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howdy all

wow! after yesterdays wind blowing dump all day and last night no new

snow made for a great groomer day. had a feeling it was going to be good

so brought out the big gun. high overcast in the early morning than fog

slowly creeping down in the afternoon. snow conditions were perfect for

carving, that new snow covered the polished ice. we are on the edge of

it could be good or bad, rain/snow. forcast is more rain/snow by thursday.

rode my coiler pr2 186 from 9 till 1...

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howdy all

there were three inches of new snow on some areas and an inch on

others depending on when it got groomed. should have brought a powder

board, would have been more fun. snowing in the early morning than

really foggy and freezing fog on goggles than cleared and the sun came

out about one, got surfy in the sunshine. rode my fp171 from 9 till 1...

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howdy all

had to work in the morning, but got cut loose around noon. got on snow

about 1pm. foggy from the top till halfway down and lightly snowing.

went straight to the backside and made a few runs then did a hellfire run

and called it a day. bottom of chair 1 was slippery polished ice.

rode my amp5 softies from 1 till 3:30...

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howdy all

well kinda of a sleeper day, kinda knew it was going to be ok, but it was

way better than i expected. eds was pretty close to a perfect day. and

knew buster was going to be here, but brudda dane and kram showing up

made for a great mini session and johnasmo and angry rick shows up, even

better!. i kinda had a feeling that the new snow yesterday would make for

a good carving day today, if you all were here today you would not be

disappointed. riding by myself on my own speed id fun, but riding with the

guys with the same stoke. one of the funner days.

rode my 160 speed from 9 till 3:30...

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howdy all

another great day riding with the crew. high overcast in the early morning

than fog slowly creeps down in the pm than snow. good carving conditions

from the top till midway down than gets alittle icy firm. temps were cool

enough to keep things firm all day, i think tomorrow will be really good with

the new snow mixed in. forcast for friday is 60 degrees, hope things dont

fall apart. rode my 160speed from 9 till 3:30...

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howdy all

had to work in the morning, but got cut loose around noon. got on snow

about 1pm. foggy from the top till halfway down and lightly snowing.

very wet and bumped up when i got there. there was three inches of new

snow and i found a few spots that were untracked over the groom and

it was sweet butter, but the rest was chew up junk. made a few runs and

call it early. rode my fp171 from 1 till 3...

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howdy all

didn't go up saturday cause it was raining here in town and it looked foggy

up there. sunday had to work and woke up to two inches here in town.

the snowreport reported eleven inches in twenty four hours and five

inches overnight. today foggy on top then creeps down all day and lifts

around four in the afternoon. it snowed all day with tiny flakes, but still

accumulated to a few inches. this morning a light dusting over icy firm

then a little soft and wet, but still very carvable all day. it was cool

enough that it never got wet and there was no rime. did a face plant

about two thirty where toni matt turns into the bench run. i got to close

to the edge where its soft and buried the nose, maybe a stiff neck

tomorrow. rode a new to me xeena 159, made about six runs than figured

i had to move the bindings back then found the sweet spot. has the right

flex for me and it was a blast to ride. rode my xeena 159 from 9 till 4...

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Hey West carven,

Hope you guys are planning to have sweet snow groomed up all nice and pretty for us on closing weekend! I'll be up by Friday evening, and maybe a few others will be rolling in too (Allee, BigDogDave, maybe even Grayontray...?:))

Had tons of fun last year - looking forward to seeing the gang & getting in some turns with the Whitefish crew again! :1luvu:



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howdy all

well!, today we had it all, fog, sunshine, wind, snow, warm, cold and it

would change every chair ride. there was about two plus inches in the

village and about five plus inches on the summit. it was cool and never

got wet, there was a good wind from the west northwest and it kept

refilling the top part of the face under chair one. i was doing laps under

chair one all day and it was good, one of the better powder day for me.

if it doesn't snow tonight tomorrow will be perfect groomers, but i gotta

work, but i'll be slow and i may go later in the day. forcast is more snow

wenesday night thru thursday then drier on friday and more sun on

saturday and sunday. i think it will be a great closing weekend. i'll be up

there on saturday and have to work on sunday.

rode my amp5 softies from 9 till 4...

