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FIRE!! Colorado Springs


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Not me, thank goodness. The TV stations around here are doing round-the-clock coverage and it looks awful. Up here in Summit County, I glimpsed the first plumes of the Treasure Fire near Leadville while sailing on Lake Dillon last Saturday. The Treasure Fire is the closest fire to me, even at 20 miles away, and so far is nothing compared to what's going on down on the Front Range.


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Our office is within the evacuation zone and, therefore, closed. Several co-workers had mandatory evacuations, two of which live in what I would call "high-risk" areas. A few other evacuated voluntarily. At this point, it's just a waiting game.

Me, I live 40 miles away, plus I'm currently out of the country...

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Some photos from a FB post by another BOL member


<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="512" height="288" src="http://live.wsj.com/public/page/embed-8C2C2481_1778_4660_97D5_835405B7F23A.html"></iframe>


Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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I have been watching the tv nonstop...guess one of those times I'm glad I didn't cancel my cable.


The pics that are being shown today of just hundreds of homes in neighborhoods reduced to ash makes me speechless.



On Thursday morning, fire officials said the fire was burning 18,500 acres with only 5 percent containment. On Tuesday, it was only 6,200 acres.

Looks like there's going to be rain today, let's hope Mother Nature is nice. The past week the temps have been over 100 degrees on the front range, with low humidity, high winds, and no rain in about 2 + months, it was/still is a tinderbox. :(

DT - if you need to evacuate and would like to come up here, you guys and the dogs are welcome in my guest room.

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Videos of the homes burning.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eIPpmv9btRE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Edited by www.oldsnowboards.com
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We are about 15 min from Copper, and so far so good here. You can check out where the major fires are by going to 9news.com.

something could spark any minute, but so far we've been ok. A small fire near Leadville (Treasure Fire), but there's a crew on it and it hasn't grown. We're getting rain today, so hopefully that will come with no lightning.

It's hard to say what will happen in the next hour much less in a week +, so I can't give you any advice but it seems they are keeping people updated pretty well with everything going on. If he is at Copper, there will be lots of people watching everything so they will evacuate if necessary. They also usually have pre-evacutations so people can get ready, unless the fire starts right near them. Sorry I'm not helping, but being honest. We all have no idea what is going to happen!

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That picture is amazing/terrifying Michelle! The fire jumped from home to home and skipped the trees. Wow.

My aunt lived in Northridge, CA, for the big quake 20 years ago. She lived on the actual ridge and watched the town collapse. A few weeks later, a brush fire raced up that ridge and skipped her block. Crazy...fire isn't predictable, it's only a certainty both in California chapparel and Colorado forests.

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While there is an ongoing danger to human property, I think that the threat to human life is low. It is crazy beautiful in the High Rockies. The days are sunny and warm and the nights are crisp and cool. It is so much better to be here than to not be here.

Couldn't agree more! Must get out and enjoy!!!
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For those of you who may have not seen this vid... puts things into perspective. Haven ridden Rampart Range Road, I know just where they are. Listen to where the girls says "it just jumped"!

Video Captures Start Of Waldo Canyon Fire -

Mountain Bikers Record Video As They Race Down Mountain

"Carmichael Training Systems Coaches and Athletes were riding mountain bikes up Rampart Range Road outside of Colorado Springs on Saturday, June 23 as part of a routine ride. On the way up in the morning, there was no smoke or fire as they passed The Overlook. On the way back down, they spotted smoke below them to the south. Fire fighters were already on Rampart Range Road when the still images of the fire were taken. Firefighters advised the group to get down off Rampart Range Road as fast as possible, which they did. Just look at the growth of the smoke plume in the time it took to drive a few miles down Rampart Range Road! The fire had topped the ridge before they even made it to the water tank/cell towers just above the Cedar Heights neighborhood!"

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This footage leaves me speechless...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AZei9lJ2G1k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A big thanks to all those who were/are out there working the fires!

