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Over zealous speed cop caught on tape


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<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/34277693?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="226" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="

">Harassment at Snowbasin - Extended & Unedited</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user6193430'>http://vimeo.com/user6193430">Garden Stories.</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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WOW! I mean, WOW!!!! Im not sure what I would have done If that was me getting told to shut the **** up. But those two kids handled it well to say the least. If I had a season pass, I guess I would have gone to management immediately. However, If I had a day pass I would have punched him in the mouth and broke his poles. Then I would have taken the blue dudes skis home with me. *******s! Thats just too far. And let me vent that Ive seen this first hand as a snowboarder. I'd be following a fellow skier and I would always get yelled at and not the skier. Just got an adrenaline burst from watching that.

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I'm familiar with Snowbasin as are a few of us here on the board. This is ridiculous behavior on the part of the Ski Patroller. The Mountain Host may have a valid point about the snowboarder getting too close to the stationary skier. I must add that if one looks at the video again, you'll notice that the skier in blue is perched at an in-run to a little kicker. Sure, the snowboarder should have called off the 180 with the skier on the in-run.

I don't know how many times I've witnessed skiers and boarders blocking entrances to jumps, kickers, trails, narrow trails, and NOTHING gets said to them by Ski Patrol. It's always the poor slob who tries to get around them that gets the stern lecture.

As to the patroller who told the kid to STFU, I'd like to see him walking down the road with a with a final payroll check in his hand. Does Snowbasin management know about this guy yet? If they don't discipline him, they should at least wash his mouth out with soap before he kisses his mom again.


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I'm familiar with Snowbasin as are a few of us here on the board. This is ridiculous behavior on the part of the Ski Patroller. The Mountain Host may have a valid point about the snowboarder getting too close to the stationary skier. I must add that if one looks at the video again, you'll notice that the skier in blue is perched at an in-run to a little kicker. Sure, the snowboarder should have called off the 180 with the skier on the in-run.

I don't know how many times I've witnessed skiers and boarders blocking entrances to jumps, kickers, trails, narrow trails, and NOTHING gets said to them by Ski Patrol. It's always the poor slob who tries to get around them that gets the stern lecture.

As to the patroller who told the kid to STFU, I'd like to see him walking down the road with a with a final payroll check in his hand. Does Snowbasin management know about this guy yet? If they don't discipline him, they should at least wash his mouth out with soap before he kisses his mom again.


Mark, the guy that he came close to is also a Host.

I would not be happy he came so close to me either. The first host may have been blocking the hit for a reason?

Yes, the patroller lost it. Bad day? Poor behavior is not ok.

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Your point is well-taken. Perhaps, the host was 'guarding' the hit or just being there to discourage anyone from using the boost. Even more reason for the second host to encourage the rider to not hit it. This guy seemed to be in control and in tune with the riders and had the situation under control. What is most disconcerting is the conduct of Captain White Cross. Completely uncalled for. The free world will still function without this man. Rent-a-cop-on-skis. Can you imagine this guy with some real authority?

At least he had the aplomb to apologize after he noticed the camera pointed at his face. Such grace under fire. Look, this is not a good situation for Snowbasin and once this video gets back to HQ they may decide to do nothing at all and to hope that it dies. On the other hand, Mr. Potty Mouth may end up giving an apology to the Ogden Standard-Examiner in a few days and not be seen on the mountain the rest of this season. The point is, be careful (including me, you and all of us) about what you say, write, do, and act upon anymore.

I've watched the video enough to know that the host seemed to be within his rights to question the lad as to his proximity to another person. What remains in question is the level of severity that was exercised on the part of the second party ex post facto. I was impressed with the level of care taken by the two lads who were party to this. Kudos to them for being level-headed when the more mature person wasn't.


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I ride almost daily at Snowbasin, and have NEVER been stopped, harassed, or been given a stern lecture by either Ski Patrol or Mountain Hosts or Instructors. I have gone down that same run leaving trenches at speed passing ski school and patrollers, not so much as a peep from them, guess I'm more in control and not jibbing.

BUT, that portion of run (Bear Hollow) is the WORST area on the whole mountain for Jibbernauts to hit homemade jumps and come back onto the run without looking for other people on the run. I understand that everyone has the right to have as much fun as possible, but it would be nice if the Shawn White wannabes jibbed and bonked somewhere less congested, like in one of the 3 terrain parks. Or if you are getting your jib on, on a run, a LEAST try to pay a little attention to your surroundings.

The patroller blew it by saying STFU, but I'd bet the frustration level with the knuckle dragger attitude by a lot of the 'local' riders begins to wear on you to the point of not STFU, but 'my fist in your face'.

