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Dredman, excellent video! Well done!!! :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump And BDD is looking simply stellar!!!!!

Too bad we didn't get any footage of you sporting your new smokin' hot Flyin' Hawaiian hibiscus flower one piece! :p Oooooh baby!!!! :1luvu::1luvu::1luvu: Especially since you were laying down your signature monster Montucky carves in some challenging conditions, and actually completing super sweet carved 360's. :biggthump We'll have to leave it to johnasmo to truly do it justice.

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Here is the footage I shot yesterday. I need a higher quality camera and I need to keep the rider centered in the frame better...More stuff to work on.

Well I am bummed I missed out on today, but my son and I got his science project finished up after 6+ hours....ugh

Enjoy the video!

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Actually my applause for holding the camera as steady as you did. Nice video:biggthump I just bought the Lumix ZS3 less than $300 and shoots 720hidef. very happy with the video i shot so far especially when i watch it on girlfriends 50" plasma hidef tv. trying to come up a mount for my helmet. was going to edit the video on my work computer, it is super fast, but literally the day after i bought the camera the boss put out a memo saying we are not allowed any longer to plug "anything" into the pc's. sucks. cheers!


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(yes, I am working thru my posting phobia, several months of therapy, all aggravated by Droid anxiety)

Great jamming with dredman and 2 ravens Saturday. Great day with great people. Johnasmo has some serious compitition with the videos--great job dredman!!! We will do MORE!!

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Actually my applause for holding the camera as steady as you did. Nice video:biggthump


I am actually using a program called Virtual Dub with an add on of DeShaker. It is actually all free software too!! It takes really shaky video and stabilizes it. Johnasmo from Whitefish has been using it for sometime now. I am still working out the kinks.

BDD!! Wow nice job posting!!

To the rest of you!!! Beware of the Black Chicken of DEATH!! She will carve a trench so deep you will fall into it and never come out!!

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With all the fun you kids are having, it might seem like I picked the wrong time to bail. But don't worry, we drove all night to catch the powder at the 'Ghee today. Sorry I missed out on some good times, but what can I say, I am the Crackaddict after all, and I needed a fix.

We climbed desert sandstone cracks for three straight days, everything from incipient fingertip laybacks in Indian Creek to a squeeze chimney on Jah Man, a classic tower route in the Castle Valley.

Here are a couple of photos from yesterday's ascent of Sister Superior. (H. Coco wouldn't let me post the pictures of her bloody hands.) The tower over our heads is the one we climbed, the phallus in the distance is the famous Castleton Tower (remember that Jeep ad from the 80's?).

Kelly: tomorrow promises to be another Monster day. Come up and redeem that lift ticket any time before we head south again on April 1st.

Hope to see you all again before the season's out!

C. Addict and H. Coco




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Excellent pictures! Looks like you were also having a great time!! I hope Hot Coco's hands heal up!!

I should be up Saturday and Sunday. I imagine The Black Chicken of Death will most likely want to join as will BDD.

How was it up there today? I bet tomorrow should be amazing!!

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I'm in for Saturday, and probably Sunday as well. :)

Fair warning: a request has been made for an appearance of the Fuschia and Black One Piece that won the SkES retro day contest. As far as I know, it has never seen a day on snow. Putting it on the hill at the same time with Montucky Day-Glow Green and Smokin' Hot Hibiscus Flower Red - protective eyewear is surely recommended, and I take no responsibility if some quark/anti-quark event is triggered and vaporizes the mountain. :ices_ange

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WoW! the one piece fuschia/black. "Brilliant". Couldnt tell if rabbit was smiling, wincing, or in attack mode. So, count me in for Sat and Possibly Sun. I, too, will be adding alittle more flash/clash to the bright parade. Good clearance price on pants. 2 for 1. So there is now a selection--how do I decide between the very yellow or the multi brilliant electrical pattern. And, may have to find just a bit more courage. Daughter Lauren may be coming up on one of the days ,too.

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Hey everyone, thanks for an absolutely awesome day yesterday! Excellent conditions and a super fun crew!!! That had to be my best day ever on a carving board! :1luvu::biggthump:1luvu::1luvu:

Great to see crackaddict laying down his signature monster trenches, and Hot Coco figuring out the hardboots! Woohooo!!! We want to see you on a Coiler next year, girl! :biggthump Have fun climbing and hope to ride with you both again next season!

And BDD and dredman as always, just a kick to ride with - you both totally rock! And I sure had fun laying down a few nice tight heelsides. :ices_ange

Let's do it again in two weeks! :D (Hey Casper - seems like it might be time for you to make an appearance at the Ghee too?!?!)

