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Just had to post this pic' of me and the boy from the end of last season. I'm looking forward to getting out with him this year and really getting some "good days" in. My youngest daughter has now expressed an interest in learning to snowboard, so maybe by next season this photo will have another addition! I can't think of a better way to spend quality time with my family. Have fun everybody, enjoy it with someone you love :D



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He's not quite "carving" yet, but he's getting the idea and has left a line or two in the snow (you'd have thought he left a 6" trench by the way he describes it:D ) This picture is taken just above the run that is pictured in the post "First tracks" by trikerdad. We're fortunate to have a mountain so close for us to use. BTW Kamran go with the intec's, they're great!



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D-sub, he actually started out on softies at the age of 6 after switching from ski's (he started at 3), but after watching me for a season on hard boots he actually asked if he could have an alpine set-up! :eek: I too thought with all the kids his age going for more of the parkstyle type stuff he'd want to stick with that, but he's actually really into the hardbooting. When asked the other day why he hardboots instead of free rides he said "it's cool and not to many people do it, we're kinda different than everybody else" (insert picture of Dad beaming right here:D ) He currently doesn't have a soft set up, nor do I, but we're thinking about getting some again for those days when the snow gets thin around here. Maybe some Prior 4WD's??? :D



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Emy did two days on the softboot setup at KHMR but asked to switch back to her skis due to a really sore ass :) But she's game to try again, so I upgraded her boots and bindings to some used Burton SI stuff from the ski swap and hopefully she'll catch on this year. I'd hoped to get her out to the local hill this year for some practice but the weather and snow just isn't cooperating here. Hard to learn at -30, ya know? Maybe next weekend it will slack off.

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Originally posted by ar(angel

He currently doesn't have a soft set up, nor do I, but we're thinking about getting some again for those days when the snow gets thin around here. Maybe some Prior 4WD's??? :D

for when the snow gets thin? I was thinkin more for when it gets DEEP!

thats badASS that he recognizes the intrinsic individuality of a carver. plus...with the right setup, one really can hit the entire hill!

you know...I have this MLY board that I bought, and Ive been riding it exclusively since I got to OR (waiting on a coiler) and to be honest I think it would make a PERFECT all around board. Mines a 167 but I think they made em smaller too.

I ride it with TD2s and I can rail it surprisingly hard. If only it werent LAVENDER!

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Great pics!

This is my son's second season on softies (he'll be 8 next month) and I have nice little 139 Oxygen Apex standing by for him in a couple of seasons. He's doing real well and actually putting down an occasional, albeit small, trench when he rides. He's actually trying to inclinate the board on edge some!! Got his bindings between 25 and 30 degrees per his request. He mentioned that he wanted them forward like mine, so last month I widened his stance a bit and turned his binding angle forward some. I think his overall control on the board improved like two fold! Another season or two and he'll be on plates. Probably will snag a pair of those Nidecker Junior plates that Fin has and hang on to 'em 'til the day!

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Paul, I just got home from Shasta - again, and it's really getting dumped on. I tried for awhile to lay out some turns but skidding your forearm in 10 inches of new powder over hardpack doesn't work too well. It's a good time to practice NOT touching the snow. I had a feeling you wouldn't make it up there today with the road conditions what they are. I probably won't go again until Sunday, Monday for sure.

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Both my kids started out skiing but have switched full time to boards. My son is 12 and ditched his skiis when he was 9. I'm slowly planting the carving seed into his brain. He already has nice carving form with his softies and likes to ride fast.

My 9 year old daughter started last winter because Dad managed to bring two mismatching ski boots. I had just bought her snowboard boots and didn't think she was ready but I had no choice. She took to it right away and loves to catch air. She could turn into a jibber.

The problem I have is deciding when to take the plunge into hardboots. Do I drop $300 on a pair of boots only to have my kid outgrow it in one season? I already do that with golf shoes, skates, rollerblades and soft boots, not to mention street shoes and boots. Do I want to add to that headache? And there's no half-back trade-in programs on carving gear. In total, I must have at least 100 pairs of various footgear in my house.

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Originally posted by Jack Michaud

that's awesome. looks like that board scales to about a 180! :)

We're going to get our tyke out on snow this winter. He'll be 3 in April. I <i>want</i> to start him on a board from day one, but I know I just shouldn't.

Let us know how it goes! My daughter is 65 months behind your son. She loves standing on snowboards on the carpet, and has a set of those little plastic skis... she romps around the living room in them but hasn't taken 'em out on snow yet. Loves sledding though... she'll play in snow till we drag her in, that's gotta be a good sign!

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I found that thing after about 2 seasons of searching and finally found a guy in Germany willing to ship one to the states. It's a 178cm and man is it beautiful! I just love the looks and comments I get in the lift line with that one :D I've heard everything from "hey mom, look his boards broken" to "wow, how'd you get those ski's together like that?" Thanks for noticing,



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it's not as costly as you think. I payed less than that for the set-up you see him on now (new Burton FP135 w/F2 intec Challenge bindings & Raichle 225's, both new as well) but that was only after he spent a season on a set-up that cost all total $47.99!:eek: (see picture) If you look hard enough, you'll find gear. I just picked up 6 new/never used Oxygen 149's for dirt cheap and am selling some of them to the local snowboard teams to help kids get started. Where's there's a will, there's a way!


p.s. Bill I'm going to try to make it up Saturday afternoon, if not I'll try again next week. Glad to see someones making it up there! BTW it's snowing in Redding as I write this!



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Keep it fun! I have two kids both snowboarders. They started skiing at about 3.5 years. When they started to ride snowboards at around 6 they were both intermediate skiers and could ski the entire mountain. On the snowboards they were on the beginner slopes and could only last about 1 hour. For two years we brought both skis and snowboards to the mountain. After they both could ride for the full day they never put on their ski equipment again. My son is now 14 and my daughter is 12 and I can no longer keep up with them. They compete at both alpine and freestyle and can’t wait for the weekend to get back in the mountains. They like the racing part of snowboarding but love the freestyle/all-mountain riding on their softies and I am happy to have two extra riding buddies to share the great outdoors with. I hope you all have as much fun teaching and riding with your kids as I have. (Now they are teaching me.)

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Guest silversurf

My daughter is just 3 now and I'm wondering when/how to introduce her to the slopes. 3-4 is a great age to start the pee-wee skiing lessons, but I'm wondering when it's best for her to try boarding?

Anyone have thoughts? It takes some upper body strength that I'm not sure a 3-4 yr old would have.

She really wants to ride a "snow skate board" like daddy :D


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A good friend of mine who is a CASI Level 3 instructor recommended that the earliest age that kids start snowboarding is six, with seven or eight being ideal.

His reasoning was that until that age, kids lack the upper body strength to get themselves up off the ground on a snowboard, and biomechanically, until that age, they have a harder time learning to carve on a board rather than on skis.

He started his three kids on skis when they were three, and all of them switched over to boards between seven and eight. They rip trenches now.



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