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Look Mom, I Gots Me A Tazer!!!!!!!


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It is "Though Times" and our civil servants are human not machines.

Some are out of line, the vast majority do a largely thankless job to maintain the laws WE have decided as a country are valid. Feel the laws are

not valid? Please find a way to make positive change. Rants are simply not very productive. Move to better our system of rules. Greatfull to those who are willing to risk their lives for our safety. Bryan

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"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair." - H.L. Mencken


you should all read the new hate crimes legislation. It infers that anyone not happy with the current direction that things are going is a dangerous terrorist and or mentally incompetent. So much for freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom to petition govt for redress of grievances freedom to peacably assemble etc etc ad naseum. just cause He sounds a little crazy sometimes doesn't make him wrong sheeple.

when we allow an official to abuse his power we can be assured he will do it again. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. D-sub and I don't always see eye to eye but I respect him for his stand against tyrannical acts. Its time more of us were willing to stand up because that is the only thing that will save us from tyranny

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Farewell Dave.

I hope you find peace in your life.

ohh please, you're catty and get off on getting Dave and others on a roll.

D, stick around, I like having you here, generally I like this part of the forum with you here. even when I don't agree with you. we're pretty much on the same page with this though.

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but now being elderly while black is

no taser here, but you're not suppose anyone with a heart condition. would a taser been less harmful? maybe but it could of killed her too.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xW_-bSxTyI&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xW_-bSxTyI&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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Hey Matt,

no one here is saying that there are not great cops who risk everything to save people they don't even know.

One of my best friends was a patrol cop in Seattle for 15 years. He is now a detective. He shot ( and killed ) a guy a few years back who started firing in the air outside of a nightclub. My buddy put 9 out of 10 rounds in the guy before he went down. Meth or PCP?

The primary babysitters for my two daughters for the last five years is a local sheriffs deputy as well. Both great guys that I drink beer with in the off hours. I have no problem with cops.

What keeps showing up is cops who use the taser to punish ( not their job ) folks who could easily be arrested, removed or handled in other ways. As in that is their first response instead of using it in an escalating situation as an alternative to lethal force. Which is what I thought the taser was for. Apparently wrong I am. Taser is now being used to punish anyone who questions, disagrees or that the cop doesn't like.

The folks in this needed tasering?


Threat to public safety? Dangerous? A drunk old man and a middle aged woman with two artificial knees.

They were in the wrong seat and didn't respond as quickly as the cops wanted. WTF?

Maybe we need to agree to disagree.

BTW the granny in the vid that started this thread was definitely a smartass and maybe even deserved the high voltage. Should have taken her damn ticket instead of acting like she didn't deserve a ticket because she is older.

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but now being elderly while black is

no taser here, but you're not suppose anyone with a heart condition. would a taser been less harmful? maybe but it could of killed her too.


This is funny. Not the disturbing video, but the fact that you would use it like this to smear all cops.

Let me juxtapose a little story from here in Portland. We had a problem with some people on foodstamps... they were using foodstamps to buy glass bottles of local milk from the farmer's market. The bottles have a $1 deposit. They'd buy several bottles, dump out the milk :eek:, get the deposits, and go buy cigarettes. You know, because you can't buy cigs with foodstamps.

So by your logic, all or most people on foodstamps are scum?

What if I posted a youtube of these people in action and wrote below it:


I'd get run off this website. How is what you're doing any different? How is that acceptable to someone so socially enlightened such as yourself?

Your stories are anecdotal. They make the stereotype because that is human nature - we crave only bad news.

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Your stories are anecdotal. They make the stereotype because that is human nature - we crave only bad news.

My point exactly.

for every negative article you come up with, I'll find a story of a hero. neither of which proves anything.

Maybe it's just the way I was raised, but I wouldn't ever consider mouthing off to a guy holding a taser, or a guy with a gun on his hip...

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but now being elderly while black is

no taser here, but you're not suppose anyone with a heart condition. would a taser been less harmful? maybe but it could of killed her too.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xW_-bSxTyI&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xW_-bSxTyI&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Anyone else notice the KNIFE in her hand?

Or what appears to be a polite, concerned officer simply looking to prevent harm?

Bob, just another opportunity to hate. Your spirit is sick, find healing. Then you will be able to find a better balance in your reporting. I hope you don't spread this hate in your family, it is bad enough you do it online.

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My point exactly.

for every negative article you come up with, I'll find a story of a hero. neither of which proves anything.

Thanks Matt, I was glad to see someone do this. You find what you are looking for.

Reason , not hate. Seek to change for the better, not fan the fire.

DO SOMETHING to HELP the situation, join a monitor group, provide information to victims, take an ACTION to prevent

harm to innocents.

Loud angry voices can make a short term impact. Soft, kind voices can effect long term change.

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ohh please, you're catty and get off on getting Dave and others on a roll.

Think what you may Bob, Over the years I have only tried to be a friend to Dave. This doesn't mean I have to remain silent. Nor does it mean I can't respond in a way to act as a deterent for runnaway hate spewing ignorance.

I look forward to a time when Dave and I can ride together and he is smiling and happy. I miss those times. I think Dave does too. I wish him luck in finding a way to that place.

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This is funny. Not the disturbing video, but the fact that you would use it like this to smear all cops.

Let me juxtapose a little story from here in Portland. We had a problem with some people on foodstamps... they were using foodstamps to buy glass bottles of local milk from the farmer's market. The bottles have a $1 deposit. They'd buy several bottles, dump out the milk :eek:, get the deposits, and go buy cigarettes. You know, because you can't buy cigs with foodstamps.

So by your logic, all or most people on foodstamps are scum?

What if I posted a youtube of these people in action and wrote below it:


I'd get run off this website. How is what you're doing any different? How is that acceptable to someone so socially enlightened such as yourself?

Your stories are anecdotal. They make the stereotype because that is human nature - we crave only bad news.

I'm waiting, bob.

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