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Binding Angles


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You think that I should stand down and have no credibility cuz I don't spend all my time in a course and that to me is humorous!
You're having reading comprehension issues. I have no doubt you've got a lot of miles under your belt and know what works for you. It's highly likely that you'd kick my ass under any conditions. The problem comes when you criticize other people's credentials when yours are not complete for the issue under discussion.
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Well as I recall you were pretty critical of King Crimson's lack of experience even though it seems clear despite his youth he's logged a lot more gate time than you. You've also been pretty dismissive of racers in general. Apparently they're mostly lemmings who are incapable of forming their own opinions on what works for them. They should listen to you, ditch all those fancy-schmancy plates and start pedaling those turns for all they're worth.

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Sorry, which question was that? The one about standing idly by? No, I don't think so - you're entitled to your opinions, they may even be valid ones, so long as you can recognize that other people also hold opinions even though they may not speak from the same set of credentials that you have.

I never said your credentials don't have merit, there's your reading skills thing again.

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And of the record I don't recall saying that you said my cred doesn't have merit. Please clarify. Mabey its just my horrendous reading skills shining through.
I think so. Or maybe it's your memory - happens to the best of us. Your last post says (after listing your average days on snow):
You appearantly don't feel that there is any merit in this
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It pleases me that you at least acknowledge the ability to "pedal", if memory serves me correctly this wasn't always you stance on this technique.

Glutton for punishment eh? ;) I've never said you can't do it, just that it's pretty much pointless, imo. Again I have to ask why anyone would want half their board biting and half not biting. You can ask Bruce Varsava whether or not I can stuff a 185 NSR down a narrow trail without pedaling.

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Glutton for punishment eh? ;) I've never said you can't do it, just that it's pretty much pointless, imo. Again I have to ask why anyone would want half their board biting and half not biting. You can ask Bruce Varsava whether or not I can stuff a 185 NSR down a narrow trail without pedaling.

We're talking about fine tuning in a gray area not a black & white demarcation line.

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twist happens

I still fail to see how pedaling the board changes the turn radius. Fore-aft balancing certainly does.

Changing edge bite sounds like skidding to me. I suppose that would change the turn radius. ;)

Just for fun, JJA rockin' some crazy low angles: <embed src="http://blip.tv/play/1DDbwiUC" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="367" width="480">

Checkout the slo mo of that 1st run, especially around 1;19

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I thought pedaling was twisting. Not bending (decambering). In either case, you can only affect the shape of the board between the feet, so I don't see the point.

I think the way more effective tools in my bag are inclination and angulation.

That vid of JJA does not show "crazy low (binding) angles" as far as I can tell. It also shows him on older two-piece Hangls. He knows better now. :p

Neil, don't forget, the scr of any board is actually a radius slightly longer than the longest turn it will carve without skidding. As you tilt the board up, the board bends and that radius gets smaller.

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You didn't answer the question. I asked why is it necessary, you replied with why it might be advantageous. You assumed that because Jack took a long-radius board down a tight run that he had to have pedaled it. I say, regardless of whether you believe in pedaling or not, that it ain't necessarily so. You can pressure it straight down and get it to turn tight.

And for the record, if I flex my knee in on the carpet, I just touch my knees together. I run a pretty soft setup - old Raichle 224s with Titanflexes. There's a lot of flex in the boot/binding combo fore and aft.

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A big chuck of effective it that between you feet, correct? And I lump many things into the pedaling catageroy. Basically, if you manulipate the board in any fashion other than riding very statically and let the board do it all, thats what I have always classified as pedaling. Using you feet and legs to bend, twist, push, pull whatever to make and generate changes in your turn no matter how minute those changes may be. Your killing me Smalls.

Sandlot - nice pull! :biggthump

I think I saw Sean Martin use the term pedaling here first, and he was referring specifically to the twisting that might be done with heel/toe efforts. Shrug. Jamming your knees together Duckboy style is and does something else.

