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Best resort in North America?????

Willow 15

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no love for the Pacific Northwest???:mad:

I love PNW, and Crystal's got some great terrain, But I know the snow can be difficult, there's no hotel or night life or alternative activities and the airport's 2 hrs away, not exactly an international destination.


Some upgrades coming to Crystal

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I think if there are skiers in the group I'd pick Snowbird, just because the snow and terrain are so sick, and the sweetest ski-hill in the word is just up the canyon - Alta - but it doesn't allow boards.

For all-boarding I'd have to say Jackson Hole, but you need to enjoy serious pitch.

The Apres Vous side has some Serious intermediate terrain. And decent grooming. There is a great mix there, but nothing overly groomed to be honest. Not that I don't have a hella good time when I go, I just usually take an all mountain board.

All those in favor of banning jonny for saying the A word.

The ayes have it. GTFO. :eek::lol:

Kidding ok. I just hate that there are places that still get away with this kind of discrimination.

Having never ridden Alta, I don't know how it compares to Snowbasin, but for my money that place has it all for a Utard resort. Less the Snowbird attitude. And amount of skiers. I am sure it has gotten worse in the last couple of years in numbers of skiers.

Oh yeah it doesn't have nightlife. Sometimes the place has no pulse at all. Sure is a fun place to ride. Someone will undoubtedly plug Park Chitty. I have had some of the weirdest experiences ever in Utah in that place. Twilight zone crap, so I am biased against. Tillie and Bordy and some seem to like it, so it must have something going on. Just not my flavor.

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got my 'gorm season ticket paid for already.

donek in the morning, f2 in the afternoon. bewildered punters all-hours.

The last time I was up there I think I was the only snowboarder irrespective of gear & ability, sounds like it's getting crowded these days.

Maybe I should point my car in the other direction and get up there to take some shots... people in the UK on hard gear. Could be a magazine article, but then there probably are no uk magazines left either ;-)

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Maybe I should point my car in the other direction and get up there to take some shots... people in the UK on hard gear. Could be a magazine article, but then there probably are no uk magazines left either ;-)
maybe we should get scrutton in on the game as well and then there'd be four of us. finally i'd have actual examples of how to carve. ;)
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maybe we should get scrutton in on the game as well and then there'd be four of us.
We could have our own SES-Scotish Expresion Session. Also is scrutton from Durham UK or Durham USA. Could be just the three of us.

Maybe I should point my car in the other direction and get up there to take some shots...

I'm up for that. You can use your shiny new car.
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