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Wow!! So many effected so fast! I feel for those whose lives have been effected. Thanks to those who face the fires to protect our homes. All of a sudden the tile roof systems are a good value?? Damn that is impressive.

Here in Vancouver, the next few days we will have a huge number of large fireworks, let's hope the home fires are kept to a minimum. It is tragic to loose your home. Although it pales to loss of life. Enjoy what you got!! Play it safe with the FIREWORKS ok? Happy 4th of July BOL. PS. Watch out on the BQs too. Some serious injuries have occurred recently in our area. Adding fuel to a fire etc.

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Here'bouts we're officially back in drought status after multiple 100 F+ days with hit-or-miss thunderstorms that mostly missed.

Andy of Mayberry passed during one of the scorchers (if you want to see a scary, brilliant, almost unrecognizable "Sheriff", see Andy in Elia Kazan's A Face in the Crowd,) ca 1950's, I think.

Meanwhile, the State Legislature passed a slightly amended statute that essentially says you can't use "science based" projections of sea level rise that exceed the past century's historical rate for coastal land-use planning purposes - at least for three more years while they "study on it" some more. And any regulations you might then propose have to consider the "economic impact" of their enforcement.

Me? Over the years, I chased a lot of nor'easters and hurricanes to film/tape em. Loved em all! But then, I'd never drawn a million dollar line in the sand, snug in the knowledge that US-backed flood insurance - that's us, as in you and me - would bail my sodden bum out if Ma Nature should throw an extra-historic hissy fit some day.

Hope all of you escaped the infernos unscathed. Also hoping the tinder-dry leaf mold round our wood house doesn't erupt any time soon.


(p.s. The four C 130 crewmen who died dousing a South Dakota fire were N.C. Air National Guardsmen, I think. The five, fire fighting C-130's initially grounded after the crash have been returned to duty, making 19 currently available throughout the southwest. They can lay down a swath of H20 or fire retardant 100 ft wide X 1/4 mile long in nothing flat.)

Edited by boarderboy
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Sorry to hear of the loss of your Air National Guardsmen, a great loss.

I guess that is why he is called a writer? Interesting article and perspective.

I just don't handle heat well. I couldn't do it. It gets mildly humid and hot and I am out of the picture. Resigned to the artificially cooled car and dwellings.

Take care all those dealing with such heat!! Play it safe and call your elderly friends and family to make they are protected please.

Here in the PNW we are going to see our first stretch of warm and dry weather worth mentioning this summer. A/C is already on 24/7 and it is only 80F :) , 90 for a few days they say :)

Enjoy!! Bryan

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I just don't handle heat well. I couldn't do it. It gets mildly humid and hot and I am out of the picture. Resigned to the artificially cooled car and dwellings.

Take care all those dealing with such heat!! Play it safe and call your elderly friends and family to make they are protected please.

Here in the PNW we are going to see our first stretch of warm and dry weather worth mentioning this summer. A/C is already on 24/7 and it is only 80F :) , 90 for a few days they say :)

Enjoy!! Bryan

This is me too. I grew up with humidity, but after living in the dry heights of Calgary for 10 years I simply can't handle it any more. Last summer saw historic highs across most of Eastern Canada, while the west side was wet and cool. It looks like this summer is going to be a carbon copy, and I can totally get into that, even if the rain is ruining the mountain biking.

Thoughts to all affected by the fires. I'm sure they won't be the last this summer - there's going to be plenty more misery where that came from.

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Crazy videos and photos. Prayers for all who lost homes, and the many critters out there who lost their lives. I wonder about roofing materials - how much difference that might have made as to which homes burned and which were spared. Lots and lots of metal roofs in this area, partly for fire protection (they shed snow well too.)

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How are all my friends in ID? I heard that the fire outside of Twin Falls has escalated overnight! BE SAFE!!!

Any of your "Friends" in Idaho live near Sandpoint or Coeur d'Alene , single , snowboard and friendly??

Making a quick trip there next week to find a part of my youth :)


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