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Alaskan Rover's opinion of hardbooters.


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Would not calling someone a "troll" and then performing such a devisive trolling operation such as you just presented with THIS thread be the epitome of disingenuousness? Not to mention the fact that it seems an endeavor wholly unfettered by any semblance of morality or scruples.

Your attempt to debase me, by yet AGAIN, bringing up a post from a SEPARATE forum that has nothing to do with BOL (and one which I'd already attended to), debases NO ONE but yourself.

You have, alas, with this last endeavor, shown yourself to be fairly unintelligent or at least simply of marginal intelligence, and so perhaps the debate that I spoke of in the qoute below wouldn't be as fair as I had anticipated...pity. Nonetheless, the offer still stands.

Evidently, since you completely ignored my last post, I present it again here: Perhaps, you will read it, this time. And yes, the option to a decorus debate is still open, if you choose to accept.


Just a few posts ago, I presented the following questions to you:

"Feeling a little jaded, lately?

How many times do I have to rebuke your slander, Buell? Thrice in two days? That is getting a bit much. Note that I rather politely rebuked every single one of your comments in TWO different threads. Each time you come back with even more childish nonsense, and yet you infer that
am juvenile? Your presumptions about me are so totally baseless that it defies logic. It's apparent that you only garner from a post that which suits whatever faulty argument you are trying to make, and blithely disregard the rest. If anybody goes back through ANY of my posts, they would find that your summation of me is groundless nonsense. Politics would be a good field for you, Buell, if you're not already in that field; as it is one whereby people OFTEN twist reality to their own end...you'd fit right in. You seem to present yourself as some sort of omniscient sage, and then feel disrespected if somebody happens to call you on it. Tell me you don't."

I gave you AMPLE oppurtunity to respond, and yet you did not. I also gave you the oppurtunity to, as Fin says, "take it to email" or PM...you neglected to do that, either. Instead, you continued with your self-defined little game. I could slander you in a hundred different ways, and yet I won't, because unlike you, I am better than that. Your argument, if you can call such an empty set of agendized nonsense an argument, is illogical at best and certainly myopic. You think you make a "SCORE" by linking a thread from another site and posting it here like a bitter 5th grader. I don't think so...it just makes you seem a jaded individual. No, maybe not "individual", that is not the right word, for I don't really think there is much "individual" about you, certainly nothing you readily evidence. TGR is an ENTIRELY different website, bounded by wholly different parameters of etiquette. It takes just minutes of perusing to understand that...it has nothing whatsoever to do with this site, and yet you presume that it does. Any misundertandings with Carvedog's intent have nothing to do with you nor this site. Besides, as I had already stated, I had already "settled up" with Carvedog sequential to that by admitting that I may have mistook his previous post on my thread by not inferring that it was his own "evil twin" form of welcome to the TGR site. Again, this has nothing to do with you, nor THIS forum. Do you work for the New York Post, or National Enquirer, BTW, as a sort of an Oregonian freelancer?...your posts seem to reflect such proclivity for debasement. That goes for you as well, Neill. I am surprised you stooped to Buell's level of provocateuring...as your own posts are normally fairly even-keeled.

I said above that you seem to present yourself as some sort of omniscient sage, and then feel disrespected if someone has the gall to call you out on that. Let me expand upon that postulate a little: It seems you're one who prefers things that go in tight little boxes, so that you can close the lid and put a neat little brass name-tag on it: "Troll"; "gaper"; "blabber-troll"; "malcontent"; etc, and are totally FLUMOXED when something doesn't quite FIT in that box...it annoys you and you can't figure it out. I am that "something", Buell...and when you try to put me in one of your tight little boxes, it just makes you look shallow.

I couldn't help but notice that you don't even follow the rules of your own forum. In just this ONE thread, you broke rules #1; #2; #4; #8 and #10. That's 50% of the rules of decorum broken in ONE thread. Wow....I'd be amazed, if I wasn't so nausiated by the empty, juvenile banality of it. Nausiated, sure...but not really suprised.

Based upon the whole of your comments, I can presume any number of things about you, from your intellect, to your politics, to what type of shoes you wore last Thursday. If I am right...so much the better. If I am wrong, well, that just reinforces my point that to simmer in baseless presumption is both foolhardy and shallow.

