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Confirmed date for Snow King Pond Skimming Party is Sunday Mar 21, 2-6 p.m. I heard rumors it was good fun last year (I think casper went?)

Folks are welcome to hang at my house if you all want, and if parking is tight at the King, I'm just 3 blocks away and can make room for a few more vehicles..... (Don't know how big the crowds will be?)

Might be a fun afternoon! :biggthump

Went out late this afternoon for a couple of runs - very nice conditions! A touch too soft toward the bottom (I got there at 4 p.m.) but up higher it was nice firm snow underneath with a friendly soft layer on top. Just right! :1luvu:

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I am entering this year! Woo HOO! pond is going to be 20 feet longer and one foot deeper. there is going to be a jump and flat entrance, you can choose. no entry fee. Went to the village today and skied, pretty firm but smooth in the morning and by noon it was quite carv-able :biggthump

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So how long is the pond going to be? How is it organized?

The Whitefish one moved the skimmers starting point further down the hill each time they made it across the pond. If you did not make it across then you were out. If you made it then you hiked back up and started at a lower point. In the final rounds it was the furthest skim that won.

Is this format similar? What are the prizes?

Hmmm sounds fun!!

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Yes, I am up for some riding at the Ghee on Saturday, as is BigDogDave.

Possibly some pond skimming on Sunday afternoon at the KING... But I will not know till tonight or tomorrow...

James, how are conditions at the Ghee?

Thanks, dredman

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Yeah guys, way hardpack at the 'Ghee this morning.

Carvable for sure, but sharpen your edges and bring the small board 'cause, unless you're Dredman, it's gonna feel a bit scary. Unforgiving, one might say. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of fun turns to be had out there, but after a whole season of hero corduroy, my standards are a little higher than usual.

It would likely have warmed up and softened a bit this afternoon too, but we didn't stick around to find out. We're packed and off to Utah for a quick desert tower climbing mission. Back when it starts snowing again...

Kelly, we'll have to give you a rain check on that lift ticket. Sorry. The rest of you kids have fun on the pond!

Crackaddict and Hot Coco

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Woohooo! Sounds just like a day at the King! :) Oh, wait - I don't like those days at the King! :eek: Oh well, at least the Ghee's grooming has GOT to be better - they didn't do anything but the race course here last night. Hideous conditions today.

0900 @ DC then?

CA & HC - no problem on the lift ticket. Maybe next season? Have fun in Utah!

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Hey casper - sounds like fun! :biggthump I might be there.....

BDD & dredman - thanks for an AWESOME day at the Ghee!!!! :1luvu: You guys rock!

I'm just going to have everything ready to go back to Targhee tomorrow. If you all aren't coming to the King I might head over the hill for the morning at least, then back to the King for pond spectating.... Hope to see you guys out on one hill or the other tomorrow!

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I will not be able to hit the Ghee tomorrow. Busy life stuff to deal with... But If I am able to sneak off for the afternoon....maybe...slight maybe...The boy, BDD and I may head over to the King for some afternoon skimming.... maybe.

Thanks Black Chicken of Death and BDD for a simply excellent day!! Ahh Bliss!!

Pictures and short video will be posted later when I have time to process and edit footage!

BCoD I will call if it looks like we can make it over in the afternoon.

Cheers, dredman

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I have been born again on "carving skis". I know i will die in hell for this but...i had so much fun today skiing @ the village. the little kids were falling in my trenches on teewinot :eplus2:. I watched this video of this Polish guy doing fully laid out turns and it inspired me to try something different. linkie,,,

I will be at SK to watch. Cheers!

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I have been born again on "carving skis". I know i will die in hell for this but...i had so much fun today skiing @ the village. the little kids were falling in my trenches on teewinot :eplus2:. I watched this video of this Polish guy doing fully laid out turns and it inspired me to try something different. linkie,,,

I will be at SK to watch. Cheers!

What!?!?! You're having fun, carving trenches in snow?!?! Burn! Burn you heathen! :AR15firin:AR15firin:AR15firin:flamethro

Oh, wait - what I meant to say is :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump:biggthump:biggthump

Glad you had a great day too!


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Kelly your were KILLING it yesterday!!

Hey, that's why they call me the Black Chicken of Death! ;)

Sorry you guys couldn't make it to the Ghee today, but there wasn't anything good there anyway. :) You all wore me out yesterday, so I overslept my alarm by 1 1/2 hours - Rabbit had to wake me up! Got to the Ghee after 10 am and had to park in the 5th row!! It was horrendous! Then I nearly had to share my chair with a skier on the Dreamcatcher quad - but I stared her down as only the Black Chicken of Death can do, and she wisely backed off. Whew!

So you guys should be glad you weren't there - there was just too much sunshine, too much groom, unreal crowds. On the bright side, the groomers left Floyd's and Arrowhead untouched under the Blackfoot chair, so anytime I felt lonely I could just zip over there and trip over all your lovely trenches! And the images of your lovely new threads are permanently burned into my retinas, so it was all good! :p

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Here is the footage I shot yesterday. I need a higher quality camera and I need to keep the rider centered in the frame better...More stuff to work on.

Well I am bummed I missed out on today, but my son and I got his science project finished up after 6+ hours....ugh

Enjoy the video!

Wam Bam... It's a Booty Jam!

<object width="425" height="344">

<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ekgLZxxhbQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

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