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RIP Moonwalker

Jack M

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Gotta admit I'm bummed. Thriller was given to me for my 7th birthday and it was my first album of my own. I loved it.

To this day I can't figure out how he does this:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_3v-_p3ESo&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_3v-_p3ESo&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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I had unconventional musical tastes as a kid. I used to secretly listen to The Jackson 5, Earth, Wind & Fire and Al Green when everybody around me in suburban London, Ontario was into Van Halen and Rush.

Seeing The Jacksons in 1980 was affirmation for me. To see MJ glide around the stage and the brothers with their tight, minimalist but ultra-cool dance moves - man, it made me want to get Jeri-curls. Remember, this was when the height of rock star choreography was David Lee Roth's leg kicks.

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Ha, my second album (first album I bought for myself) was Van Halen 1984. But in my circle at grammar school, nothing was cooler than Beat It, and "have you seen/are you allowed to see the Thriller video?" was the conversation for a solid month.

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This clip really demonstrates his genius. His rehearsals were more compelling than most artist's full performances. I remember reading in the Time Magazine cover story on him that he never looked in a mirror when he practiced his dancing.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loJiia3ORHY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loJiia3ORHY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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To this day I can't figure out how he does this
We've been trying to do this in the office all day. You have to slide the flat foot backward while pushing yourself back with your other toe. It's just the opposite of what seems natural and is really hard to do, it's hard to fight the instinct to stand on the flat foot and slide the toe. You also need stiff soles. We should try to learn it for the SES.
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We've been trying to do this in the office all day. You have to slide the flat foot backward while pushing yourself back with your other toe. It's just the opposite of what seems natural and is really hard to do, it's hard to fight the instinct to stand on the flat foot and slide the toe. You also need stiff soles. We should try to learn it for the SES.

The backwards moonwalk is pretty easy. You simply slide one foot back while bending at the knee with the opposite leg. My cousin taught it to me in 1978 (or was it 1988) and I have been using it to win dance contests ever since. Throw in a little robot move and a back spin and you will wow 'em at the next insurance convention.

Now, the sideways and front moonwalks - those are tough.

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I'm sorry but copping a plea on child molestation charges, twice is enough

at any rate, the train wreck is over.

He was the perfect target.

We'll never know if he was an actual pedophile. The guy was beaten as a child, seriously disturbed, never had a childhood and always asserted he was still a child inside. His playdates and sleepovers could simply have been a futile attempt to recover the childhood he never had. It's extremely sad. What kind of parent sends their kid off alone with any adult for such activity? We know that he paid millions to make at least 2 such cases go away. And they did. What does that tell you? As I parent I can tell you if my child were actually molested, I wouldn't go away until the m-f'er was behind bars, euthanized, or dead in my hands.

Mike Gordon of Phish paid to make a case like this go away too. Is he a pedophile?

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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqlpX0O6ZPk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqlpX0O6ZPk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



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Any one of us would have been tossed in the slammer!!! come on.. sleeping over with Children Please..

He also said the he had only two plastik surgery's and none of it was costmetic!!! yea ok... :freak3:

The incredible shinking nose and thining lips.. must have been some sort skin disease...

I like Janet a whole lot better!! I glad to say not a single toon made it my way.. I was to busy listening to artist who actually play instruments...:ices_ange


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MJ was bat **** crazy and sleeping with kids in his bed is weird and creepy but it's not kid ****ing

all the evidence points to it being extortion

I would not have my kids do sleepovers at jackos but the evidence says he's creepy not a pedo

AFAIK there was no plea, neither made it to trial because there was NO evidence if I remember correctly. could be wrong on that but my memory usually serves me fairly well.

gonna reprint some stuff here

Hasn’t this happened before?

Yes. In 1993, a young boy made similar allegations against Michael Jackson but it was clearly an extortion attempt. Please refer to the article from GQ Magazine entitled “Was Michael Jackson Framed” because it provides an in depth look at the motives behind the first allegations.There is a taped phone conversation between Evan Chandler (the alleged victim’s father) and Dave Schwartz (the alleged victim’s stepfather) where Chandler says, “Everything’s going according to a certain plan that isn’t just mine… and if I go through with this, I win big time. There’s no way I lose. I’ve checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the son]… and Michael’s career will be over.” This tape was played all over news networks and also on the Prime Time Live interview with Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley in 1994. It seems, however, that the media has conveniently forgotten about it.

Did Evan Chandler try to sue Michael after 1993?

Yes. Evan Chandler tried to sue Michael Jackson in 1996, claiming that Michael violated the terms of their civil settlement by denying that he ever sexually abused the boy. In his lawsuit, Chandler cited Michael’s 1995 album HIStory as well as an interview that Michael did with Diane Sawyer. In addition to the $60 million he demanded, Chandler also wanted a court order to allow him to produce and distribute his own album called EVANstory. That’s right. Instead of getting justice for his son who was allegedly molested, Evan Chandler wanted to sing songs about it. The lawsuit was thrown out of court.

