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Phone Choice?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Phone Choice?

    • Android - Google
    • Apple - iPhone
    • Palm
    • Blackberry
    • Windows Mobile - Microsoft
    • Sidekick
    • Standard phone OS

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Hah...I'm still using an old old Motorola. No monies for a fancy one. :o

plain old phone here too. I'm lucky if I can get a signal at my house, I only use my phone when I leave the island.

I still have a rotary phone at home, I like the way it rings. I also had one in my shop, you'd be surprised how many people would try to push the dial. It would completely confuse kids under 10, they'd just stare at it, one little girl walked away because she couldn't figure it out.

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plain old phone here too. I'm lucky if I can get a signal at my house, I only use my phone when I leave the island.

I still have a rotary phone at home, I like the way it rings. I also had one in my shop, you'd be surprised how many people would try to push the dial. It would completely confuse kids under 10, they'd just stare at it, one little girl walked away because she couldn't figure it out.

hahaha FAIL! :lol:

My friend had a rotary phone as the house phone.

they also liked old things like antiques...

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right now I'm still using my $15 Virgin Mobile (Kyocera) Nitro.

Have used approx $15 of pay-as-you-go minutes in the last three months, and still have almost $10 balance. Unfortunately, my 90-day top-up period ends on the 25th, and I'll have to pony up another $20.00, regardless.

Have never "text"ed (much less "sex"ted) in my life. Mostly what I get are indignant voice mails from my wife, wondering why I even have a phone since I never remember to turn it on.

Very traumatic... :cool::cool:


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You forgot Symbian. Maybe not relevant to North America, but fairly significant in user base.

I too have switched to Android, having a Nexus One now. I tried a iPhone 3G when they first came out a couple years ago and just hated it. Closed off, reception was terrible, "keyboard" was awful, etc... Obviously just my opinion. Didn't work out for me.

Besides the iPhone tryst, I was always a Nokia user. I have been upset with their latest offerings, releasing what can only called beta devices to the public.

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I got to play with a android phone for awhile, it's alright but not at iphone prices, the palm phones are alright certainly would not really feel lacking with it. the thing about the iphone though is the quality of the apps are light years ahead of anything else.

symbian phones I want to like but don't

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Hah...I'm still using an old old Motorola. No monies for a fancy one. :o

My wife has a crackberry but she just bought an Ipad for school so her days of playing on her phone are nearly over....I on the other hand am all about the dinosaur phone


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I'll qualify this with the fact I also own an iPod touch.

I find the quality of Androids apps on par with those available for the iPod/iPhone. Other than some specific apps, such as Slingplayer and Uverse, I've found something as good as or better than what is available on my iPod touch.

The same goes for my Symbian phones.

Have had the chance to play with friends PalmOS phones. The OS is great, the hardware is not.

I love the control I have with Android over MY PHONE, that I paid good money for.

It will take a huge leap in OS and hardware quality for me to switch back to Nokia.

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I tried to like the smart phones, but the reception sucks. I can't hear all that well and we've had problems with reception----up to now.

Samsung Convoy. Military spec phone with the best reception, clearest voice, easy to operate, a battery that really lasts 4 days. It's a flip phone that you can't butt dial, don't have to worry about scratching or cracking the screen like the last one I had, and you can put it iin your pocket. Plus it has push to talk and an excellent speaker phone you can hear when you're driving.

Check out the number one rated phone on the Verizon network, and I'm not alone.

So if you can't hear, have bad reception, and can't always recharge, and not all that unsafe as phones go (radiation).

I don't work for Verizon, I just want a phone that works and works well.

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I'll qualify this with the fact I also own an iPod touch.

I find the quality of Androids apps on par with those available for the iPod/iPhone. Other than some specific apps, such as Slingplayer and Uverse, I've found something as good as or better than what is available on my iPod touch.

The same goes for my Symbian phones.

Have had the chance to play with friends PalmOS phones. The OS is great, the hardware is not.

I love the control I have with Android over MY PHONE, that I paid good money for.

It will take a huge leap in OS and hardware quality for me to switch back to Nokia.

have you used anything that taxes the hardware at all? video is fine on the g1 but anything rendered was painful. even within the OS, that's not really exceptible. if you're gonna have dazzling effects as part of the OS they ought to be dazzling not jerky. it would not bother me but the jerkiness effects the usability of the OS

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I've got a blackberry, but I really don't like it. It was nice before I got my iPod touch, but since then I really hate the blackberry UI, it's just so clunky and clumsy. If the verizon iPhone materializes, I'll be making the switch. If the verizon iPhone doesn't materialize, I'm going to AT&T next May.

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have you used anything that taxes the hardware at all? video is fine on the g1 but anything rendered was painful. even within the OS, that's not really exceptible. if you're gonna have dazzling effects as part of the OS they ought to be dazzling not jerky. it would not bother me but the jerkiness effects the usability of the OS

Not used the G1 before. I have the Nexus 1, which has substantially more processing power than the G1. The fluidity of the transitions and object rendering in fantastic.

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Got iphone 3GS, replace it when my contract expired and compatible with my iMac. iPhone way easier to txting compare to Blackberry Storm 2 and way user friendly (2 cents)

Funny thing went out for dinner with 10 people and found out that we all had same phone when we all reach to check our phone :D when one of the phone rang...:eek:

Apple's New iPhone Accidentally Unveiled







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