways than one.

I used to read a lot about USA in teem of politics and economics as I was a money trader in London in the 80s and that hasn't left me but its expanded.

Currently I am trying to see what the agenda is re the trillions of us dollars bring produced out of thin air each month. its not simply economics, theta more to it.

interesting times:D

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may you live in interesting times.

blessing or curse?

either way, when the tyranny of corporate owned governments fills you with fear, dread, disgust

stop yourself, don't transmit that. go to your happy place, friends, family, fresh cord on a bright

blue morn.

what you transmit is contagious, transmit love and peace from your heart, not fear

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aaaahh - now this is my kinda topic!

GMO’s - especially Monsanto are pure evil! Americans have become nothing more than lab-rats. Monsanto's agenda is about controlling the food source - hence it controls the people. A very sick agenda. Nature got it right the first time and there is no reason for anyone to f**k with it. Pardon my reserve *sarcasm* but this is a very heated topic for me!

Do a search online and watch “The World According to Monsanto” - it’s not pretty! To date hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers have taken their own lives by drinking Monsanto’s pesticide when they realized just how indebted they had become to the giant. It’s very sad.

Heck even Haiti knew better ... they burned tons of Monsanto’s donated seeds following the 2010 earthquake.

Go to the Seeds of Deception website http://seedsofdeception.com/ - Jeffrey Smith is the man on this. Got to hear him speak at a free lecture not to long ago. Eye opening stuff!

You can also read about a new movie documentary called GMO-OMG! http://www.gmofilm.com/

GMO crops do not yield more. That is a fallacy. The “Round-up Ready’ crops pump so many more pesticides/herbicides into the environment and the weeds and pests have now evolved so farmers have to dump even more toxins onto crops. Now superweeds have evolved as well. We REALLY should not mess with Nature!

The defeat of Prop 37 had some heavy hitters behind it... what are labeled the “Organic Deceivers”. They are Organic on the front side but their parent companies are not and it’s pretty shocking to see who some of these companies really are owned by and how much $$$ they dumped into the campaign. Read this article http://www.anh-usa.org/the-great-organic-deceivers/ and follow the link at the bottom to see the breakdown within the .pdf: Organic Deceivers - GMOs: Corporate Charlatans Versus Organic Heroes

The Cornucopia Institute has developed a shoppers’ guide to help you tell the sheep from the wolves in this battle.

Now with Washington and Prop 522 things have heated up again! Lots of $$ being spent to defeat this as well. I’m all over this stuff on Twitter and tweet relentlessly on the topic of GMOs. Check out https://twitter.com/GMOFreeUSA or https://twitter.com/NonGMOProject

On the upside, Whole Foods has apparently stated that by 2018 all of their food products will need to be labeled so this could be a turning point - ideally in a good direction.

Ok, stepping off of soap-box - for now....


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Todays farmers crop thousands of acres vs the hundreds they did a few years ago. In order to do so seed drills have advance from simple gravity fed machines to huge complicated behemoths many so large that gravity is not enough to deliver the seed from the seed box to the disc that drops the seed at the required depth. In order to overcome the problem very powerful fans pressurize the delivery system. The unfortunate side effect is that the seed coating (chemicals) are now air born (in huge volumes) these particles don't benefit the seed and are proving toxic to bees. The results are proven. The solution is still being worked on. Hard coatings on seeds are more expensive than the present dusting that is creating the problem today. Mostly high value crops like corn and soybeans are the predominant culprits and when large amounts of money are at play no one wants to slow down progress and deal with nasty little details like a few dead bees. My best hope is that the example Europe has adopted (banning roundup ready seed) along with Japans refusal to accept GMO beans will make those in position to change the present practices think twice before blindly accepting the corporate line we are being fed in North America. One can only Hope !

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It's very encouraging to know there are some passionate people out there, doing their bit to try and defeat the horrific monsantos & co, including Levy Mwanawasa said he would not allow Zambians to eat "poison". "Simply because my people are hungry, that is no justification to give them poison“ , article can be found here from 2002 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/2233839.stm :)

Live,love,ride...well done you on your campaign for awareness etc, I have certainly learned a few more things from your links. :) I too have heard about the Indian farmers committing suicide, it is very sad and disgusting that companies are getting away with what appears to be a type of murder/transferred malice maybe?

Lowrider, your comments about bees is very true. I wonder if this is all part of the 'plan', so in the end no natural seeds can be grown (as not enough bees to pollinate) to feed the masses? oddly enough I put in an idea recently at work for wild flower and bee habitats to be built along/near laybys along a motor way (where we will soon be carrying out some work). I thought it would add some interest to people s journeys and help them learn about bees and wild flowers. Interesting what you said about the seed coatings.

I should really make more effort and perhaps contact some of our supermarkets here in the UK. an angle of questioning springs to mind from reading your posts here...it is becoming very fashionable to talk about 'sustainability' ..perhaps I could start with getting a copy of their CSR report, Corporate Social Responsibility, and then start asking questions on why do you stock e.g. Kelloggs etc. hmmmm... Food for thought...monsanto's CSR report..what on earth would that say?:freak3:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately there is nothing new about this.....and there is nothing you can do against either. G M O is everywhere from vitamin c to the candy bar, from the giant shrimp to (even) honey... :( This is exactly the reason why you should try to grow your own veggies and fruits - as much as possible. We are doing it and it is not a rocket science. Buy from local producers and avoid big chains. One day mother nature will take her revenge - until then keep up the good spirit.

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Well, there is something you can do about it and that is to VOTE! If this passes in Washington that will be a huge step in the process. It's ironic that so many other countries are banning GMOs but the US won't! They are trying to write something in the farm bill (that still hasn't been decided on) that would eliminate the states' rights to have a say in laws concerning GMOs. In India, the farmers working with the GMOs developed so much depression and disease they drank the pesticide to commit suicide. Congrats monsanto!

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I have no doubt that Monsanto may be killing bee's but not at the rate they are going away(for the last ---since whenever, 1/2 the number of bees this year exist next year), some person said, no bee's no humans within 4 years (einstein) and (imho) the bee's started disappearing after Buckminister Fuller introduced "buckey balls" nano-technology, err' the world which had been analog was turned digital, and digital is, it would seem, death;)

Monsanto is a pirate, united nations territory.

Fuller didn't invent Bucky balls. They were named after him in honor of the geodesic geometries he identified, which coincidentally describe the structural arrangement of the atoms of "buckminsterfullerene".

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