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    Santa Fe, NM
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    Was Loveland - now Santa Fe Ski
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  1. Golden to Lovey is a pretty straight shot. However last year is when I truly noticed the traffic patterns shifting. Two hours from Golden to Bakersville - then a stand-still parking lot with folks getting out of there cars taking "selfies". All kinds of wrong! I turned around several times cuz it just was not worth it and that was mid-week! I honestly do not understand the appeal of so many folks moving to Denver - so no harshing my opinion cuz that's just me. And completely agree with this statement by John E: "The ability of the areas to get people up the hill far exceeds the capacity of the roads"
  2. Note: for anyone interested, today October 12, 2013 is the Global March against Monsanto. Events all over the world... Find A March Against Monsanto
  3. This could be promising... some good news from earlier today: and for those interested in the Washington 522 vote - again from Cornucopia: Eyes on Washington State GMO Food Labeling Vote
  4. aaaahh - now this is my kinda topic! GMO’s - especially Monsanto are pure evil! Americans have become nothing more than lab-rats. Monsanto's agenda is about controlling the food source - hence it controls the people. A very sick agenda. Nature got it right the first time and there is no reason for anyone to f**k with it. Pardon my reserve *sarcasm* but this is a very heated topic for me! Do a search online and watch “The World According to Monsanto” - it’s not pretty! To date hundreds of thousands of Indian farmers have taken their own lives by drinking Monsanto’s pesticide when they realized just how indebted they had become to the giant. It’s very sad. Heck even Haiti knew better ... they burned tons of Monsanto’s donated seeds following the 2010 earthquake. Go to the Seeds of Deception website http://seedsofdeception.com/ - Jeffrey Smith is the man on this. Got to hear him speak at a free lecture not to long ago. Eye opening stuff! You can also read about a new movie documentary called GMO-OMG! http://www.gmofilm.com/ GMO crops do not yield more. That is a fallacy. The “Round-up Ready’ crops pump so many more pesticides/herbicides into the environment and the weeds and pests have now evolved so farmers have to dump even more toxins onto crops. Now superweeds have evolved as well. We REALLY should not mess with Nature! The defeat of Prop 37 had some heavy hitters behind it... what are labeled the “Organic Deceivers”. They are Organic on the front side but their parent companies are not and it’s pretty shocking to see who some of these companies really are owned by and how much $$$ they dumped into the campaign. Read this article http://www.anh-usa.org/the-great-organic-deceivers/ and follow the link at the bottom to see the breakdown within the .pdf: Organic Deceivers - GMOs: Corporate Charlatans Versus Organic Heroes The Cornucopia Institute has developed a shoppers’ guide to help you tell the sheep from the wolves in this battle. Now with Washington and Prop 522 things have heated up again! Lots of $$ being spent to defeat this as well. I’m all over this stuff on Twitter and tweet relentlessly on the topic of GMOs. Check out https://twitter.com/GMOFreeUSA or https://twitter.com/NonGMOProject On the upside, Whole Foods has apparently stated that by 2018 all of their food products will need to be labeled so this could be a turning point - ideally in a good direction. Ok, stepping off of soap-box - for now.... llr
  5. For those that have been following this, check out the May issue of Popular Science.... Synergy is on the cover! Have had the scoop on this for some time & watching development as well as John's sister is my bud and the one that got me into carving. llr
  6. kieran I can quite imagine having metal hardware removed from ones body while they watch could make one a bit woozy indeed! And drschwartz thank-you so much for the explanation of the "vaso vagal" reaction! The guy explained it to me but I was still too out of it to digest what he was saying. It’s just odd since it did not happen right when the cast came off. It was a delayed reaction so it definitely threw me. As for being a “weenie” or “lightweight”, I’d be lying if I said I was not more rattled by the passing out then the actual wrist fracture! However, sometimes life just humbles you... :o llr
  7. Has anyone ever passed out after having a cast removed?? As I found myself part of the AIL a few weeks ago from a silly cheap shop fall trying to navigate around people getting off the lift followed by the definite *snap* of my wrist, yesterday marked my 3 week visit to the orth... conveniently located within walking distance (still not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing):rolleyes: Anywho, I watched as my rather festive purple cast was removed with the “electric pizza cutter” (at least that’s what I call it).... then off to the sink to wash my arm... always a good feeling after a cast comes off and then onto the x-ray tech for more films — just going with the flow of the procedure. Then as I sat waiting for the doc to come in to look at the films and determine what we were going to do next - another cast or splint, something began to feel very VERY wrong. I can best describe it as some kind of strange adrenaline rush where I could feel myself slowly fading. Initially I thought no big deal, it will pass but next thing you know I called out to the tech in a small voice for some water as I thought I was going to pass out and I DID!! I believe the guy caught me just as I was falling over.... TIMBER!!! I’ve had casts removed before and knee surgery too with no issues so this was all new to me. They had to put a cool compress on my head and once I came to brought me crackers and juice - to which I requested a “bendy-straw” but to no avail (that was pretty funny). :D As I got my wits about me, I looked at the tech - kind of laughing but a bit scared sh*tless too and said “what the hell was that??!!” He explained that it is actually quite common for folks to pass out after a cast removal. There is some medical term for it as he explained and pointed out that is why their reaction was pretty chill. He did note that I did better than most! Not sure what to do with that info but I gotta say the experience was unpleasant to say the least... like you have no control of what your body is going to do and it really freaked me out! :( So my question to you folks is - have you ever experienced anything like that with having a cast come off?? llr ps... on the up-note bone and wrist are healing well.... no surgery required :)
  8. Barbara, great riding today, I get week days from time to time and would welcome a riding buddy. jeff.branson@sparkfun.com is best for me.

