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anyone know why flash is so unstable?


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why is it that in both windows and Mac OS that 9 time out of 10 when I have a browser crash it's ****ing flash content that does it?

In linux it just does not work half the time to even as far as a crash just the content is unusable.

anyone know why this is? I know how it works and why it's so slow but not why it's so buggy. this applies to IE, safari, firefox and chrome browsers on either platform.

sorry, just had firefox go down while watching a movie, bent. trying now with safari.

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Adobe is why.

Wait for more things to go HTML5. The web will be a better place.

for sure! I'm useing the html 5 youtube option right now and I've also used this html 5 demo http://www.satine.org/research/webkit/snowleopard/snowstack.html navigate with arrow keys and space bar.

the other thing that kills me about flash is how much stuff is flash only but there's more and more people that exclusively use phones and other devices that don't have flash at all. even flash "lite" on some phones just does not work well.

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Genuine Adobe products are quite stable, compared to their competition...


The current state of affairs with adobe reminds me a lot of what things were like with Quark before inDesign finally gained acceptance. They're waltzing around pushing crappy "upgrades" on an already dissatisfied customer population, knowing that we will pay as long as there is no alternative. Some smart company is going to cash in on that customer dissatisfaction and see it for the business opportunity that it represents. The first young, hungry company that comes up with a solid professional competitor for photoshop and illustrator will have my money, and that of a lot of the designers and developers that I know. I'm sick and tired of paying for their unstable, poorly engineered bloatware. Give me half the features and quadruple the performance and stability and I'm done with Adobe forever. I have not upgraded at home to the latest version of "Creative Suite" for some time ... we get the upgrades at work and as far as I can tell, they offer no improvements in terms of stability, performance, or OS compatibility.

Flash has its place but it is irritating that it is a closed platform, that's why you're never going to see flash on the iPhone or the iPad. It can be very useful when used judiciously as an image format, but is a ****ty development platform for full-on websites. It helped us fix many of the video problems on the web that we had prior to flash video but HTML5 pretty much makes it unnecessary for video content; and although you can't do a lot of what you can do with flash with Javascript/css/xhtml/canvas - you can do a lot these days. I recently converted a flash-based a site for a client to standards-based frontend technologies and they have been blown away with the improvements this has produced... faster performance, easier to edit and maintain, easier to perform multivariate testing on, waaaay faster load times, Better optimized for search, improved accessibility ... and the site is visually indistinguishable from the older flash version ... it's just easier to work with and more accessible.

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Certainly Macromedia would be why?

Genuine Adobe products are quite stable, compared to their competition...

IDK I used to build stuff in their hypercard player and the thing that they had before flash would let you build for either mac OS or dos yeah, yeah, I know. just realize I was 11 and was using system 7 for nearly 5 years. macromedia products were usually not bloated, fast and stable. macromedia has been part of adobe for a long time too think they were completely adobe at least four or five years ago, you'd think something in as broad use would be fixed by now.

in mac OS flash is the worst by a long shot, as unstable as on all the other platforms but incredibly slow.

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why is it that in both windows and Mac OS that 9 time out of 10 when I have a browser crash it's ****ing flash content that does it?

In linux it just does not work half the time to even as far as a crash just the content is unusable.

anyone know why this is? I know how it works and why it's so slow but not why it's so buggy. this applies to IE, safari, firefox and chrome browsers on either platform.

sorry, just had firefox go down while watching a movie, bent. trying now with safari.

Well, you must be crashing because you are using out dated equipment. Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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Well, you must be crashing because you are using out dated equipment. Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are!!!:lol::lol::lol:

the fact that you just used the Larry the cable guy run out to what's usually either a racist or sexist or just a incredibly unintelligent joke I'll respond by stating the obvious.

I know you're a every man average joe type that does not like the people you see as elitists. you know, the ones who like boards that cost more than $200 or when you were lamenting about anything more expensive than miller high life is overpriced because "miller high life works just fine" or whatever you said. you take pride in being a average joe. The type that's moved by football, fart jokes and so on. here's what I take you to task on, I have some old crappy gear and I use it, to beat on and I've ridden boards to death and when I mean death I mean until the edges fell out or snapped the board in half. I have a low end softboot setup in the other room, I use it too I just don't have to feel like it's awesome because I know it's not. low end board built in china that rides like it was built in china, it's the miller light of snowboards, it works, just not well and I don't expect it to. you look at gear in the same way you look at beer. as it's all pretty much the same. You come out at us like a gee shucks, straight shooter telling it like it is long time snowboarder that decries the greedy board builders and industry trends along with the people that are actually willing to drop the dough on new gear so you can feel better about yourself and whatever relic you found on craigslist. Do you think a polaroid camera is as good as whatever you're using or even if I made the argument for a point and shoot 35mm? Nah, digital is not REALLY better for anything it's just because you want to think it is, digital is a gimmick. this is the argument you use for snowboards.