Although Evan Chandler only wanted money, isn’t it possible that Michael was still guilty?

No. Remember, before carrying out his plan, Evan Chandler went to Michael Jackson first and asked for money. Chandler had the letter from Dr. Abrams saying sexual abuse might have occured and if the boy admitted to it, he would be forced to report it to child welfare services. Chandler used this letter to try to blackmail Michael in the very beginning and was turned away. Assuming Michael Jackson had actually molested this boy, why didn’t he take that opportunity to avoid getting caught? He could have paid up right then and avoided the entire ordeal. Instead, he refused to pay the Chandlers. If he was guilty, please explain to me why he did that.

It’s undeniable that Evan Chandler only wanted money; knowing this, why didn’t Michael just buy his silence in the beginning? Imagine how different things would have been for him if the allegations had never been made public. His career would not have been jeopardized, his image would not have been tarnished and, again, assuming he was indeed a pedophile he could have carried on with his activities without people suspecting anything. The only logical reason to explain why he didn’t pay off Evan Chandler is because he was INNOCENT and naively assumed that justice would be on his side.

Also, keep in mind that pedophiles have hundreds of victims. Out of the thousands of children who have stayed at Neverland, you expect me to believe that Michael only molests children whose parents are dishonest and greedy? Surely he would have other victims besides Jordan Chandler and the new accuser. Why haven’t they come forward? Let me guess, he paid them all off? None of his victims have parents who are normal, honest people? None of them want justice for their poor molested children? Bull****.

If Michael was innocent, why did he “pay off” his accuser in 1993?

1) The settlement did NOT prevent the boy from testifying in the criminal trial.It makes no sense to say that Michael bought his silence. It was Jordan’s own decision not to testify.

2) If Michael wanted to pay off his accuser, why didn’t he do it at the very beginning? Evan Chandler made a demand for $20 million before authorities knew about the alleged abuse. If Michael wanted to buy their silence, like many people claim he did, why didn’t he do it right then? Before the police trashed his home, before he was publicly humiliated, before he was subjected to a dehumanizing search of his private parts? He could have bought their silence right from the get go and avoided the whole ordeal. Instead he rejected Evan Chandler’s initial demand for money. Why would a guilty man do that?

3) Even if we illogically dismiss the first two points, it still doesn’t make sense to say that Michael bought Jordan Chandler’s silence. If Michael’s plan was to settle the civil lawsuit in order to prevent the boy from cooperating with authorities in the criminal trial, wouldn’t it have been beneficial to him if the civil trial occurred first? So why did Michael Jackson file a motion asking for the criminal trial to take place first if his whole plan was to pay the boy off? If the criminal trial was first, Michael wouldn’t have had an opportunity to buy Jordan’s silence. His actions (asking for the criminal trial to precede the civil trial) are contradictory of his alleged motives (settling the civil suit to prevent the boy from testifying against him).

Why did Jordan Chandler make allegations against Michael?

Jordan only made allegations after his father gave him a drug called sodium amytal. According to Dr. Resnick, a Cleveland psychiatrist, “It’s a psychiatric medication that cannot be relied on to produce fact. People are very suggestible under it. People will say things under sodium amytal that are blatantly untrue.” He goes on to say, “It is quite possible to implant an idea through the mere asking of a question. The idea can become their memory, and studies have shown that even when you tell them the truth, they will swear on a stack of Bibles that it happened.”Sodium amytal has been a factor in other child molestation cases, one of which occurred in Napa County, California. After undergoing many therapy sessions, and being administered the sodium amytal drug, a 20-year-old woman accused her father of molesting her as a child. Her father denied the charges and sued the therapist and the psychiatrist. The jury sided with the father, believing that the memory had been implanted in the woman’s mind as a result of being given the drug. Sadly, it seems that Jordan Chandler was merely a pawn in his father’s sick scam to extort money.

Were charges ever brought against Michael in 1993?

No. After Jordan refused to testify, the District Attorney’s case fell apart. The authorities literally tried everything to find evidence that would corroborate Jordan’s story. They contacted hundreds of children who had stayed at Neverland and could not find another “victim.” Even though authorities used aggressive interrogation techniques, not one child said anything bad about Michael. They also searched his house from top to bottom and took photographs of Michael’s naked body.

Who is Larry Feldman and how is he significant to both cases?

Larry Feldman is the civil lawyer who represented the Chandlers in the 1993 case and got them about $20 million. After denying abuse over and over again, Michael Jackson’s new accuser changed his story when Mr. Feldman entered the picture. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions about that…

Did Michael know in advance that these allegations would be brought against him?

