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Hurricane Irene


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Wow. Earthquake last week and now this. Looks like the projected path is about two blocks west of my condo....


I lived through Hazel in '54 and Donna in '60. When Gloria hit New England in '85 I was without electricity or water for a week.

I was a TV Meteorologist from 1973-76 in Tampa . I attended a talk given by Dr. Neil Frank of the National Hurricane Center and he really drove home the point that Floridians had been lulled into a false sense of security because no significant hurricanes had hit the state in a long time (this was before Andrew). I'll never forget how close he said we came to complete disaster during Donna which crossed Florida near Ft. Myers. Had that storm shifted a couple degrees farther to the west it would have stayed just off St. Petersburg. The counterclockwise winds would have driven a huge storm surge up Tampa Bay and Hillsboro Bay right at high tide and would have covered the three bridges that residents would have used to flee St. Pete.

I was tracking weather satellites for STRIKE Command in '69 when I spotted a small but solid mass off the Yucatan. I called the Hurricane Center and they said they had spotted it too and were watching it closely. That one became Camille. I drove along the Mississippi coast a year later and the devastation was still very apparent. As bad as Camille was, Katrina was worse.

NYC, Long Island, and the CT shoreline could have some serious problems from Irene.

I can't believe the FedEx Cup is being played in New Jersey!

Everybody stay safe!

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the thing I find interesting is that the shape, size and make up of this Storm is more in keeping with a Pacific ocean Typhoon than an Atlantic ocean Hurricane. They say its because the Gulf Stream current is so warm this year but what ever the reason I am having Flashbacks to my time on Guam watching storms come flying down Typhoon alley

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Well I'm currently anchored up off of Hyde Park in the Hudson River. We were re-rerouted up here by my company to wait it out. So far so good. It's going to get interesting tonight though. I'll stay in touch if possible.

What size Tug? Sounds like an interesting vantage point. Camera? Video?

You have WiFi or Satelite? Land line? Cool, keep us up to date.

Do you have the option to turn to and get underway if that is prudent?

Take care Skipper!!

In the PNW it is "Inland Boatmen's Union" , East Coast?? I work out of the IBEW Local 48, on the docks I worked

with ILWU 8 for years. Always loved to watch the tugs work. The new ones are amazing.

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What size Tug? Sounds like an interesting vantage point. Camera? Video?

You have WiFi or Satelite? Land line? Cool, keep us up to date.

Do you have the option to turn to and get underway if that is prudent?

Take care Skipper!!

In the PNW it is "Inland Boatmen's Union" , East Coast?? I work out of the IBEW Local 48, on the docks I worked

with ILWU 8 for years. Always loved to watch the tugs work. The new ones are amazing.

It's an ATB (Articulated Tug-Barge) the tug is 135' and 4700hp and the barge is 325' and 80,000 bbls capacity. We're in the UMD local 333 here part of the longshoreman's union. We run off wifi and I use my smartphone a ton. We have sat phone but it's expensive and unreliable.


The pic was going to margin rape so you'll have to click the link.

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So everyone made it through ok?

I'm afraid not. Ironically we anticipated problems in Connecticut but only had a few trees down in the neighborhood. We never envisioned the floods in Vermont. Our condo may not be salvageable. The ground floor units are covered in mud. Until the basement is drained we won't know if the building is structurally sound enough to re-enter. It was constructed from a hundred year old barn and sits on a field stone foundation. The water was strong enough to flip a car over against our building. You can see a collapsed building in the background. This shot was extracted from a video someone took.


The water in the foreground is what's left of our driveway. Many VT communities were hit hard and a lot of residents are still stranded.

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hot damn Pat.. looks ugly.

Saw the evening news on all the flooding in VT and CT... wish you the best in getting all back to normal. I have friends and family in Sioux city Iowa where it has been flooding since March -- (most of the world does not know this since the news does not cover it ) but the Missouri river has destroyed much of the South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska... and will not go away very soon. At least your flooding should subside in a few days,

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*ACE*, looks like I can still go hit some golf balls and get some ice cream there though. But seriously, you live like 8 miles from me, I am over in WH. I think I saw a leaf roll across my lawn during the storm, and bit of rain. But I go 2 blocks away or a town away and its like a different planet. I was left in awe. did the Farmington River Sewage Treatment Plant overflow?

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Thanks to everyone for their concern. Many parts of Vermont were hit hard. It will take a long time to fix the roads that were swept away. If you've ever been to Killington you might recognize the main Base Lodge.


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Looks like a river ran through it? Correct?
Water runoff from the mountain above.

We've been on the phone with the fire dept trying to see if it's okay to pump out our basement to see how sound the foundation is. We're not allowed in the units. If the building is condemned and they don't let us in, I'm toast. My race boards and boots as well as my race ski boots are in there. Also my seven NASTAR National Championship medals.

At least no one died. In 1994 I escaped an apartment fire with only bathrobe and slippers. Next door a young mother and her 3 year old son perished. It kinda keeps thinks in perspective.

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Just wanted to send positive thoughts and best wishes to those impacted by the hurricane. Many places we know and love in Vermont were hit particularly hard. There are pics on another thread of Killington's collapsed base lodge. The video available on Youtube is downright shocking.

Several communities remain cut off from fresh water, electricity and road access. According to the NYTimes, the 13 towns that have been isolated are: Cavendish; Granville; Hancock; Killington; Mendon; Marlboro; Pittsfield; Plymouth; Rochester; Stockbridge; Strafford; Stratton; and Wardsboro.

Wilmington (near Mt Snow) and Ludlow (Okemo) also had significant damage. I'm sure there are many others too.

Best wishes and luck to everyone.

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