Okay, I'll ignore the irony of the joe average that pisses on the "elitist" people who buy the gear first hand and keep a niche market afloat so he can buy it second or third hand at a dramatically reduced prices from them. And considering the vast amount of over-simplification you employ to describe with sweeping generalizations, all of the snowboarding public that "don't make no sense to you", as well as your lack of knowledge on the subject one might be led to think that you are somewhat proud of not appearing (or being) too intellectual. Combine that with your sucker appeal to the knee-jerk cool teenager snowboard guy that thinks he's "core" in us all who would much rather have 87 beat up burton alps than a new kessler, SG, Apex, Oxess, Coiler, Prior or even a new Donek Pilot because at $415 it's over priced. ****, it was not that long ago you were saying hard boots were gay and you'd never try them.

You and Dave ESPI ought to get together and have a "you guys are all a bunch of elitist snobs that ride over priced snowboards but 3 strap bindings are awesome" off. You could both trade a **** load of beat up gear with each other and claim it's just as good as anything new too. But having said that, I would truly love to get you and some of your buddies in a room together to debate some of the finer points on snowboarding,comedy, music, culture, the issues facing our country today and just about anything else we might find worthy of discussion. Many BOL types that spend on new boards are pretty smart as well. They are also, I imagine, as "value minded" as you. Not all of them of course, but most. And I'm sure that they may come up with some genuinely interesting, insightful points (and would do so without spouting a bunch of meaningless cheapskate softbooter with a cross to bear platitudes). And if you really, truly want to be able to say this sport is over priced, cut your price you charge to photograph events, lower your price for prints touch ups as well. I'm sure all those hard-working Americans could use the extra money now that the boards, boots and bindings cost more than they did in 1990.

Anyway, I just wanted to address the stuff you wrote and clear some things up. Mostly the air around here...I just farted!!!!!

for those of you that don't recognize the above letter it's a version I altered that David Cross wrote to Larry the cable guy.

just having some fun.

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the fact that you just used the Larry the cable guy run out to what's usually either a racist or sexist or just a incredibly unintelligent joke I'll respond by stating the obvious.

I know you're a every man average joe type that does not like the people you see as elitists. you know, the ones who like boards that cost more than $200 or when you were lamenting about anything more expensive than miller high life is overpriced because "miller high life works just fine" or whatever you said. you take pride in being a average joe. The type that's moved by football, fart jokes and so on. here's what I take you to task on, I have some old crappy gear and I use it, to beat on and I've ridden boards to death and when I mean death I mean until the edges fell out or snapped the board in half. I have a low end softboot setup in the other room, I use it too I just don't have to feel like it's awesome because I know it's not. low end board built in china that rides like it was built in china, it's the miller light of snowboards, it works, just not well and I don't expect it to. you look at gear in the same way you look at beer. as it's all pretty much the same. You come out at us like a gee shucks, straight shooter telling it like it is long time snowboarder that decries the greedy board builders and industry trends along with the people that are actually willing to drop the dough on new gear so you can feel better about yourself and whatever relic you found on craigslist. Do you think a polaroid camera is as good as whatever you're using or even if I made the argument for a point and shoot 35mm? Nah, digital is not REALLY better for anything it's just because you want to think it is, digital is a gimmick. this is the argument you use for snowboards.

Okay, I'll ignore the irony of the joe average that pisses on the "elitist" people who buy the gear first hand and keep a niche market afloat so he can buy it second or third hand at a dramatically reduced prices from them. And considering the vast amount of over-simplification you employ to describe with sweeping generalizations, all of the snowboarding public that "don't make no sense to you", as well as your lack of knowledge on the subject one might be led to think that you are somewhat proud of not appearing (or being) too intellectual. Combine that with your sucker appeal to the knee-jerk cool teenager snowboard guy that thinks he's "core" in us all who would much rather have 87 beat up burton alps than a new kessler, SG, Apex, Oxess, Coiler, Prior or even a new Donek Pilot because at $415 it's over priced. ****, it was not that long ago you were saying hard boots were gay and you'd never try them.

You and Dave ESPI ought to get together and have a "you guys are all a bunch of elitist snobs that ride over priced snowboards but 3 strap bindings are awesome" off. You could both trade a **** load of beat up gear with each other and claim it's just as good as anything new too. But having said that, I would truly love to get you and some of your buddies in a room together to debate some of the finer points on snowboarding,comedy, music, culture, the issues facing our country today and just about anything else we might find worthy of discussion. Many BOL types that spend on new boards are pretty smart as well. They are also, I imagine, as "value minded" as you. Not all of them of course, but most. And I'm sure that they may come up with some genuinely interesting, insightful points (and would do so without spouting a bunch of meaningless cheapskate softbooter with a cross to bear platitudes). And if you really, truly want to be able to say this sport is over priced, cut your price you charge to photograph events, lower your price for prints touch ups as well. I'm sure all those hard-working Americans could use the extra money now that the boards, boots and bindings cost more than they did in 1990.

