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Vancouver Carvers' Diaries 2012/13


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Strange day... On/off visibillity, very few people (for a Sunday), ok but not great snow...

Snowed a bit at few ocations during the day, then it started changing towards rain/snow in the late afternoon, hopefully back to snow tonight.

Patric had another 2 hour lesson - doing great progress. Loves his new Coiler!

Luka did his usual training with Cypress Ski Club.

We saw Perry too.

Lots of inquiries about hard boots. Kids in the lift lines now seem to know what it is.

I had back to back ride on Coiler AMT 177 and Kessler 168 BXn. Kes is more agile and has more grip indespie 10cm less edge. However, it doesn't like to finish the turns like AMT.

With AMT I just plow through push piles - never worrying about braking it. With Kes... ah well, it's just a snowboard, if it brakes, it brakes...

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i tried mine last week out of curiosity (haven't ridden it for a couple years). wasn't really working for me; perhaps too wide, not enough edge. a better softboot carver perhaps. the atv is much better for my needs.

good seeing you on the hill; i also ran into your student in the lodge. how'd it go?

conditions were interesting. ~3" of groomed schmoo on hardpan. fall-line slarving seemed to be the technique du jour.

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Hi carvers/racers,

I have 2 questions would like to get some thoughts from you guys:

- Me and another race coach want to put up a fun alpine event. If it's a downhill/super-G event, we wonder how many people are interested? and what do you think? (For location, it will be somewhere interior BC)

- For those who live in lower mainland, anyone interested in gate training at Cypress? If yes, what date and time you prefer? Of course, it won't be free. Small amount of fee will be charged.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!


Edited by pan
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Dave* also used the term "schmoo." I never knew what he meant. Come to think of it, I don't know what "hardpan" is either! Maybe it's the same as hardpack?

schmoo (how i use it, anyways) is about what it sounds like, heavy, sloppy stuff. dense slurpee perhaps. smear it around. hardpan is a hard layer of soil beneath the softer topsoil - very analogous in this case.

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Hi carvers/racers,

I have 2 questions would like to get some thoughts from you guys:

- Me and another race coach want to put up a fun alpine event. If it's a downhill/super-G event, we wonder how many people are interested? and what do you think? (For location, it will be somewhere interior BC)

- For those who live in lower mainland, anyone interested in gate training at Cypress? If yes, what date and time you prefer? Of course, it won't be free. Small amount of fee will be charged.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!


Pan, you know I'm in for Cypress training.

As for a Super-G or downhill race, sounds like fun. I'm stuck with work until mid-March, but after that I could see about a random weekend race.

Speaking of which, we should consider getting a group of 4 together do to the Peak to Creek GS race at Whistler (it was just this past weekend). 400+ gates, 5-7 minutes worth of racing, thigh-burning fun!


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Hi carvers/racers,

I have 2 questions would like to get some thoughts from you guys:

- Me and another race coach want to put up a fun alpine event. If it's a downhill/super-G event, we wonder how many people are interested? and what do you think? (For location, it will be somewhere interior BC)

- For those who live in lower mainland, anyone interested in gate training at Cypress? If yes, what date and time you prefer? Of course, it won't be free. Small amount of fee will be charged.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!


I don't know If you can consider a downhill/super-G a "fun" event. I remember every super-G event that I have ever raced being a balls to the wall praying that I could hold an edge at every turn and I expect that a downhill to be that plus one, but maybe you are considering a more mellow version than the last one I was at.

As for Gate training at Cypress I would be very interested in that one. I would even be willing to slap on my skis and help set the course.

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Pan, you know I'm in for Cypress training.

As for a Super-G or downhill race, sounds like fun. I'm stuck with work until mid-March, but after that I could see about a random weekend race.

Speaking of which, we should consider getting a group of 4 together do to the Peak to Creek GS race at Whistler (it was just this past weekend). 400+ gates, 5-7 minutes worth of racing, thigh-burning fun!


Hmmm one year to get the thighs in shape for this it might almost be possible. Are we allowed to stop in the middle and cry for a little while while the burn goes away :)

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Hmmm one year to get the thighs in shape for this it might almost be possible. Are we allowed to stop in the middle and cry for a little while while the burn goes away :)

John, I'm playing my little violin for you...just start doing squats, you own a gym right?

In all seriousness though, it would be great to get this set up. The cost was somewhere around 550 per team of 4 this past year (I assume lift tix are included). I wonder it we knew someone who owned a 24-hr Fitness who would perhaps sponsor the team...

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Is this the Peak to Creek Chinese downhill that Westbeach sponsors?