Yes. His attorney Mark Geragos was hired at the beginning of February because somebody within his camp suspected there was something wrong with the family who is now making accusations.

Who is Tom Sneddon and what does he have against Michael Jackson?

Tom Sneddon was the prosecutor in the 1993 case and he is also the prosecutor involved with the current allegations. After spending millions of dollars on the Michael Jackson investigation in 1993, Sneddon came up empty handed. He brought his evidence (or lack thereof) in front of two grand juries and could not get an indictment. After that, he claims to have never given Michael Jackson another passing thought.In 1995, Michael Jackson wrote a song about Tom Sneddon called “D.S.” In order to prevent a lawsuit, the lyrics say “Dom Sheldon is a cold man” but it is obvious who Michael is referring to. In the song he says, “He’s out to shock in every single way/ He’ll stop at nothing just to get his political fame/ He think he hot cause he BS DA/ I’ll bet he never had a social life anyway/ You think he brotha with the KKK/ I bet his mother never taught him right anyway/ He want your vote just to remain DA/ He don’t do half what he say.”

Has Tom Sneddon ever maliciously prosecuted anyone before?

Yes. Lawyer Gary Dunlap filed a $10 million lawsuit against Tom Sneddon in November 2003. In June of that year, Dunlap was acquitted of 6 charges brought against him by Sneddon. In a 102 page complaint, Dunlap accuses Sneddon of racketeering, witness tampering, conspiring against him and maliciously prosecuting him. The complaint also alleges that Sneddon violated Dunlap’s civil rights by conducting illegal searches of his property. In an interview with MJJForum Radio, Dunlap talks about Sneddon stacking charges in order to convict him on at least one count. He discusses Sneddon’s frequent abuse of power and claims that there are other lawyers who have seen this.

Who is Diane Dimond?

Diane Dimond is the former host of “Hard Copy” who has apparently declared herself the expert on the Michael Jackson Case. She’s obviously VERY close with the District Attorney but she is far from accurate in her reporting.

Should a 45-year-old man be allowed to have children sleep over at his house?

Michael Jackson has been widely criticized for his statements regarding children sharing his bedroom. It is not illegal for him to do this and it does not make him guilty of anything besides going against a societal norm.

Sexual abuse does not always occur at night or in a bed. If you argue that the sleepovers are wrong because they provide an opportunity for sexual abuse to occur, then I guess you could also argue that no adult should ever be alone with any child. Whether or not they’re related is irrelevant because there’s something called incest which people seem to have forgotten about.

Is it true that Jordan Chandler accurately described Michael’s genitalia?

No. In January 1994, USA Today printed an article confirming that, “photos of Michael Jackson’s genitalia do not match descriptions given by the boy who accused the singer of sexual misconduct.” Some tabloid reports may indicate otherwise but keep in mind that the District Attorney brought his “evidence” in front of two grand juries and charges were not filed. If the photos matched the boy’s description, the case would have probably gone to trial.

Does Michael Jackson fit the profile of a pedophile?

No. According to Michael Borak, a forensic psychiatrist who has evaluated many pedophiles, Michael’s eccentric behavior is “not typical of most offenders. Most offenders are ‘normal’ people who could be your neighbors, not freaky or weird.” In response to people who think Michael’s image is typical of pedophiles, another psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Underwager, who has treated pedophiles and victims of incest since 1953 says, “There’s no such thing as a classic pedophile. They made a completely foolish and illogical error.” He says Jackson is an easy target because “misconceptions like these have been allowed to parade as fact in an era of hysteria.”


Abramsam, Mark. “Dunlap Sues Over Arrest.” The Lompoc Record. 5 Dec. 2003.

Ayscue, Osborne Jr. “Key Distinctions in the U.S Court System.” USIS. 1999. Issues of Democracy. 7 Mar. 2004. (http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itdhr/0999/ijde/ayscue.htm).

Bauder, David. “Diane Dimond’s reporting has put Court TV at forefront of Jackson story.” The Standard Times. 5 Jan. 2004: Pg. B1.

Blankstein, Andrew and Richard Winton. “Leak of Jackson Memo Criticized.” LA Times 8 Jan. 2004.

Brown, Patricia and Ron Sweet. Interview with Jen Winings. 21 Dec. 2003.

Brown, Patricia and Ron Sweet. Interview with Geraldine Hughes. 1 Jan. 2004.

Brown, Patricia and Ron Sweet. Interview with Gary Dunlap. 2 Jan. 2004.

“Civil and Criminal Trials.” Cambodia Human Rights. 2003. Asian Human Rights Commission. 7 Mar. 2004. (http://cambodia.ahrchk.net/index.php).

