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OT: Thief’s!


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I just needed to vent about this since I am so mad right now.

My wife got home from work last night to find the front door winow in our house smashed. I called the cops and it was a break in and those bastards stole all of our stuff. I lost 3 computers, my Nikon D70 a sentimental Pentax Spotmatic, all of the lenses for them. They took my 2-way radios. My wife lost a diamond ring, a diamond necklace and they stole a box off my dresser that had nothing in it but some letters that she wrote to me about 10 years ago. They also stole my bowling shoes and my new candlepin balls that I got from my wife for christmas.

Now all my pictures are gone. My music is gone. All my stuff is gone. It will be covered under insurance but some things can't be replaced.

The good news is that no carving related equipment was stolen. All the Coilers, MADDs and TD2s are all still safely in their racks. But they did take a pair of my Burton gloves and another pair of winter gloves.

The other good news is that they didn't hurt my dog. So I still have the most important things to me. My wife and my dog.

I'm just so mad. I wish that a. I had caught them and b. that I had a .50 caliber hand cannon so that I could have waxed their sorry asses. Acutally, maybe a .22 would have been better since I could have tortured them.

Has this happened to anyone else on the list? If so did your anger subside after a while?



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Sorry to hear about your loss. This past Xmas eve, someone shot out a window in the restaurant that I am a partner in - worth about 1000$. "They" also used a pry bar to rip the lock off of our kitchen door to get inside. Oddly though there was nothing missing inside. A week later another drive by sling shot ball broke another of the very expensive front windows. We have insurance but still have to pay a deductible for both instances since they are seperate. Some neighboring houses also got hit.

It sucks to be violated like that. The building itself was built in 1760, I've been here for about 17 years. I take this place very personally. I'm honestly not that upset though. I found the damage the morning of the tsunami, Dec 26. How can I be upset over a couple of adolescent vandals in the wake of this world tragedy? I have a home, my family, food. That's what I've kept in mind while I clean up the glass and bolt a new lock to the door.

I am sorry to hear of your loss, but take one look at an image of southeast Asia, hopefully it will keep things in perspective.

As for feelings of revenge, hate never solved hate. And no I am not a hippie.

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Ben, been there and yea it's an UGLY feeling knowing that someone had their way with everything you have. Knowing that they have already seen the place, maybe they'll decide to come back and get something they 'missed' ? Just the feeling of being 'violated', Nothing is SAFE.

Theft is one thing I have absolutely ZERO tolerance for. Unfortunately it seems like it is acceptable in our society!? I'd bet even the cops that responded didn't even 'act' as if they cared. Thing is, even if they did care and are fortunate enough to catch them, some judge will let them go with a 'slap on the wrist'.

Something is really wrong here, and be glad your dog didn't bite them or they will be suing you !!

I pretty much share your beliefs on how to deal with this problem, one thing, their would NOT be any repeat offenders!

For your sake, hopefully they will be caught, it IS possible.

Of course then the Judicial System will try to make you look like you were the one in the wrong.


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I've had my vehicle broken into twice over the years. It's not the same as having your house broken into but, I keep a lot of "stuff" in there, it's my second home. It's so hard not to feel like you've been personally violated. If you can get past that, you'll get over it sooner. The problem is, there will be reminders for years to come, when you think "we used to have one of those" or "where is...".

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Ben - sorry to hear that. There is a little justice out there...whoever invaded your home is gonna do something stupid sooner or later. The following happened to a friend of mine:

He wakes up one morning to find the kitchen sliding glass door slightly open and several small items missing - cash left on the counter, videocam, stuff like that. Which means someone was in the house while he slept. Great. He calls the cops, they come out and poke around, take a report, etc. He figures that's the end of it.

A couple months later he gets a call from the police, asking him to come down to identify some things that might be his - recovered from a parole officer's impromptu inspection of a parolee's house. They found his videocam...oh, and the tape was still in it. So they play the tape, asking him to identify people on it. It went something like this:

"Ok, that's me....and that's my friends Andy and Sarah...uh, don't know who those people are. Ok, there's me again...and uh, there's some more people I've never seen". Yeah, the bonehead thieves had recorded stuff on random parts of the tape in the camera, mostly of themselves and family members.

My friend had the opportunity to repeat the narration in court at the guy's trial...he said it felt pretty good.


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I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I've had things stolen from me (my first snowboard on my first day riding it, brakes on my bike while I was away for a couple of minutes), but nothing of this magnitude. I also lost personnal info on my computer beacuse of a HD failure (music, 5 years worth of college work and assignments, pictures), but this was my fault for not making any backups, I still kick myself for that. I understand it hurts a lot. But with all the frustration, keep in mind a gun is NOT the solution.

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Must've been kids. Pros don't want computers unless they are laptops.

One thing you could try is to to the seediest bar within a 10 mile radius and tell them you're loooking for computers and cameras. This worked for a friend of mine. He got everything back for $500.

Another thing to be careful of - sometimes they will target your house again in a month or so. That's cause they know you replaced everything with insurance money.

