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Cypress Diaries 2010-11


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Just came back from Cypress... Pouring rain and very low vis.

I didn't have any lessons to teach. I snoozed in the car for a while, hoping that conditions will improve. They didn't, so I came home without making a single turn :( first time in my career... I must be loosing my stoke?!?

Thursday morning is looking potentialy ok - cold Wednesday night on the forecast.

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Finally a dry day, after a cold night!

Visibillity was on and off, eventually clearing up completelly. Very few people, except for a school on field trip.

Crew: Rod, BlueB

Toys: Banana, WCRM 173, Maverick 175

I came pretty late and started on Midway, as visibillity higher up sucked. Pretty good snow. Hard packed, but not frozen, a tiny bit of fresh on top.

Soon, I hooked up with Rod for few runs down the Humpty-Dumpty. Then we went to scout out the Raven. Nice, few runs. We finished off at JJA - a bit crunchy on top, nice at the bottom.

Rod likes his new Malamutes, says they are mega stiff...

I really like the Maverick since Tenorman had put nice tuneup on the eges. Narrow stance and smallish sweet spot, but ride her centered and she shines! Some very positive comments on the woody look from kids and lifties. :)

Changed the liners from ZipFits to higher end Dalbellos - boots feel like something completely new! Nice and cushy around the ankles (that's where ZipFits always bothered me), but way too tight in the fore and mid foot. Especially the mid foot... Pain was on and off, but I could ride. Then when I came to the car and took the boots off, the blood rushed into the feet. I almost puked from pain. Had to lay down in the trunk of my Jeep for 10min, with feet up, before I was able to change the clothes and walk/drive. I dont know if I can wait for these to brake in... :(

Lots of sun on the way, starting Saturday. Get ready for some slush carving!

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A ski day with Luka...

Lots of wet fresh snow over night, a bit of fluries in the morning, sunny in the afternoon. No crowd whatsoever??? Most of the runs ungroomed. Very nice skier compacted surface on the Easyrider!

Luka flip-flopped a bit in the morning. Then I took him for a long run dow Collins and deep choppy, heavy snow on Midway. On return to Easyrider, he just killed it! Carving 2 edges, angulation, speed... All heads turning, few instructors approaching to congratulate us, at the end of our session. Still riding a bit in the back seat, though...

I tried my backup skis - Head Monster 75 178, instead of my belowed Metrons. They kinda sucked, except for carving switch. Surprisingly, they initiate the backwards carve very solid and hold mean edge. Can't really say the same for the forward direction. However, I still have to try them at higher speed.

On the way back I picked an old school Prior MFR 165 for peanuts! After a bit of tuning, she'll be a beauty to fool around.

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As expected parking went bit crazy as today was 1st day spring break and at noon line up wasn't bad at all, was expecting worst. Start 9AM end at 1PM.

As usuall JJA best condition. Most runs are groomed, 1st Sun turn chops & bumps as the sun hit this part lot longer.

Rob join later and taking Vid shots (thx), will continue taking more shots this week.

Yoshii, went for race today...Yoshii give us update about the racing...

I saw another HB on Midway...

Crew & toys: Yoshii (?), Hooplah - Crazy Banana, Perry - Palmer Titanium 164, Rob - Burton 15..?, Scooby - WCRM 177 and (maybe) Eric - ?



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Snow, low visibility (but not too bad), no people...

Crew: Rod, BlueB

Toys: Banana, Generics 170, MFR 165

Conditions were tricky. Hard pack under thin freshies, flat light.

Couldn't ride with Rod much - I had new instructors' "ride around" morning routine to do. Later I couldn't find him...

Boots were killing me, again. I had to walk to the car to change to the other pair, with my old good liners.

Guys at the tuneup shop gave my "new" old Prior MFR a nice tune up at "bro" deal. Didn't let them do any detuning - I like to do that part myself, a bit at the time. At the first spin I tried, I caught the heel edge and highsided, wacked the back of my head pretty bad - still ringing... Otherwise, not a bad board, carves, floats...

Old instructor Steve, lurred me into some hardcore trees between Trumpeteer and Panorama. Pretty sweet snow there. However, as I got a bit braver, I managed to fall into a giant hole, something like tree well, but without a tree in the middle. I went over a knoll and snoww just dissapeared under me. Almost made it over, yet still fell in. Luckily, the snow wasnt too fluffy, so I dag myself out without too many problems.

Packed it at about 2pm, before I wracked myself even more...

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Awesome day today!!! Clear weather snow prefect condition JJA, Rainbow, 1st Sun, some scetchy thou...lot's left pow in between trees...

Video Session: The condition was so great that we all agree to call it off :p

Crew: Hooplah - Banana, mr3earnest - Burton, Sims Burner 197 - Scooby - WCRM 177

Adjust Cant/Disk angle:

Forward - 55* (Outward)

Rear - 45* (inward)

while other remain the same:

Plate: F 65* Bias Heel side, R 60* Bias Toe side. Stance 19.5"

With this adjustment finally can EC all day:biggthump. Not perfect yet.... but can do it effortlessly :D. Will practise again on Thursday - weather turn out sunnier.


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I missed that great day yesterday... A bit less good today, but hey, day on snow is a day on snow. Still good company and ok carving.

I'd say a bit more people on the hill then last Tuesday, but still no lineups. Lumpy wet snow. Mostly high overcast. Later on snow softened to real spring conditions. Funny enough busier runs were better, as people kept compacting the snow.