If I remember correctly, sometime during that poll-thread about having a separate softboot forum, PhotoDad2001 said some things that ran counter to your own opinion. I think your last post on the subject of PhotoDad was: "Guys, can't we get rid of him?". Wanting to banish someone because they don't share your opinion, shares the very SAME trait with a certain religous sect in Afghanistan...the very same sect which you had mentioned above. How appropriate. Thank you, Buell, for proving my point so inelegantly.

I think you should see Milkman's thread: "Do you like it hard or soft" that he posted tonight. He preaches the gospel truth on that subject...of course that is at the Church of Logic and Common-Sense and is obviously not a church you attend.

As I'd stated before, Buell, I am not sure why you chose to slander another forum member so publicly, when it can be readily noted that I gave you the gentleman's choice to do it privately via PM, as it seems slander is your want and perhaps your need.

Do you even READ replies to your posts on these threads, Buell? One can only think that you don't, thereby making whatever points you aspire to even more groundless and banal.

But since you seem to have a desire for public spectacle, and I, in turn, am the party injured, I would take this oppurtunity to offer a gentleman's duel in settlement. Not a duel of guns, of course, but one of wits...a debate, if you will. And since I AM a gentleman, at least in this thread, I give the choosing to you: Any subject under the sun. The judges to be the members of this very forum, the stage: a separate thread. No flaming allowed, no slanderous provocation...decorum rules, of course. I present this earnestly
and yet I have little doubt that you will do one of three things: 1) Ignore it. In the 19th century, "challengees" often ignored it when they knew that they neither had the ''firepower'' nor the aim to be of benefit. So I would certainly understand. 2)React with your usual shallow banter such as "Shoo, troll"...in affect reinforcing your own banality. 3)Tell me I'm crazy and stomp off to your electronic corner to sulk...in which case, see #1. Prove me wrong, Buell.
you can choose 4), and PM me when you have a gripe with me, thereby sparing others of your ceaseless provocateuring. A gentleman's debate, however, would be more fun"

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Your attempt to debase me, by yet AGAIN, bringing up a post from a SEPARATE forum that has nothing to do with BOL (and one which I'd already attended to), debases NO ONE but yourself.

Please point to me where you addressed this. Separate forum or not, is this or is this not your attitude towards hardbooters? If it is, why are you here? If it's not, why do you lie?
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Would not calling someone a "troll"......

Too many words. My ADD kicked in at about sentence three.

Buell and I have been chatting on list and off line for a while now. We finally had the chance to ride together a few weeks ago and had a ball.

He is a very accomplished rider btw. Probably a better carver than I am now. With his lovely lady Rebecca we ripped up a whole lot of Baldy and had a blast.

I think he took exception at seeing a friend apparently being attacked on another forum by one who seems to spend a good deal of time stirring things up.

To AR to quote a little WS: "The Lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Obviously not calling you a lady, a tramp maybe :eek::eplus2:;) ( kidding ), but you seem to enjoy these long and unwitty repartees. I think you got where I am coming from - a little internet hazing and whatnot, and you don't have the capacity to ruffle my feathers cuz honestly I don't give a **** what you think. And TGR is a bird of a different feather. So there was a little ribbing back and forth.

Just another keyboard cowboy wishing I was up in the snow, doing the next best thing. Or third or fourth best thing. Vicariously thinking about carving through others. And Buell and Becca are still getting after it over there.

I will only get a couple more days on hill this year. Already planning the next adventure - trying to catch a high water Middle Fork Salmon on a low water year. :biggthump

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<HR style="COLOR: #000000; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->nother nice blog, dude, maybe you are ok, but in my experience, you have been nothing but out of place, rude, unaware of tgr style, extremely demeaning to others and type like a huge troller. let me b more specifictdo13.gifthis blog would have been great for padded room flaming. move over there with your blogs and im sure your responses will be much more favorable.wink.gif

ps. you dont need to send my wife your pm,s because she dont careFIREdevil.gif "

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Jesus ****ing Christ AK, will you shut up? Seriously man, you try to use big words and it comes off all awkward and forced. I didn't even bother reading your reply, because it's just a string of awkwardly phrased shlt.