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howdy all

had to work in the morning, but got cut loose around 12pm. got on snow

about 1pm. looked foggy and or snowing all morning from town. fog was

midway down, but lifting as i got on snow. first few runs my legs were

hurting from the past two full days. eds was bumped up really good with

piles as high eight inches. after i got my legs back and put the board on

edge i could cut thru the piles, did a few hip checks and spun a couple

of times, same thing on toni matt. should have brought the softies, but

wanted to ride the xeena 159. it is a great ride and it will be ridden alot

next year. rode my xeena 159 from 1 till 4...

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howdy all

had to work in the morning, but got cut loose around 12pm. got on snow

about 1pm. looked like the big was snowing as i left work, just a passing

shower. the sun came out and it was sunshine as i got there. eds looked

like it was 9:30 in the morning, must have been icy, there were only

lightly skied off snow. there was only a few people on the lift. the top of

chair 2 was really icy firm, but eds was just right at 1pm and by 2:30 the

bottom was getting soft. met up with the montucky boys and tried to

keep up on toni matt. glad i got to go up today it was a good carving

day. rode my xeena 159 from 1 till 4...

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howdy all

beautiful bluebird day on closing weekend. the frontside was really icy firm

and was hard to get an edge in so started the day on the backside with

the crew, allee, two ravens, bigdogdave, notarealname and me. did a few

runs than went back to eds and it was already getting soft and carvable.

it was spring slush by 2pm, i didn't stop for the pond skimming and kept

riding till closing. don't know how dreadman and johnasmo did. well, it was

a great season with some good powder days and alot of good carving days.

got to ride 72 days and about 1,700,000 vertical feet and did not get too

beat up, so it was a good year. i hope everyone who came to the big had

fun here and are planning to come back next year. have a great summer

and will see you all soon...

rode my 160 speed from 9 till 4...

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howdy all

had to work in the morning, but got cut loose around 11. got on snow

about 1pm. my boss was cool enough to let me enjoy the last day of the

season. wasn't the greatest carving day, but it was good just to putt

around. high overcast kept things cool and it was polished ice on the

frontside then it warmed up and got slushy. so the final tally is 73 days

and 1,720,790 vertical feet and ranked at number 22, good times...

well, i guess its time to shine the boards and put um away, till next year...

rode my xeena 159 from 1 till 4...

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So great to ride with the Whitefish crew - thanks for an awesome closing weekend!!! BDD and I drove all night (both ways!) to share turns with West Carven, Ohob, Angry Rick, Dr D & son, Allee and all the usual suspects... Even got to say hi to skwalguy in the parking lot! (not in Skwal Bunny costume though - maybe next year!)

Thanks for arranging good snow and sun (2 out of 3 days at least - not bad!!!) Looking forward to seeing you all again next year - and maybe more girls and more canucks next time?!?! We can hope! :biggthump:biggthump

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O h h e y, forgot about the pond skim vids.

BOL'ers representin' in the pond skim.

That's me in yellow. Dave in red. I suck. Dave's a champ.

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/S3kPx0JZPL0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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A bit late on the post...but BIG THANKS to all the the local Big Mountain carving crew. Great to see and ride with everyone again. Big congrats to good friend and mentor Dredman, for skimming the pond in winning style. The Big is a fun Mountain and we had 2 of 3 good days of carving. So the mountain closes and the snow keeps coming...Thanks John, for more fun videos of northern Montucky powder. Was Dave looking for something in that tree well??

To the local carving crew of Big Mountain and visiting fellow carvers from across the northern border, be well,,,,,till next season!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sill good top to bottom snow coverage here in Whitefish. WhooHoo! Been hiking it a lot with Dave, and we even got SkwalGuy Eric up this week.

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MzmtEAKfsSM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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