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Is it me or has things changed in the forum?

I just don't feel the "rush" like I used to when I came around here ages ago (early 2000).

I'm just wondering outloud if I'm gettin' old or something.

Oh, yeah, this doesn't constitute for some kids to call me grandpa. :)

And yes, I do miss this site -- just not here often as I'd like to.


EDIT: I'll try to hang out here a bit more often.

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Speaking for myself, I have the distinct feeling that there's only a limited number of potential topics, and after you've been here awhile, they just seem to repeat. Great for a new generation to get their questions answered (e.g., "do ski boots work for carving?"), but there's only so many times I want to read that conversation.

On the other hand, all the suspension, geometry, and construction changes over the last few years have been great to follow on this board.

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Can't speak for the early 2000's, but I've noticed a change in the last couple seasons. Not sure if it's me, or the cleaning out of wise guys, pig-headed jerks, and people who belong to different schools of thought on technique. Dan definitely has a point about the repetition as well. I know there are some topics I routinely find myself not clicking on.

I'll try to step up my game in the wise guy department if you think that'll help Lee.:ices_ange

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Dan brought up a good point.

Ding too, to some extent. But what do you do with a guy that is very insightful, but incredibly rude/offensive to the other people, or with a person that has multiple accounts, some being used for flaming? Some got banned, some got very quiet after being called out on it. A good flame war always increases the traffic, but I would hate to see this place become like TGR, or God forbid our local longboard forum...

But, the place has changed a bit in other ways, too. It grew bigger, many sub-sections were created, so you have to go search for the new topics, sometimes hidden while in the past they were all in the main forum. Examples are the gear section, the event section and then the local section. I find that many local crews retreated into their local sub-forums and created monster-threads, with lots of good discussion away from the most visited pages...

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Nice to see your post LeeW, miss your opinion/ideas in the mix. Give us an update of what is keeping you so busy these days? Still working on the hill?


Busy as hell at an academic environment. Im at the point of being burnt out -- considering returning to the hill back home. Undecided at this point (should know more within a month or two). And hello Bryan -- hope your eye got a huge speedy recovery, bro.

Speaking for myself, I have the distinct feeling that there's only a limited number of potential topics, and after you've been here awhile, they just seem to repeat. Great for a new generation to get their questions answered (e.g., "do ski boots work for carving?"), but there's only so many times I want to read that conversation.

On the other hand, all the suspension, geometry, and construction changes over the last few years have been great to follow on this board.

Redundancy is the name of the game. Sometimes I respond but most of the time, I do not: considering you ARE correct that it's pretty much the same thing. I must have missed the suspension, geometry and construction changes. That reminds me, I need to find that old ski mechanic book with bunch of trigonometry in it. Awesome book. John Howe, I think.

Can't speak for the early 2000's, but I've noticed a change in the last couple seasons. Not sure if it's me, or the cleaning out of wise guys, pig-headed jerks, and people who belong to different schools of thought on technique. Dan definitely has a point about the repetition as well. I know there are some topics I routinely find myself not clicking on.

I'll try to step up my game in the wise guy department if you think that'll help Lee.:ices_ange

Oh, okay. As in "wise guy department", I tend to stay away from that department of jerks/pigheaded/etc. It's kinda awkward when I got caught in between and didn't want to pick sides.

Dan brought up a good point.

Ding too, to some extent. But what do you do with a guy that is very insightful, but incredibly rude/offensive to the other people, or with a person that has multiple accounts, some being used for flaming? Some got banned, some got very quiet after being called out on it. A good flame war always increases the traffic, but I would hate to see this place become like TGR, or God forbid our local longboard forum...

But, the place has changed a bit in other ways, too. It grew bigger, many sub-sections were created, so you have to go search for the new topics, sometimes hidden while in the past they were all in the main forum. Examples are the gear section, the event section and then the local section. I find that many local crews retreated into their local sub-forums and created monster-threads, with lots of good discussion away from the most visited pages...

Oh yeah, ALOT has changed, that's for sure... I used to hang out often in the carving section and the racing section as well as NY and CO local threads. But that was like maybe 5 years ago or so? I'm gonna go re-visit those places. I've forgotten about it til you mentioned them. Thanks for the reminder.

Sounds like married life...

Well, I wouldn't argue with you on that one since I got married a year ago on top of Vail, my home mountain. :)

Or parenthood! ;)

I've noticed a lot less gear being put up for sale in the classifieds, which surprises me given the economy.

Well, there's that. And no, my madd 158 will -NEVER- be on sale. :) And still have TD-2 alongside my Red RC-10 UPZ boots. I ski ALOT more than I hardboot or snowboard. The last time I rode was ... gosh, maybe 7 years ago? -shrugs- Two locals from this forum and i went riding out in Keystone, and my edge got caught and slammed on my head pretty hard. Ain't fun. :)

EDIT: it took me a while to remember and now I do, shredjen and kress.

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The feel has definitely changed on the forum.

Change is good. I'm sure the forum will keep evolving.

There is golden info buried in the forums, really great advice and perspectives. We have board and binding builders on the forum. Perhaps solicit a conversation to begin with one of the industry guys like Donek Sean, Coiler Bruce, Virus Frank, Bomber Fin, etc.

I will be sure to provide sarcasm and immature comments here and there as I tend to give crap advice.

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I haven't been around much and you miss me. I know. thanks Lee. I miss you guys too. I have been hurt and not boarding much at all. Now it is going to lawyers and depositions and fun stuff like that. I would rather talk about toeside initiation problems for the 32nd time than that, but here we are.

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I haven't been around much and you miss me. I know. thanks Lee. I miss you guys too. I have been hurt and not boarding much at all. Now it is going to lawyers and depositions and fun stuff like that. I would rather talk about toeside initiation problems for the 32nd time than that, but here we are.

Sorry to here that Jerry, get well!


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Some of the OG members are not visible like they used to be that is for sure. This board has become far more international than the predominately US Canada board it was at its inception. Its a little harder to plan a ride with people that are 8 hour flights away. Not gonna shout out on a wednesday and get much of a response for the weekend. Other than that message boards run their course and usually all evolve the same way. People come and go but the topics remain the same.

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