Anyway, I just wanted to address the stuff you wrote and clear some things up. Mostly the air around here...I just farted!!!!!

for those of you that don't recognize the above letter it's a version I altered that David Cross wrote to Larry the cable guy.

just having some fun.

Dude, bring your stress level down or you're going to be carted to the ER for having a heart attack. The stress levels you reach on here are unhealthy. It's supposed to be fun and a lot of what I say is in jest and sarcasm. If you really get this worked up over a person in a hard financial situation who would rather spend what money he has actually has getting out there and riding than having a bunch of trophy boards than maybe my oppinion of you has changed. I thought you might actually be a positive member to this forum but after spew like that you just come off as a bitter, hateful, little man, who should probably take a leave of absence and seek some professional help for your own sake. This is not healthy bro. There is room in carving for more than your tech junky, money tossin', state of the art carver. There are classes among the jibbers too and the biggest pricks aren't the ones riding the old boards. Settle it down a bit. I made a joke and you really lost it. And you also lost it on your reply to Dave. Have another shot, you might pass out.

And it was a 99 alp, they didn't make the alp in 87. :D And I sold it (sale pending) along with the Ride Kildy I had. Think I'll get one of the Burton Free series with the foam cores. Burton Chill is the bomb!

Actually I have cut prices on my photography because the market is in the pisser, a nice medium format format camera from back in the day can still kick low end digital cameras asses in photo quality, AND this unintelligent mf'er is going to be done with his bachelors in radiology (3.75 gpa) in less than a year and maybe I'll be able to do some x-rays for you when you have carpal tunnel from typing posts that long.

Oh yeah, forgot to add something about the medium format film cameras? You have to actually be a true photographer to actually use one. It's not idiot proof like the new stuff. Sure there are bells and whistles out the ass but when I see people with images taken with high end digital cameras and then touched up in photoshop I think wow, you spent a lot of money. When I see an image made with an old hasselblad or mamiya I think, that person has a great eye. I know which one I'd rather be.

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no **** sherlock 87 burton alps as in you'd rather have a mess of garbage than one or two decent rides, I was not indicating a vintage

yeah, I know about medium format, gave away a yashica awhile back. film is still good for a art application, that's my point though digital is now at the point where there's no disadvantage but plenty of advantages. where film is really sidelined out of most commercial applications.

what are you doing weddings with? I'd have a hard time believe you're still running a dark room to crank out wedding photos .

anyway, that entire post of mine above was pretty much an attempt at some humor, it's a letter I did not even write. I just changed some words around mostly.

the fact that you took it seriously may point out something about you.

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no **** sherlock 87 burton alps as in you'd rather have a mess of garbage than one or two decent rides, I was not indicating a vintage

yeah, I know about medium format, gave away a yashica awhile back. film is still good for a art application, that's my point though digital is now at the point where there's no disadvantage but plenty of advantages. where film is really sidelined out of most commercial applications.

what are you doing weddings with? I'd have a hard time believe you're still running a dark room to crank out wedding photos .

anyway, that entire post of mine above was pretty much an attempt at some humor, it's a letter I did not even write. I just changed some words around mostly.

the fact that you took it seriously may point out something about you.

There seemed to be a lot of specifics that I couldn't imagine being in a letter to someone else, but I'll take your word for it. If you read my whole post you'll see that I've sold 2 rides and am getting one better (not new of course) I'm going to try one of those Gromel boards out. Found one used on E-bay. Supposed to be like a Razor type of board. Sorry but I'll be riding 35-40 on the front and 15-20 on the rear, and without the 3rd strap. Well, maybe just on the front binding. Man I love Burton SI!!!:1luvu::1luvu::1luvu:

For weddings I actually have to borrow a camera because, you guessed it, I can't afford anything above a Nikon D200. I've got a friend who loans me his D2H when I get a wedding though. I have a friend in Florida who does comercial work and still uses his 4x5 film camera when he does ad work. Mostly archetecture and landscapes. The US parks department still uses film for areial photography. It's a 10 inch wide by, well however long they roll it. I've seen rolls up to 300 yards long before. Digital is definately faster and easier, and in the 35mm world higher quality, but film still lives outside the artistic realm in medium and large format.

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ehh, it went around the internet awhile back.

You might already be aware that I also just purchased that 168 Madd BX. That's 2 boards gone (90's models) and 2 boards replaced with newer stock. Not going to be able to pull out the outdated gear card here once I replace my boots and bindings. Probably going to have to wait till next season unless I find a REALLY ULTRA STELLAR deal.

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