    we talked about meetups;http://newtech.meetup.com/cities/us/co/boulder/

    Cheers, Jeff

  9. AC is being hit hard. 80 ft of the Atlantic City boardwalk ripped away and floating about the streets. The ocean already met the bay down-beach in Longport. We shall see if my moms house makes it through this one! A photo of the CVS & WAWA in Margate about a mile down-beach from her house before actual Sandy landfall.
  10. For those of you who may have not seen this vid... puts things into perspective. Haven ridden Rampart Range Road, I know just where they are. Listen to where the girls says "it just jumped"! Video Captures Start Of Waldo Canyon Fire - Mountain Bikers Record Video As They Race Down Mountain "Carmichael Training Systems Coaches and Athletes were riding mountain bikes up Rampart Range Road outside of Colorado Springs on Saturday, June 23 as part of a routine ride. On the way up in the morning, there was no smoke or fire as they passed The Overlook. On the way back down, they spotted smoke below them to the south. Fire fighters were already on Rampart Range Road when the still images of the fire were taken. Firefighters advised the group to get down off Rampart Range Road as fast as possible, which they did. Just look at the growth of the smoke plume in the time it took to drive a few miles down Rampart Range Road! The fire had topped the ridge before they even made it to the water tank/cell towers just above the Cedar Heights neighborhood!"
  11. For what it’s worth, at 183,000 miles and on the rare occasion that I have had to take my OB in for service, other than routine maintenance I have heard repeatedly from the mechanics “you know you have the GOOD engine!” In fact the great Subaru shop I found (that’s all this guy works on) pretty much stated that if someone were to come into his shop with that model year and an automatic, he would try to buy it from them! Yes admittedly less power with the smaller engine - but love having a manual. Much more control vs slamming on the brakes especially in snowy conditions.... imho My Subie still makes me smile. :D llr
  12. Was up yesterday. Snow was super nice among bluebird skies. Interesting vibe. Rode up the lift with a guy who felt the need to share he was a pro-snowboarder. Had no clue who he was? Maybe this is technically where one is supposed to expose some part of the body for a signature? Then again I make for a lousy groupie. :D happy turns.:) peace....llr
  13. Yes I recall Missing Missy floating around on here a while back. Maybe it gets me too being a designer by trade - and seeing what he comes up with. The guy is brilliant... like he doesn't miss a beat. When I get to the "LOST" part, I have to get up from the computer in search of kleenex! Send it to a few friends too who after they read it sent me scathing emails that they were laughing so hard they spit all over their computer screens.
  14. This guy flipping kills me! I think he's hysterical!! My favs are still Missing Missy and Simon's Pie Charts :D
  15. I too observed the crowds when I was up on Tues. Rather shocked to say the least. Have never seen lines like that before!! From an article yesterday on 9News.com... "The last two days at the Loveland Ski Area have been our busiest in our 70 plus years," Looking forward to next week when crowds are gone and temps are a bit warmer :) llr
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