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Get off your flexomatic setup and on to something more rigid and efficient and you just might have different results.:biggthump And its by no means necessary, if you are inclined to utilize all of the performance and versatility that a board has to offer, then its in your best interest to learn and practice this technique. If you complacent with your current level of riding performance, then no need. TD3 and race boot on everything I ride, splits, fish, metal, burners. I like to err on the side of reliability and efficency.

Think Snow!

Don't wanna. I ride one board everywhere and groomers are just one part of what I do. Rigid and efficient falls down for me when it gets steep, deep and/or bumpy.

and here I am right in the middle,

I love my magic all mt raichle 224s but I sure as he ll can't force the 185 race into submission with them. On the other hand gettin' surfy on the grocer in race boots isn't nearly as fun & comfy as 224s w/thermoflex:biggthump

Different boots, single step-in system, all boards.

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...I lump many things into the pedaling catageroy. Basically, if you manulipate the board in any fashion other than riding very statically and let the board do it all, thats what I have always classified as pedaling. Using you feet and legs to bend, twist, push, pull whatever to make and generate changes in your turn no matter how minute those changes may be.

Um, well if you're going to re-define your terms mid-argument then there's certainly no way you can be wrong. And no way anyone can tell what it is you're talking about, as you haven't decided yourself what it is yet.

"Pedalling" is, as pointed out to you some time back, a standard drill they teach beginners. I believe it's in current CASI orthodoxy although that's only based on hearsay. It's part of the BASI dogma for sure. As you're the one selling these drills, perhaps you'd be so kind as to look up what it is you're actually talking about yourself?

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Um, well if you're going to re-define your terms mid-argument then there's certainly no way you can be wrong. And no way anyone can tell what it is you're talking about, as you haven't decided yourself what it is yet.

"Pedalling" is, as pointed out to you some time back, a standard drill they teach beginners. I believe it's in current CASI orthodoxy although that's only based on hearsay. It's part of the BASI dogma for sure. As you're the one selling these drills, perhaps you'd be so kind as to look up what it is you're actually talking about yourself?

AASI does a lot of talk on board twisting as well, this is where I first was told about it and after thinking about it formed my doubts. that was when I was like 16 and I've seen it referenced recently too. guess it's one thing they have stuck with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please continue this thread as its very amusing and is stopping me from losing the plot from lack of snow.

I'll have a crack. Pedaling is a load of cock, look at Benjamin Karls set up. His board is a modern race board with a very stiff isolation plate system, which allows the board to flex naturally and longitudally but not torsionally.

Then again if I was riding old equipment (burner) I might try some pedaling(altering the sidecut by torsionally flexing the board with fore and aft pressure of the feet) as my old Dutch coach told me to do.

Please commence the battle so the war can be won:1luvu:.

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Please continue this thread as its very amusing and is stopping me from losing the plot from lack of snow.

I'll have a crack. Pedaling is a load of cock, look at Benjamin Karls set up. His board is a modern race board with a very stiff isolation plate system, which allows the board to flex naturally and longitudally but not torsionally.

Then again if I was riding old equipment (burner) I might try some pedaling(altering the sidecut by torsionally flexing the board with fore and aft pressure of the feet) as my old Dutch coach told me to do.

Please commence the battle so the war can be won:1luvu:.

I'll bite.

There isn't a board made that doesn't flex some torsionally. Plate, no plate, wing, no wing, chicken foot - nothing will stop the flex. Guaranteed.

You can try to minimize if you don't like it, or you can be proactive and use it. Or you can just park and ride and be all passive like a dead fish. :eek:

I will ride some plates this winter and play with that. Guarantee I will flex those too.

Not flex board torsionally = unpossible.

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Not flex board torsionally = unpossible.

I love your strength, do you have nice eyes and a cute arse, because if you do I will forgive your spelling and grammar. Its quite attrocious. Immposible.


Guarantee I will flex those too.
How big are your guns.

I am playing but if you are going to write do it properly.

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