CMJFC. “Toronto Street Kid Falsely Accuses MJ in 1995.” Online posting. 16 Dec 2003. MJJForum. 9 Jan. 2004. (http://www.mjjforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19721&hl).

Corbett, Steve. “All the little voices deserve equal attention.” Santa Maria Times. 17 Jan. 2004.

“Current Events and Press Releases.” Michael Jackson Case Information. 5 Feb. 2003. County of Santa Barbara. 9 Jan. 2004.(http://www.countyofsb.org/da/press.asp).

Fischer, Mary A. “Was Michael Jackson Framed?” GQ Magazine Oct. 1994: Pg. 214.

Hughes, Geraldine. Redemption: The Truth Behind the Michael Jackson Child Molestation Allegations. Radford: Branch and Vine Publishers, LLC. 2004.

“Interview with Mark Geragos and Jermaine Jackson.” Larry King Live. CNN. 18 Dec. 2003.

“Interview with Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley.” Prime Time Live. ABC. 28 Jan. 1994.

“Jacko’s Accuser Connected to Kobe?” Celebrity Justice. 6 Jan. 2004. TTT West Coast Inc. 9 Jan. 2004. (http://celebrityjustice.warnerbros.com/news/04/01/06a.html).

Jackson, Michael. HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1. Sony, 1995.

“Jackson’s Accuser has Long History of Legal Woes.” LA Daily News 25 Nov. 2003.

“Michael Jackson Bombshell.” The Smoking Gun. 9 Dec. 2003. Courtroom Television Network. 9 Jan. 2004. (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/dcfsmemo1.html).

Moeenziai, Ladan. “Police File Lawsuit to Protect Privacy” The Daily Nexus. 23 Apr. 2002.

“New Details in Jackson Molestation Case.” The Today Show. NBC. 12 Mar. 2004.

“Restitution/Compensation/Reparation.” About.Com. 1998. About Inc. 9 Jan. 2004. (http://incestabuse.about.com/cs/restitution).

Robb, David. “$2.7 Million to Jackson for Free-Lancer’s Sex-Tape Lie.” Hollywood Reporter. 13 Apr. 1998.

Standler, Ronald B. “Differences Between Civil and Criminal Law.” Miscellaneous Essays On Law. Dr. R. Standler’s Professional Homepage. 7 Mar 2004. (http://www.rbs2.com/cc.htm).

“The DA in the Michael Jackson Case.” TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime. 2003. CrimeLynx. 9 Jan. 2004. (http://www.talkleft.com/archives/004935.html#004935).

Vigoda, Arlene. “Photos May Contradict Michael Jackson’s Accuser.” USA Today 28 Jan. 1994: Pg. 2.

Wickham, DeWayne. “Michael Jackson Sequel: Settlement Not Enough.” USA Today. 24 Jun. 1996: Pg. 14A.

Wilson, Tracy. “Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Sues Prosecutors.” LA Times. 13 Dec. 2001.

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MJ was bat **** crazy and sleeping with kids in his bed is weird and creepy but it's not kid ****ing

all the evidence points to it being extortion

I would not have my kids do sleepovers at jackos but the evidence says he's creepy not a pedo

AFAIK there was no plea, neither made it to trial because there was NO evidence if I remember correctly. could be wrong on that but my memory usually serves me fairly well.

I've had several lively debates about this one in the past few days. A bit torn on this. Obviously, the nature of this crime is a bit different...as is the protocol for sentancing based upon the situation (i.e. indentifying oneself as a predator).

However, this is the United States of America.

We have this little document called the Constitution. In my opinion, if you don't like it...you can either a) Leave the country or B) Send a letter to your Congressman.

Within this lil document is something called the 5th Amendment. It says that you can't be prosecuted for the same crime twice. Furthermore, if you agree on a pleabargin, the charges are either dropped or generally held to a lessor charge.

The the case of Jackoff, I'm unclear to the facts.....but yet feel that guy deserves some slack. Afterall, he's dead. I'm uncertain of this....but can a dead person be prosecuted...much less for the same crime? I don't want to know.

I'm sure everyone on BOL has gotten in some trouble...some worse than others. After you pay your punishment, do you REALLY feel that you should continue to prosecute? Good grief....give it a rest!

Sure..there are moral and ethical conversation that should occur....but the guy is dead and people won't let this go. Yet, they have "let it go" for the past few years when he was living the dream in Dubai. I don't understand.

Certainly no denying that when OJ has his day that people will be taking about the glove rather than the touchdowns....but that's a bit different case.

What's my point? There isn't one...other than to say if someone has paid the agreed upon fine/sentance, it's over. Like it or not...that is how the game is played.

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