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2010 Donek Hotness arrived!!


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Sean finally got around to sending me a board and thought I would share some pic before I left town for a little while.

New 2010 Camber profile and variable sidecut radius

Metal Construction

HOT tri-axial carbon fiber topsheet

All the inserts I could possibly want.

And a plate to put on it to play with until the production plates are ready.

Can't wait to give this new board a rip. The construction is not quite "stock" but based on some of the feedback, I think this could replace my "bread and butter board"

(Before any of the photogs pounces on me. . . Shot in a rush, white balance is likely off)




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Lots of goodness in this new offering from Donek. Worked hard this spring getting some more "juice" into this GS offering. Whats the SCR, 14-20 or 14-24, hoping you went with the big boy version. I am a big fan of large variable side cuts for it gives you that much more turn versatility. If we get some early season snow here in Colorado, come out and test out your new toy. Nice deck, I know you are going to enjoy it.

Think Snow!

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Lots of goodness in this new offering from Donek. Worked hard this spring getting some more "juice" into this GS offering.
i got one of the 14-20 glass prototypes from earlier this year, arrived last week. scared myself good & proper with it on the indoor slope, first run. was grinning like a loon by the end of the evening.

love the minimalist/understated topsheet and logo.

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i got one of the 14-20 glass prototypes from earlier this year, arrived last week. scared myself good & proper with it on the indoor slope, first run. was grinning like a loon by the end of the evening.

love the minimalist/understated topsheet and logo.

Yeah, you got the one I was hoping to pilfer after this springs testing. Glass construction, new school shape and NO metal. That board rips, enjoy her! Lots and lots of juice, this one will toss ya from one turn to the next, great board. Post up a pic of the base so that I can remember her.

Think Snow!

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Yeah, you got the one I was hoping to pilfer after this springs testing. Glass construction, new school shape and NO metal. That board rips, enjoy her! Lots and lots of juice, this one will toss ya from one turn to the next, great board. Post up a pic of the base so that I can remember her.

Think Snow!

yes to all of the above, its a keeper. i might need reconstructive surgery once i get it out on a full piste, so far i've only had 200m of run length to play in.


i'm hoping for a few icy mornings so i can get base->snow reflection pictures.

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She is definately a very "active" board. I think that the new non metal FC is going to have some heavy appeal to riders missing the "pop" of burly glass decks of days gone bye. It is a great performing combo of new shape versatilaty and old school energy. Race course capable, probably not. The dampness just isn't what it would need to be to get through a course, it is more of a high energy super fun rip stick for those who like a more active and energetic ride. This board started out as an experiment to see how new shapes would perform sans metal. We all loved it soo much its now a standard offering from Donek! Looking forward to spending some time on one of these throwback glass decks with a plate!

Think Snow!

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Whats the SCR, 14-20 or 14-24, hoping you went with the big boy version.

Todd rides out here in the eastern US. Here it's not a matter of big boy or otherwise, it is a matter of what is usable. Narrow trails don't lend themselves to a stiffer 14-24. Out west, sure, give me a Silly Good or whatever.

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Todd rides out here in the eastern US. Here it's not a matter of big boy or otherwise, it is a matter of what is usable. Narrow trails don't lend themselves to a stiffer 14-24. Out west, sure, give me a Silly Good or whatever.

Its not really any stiffer, just larger variability on the sidecut offering up more vairability in turn size. Good to have options in my book. Don't let that larger spread scare you off. Its more than doable even on your narrow east coast trails. Pull up your skirt and get it on!

Think Snow!

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I forgot, its all about the specs and data, not the actual ridiing there of. I haven't actually taken the time the read the Jack Michaud Hardboot Snowboarding Thesis. Silly me.:D Less anaylazation, more riding.

Think Snow!

boy, you're after everyone these days. I thought he got on both boards? that's the same quality data as you could provide.....

good reading and keeps it fun though.

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I forgot, its all about the specs and data, not the actual ridiing there of. I haven't actually taken the time the read the Jack Michaud Hardboot Snowboarding Thesis. Silly me.:D Less anaylazation, more riding.

Think Snow!

Heck Jackass have you ridden out East?? I'd like to see you tear up some of our narrow steep trails with one of your so called "big boy" boards and see how you do. Jack has managed to rip is 185 GS down a narrow trail, it's all about angulation.

Seriously we've been out west, all you need to do is lean over, sharp edges not needed carving in butter does not require that, most of you guys would sh$t your pants on the stuff we ride on.

Just ask Fin, Sean and Joerg what they think of East Coast conditions and narrow trails. It's a hole different ball game.