And yes please do go to another resort and tell all your friends also, that just makes it less congested and safer from Team Jib Bonk for everyone else that are there to enjoy themselves.



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Definitely NOT riding fast. Not only that, the accused rider was checking his speed, demonstrating not only modest speed but control over his board. Definitely not somebody I would be afraid of if I were stopped downslope from him. No blind spots on the hill even.

AND THEN, the comedy of it all:

#1 a skier coming downhill, in the video, far faster than the accused was.

#2 the dangerous obstruction that was being created by having 4 skiers/riders having an argument in the middle of the slope (inattentive & oblivious to all around them).

Absolutely, file a written complaint against that STFU patroller. Send it "registered mail" to the head honcho. In the letter site the profanity and ask that it be inserted into his official record. That letter will then taint his career forever. Basically "bad cop" syndrome. He has no defense. Only cost about $2.

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Absolutely, file a written complaint against that STFU patroller. Send it "registered mail" to the head honcho. In the letter site the profanity and ask that it be inserted into his official record.

Yup. And include a copy of that video showing the event as it actually took place.

On another note, I would have handled it differently. I would have negotiated for a gentleman's agreement............................everyone continues about their own business with no pass confiscation, and as a show of good faith I would not complain to the management with the video as evidence supporting the complaint. Just my 0.02

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Watch the video at about 4-11 seconds into it and you can see a munchkin come into the picture from the right side, probably who the first instructor is teaching, and the second instructor is watching out for. Then the kid rides right next to the first instructor to jib off a kicker and comes between the instructors and the munchkin.

I would think that would set the instructors off enough to call out the older kids.

The patroller still should have handled it better.

And Thomas no carving on Wildflower, John Paul lift is not open yet. There has been 27" and holding for weeks now.

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I ride almost daily at Snowbasin, and have NEVER been stopped, harassed, or been given a stern lecture by either Ski Patrol or Mountain Hosts or Instructors. I have gone down that same run leaving trenches at speed passing ski school and patrollers, not so much as a peep from them, guess I'm more in control and not jibbing.

BUT, that portion of run (Bear Hollow) is the WORST area on the whole mountain for Jibbernauts to hit homemade jumps and come back onto the run without looking for other people on the run. I understand that everyone has the right to have as much fun as possible, but it would be nice if the Shawn White wannabes jibbed and bonked somewhere less congested, like in one of the 3 terrain parks. Or if you are getting your jib on, on a run, a LEAST try to pay a little attention to your surroundings.

The patroller blew it by saying STFU, but I'd bet the frustration level with the knuckle dragger attitude by a lot of the 'local' riders begins to wear on you to the point of not STFU, but 'my fist in your face'.

And yes please do go to another resort and tell all your friends also, that just makes it less congested and safer from Team Jib Bonk for everyone else that are there to enjoy themselves.



Yeah but, Mick c'mon! These guys see you layin' trenches and they are mesmerized like sick little pups watching you lay down lines at Basin. For those of you who may be late for the show here, Mr. BoardGuru is the show at Basin. Kudos to you, Mick. I've watched this guy ride over the years and I can tell you that he is what is moniker says he is. I'll ride with your posse soon!


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Watch the video at about 4-11 seconds into it and you can see a munchkin come into the picture from the right side, probably who the first instructor is teaching, and the second instructor is watching out for. Then the kid rides right next to the first instructor to jib off a kicker and comes between the instructors and the munchkin.

I would think that would set the instructors off enough to call out the older kids.

The patroller still should have handled it better.

And Thomas no carving on Wildflower, John Paul lift is not open yet. There has been 27" and holding for weeks now.

Unless we are not seeing something else, an in control boarder that close to a student shouldn't be such a big deal. Maybe just a warning about being more careful around small kids. This appears to be power tripping.

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First off I love snowbasin, I proposed to my wife there, I have broken a thumb, my tib fib and my scapula there. I have had some great times there!

I have however been harassed there while riding bothe alpine and softys for nothing.

The kid is abviously in control, he cuts under (not over) the mountain host and from the angle of the shot seems to be a safe distance away, the small child wedging is out of the frame and had turned to the center of the trail the other host stops him and makes the call on the distance the kid was from 30 meters away??? there is no way he had a clean line of sight on the distance. The kid says he is sorry and the host agrees with several of his statements, " I was in control" "I was not going fast" people are moving through the background at a higher rate of speed then the kid was riding at. The kid is standing up on his board the entire time showing he has some control and experence??? Then the Patrol shows up and tell him it depends on his attitude on how this plays out???? How about it should depend on the situation how it plays out. The patrol tells the kid to shut up right away...then tells his buddy to STFU and then after realizing there is a camera back steps his actions.. It even looks like he gives the kid his pass back. This is nothing more then a power trip by a bunch of yahoos.... and this happens all over the place.