You are the troll here, not Buell, not anyone else. You've got a persacution complex just like photodad did, and I hope you end up as he did: banned. Perhaps more permanently though, as you have nothing to offer this community besides self-aggrandizing, contentless posts.

See, I can use big words too!


Does one not need to break some listing of rules to be banned? Did I just post a complete thread at a futile attempt at debase another forum member? Every post I made on this subject has simply been a reply to a provocative attempts at debasement and slander by ONE member.

How many rules did he break in the "Has anyone ridden the Lib Tech..." forum...five? Fifty percent of the rules...in one thread? Plus a big one with this present thread...and yet you speak to me of banishment?

As you had just stated, you didn't even read my post...so from what point do you speak?

I didn't realize using words over a certain breadth of syllables was against the rules. I'll have to remember that, then. This is simply the way I write in a textual setting...I have no intent of self aggrandizement, nor belittlement with words I use. Any inference in that regard is simply your own.

I suggested twice now, that Buell take it to PM if he has a gripe, yet he simply responds with more public provocateuring.

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give him a decade and he'll morph into the corporate jargon dickhead <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1DQBeS4L1Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1DQBeS4L1Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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Please point to me where you addressed this. Separate forum or not, is this or is this not your attitude towards hardbooters? If it is, why are you here? If it's not, why do you lie?

Neil, I adressed it in the "Anyone ride Lib Tech..." forum where it all started: " Anyway, I was somewhat non-plussed to find that the very first reply was discourtious, and then, except for one, continued in that same vane. I probably wouldn't have been so chagrined had I not seen the very same reaction to another newbie or "jong" posting a simple question about snowboarding, by the very same people that same night. I truly meant it when I said it was like being lowered into a cell-block of some maximum-security prison...the psyche was about the same. I have had the good luck to work around the world, and so I am used to working with all different types of folk, so that night I just figured that was normal, so I fought back. I regret that I didn't realize that CarveDog's reply was his form of TGR welcome, but I think I explained that to him later."

My words with Carverdog in that first post on TGR were less about his being a "hardbooter" and more about my confusion as to his completely different face on TGR. I didn't realize that was a welcome from his "evil twin", and so I fought back, is all. Why Buell felt a need to infer that I felt that way about all hardbooters is beyond me. I have a friend who rides hardboots...we jib each all the time about our different equipment, but he respects my abilities and I respect his abilities. We both like to carve. and we both enjoy the mountains. End of story.

After I read his own reply, I went on to say:

"If this place is about adventure and finding the raw, beating heart of life...and grabbing hold of it and hoping that it will pull us up from this hospital stretcher/geriatric ward of existence that we call "Modern Society"...then MAYBE this is the place for me. I don't mind the hazing...I enjoy it.

BTW, Thanks for the welcome. "

Well, it's almost 2 pm....and I haven't done sheeet yet. I've got a ton of my sails to repair and varnishing to do...my GF will be back next week from her seminar and will be pissed that I hadn't gotten half of my side of the project-list done...I don't think using the excuse that the sky was too blue will work, I've used it before. I'm gonna go climb one of the masts, that'll be a good way to get some air and get my azz in gear. :)

BTW: I am here because I am going to be setting up a splitboard (maybe even Jones' new one) for use with my Scarpa hardboots...as there are some peaks that I have a date with, and I don't want to continue needing to fall back on my AT ski gear in the harder sublimated crud found on some peaks. The reason I want to go to hardboots on a splitboard is mostly that the ascent would be far easier. I can't kick steps with my softboots. Labrador/Greenland has some great coastal icefields and we have the boat to get there. But not unless I get off me adze.

I gotta go...some sails have my name on them and ANOTHER storms abrewing. Haven't had my coffee yet...GRRRRRR!

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Why Buell felt a need to infer that I felt that way about all hardbooters is beyond me.

It's completely understandable why he would think that.

BTW: I am here because I am going to be setting up a splitboard (maybe even Jones' new one) for use with my Scarpa hardboots...as there are some peaks that I have a date with, and I don't want to continue needing to fall back on my AT ski gear in the harder sublimated crud found on some peaks. The reason I want to go to hardboots on a splitboard is mostly that the ascent would be far easier. I can't kick steps with my softboots

Yeah, that's really not what this forum is about. If you want to buy some hardboots and/or splitboard bindings, Fin and Michelle are experts at sizing you remotely and providing guidance. No need to query thousands of people who generally aren't into that for advice.

