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Teach me about storage wax


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I've heard that a lot of folks put a "storage wax" on their boards during the off season. Exactly how is this done, and what products are used? Can you just rub a block of wax over the edges, or should you do a full hot wax and leave the wax on the edges? Is there another product that is easy to just apply and let dry?

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I just use a cheap yellow (warm) wax on mine. It's really just to stop the drying out over the summer. I slather it on, iron it over, and put the board away. I don't know if there's a science to which wax you use - I use the yellow because it's soft and easy to scrape at the start of the next season. Plus, it makes a pretty good way of getting some of the grunge out of the base before you start prep for the new year - remelt the yellow wax, and then hot scrape it to get the dirt out.

If you use a soft wax you don't have to crank the iron too high, it melts pretty easily at a relatively low temperature.

I make sure all the edges are rust free before I start, and rub the wax block along the edges before I do the base. Just makes sure the rust doesn't come back.

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I hot wax with a waxing iron. It works great for me. I put on a healthy coating of cold weather wax, and make sure that it covers the edges. Then I leave it not scraped and not buffed. It keeps the base from drying out and helps slightly to protect the edges. When the season starts up again, I simply scrape of the edges and the extra wax to a fine coat and buff it out (as you would to finish any hot wax job), and it is ready to go.

I also completely tune the edges and remove the bindings for storage, before applying the wax.

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I just use whatever wax I use for riding. I don't know the advantages of a "storage wax".

I found an easy way to preheat a board prior to applying the wax - works especially well with a black base. Let the board stand in the sun with the base facing the sun. The base gets quite warm and the wax gets smooth & shiny. Then take the board out of the sun & let it cool down.

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Normally, up in Alaska, I usually find places to board all year long...but for times like this winter when I am "down in the states" as they say (maybe that's some weird carryover from when Ak was a territory [1958, I think], or maybe it's just emblematic of many Alaskan's need to feel different), and won't be getting back to the snow until the fall, I just take my board to the shop, have all the craters and canyons filled and a nice coat of machine wax put on for the moderate temps found in the fall. Then when I get it home I'll put a super SOFT wax only on the edges to stop rusting and put it in the bag. That way, it's already waxed with the wax best for early-season and ready to go.

Then, more times than not, sometime in July, I'll take it back out...put it on the living room floor, put my boots on, strap in and try to wish myself into December...hasn't worked yet, but I'll keep on trying. :)

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I hotwax as well, for the storage. And I use the Dominator Storage wax which is heavy in graphite, supposedly that's the best!

YES! dominator renew zoom cleans a base better than anything I've3 used

swix base prep is good too just does not seem to sink in as much as the dominator stuff.

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Nothing "dries" out. Plastic does not oxidize. Storage wax can protect the edges and help to prevent impact damage to your base, but only minimally.

This from Mike DeSantis website as I know many of you worship at the shrine of PTC - and it seems with good reason.

[beginning of SkiMD Faq quote]

"Are my bases “dry” when they become gray and hairy?

NO! Bases become gray and hairy when they have become “abraided” from snow crystals. Bases are plastic and snow is sandpaper. When the amount of skiing you do exceeds the amount you’re waxing, you get gray hairy bases. Petroleum distillate bases do not oxidize! A brand new pair of skis on the rack from 20 years ago will have as dark and rich a base as it does today. Oxygen does not eat plastic, friction does!" [ end of SkiMd quote ]


So it seems to me you should put your regular wax on and just wait until fall to brush it out if anything. I always think I am going to wax stuff in the spring but then boating starts and I have 10 to 15 boards and then next thing you know it's winter and time to go.

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I thought leaving the board in direct sunlight could damage the base? Seems I remember reading that somewhere. Possibly in a another thread.

No, he was talking about leaving a black base in the sun just long enough to warm it up so that the hox wax forms a better "meld" with the base. Sounds sensible to me....however my base is white, so it wouldn't work as well for me.

Leaving your base out in the sun for days and weeks will indeed lead to molecular degradation...just like you should never leave your scuba fins and mask baking under your rear windshield like I stupidly did once...ruined a brand new Scuba-Pro mask that way!! The sun breaks ANYTHING down, especially people!! :cool:

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I think most people put storage wax on more for their peace of mind than anything. They like to think it helps the board but really it just makes them feel better. Some folks like the process and get closure to their season while doing it. It doesn't hurt, that's for sure.

agreed, the big thing for me is knowing I'm gonna be starting with a clean base in the fall. I usually do a warm scrape at the end of the season and then wax again leave it and scrape in the fall.

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