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My girlfriend and I were driving to her house a year ago, when we witnessed a mugging, and I noticed it was her brother who was getting pushed up against a fence by 2 kids! I was on crutches at the time and so I was the last to get in the van, so when the door opened as we slammed up to the 2 kids (about 17 years old) , I was the first out. They were so shocked, and I hopped towards them screaming and waving my crutches and laughing. One ran away and my girlfriend roughed the other guy up against a fence. It's sooo sweet to catch idiots like this in the act, but then again it's pretty frustrating that idiots like this exist.

I've been pretty lucky I guess, as I'm often around downtown late, but my friends have gotten into stupid stuff. Once, 8 of them were just walking through a nice park to get home, and this huge group of idiots circle around them and just start punching them! I would never feel remorse if I somehow had a Desert Eagle 50 cal to make sure none of them would ever walk again, even though I am very anti-violence.

I felt the same way once as well when I witnessed some 30 yearl old physically abusing and hitting his girlfriend and screaming at her at Vendome metro. Thankfully there was a cool guy nearby who I ran up to, told him what was going on and, once the abusive guy saw we were coming and started charging us (on speed or something?) we roughed him up and he calmed down and started pleeing to his girlfriend.

so angry!! oh well, just keep riding :)

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Sorry to hear that. My wife was going in to the hospital to have cancer surgery in Nov. 2003. I parked the car out front because we had to leave early in the morning - I could just put her right in the car. Came out in the AM to put her in - it was gone. The kid that stole the car passed it off to a guy who wrecked it in a police chase. The kid who stole it was charged with a felony for stealing it, but.... HE ONLY GOT 25 HRS. COMMUNITY SERVICE!!!!!

My friends all said that if they knew it was that easy, they would have been stealing cars as teens.

Again, sorry for your loss. After we got the car back, (after it was fixed up) it felt weird for a while, but we still have it, and do not feel violated anymore.

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Thank you everyone for the replies. I am feeling much better now. Your thoughts are most welcome. This is exactly what I needed. I am feeling much better about it now. I am headed to Sunapee tomorrow to get some riding in and I think that will be the best medicine.

Thanks again for posting.


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ben i'm so sorry. that sucks so much.

when i was just a teen an AA lady who i'd been nothin but nice to came in to the take out place i worked in and asked to use the rest room. since there was no seating the restroom was really employee only but we were kind enough to let her.

i foolishly had left my purse in there, but it was underneath my coat. plus you don't think anyone you work with would take ****, and you don't think someone you've been this nice to would do it either.

of course when i went home i realized she had ripped off my bag with my wallet in it. had my drivers license, my SS card, about 25 bucks... and bunch of sentimental pics and items. i didn't give a rats ass about the money... i was pissed and angry about the other stuff. why couldn't she have just taken the money?

anyway, everyone in AA that knew me basically put the word out to find out who she was and where she went. she came back a few days later looking highly embarrassed and handed me my bag with 20 bucks in it.

i wanted to hit her.

apparently she had dumped the contents of my bag so that was all gone.

a week later some creepy dude called my house asking if i would meet him cause he found my drivers license. i told him to put it in the mail box. i never saw it.

ok that was a long story but while i didn't lose near as much i really do sympathize.

oh and *HUGS*

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I dont meant to be rude, but you should probably change your toothbrushes. I am sure we all heard the story before. Punks break in and video tape the toothbrushes being violated then leave the tape there so that the owner finds it a few days later and watch in horror.

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Guest Todd Stewart

well, i know this isn't what you want to hear but you have to look on the bright side of things. At least you wife wasn't in the house at the time, who knows what they would have done. we've all been there where we wanted to **** up some dude screws around with us, for instance some stoner pulled a knife with a 12 inch blade on my friends and I tonight. I wanted to kill the ass but i guess i should be thankful that he didn't stab one of the girls i was with.

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Guest jeremiah

Keep in touch with the police over the next couple of weeks. This sounds like a druggie crime, and there are often a rash of these, which increases the chance the cops will catch these guys.

My parents had their house broken into last year, crooks broke into the garage, then came into the kitchen, took car keys off the key rack, loaded the car with skis, bikes, and tools, and took off. Also took stuff out of the fridge. My folks kept on the police, and about 2 days later someone was busted in another stolen car with some of my parents stuff. Investigation was expanded and within a week they had their car back, bikes back, most of the tools, and the skis. Insurance covered the small things that weren't recovered, and replaced the skis, even though they were recovered.

The police often have a pretty good idea of who could have done this, and if you stay on them, they may shake a few trees and see what falls out.


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Sorry to hear about the loss Ben. This summer I had someone walk into my backyard(fenced), unlock the door on my dog run, lure my dog outside with hotpocketsw(found the wrappers on the steps to the run and partially eaten ones in it), ands then steal my dog. He was 3 years old and my son's and families best friend. I found the footprionts in the mud of the yard and called the police, but unfortunately they did little to help. I know the feeling of being violated will never quite go away, but Idid build a 7 ft tall privacy fence to replace the chainlink and installed motion sensor lights, but that won't replace the dog. I still get mad and sad whenever I think about it, but its been 6 months now and the feelings aren't quite as strong. I hope you will get over it as well, but I'm sure you will carry a little around forever. The worst part is not feeling that I can trust my neighborhood anymore, and I don't think there is much that can be done to help that. I am glad to hear that evryone is okay, and good luck with the healing.


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