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Jackass, well that seems a bit personal. Yes, I have ridden out east, and no, I don't care to do so again. Why would I when I have Colorado at my disposal. Ohhhh, I smell a east coast/west coast pissing match coming on. Jack and I have a bit of an understanding if you haven't noticed, keep it light, tounge in cheek. Its only snowboarding and for the record Jack and I have been trading jabs for many years. Thought you east coast guys had thick skin, guess not.:eplus2: East Coast Rules:biggthump GeoffV, you might want to refer to your autographed copy of the thesis for instructions on a proper response. Sorry about the thead derailment Todd.

Think Snow!

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If you are just tossing friendly jibbs out there they certainly don't come accross that way in text. Your posts in general seem to be digs at everyone. If it's all in good fun you might want to make that more clear in you posts. I certainly don't want to get into an East vs. West coast pissing match.

It's all good, it's Friday just waiting for the weekend to arrive.:)

TB sorry to derail your thread, looking forward to seeing that beauty in person soon.

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's ok Geoff. Mark and I have an understanding. He's talking schmack, don't take it too heavily. But I agree it's hard to know that in text, so your reaction is understandable.

Mark, the article includes riding impressions as well as spec analysis. I have to assume that Sean's 14-24 has been stiffened up since then, because the one I rode for the review was too soft. It had the longest sidecut in the test by a wide margin, but it didn't carve any longer than the others. As such it wasn't as confidence inspiring. The 14-20 Donek was very fun though. Man, you need to get some snow time soon, you're turning into the Bordy of freecarvers! :p

Hey Todd, fix your white balance. Pfft, amateur. ;)

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Well, there is a certain level of BS that surfaces here on BOL that MUST not go unanswered. The Bordy of freecarvers eh, not long ago, someone refered to me as the Hardboot Taliban. Love it, keep em coming. Going to play with big chainsaws and dead trees now, have a nice day.:)

Think Snow!

The Hardboot Taliban

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That is one sexy board tb. Love the topsheet and graphic.

The non metal Doneks sound pretty interesting. I do miss the pop, although my last MRI says I need to stay on the ground more.

The Doneks I tried at ECES were fun but left me wanting a little more - sounds like a lot has gone into them since then.

What are the differences between the newest Doneks and last years batch?

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If you are just tossing friendly jibbs out there they certainly don't come accross that way in text.

Geoff, he comes across like that in person too.

TB does your 8-months-pregnant-wife know you are throwing the term "hotness" around on anything but her? ;)

Looking forward to hearing some feedback from you on this little piece of fun! Come visit soon :biggthump

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That is one sexy board tb. Love the topsheet and graphic.

The non metal Doneks sound pretty interesting. I do miss the pop, although my last MRI says I need to stay on the ground more.

The Doneks I tried at ECES were fun but left me wanting a little more - sounds like a lot has gone into them since then.

What are the differences between the newest Doneks and last years batch?

There are two major differences for this year in my oppinion. Snowman can speak more to how they ride, I can speak more to the numbers on why they ride that way ;-)

1) The camber and decamber profiles have been completely re-worked. According to all those who rode the different camber profiles, the one Sean landed on is heads and shoulders above last years board. This might not what you are looking for as I believe it made the ride more smooth and predictable.

2) (And this is where you will be interested) Sean has been working on VSR and Decambered boards with no metal and very little rubber. Trying to get the smooth and silky to stick around but to get some of that POP back that many of us miss. Most refer to them as "glass" boards, but they likely also have some carbon and other fibers mixed in. Racers likely wont like them, but some of us freecarvers will eat them up!

As for the fun smack talk . . . Y'all need something better to do this time of year ;-)

I like both the 14-20 and the 14-24. Hopefully I will have one of each soon so I can make the decision on a day by day basis. The 14-24 unfortuneately takes one of my favorite runs out of play on all but the most epic carving days. If I had to pick one for the east coast, I would go 14-20. If I had to pick one for out west, it would be 14-24 (or bigger).

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Seriously we've been out west, all you need to do is lean over, sharp edges not needed carving in butter does not require that, most of you guys would sh$t your pants on the stuff we ride on.

Yes, we west of the Mississippi should bow down to the almighty skill and talent of our east coast bretheren. Skillless hacks we are, no talent, mere students of alpine snowboarding is all we could ever hope to achieve. All the true alpine masters heil from the mighty icy east coast. We out west all should just stop riding alpine, sell all of our gear and buy snowblades. Just pokin fun, don't get mad.:angryfire East Coast Rules:biggthump

Think Snow!

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