Crew: Scooby, BlueB

Toys: Prior WCRM 177 and 173w, Virus Vampire 175, Kessler BXn 168.

Scooby likes his new binding setup, with small outward cant on the front foot and small inward on the rear. Looking good. I finaly had the Vampire diled in again. Kinda came back to the original that I rode few years ago, just a bit wider. In the mean time, I went through numerous other experiments, full circle... Kessler shined (except for the lack of fresh wax). Rode it without elevator plates today and liked better.

We noticed quite a bit of admiration from the skiers, today. No compalints about ruts ;)

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alas, the perfect conditions turned into frozen chunky death once the sun when down. pretty sunset though. one hero day this season is all i ask for! on an alpine board!

+2. Aren't we lucky to have this only 20-45 minutes from home :1luvu:

Still envy Two Raven with the slope right in her back yard thou... :rolleyes:


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Bizzare day...

I knew I wouldn't have any lessons, yet still went to the hill - 20cm of fresh "chowder" came down over night. Morning started with freezing rain, that later changed into more liquid variety, afternoon cleared to a certain extent, then back to light wet snow... Visibillity changed from limitted in the morning, to nearly 0, then to pretty decent in the afternoon.

I wore 2 goretex shells, soft and hard, on top of each other and non-breathable (but 100% waterproof) pants. Managed to stay pretty dry, yet swetty, except for the hands - the hi-end $80 Salomon gloves, I bought on the closeout for $20, failed miserably in just over 2 hours....

On the bright side, they were no people and I was getting fresh tracks whenever I wanted to work for them a bit. Upper reaches had ok snow, but lower and flatter (like lower Midway) had the sticky gue and lots of "velcro" effect. Lots of good lines were available, yet trees around Moons were the best.

I rode a, new to me, SG Cult. For good measure, I also brought my trusty Nidecker Proto with identical binding setup, to have a point of refference. Wow, hard call to decide which is the better board... I'd say that SG is a bit faster in untracked reasonable snow, yet stuffs the nose more (!?!) on flatter and stickier snow. It is heavier and damper, feels lazy compared to Proto, yet it seems to initiate the sliding turns better. I think that referrence stance is jus slightly too far forward. When I moved front binding 1/4" back, it felt better already. Later in the day it carved through compact chop like no man's business. Nidecker, on the other hand, is really lively, agile board, that charmes me over and over again. I'd say that it carves slightly better on flatter runs. Big nose is almost imposible to stuff. I would imagine Proto would win in the real moguls too, but there were none today. Cult, being quite tapered, have an extra turn type (tail push down) in the soft snow. I'm looking forward to comaring these 2 beauties a bit more and maybe throw the F2 ElDiablo in the mix...

Funny comments from lifties, I'll stick in the "Head in the Liftline" thread ;)

All in all, good fun, 5hrs no stoping, except to change boards/glowes.

Looking at the forecast, Thursday might be an ok day to ride again.

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did an afternoon rip in the sun today. soft sploodgy spring conditions w/ last night fresh & no grooming. got bumped up on the steeper pitches, but was easy enough to push around. tried the kesslers for the first time (more detail in new gear thread) - out of their element, but fun nonetheless. wicked.

ran into a couple new guys (to me) - tony (on the mailing list) on a dynastar & matt (softboot rider that recognized the kesslers).

hope to get up sunday; looks like a bit more sun.

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April's Fools or what?

Imagine all of that tracked, lumped up stuff that you made yesterday, frozen or nearly frozen, then covered with 5cm of fresh overnight and still coming down through the day, limited visibillity... That's what Scoob and me had to deal with today...

Toys: Tanker 2m rocker, 3800 163, SG Cult 169.

We pretty much tried everywhere, except for non-operational Raven, it all sucked. The best run of the day was the Easy Rider, where we spent last 90min, practicing switch and spins... The very best part of the day was the clam chowder and chilly in the lodge, prior to departure ;)

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Scooby, Luka and me arrived at about 11:30. Snow was still holding but softening. Later it slushed by less then expected for a warm day. Clouds were rolling in and out, with very sunny periods. No people!?!

Toys: Luka - new Techno Pro 100 skis, B - Metrons 164, Scooby - WCRM 173W and Dynastar 165 skis (first time!).

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8I0-FnRfwAk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Luka and me did our first 7-8 ski runs, while Scooby went playing on board on the steeper runs. After lunch break, we went back to Easy Rider. From the chair we spotted Scoob, on his own, railing skis to perfect thin 2-tracks, one at the time to a stop (it turned out to be his 2nd run)! Wow! We carried on together for several runs and worked on transitions a bit. Very soon he was linking the turns. You are a machine Bro! Way to go!




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went up w/ the family today. dropped the 4yr old off for a lesson (figured it was about time to get him on snow), and took off for a few turns. not bad snow, groomed granular; from slightly frozen on top to soft at the bottom. pea soup fog however. had the 174 kessler; alas the turn radius & associated speed was totally incompatible w/ the 10 foot visibility. going to need some time on this to figure out if my skillset can render it tameable.

i then swapped the board for skis - picked up some cheap sticks off cl for the purpose of riding w/ the kids. pretty entertaining; haven't been on two planks for about 25 years. super weird. did a couple laps of colins & was giggling the whole way down. brought the kid up the bunny chair (his first time) and did a few runs - slow, but had a great time.

started dumping hail after lunch; amazed they're still getting accumulation in april.

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