All you older dudes should consider yourselves lucky that if and when you get stopped you are treated with respect. These kids should have been also, they paid to use the resort and were polite and respectful to the staff. The were to OC or placing anyone else in danger... there is a kid who turns right above the group (super dangerous since if you lose control it is into the group) and flashes a big smile who was a bigger hazard then these guys and no one stops him???

I had a host guy tell me I was out of control at snowbasin, he skiied out in front of me from below, I stopped to avoid and then speak with him he was a dick and threaten to pull my pass on a trail with no one on it while going to film a ATT commercail about alpine snowboard racing on a closed trail, He asked to see my pass I told him I didn't have one becuase I was in "wardrobe" and was just coming back from using the bathroom and had been driven there on a snowmobile, the host claimed I was lying there was no filming that day claimed he was calling patrol and I would be arreseted for theft... I said fine have patrol come meet me on the trail we ere filming on, and started to ride away.. He grabed my arm,,,(I was in a speed suit) and told me I would be leaving the mountain. I pulled my arm away and rode away, he followed me to the closed trail and then once he saw the cameras and race coarse set up he left... There where no slow signs were I was riding, no one else on the trail. The mountain had just opened, we had been there since 6 am. setting up, super lame dude with no public skills and he is a host???? I haven't been to snowbasin since, I hope it is better..

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Thanks Mark, I don't know if I'm all that, but thanks. I just love carving I guess.

Hopefully things will be better at Snowbasin after this incident. I'll be there the rest of the season so I hope this doesn't turn into the Hatfields vs McCoys type of feud.

I just wanna lay trenches and have fun.


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Ok I'm dumb. What is the joke here? Don't really watch the show.

Family Guys' Herbert is elderly fellow who likes young boys. My comment was based upon his mannerism of speaking in the show. The hook on comment is making fun of the fact that instead of 'Herbert' (the ski patrol old guy) having the upper hand on the young lads, the two riders had the upper hand on him by having the video evidence. Sorry, maybe too vague of a reference on my part.


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Interesting topic. Im not sure if it really matters which side is in the right or wrong here. Im more concerned with the fact that there is an atmosphere at resorts everywhere now (seems like its more prevalent in CO) of "authorities" out there on the mountain staking out areas often with multiple individuals acting like ski deputies. These individuals will patrol an area on the mountain deciding who and who not to "pull over", detain and assert thier idea of what is safe or not. Often this tends to discriminate against snowboarders. Especially freestyle snowboarders. The kind of snowboarder that many on BOL would call "jibsters" "jibbers" "park rats" and other sorts of lables.

Newsflash! Hey, were all on plastic gear sliding on snow down a hill! Were all pretty silly if you ask me. And, to any non slider, were all in the same category. It just really seems to take away from my fun factor when I have to worry if an authority will decide if I am going too fast. Most of the time those people dont really know what too fast is. Or, if a skier/rider is really in control or not. Maybe in this video the host was intimidated by the riders outfit or the size of his mittens. Either way, that kind of situation, (when a kid gets interrogated by 2 or 3 patrolers is just plain lame).

Yes, every resort has slow zones for everybodys safety. And we all should respect those zones, especially alpine riders. But it seems like its gotten a little out of hand. Remember the video of Fin getting a ticket? Now thats ridiculous! It seems like its a little more out of hand at western resorts, especially in CO. Maybe its because there have been more publicized accidents that resulted in legal reprocussions in CO.

Was it like this 15 or 20 years ago? Heck, the whole helmet hysteria hadnt even started back then. At what point did mountain hosts and patrollers become more like little mountain deputies pulling people over, writing tickets, interrogating, threatening and being jerks?

I was riding the lift the other day with a patroller. He looked at my Bomber bindings and asked; Are those releasable bindings? and then, at the end of our awkward lift ride chided, "be careful on that thing". I didnt know what to say other than the word PUTZ under my breath.

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Hey Mick, Mark, and everyone else. I'm a season pass holder at S'basin and am always passing these hosts and patrollers. I carve hard but always in control. I've been stopped twice and told to slow down (perhaps I've been yelled at multiple times but I wouldn't know; I'm deaf!). Once, when I was stopped and told to slow down, I asked the patroller how fast was too fast. He, of course, gave me a look implying I was being a smartass, but I wasn't. I told him I was in more control than many skiers and riders on that particular slope at that particular time and that I will continue to ride in control. He might have said something about slowing down, but I wasn't really sure. That was the end of it.

I agree with several posts above that others on the slope were going much faster than the boarders. Host and patrol erred and I'm glad to see Snowbasin apologizing for it (see http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=18661556).

BTW, snow sucks now! Rained yesterday and it was icy crud everywhere this morning.

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