From what I gather no...although that would be fun.

Apparently it's a 400+ gate GS course. From Saddle, down Dave's to Creekside. Winners take around 5:30 to do it, people are sent on one-minute intervals (so mid-course passing does happen:eplus2:).

Team of four, two go on the first day, two on the second day. Winning team is total combined time. Major party at Dusty's afterward and it was all over the Whister website, so I assume it's hill-run.

I was thinking it would be awesome to put together a team of 4 hardbooters...all on 180+ boards (no skin-suits John), and see how we do against all the local ex-ski racers.

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Kaz, Roy, Tony, Boris...

Variety of toys...

Crowd almost as big on the weekends... No sunshine that was on forecast, even some fog rolled in at some stage. Snow was almost hero, though (harder spots still can befelt under, here and there).

Tomahawk 182 rode like a champ! This is as good as a non-metal traditional shape board can get, I guess. Stance is a bit narrow for me, but it didn't bother me.

Coiler AMT 177 with my home made plate was smooth as butter. It seems that AMT's inherent softness between bindings works great with a plate.

I also had a Proto mounted opposite stance (regullar vs my normal goofy). That was quite interesting. I guess I'll post in a separate thread, when Scoob gets me the copies of videos he took...

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From what I gather no...although that would be fun.

Apparently it's a 400+ gate GS course. From Saddle, down Dave's to Creekside. Winners take around 5:30 to do it, people are sent on one-minute intervals (so mid-course passing does happen:eplus2:).

Team of four, two go on the first day, two on the second day. Winning team is total combined time. Major party at Dusty's afterward and it was all over the Whister website, so I assume it's hill-run.

I was thinking it would be awesome to put together a team of 4 hardbooters...all on 180+ boards (no skin-suits John), and see how we do against all the local ex-ski racers.

I've got a Bright 184 Coiler that I have wanted to put back on a race course for a while. With Pan suggesting a bit of gates training at Cypress I am all over this. I might even use my gym and train for a bit to get in shape. As for the no skin suit deal... what better way to show off this supper sexy body of mine :) LOL

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I've got a Bright 184 Coiler that I have wanted to put back on a race course for a while. With Pan suggesting a bit of gates training at Cypress I am all over this. I might even use my gym and train for a bit to get in shape. As for the no skin suit deal... what better way to show off this supper sexy body of mine :) LOL

Oh John, PLEASE tell me you still have "Big Yellow" (folks this is a piece of Coiler history)... I ended up buying a 184 PRII that is modeled after your and Steve's prototype...its black though.

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Mostly sunny day, with few low clouds passing through.

Very few people for the first 2 hours, then normal Sunday crowd rolled in...

Or mixed crew was big today: Roy, Kaz, B, Kaz's friend Morgan on softies, my students Ben and Dan on softies, mostly doing their own thing, Yoshi was spotted too, looked like softies from far?!? Luka with ski club, in his first gate training on Midway...

Snow conditions were to die for in the am and lasted for quite long time. PM got a bit towards spring conditions, but still carveable. Midway was groomed extra good, for the training of the ski club. However, 2/3 of the with were available to us. Definitely the run of the day. First Sun was groomed - I ECed one run top to bottom. That 40+ deg. face is a huge adrenalline rush!

Boards were many, but it seems that honorrary mention goes to Tomahawk 182 and Chubby 177. The later one was in Scooby's hands and it would be quite an effort to get it back ;) As for my T-hawk, I don't know why I neglected this board on the rack for so long, it's just purely awsome. Classic shape and SCR, classic construction, yet it is quite and grippy like metal boards, good pop when wanted, rides smaller then 15m cut would suggest!



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He, he, no beers. I don't drink those.

It's just something I was planning to do, for a while. Got inspired this year again by IanM's thread.

It might be a good thing to perfect, though - we all get those asym. injuries, sometimes from overuse. I can feel my left (rear) knee going a bit wonky, from riding, tennis, and colatteral damage when I broke the hip last year.

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Good vis but cloudy in the morning, kinda sunny from 11:30ish. No crowd. Snow was pretty crappy, mix of hard pack and spring-like frozen corny, later soft corny/grainy. JJA and Panorama were ok. I couldn't hold the edge on Raven!?! Boiler under, with thin loose layer on top :( I was tired though - bad sleep last night... Midway looked awsome but wasn't running. Didn't try the Rainbow, someone told me it was bruttal.

I had Tomahawk and AMT with plate.

Tony, on softies and Burton vapor, was pulling some awsome tight radius carves down Panorama!

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