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My words with Carverdog in that first post on TGR were less about his being a "hardbooter" and more about my confusion as to his completely different face on TGR. I didn't realize that was a welcome from his "evil twin", and so I fought back, is all.

Complete BS and more double speak. You used "hardboot" as an insult. You thought it would diminish him in the eyes of other TGR members. You know what? They don't care, but we do! :nono:

No BOL member would do that no matter how angry or confused they were. There is no excuse!

BTW: I am here because I am going to be setting up a splitboard (maybe even Jones' new one) for use with my Scarpa hardboots...as there are some peaks that I have a date with, and I don't want to continue needing to fall back on my AT ski gear in the harder sublimated crud found on some peaks. The reason I want to go to hardboots on a splitboard is mostly that the ascent would be far easier. I can't kick steps with my softboots. Labrador/Greenland has some great coastal icefields and we have the boat to get there. But not unless I get off me adze.

Ummm. Wrong website. More double speak? I thought you were here because you "rip," like you said in your first blowhard post. In fact you even said:

I will never again put my feet in hard-boots...they've endured enough of that agony.

You asked about splitboards and AT boots once (of 183 post and 14 threads started in less than 6 weeks on BOL). As someone with considerable backcountry experience on big peaks, I helped you then. All I will say now is that you are headed the wrong direction with your gear choice for the conditions you describe.

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give him a decade and he'll morph into the corporate jargon dickhead <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1DQBeS4L1Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1DQBeS4L1Q&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Electrically speaking.

"That there is funny!!"

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Neil, I adressed it in the "Anyone ride Lib Tech..." forum where it all started: " Anyway, I was somewhat non-plussed to find that the very first reply was discourtious, and then, except for one, continued in that same vane. I probably wouldn't have been so chagrined had I not seen the very same reaction to another newbie or "jong" posting a simple question about snowboarding, by the very same people that same night. I truly meant it when I said it was like being lowered into a cell-block of some maximum-security prison...the psyche was about the same. I have had the good luck to work around the world, and so I am used to working with all different types of folk, so that night I just figured that was normal, so I fought back. I regret that I didn't realize that CarveDog's reply was his form of TGR welcome, but I think I explained that to him later."

My words with Carverdog in that first post on TGR were less about his being a "hardbooter" and more about my confusion as to his completely different face on TGR. I didn't realize that was a welcome from his "evil twin", and so I fought back, is all. Why Buell felt a need to infer that I felt that way about all hardbooters is beyond me. I have a friend who rides hardboots...we jib each all the time about our different equipment, but he respects my abilities and I respect his abilities. We both like to carve. and we both enjoy the mountains. End of story.

After I read his own reply, I went on to say:

"If this place is about adventure and finding the raw, beating heart of life...and grabbing hold of it and hoping that it will pull us up from this hospital stretcher/geriatric ward of existence that we call "Modern Society"...then MAYBE this is the place for me. I don't mind the hazing...I enjoy it.

BTW, Thanks for the welcome. "

Well, it's almost 2 pm....and I haven't done sheeet yet. I've got a ton of my sails to repair and varnishing to do...my GF will be back next week from her seminar and will be pissed that I hadn't gotten half of my side of the project-list done...I don't think using the excuse that the sky was too blue will work, I've used it before. I'm gonna go climb one of the masts, that'll be a good way to get some air and get my azz in gear. :)

BTW: I am here because I am going to be setting up a splitboard (maybe even Jones' new one) for use with my Scarpa hardboots...as there are some peaks that I have a date with, and I don't want to continue needing to fall back on my AT ski gear in the harder sublimated crud found on some peaks. The reason I want to go to hardboots on a splitboard is mostly that the ascent would be far easier. I can't kick steps with my softboots. Labrador/Greenland has some great coastal icefields and we have the boat to get there. But not unless I get off me adze.

I gotta go...some sails have my name on them and ANOTHER storms abrewing. Haven't had my coffee yet...GRRRRRR!

1. Discourteous


3. jibe

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Alaskan Rover is taking a two week "cruise" for now.

I will never let this forum become anything that even come close to looking like TGR. So let's all take a deep breath and move on.....

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