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Buck Hill 2011/2012


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buck hill was in fog

the snow was icy and wet



difficult. near slushy with ice underneath. had to ride upright. no aggressive turns. bad skiers.

taking friday off from work (lack of work).

doubtful that buck will groom. might bring softboots. or if someone wants to lend me their skis...

(p.s. this new bbs blows)

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flat light. not sure of the temperature. says on my thermometer that its 30F but i thought it was warmer.

only milkrun was only slightly groomed to take out the ruts from thursday night ski challenge. i saw a small trench under the chair lift that i left from thursday night.

not sure how to classify the snow. on skis its okay but i don't think it would hold up an alpine board unless it was softer. spent time on teachers pet, red tail ridge, and milkrun.

left the snowboard in the car. bobd allowed the use of his Palmer skis.

its been a long time since i was last on skis. was out from 10:30am till 1:30pm trying to carve on skis with bobd giving me some tips. some habits are hard to break. i was trying to ski like i used to 20 years ago. eventually could carve to the right (on snowboard, that would be a heelside turn). had issues trying to carve left. something to work on tomorrow.

not sure if buck will be grooming for saturday morning. the magic eight ball says conditions should be good.

if you do come out tomorrow, you might consider bringing another toy just in case it sucks; i.e. softboots, skis, etc. i will be on skis. i'll bring a board in case its just too damn good to pass up.

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thick fog almost all morning. didn't start clearing till sometime around 11am.

rode skis from 9am till 11:30am. visibility was a huge problem for me, couldn't read the terrain at all. i went slow. still having issues carving to the left. had a couple decent runs down red tail ridge. going down crossroads was somewhat painful riding through the ski ruts (See Note 1). boot shell was rubbing against a bone so it would hurt riding through the chop.

on one run on crossroads i almost fell down because of a rut. got turned around by it. was laughing at myself because i must've looked like a noob.

met up with zack. two skiers were giving zack advice on how to carve an alpine board.

switched to alpine snowboard. took two runs and left. first run i blew out a toe-side edge. it was like i rode over loose rocks. second run i fell just down the very top. i had hit an ice patch. wish i wore knee pads. i was bottoming out on the ice. @zack... kudos to you for putting up with ice.

the snow looked promising with the groom but it didn't take long for it to get destroyed. its icy underneath the snow. hope tomorrow is better.

in case you missed it, loddo rockefeller


Note 1: i think i deserve an award for showing restraint by NOT ripping the sh!t out of crossroads with the alpine snowboard.

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definitely! :biggthump

so many young hardbooters today!!! on the chair up, i saw a almost a dozen come down crossroads all at once.

erik and i ventured onto olympic and got wigged out when the g-team kids dropped in on us.

i watched the races from warners. a couple of accomplished riders just blew through the gates.

anyways, conditions were not ideal for erik and myself. way too icy underneath to hold an edge. i just rode upright, did not carve. left early.

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Buck was surprisingly good today considering the recent temps. A little fast/icy on Crossroads, but Redtail and Warners were very manageable. Redtail is such a useful run and generally quieter (I think people still remember the jumps/rails that used to be there).

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Buck was surprisingly good today considering the recent temps. A little fast/icy on Crossroads, but Redtail and Warners were very manageable. Redtail is such a useful run and generally quieter (I think people still remember the jumps/rails that used to be there).

last night i went out with trent and erik. i had difficulty holding an edge after the first turn. i was very frustrated. :angryfire i couldn't keep my speed in check. tried carving uphill and then i'd eff up the tranistion on some ice. i was skidding most of the time.

trent and erik seemed to do okay. they were carving. trent thinks its due to metal boards. yeah... maybe. could also be dull edges too.

warners and redtail... a couple areas were ice. warners had a wide area of ice. used to like that run.

i'm going to polish my edges tonight.

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Buck was surprisingly good today considering the recent temps. A little fast/icy on Crossroads, but Redtail and Warners were very manageable. Redtail is such a useful run and generally quieter (I think people still remember the jumps/rails that used to be there).

it wasn't like that in the evening. it was very challenging to not skid, chatter, or fall. most of the time, all 3. solid ice under a little snow. i'm guessing it got worse as the sun went down, because welch was better in the morning, and got harder (icy) into the afternoon.

mrs. bobble, tell mr. bobble to buy a metal board. it'll keep him happier when conditions suck. (although the happiest i was at buck last night, is when we all decided it sucked, and went home).


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left after three runs. if you stayed away because of races, then good call.

the parking lot was 2/3 full at 8:50 am.

races on warners and crossroads. lots of little kids on skis. most had jerseys from hyland. adults were poling from the chair. way too crowded for carving. waiting around for an opening in cold weather just didn't appeal to me.

looks like buck has additional snow... new smaller rollers. the middle of crossroads had some strange winrows that looked like ramps on approach. hard to stay away from. the snow was not as great as yesterday at welch. thin veneer of corduroy over hard stuff.

i plan on going near lunch time. i'm hoping that the snow is okay to carve.

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went back out around 12:30pm. still crowded. on crossroads the new rollers are ice. the wind blew snow over to skiers right. skiers left of crossroads was not fun on an alpine board due to winrows being so bad. i was confined to skiers right. top part was okay but at the bottom quarter i had to check my speed. the roller at the bottom was too much for me.

saw alex doing milkrun after the gates were taken down. i tried but didn't like it. biggest problem i had were the space invaders -- these kids would cross over from warners on every run. no matter how much i waited, as soon as i started there would be groups shooting down from warners chair.

par for the course.

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