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What is a snowboard?


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151.01 Snowboard

A snowboard is equipment, which permits gliding on all snow conditions. The bindings must be affixed in a sideways manner on the longitudinal axis of the board. The boots cannot overlap each other. The minimal width of boards up to 135 cm in gliding length shall be 14 cm, and for boards 135 cm or longer in gliding length the width shall be no less than 16 cm.

Seems reasonable.

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Neither existed when I started snowboarding. :eek: Obviously they need to define everything. ;) It would be interesting to see what they come up with. :confused: .


how did a definition of snowboarding start involving ski poles anyhow?

never skied... dont see much use for them (other than the obvious use as a weapon as astutely pointed out by boardski... i may have 'borrowed' a pole to 'assist' someone out of their bindings...)

and.. carvedog nailed my take too -and although it smacks of Jack's cry of the terminal intermediates, who cares what the dictionary?governing bodies/etc says - worry more about riding. more. you'll be a better whatever it is you're defining for it.

as a parting shot - i do find it a bit funny letting a bunch of hardbooters define a sport we really only make up a small percentage of.

for the record, i've got nothing against poles/monoskis/etc.... as long as gravity's pulling and you're sliding - we're all brothers like the bee gees.

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do they define what sub140 is? is it a skwal?

so this is not a snowboard unless I mount the bindings so the boots don't overlap


and this is not a snowboard because it's not a single board


Thank god the officials are there to keep me from looking silly:biggthump


is over 45* a sideways manner or is that longitudinal?

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151.01 Snowboard

A snowboard is equipment, which permits gliding on all snow conditions. The bindings must be affixed in a sideways manner on the longitudinal axis of the board. The boots cannot overlap each other. The minimal width of boards up to 135 cm in gliding length shall be 14 cm, and for boards 135 cm or longer in gliding length the width shall be no less than 16 cm.

Yeah, I like this definition too. Or if you want to be a little more open about it then you could just say "a single board you use to glide down a slope" and forget the arbitrary width and stance definitions.

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taken from teleboard website

The Teleboard works because it successfully combines the best aspects of both skiing and snowboarding. It has the grace and power of the best alpine snowboards, while offering the nimbleness and turning speed of skis.


The Teleboard corrects defects intrinsic in the design of snowboards. Rather than placing the weight of the rider on opposing sides of the waist of the board, making it difficult to arc, the Teleboarder's weight presses on the waist of the board. Rather than locking the heels down and restricting movement, the Teleboard's modern telemark bindings allow the rider's weight to move through a wide range, initiating turns with hard forward thrusts and extending the carves by pulling back along the axis of the board.

Despite the use of telemark gear, which in skiing increases the degree of difficulty and generally reduces stability on hard snow, using state-of-the-art telemark equipment on the Teleboard actually gives the rider more control and versatility than that offered by a snowboard. Rather than executing turns with slow toe-heel movements, the Teleboarder turns with a flick if the knees and hips. Instead of standing sideways, making use of poles impossible, the Teleboarder faces the fall line, and can use poles whenever they are desired or useful. Rather than the slow edge-to-edge action intrinsic to the wide snowboard, the Teleboard is longer and half the width, giving it more effective edge and allowing it to turn as fast as a pair of skis without sacrificing flotation. The bumps are no longer off limts.

Beware you guys are riding gear with intrinsic defects

I need to get one so I can use poles & go in the bumps:rolleyes:

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