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What more can be said.

crackaddict--you rock--carving and climbing. Great riding with you and hot coco (and ya, consider the coiler for hot coco). Safe travels and climbs. Catch you next season.

dredman--cant thank you enough for all the help and mentoring (carving and you know--life), so --thanks again. And really, your jokes are funny--we laugh!!

2 ravens--IT'S BEEN SO FUN . YOU ARE DOING SOOOO GOOD. I hope some day my heel side will be as tight as yours. Something to work towards--I may have to shed the crash pads.

Do I smell Whitefish?

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James, it has been a pleasure riding with you this season! You gave me the best tips of the year, and they made big changes in my riding. Thank you. I really enjoyed your analytical process to carving. I have not ever really though much about my riding and discussions with you have really put words to the why and how's of carving. I wish you a safe and fun summer!

Do not forget to get Hot Coco a Coiler Metal Schtubbette!!

Hot Coco! It has been great getting to know you! Keep up the great work on the carving! I am sure that you will really enjoy the new Coiler James is going to surprise you with!!

I will not be saying good bye to either the Black Chicken of Death or BDD. For I will see you soon!!

I too agree, Sunday may have been the Best Day Ever. It was Schweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Till next winter CA and Hot Coco!! Cheers!

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Best season ever! So many great monster days, I've forgotten those few icy ones already.

Colleen and I did that early tracks thing yesterday for a big powder finish to the winter. Totally worth it, what a riot!

It has been truly great to ride with all you Coiler folks. I never thought I would be resting Fridays and riding all weekend, but the crew was just to much fun to carve with, even if I did trip over the occasional trench.

Dredman, you've definitely raised the bar for me this year; you've demonstrated what's possible and given something to work towards. You helped me push my board and my body through old boundaries and bad habits. Now carving feels almost too easy. I guess it's time for a bigger board eh? (Don't worry, I'll make sure Coco gets hers too.)

Dave and Kelly, you two have made such incredible progress this season. I never would have expected you guys to be laying it down so quickly. I guess the right gear, a good coach and daily training runs at the King make a pretty good substitute for ten years of balancing a stiff FP edge on eastern hardpacked green runs eh? By this time next year you'll both be trenching up the steeps and I'll have to go back to resting on weekends...

We didn't buy that 4x4 van. Turns out we can't import a Quigley modified vehicle to Canada, and I can't drive one up there that's registered to Colleen. Looks like my dream van will cost more than double what I was hoping; only new vehicles are eligible for modification. Oh well, the old camper van still runs. (Barely.)

Today we strip the bindings from all our boards, pack the vehicles and clean the condo. Feels like a bummer, but we'll be climbing in the sun again by Saturday (when you all will probably be digging deep in the soft stuff up here.) Great memories and cool videos will help me through the summer (well, that and some inspiring rock faces). I'll look forward to riding with the gang on perfect corduroy again next season. I'm pretty sure we're coming back (what else could be so much fun?), hope you're all here too. Bring Coilers...

Here's a bit more helmet-cam video:


Hot Coco says: Thanks for not totally dissing me when I'm riding soft boots :rolleyes:, and thanks for encouraging me towards the carving way of life (and for reminding James to surprise me with a Coiler). Hope to see you all next season!

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Here is the latest installment of Targhee Carving!!


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We couldn't do it. The cars were packed but the snow just kept on falling. Last night at midnight we waded out to the parking lot to retrieve our gear and bindings; we re-mounted the powder sticks and made it up for early tracks again.

That early tracks thing is addictive. 10 000 feet of fresh tracks for fifty bucks - unbeatable. Though I am the crackaddict, when the time came to commit I couldn't do it. I guess I love riding too.

Today was so deep we were just straightlining even the steepest terrain on the sac like the northern lights and the shadow woman. This is the slow light stuff that's perfect for great face plants and summer saults.

Wednesday was awesome too, with less snow but way denser so we actually made some turns - even some good ones! I spent all that morning just high marking the bowl. The sac was thrashed by 9am.

Ok, this time for real. We're stripping the boards, re-loading the cars, and heading to Vegas. Hope to be on rock by tomorrow afternoon. You all get to enjoy the new freshies tomorrow! This storm's not over yet. I am very tempted to stay on, but I have been training all winter (on and off) for this spring trip, and I've got some projects in mind and less than two weeks to be home.

Thanks again to the crew for making this such a great year. Wow. Can't wait until next season!

Have fun out there...

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If you are interested in sharing a home or condo for this weekend email me through BOL.

I am in the quick planning stages of trying to arrange lodging for a pack of us.

Not sure how many...



Two Ravens


myself and son...and maybe a buddy of his?

Seems like there are many choices to be had a very good rates through www.vbro.com, east idaho craigslist, and through the Targhee website.

Going to try and have this tied up by Wednesday evening.

Cheers, dredman

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