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Look Mom, I Gots Me A Tazer!!!!!!!


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he didn't like my resident troll remark either apparently:eplus2:

If you are a peace officer TT perhaps you should check out a group called oathkeeper's they are an enlightned group of servicemen and peace officers dedicated to the oaths they took and they have my utmost respect. Discussions regarding the proper duties of law enforcement should not be viewed as a threat or demeaning to the office in question. IT is the choices of individuals wearing the uniform that is being denegrated here not the uniform itself. Please don't take offense we don't hate all cops just the bad ones. In my book tasering an old lady ain't kool under any circumstances short of her pulling a gun.

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It must be awesome to be a cop now. You get to be judged by every fat slob keyboard carver I mean cowboy in his mom's basement.


you know we've mostly been nothing but cool with each other, but this is completely out of line. 1)are you still a mod? If so, personal attacks are even more unacceptable than if you just a random poster. 2)cops should be scrutinized. The alarming militarization and tendency toward aggression is something that we should all take note of. The police view us more and more as the enemy these days than is legitimate or acceptable. They are our employees. We do not work for them, we do not answer to them, and they should be darn near powerless when it comes to dealing with the public unless a genuine threat is at hand. A bitchy out of control 72 year old woman is not a genuine threat.

Dr D's point that they have become tax collectors is spot on. If you or anyone else doesn't see this...you're blind. No two ways about it. The police resort to violence ever more often, and somehow there are people who literally celebrate those actions! "She deserved it. She's a bitch." "He deserved it, he talked back to the officer." "I'm sure the cops were justified in that B&E and shooting a man's dog!"

I'm so fed up with this crap...we're lambs to the slaughter right now and a good chunk of us is CHEERING! Classical sociological "othering"...as long as it's not ME...it's THEM, it's OK. They probably deserved it.

The police are supposed to be our PROTECTORS. They have NO business , implied or explicit, assaulting us. EVER. Ever. Period. End of story.

If a cop puts his hands on me without justification, I will do my best to kick that fella's ass. I did not sign up for this crap. I do not authorize any cop to touch me unless I demonstrate to be a physical threat to his or others' safety.

Some will say this grumpy old lady was speeding so she was a threat. Fine. Write her the ticket. hand it to her. I don't even agree with ticketing, but it's a hell of a lot better than SHOCKING someone who is simply verbally abusive. "She deserved it" indicates something inside of anyone who says it, and that something terrifies me to no end. If you say "she deserved it" then in all honesty I would have no choice but to perceive you as a threat.

Dr D...mark...what is happening to these people?

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he aired out some dirty diapers, there was fall out, the member he had a cat fight with got banned and TT turned in his badge.

both of them were at fault but only one of them was a mod, pretty much the size of it.

there's some old threads that cover it pretty well, but what you see above is pretty standard for him.

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couldn't care less about the knitting circle petty BS that abounds on this site.

What I do care about is abuse of power and the increase in frequency of such.

Just got pulled over by the pigs tonight for "speeding." 2nd gear on an 89ci harley = 40mph MAX.


then I was accused of DUI.

I was then assaulted, had a rotator cuff injury exacerbated, and literally slammed onto the hood of a piggy car

endured an hour of bull****, had a pig admit to having lied in court multiple times, and then had a supervisor tell me I could file a complaint right there. LMFAO at you, pig.

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couldn't care less about the knitting circle petty BS that abounds on this site.

What I do care about is abuse of power and the increase in frequency of such.

Just got pulled over by the pigs tonight for "speeding." 2nd gear on an 89ci harley = 40mph MAX.


then I was accused of DUI.

I was then assaulted, had a rotator cuff injury exacerbated, and literally slammed onto the hood of a piggy car

endured an hour of bull****, had a pig admit to having lied in court multiple times, and then had a supervisor tell me I could file a complaint right there. LMFAO at you, pig.

Any chance it was filmed?

What did your speedo read?

Get a ticket?

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not sure if it was filmed. aren't all stops these days? I will be looking into it.

speedo was MAX 45. I was in 2nd gear. literally can not top 45 in 2nd. more likely 40. not sure what speed limit was there but I'll go check tomorrow.

I'm gonna think about this, but I think I can make a stink here.

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not sure if it was filmed. aren't all stops these days? I will be looking into it.

speedo was MAX 45. I was in 2nd gear. literally can not top 45 in 2nd. more likely 40. not sure what speed limit was there but I'll go check tomorrow.

I'm gonna think about this, but I think I can make a stink here.

more people need to make a stink:biggthump

email me if you want. We have been making a stink up here all summer maybe there are a few tidbits of experience you'd find helpful.

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Along with Federal Money, comes increased Federal Control…. And this takeover will be wrapped in threats of laying-off police officers and anarchy on the streets. They always use fear to obtain their goals, and this time will be no different.

What can you do, as citizens, to stop this? It may sound cliché, but its as simple as the old saying, “Support Your Local Police”

Encourage your Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to get out of the Federal Lunch Line….. Send them copies of Sheriff Mack’s Book, The County Sheriff: America’s Last Hope. Encourage your Commissioner’s Court and City Councils to return their police departments to their original intent, which is being Peace Officers…. It is the transformation of the police officer from one of being a peace officer to one of law enforcement officer that has engendered a god complex in a select few, and an “us versus them” mentality in most.

We must return our police to being IN the community, not OVER the community…. Officers need to be reminded that Community Policing is not new, it’s actually what being a peace officer was all about 100 years ago…. In the name of efficiency and response times, officers no longer know the people or businesses they serve. They are discouraged from getting out of their cars and meeting business owners, citizens, or pastors, in the name of “productivity”…

I encourage citizens to get to know their local police officers by name….. Invite your officer’s to a block party…. Have them over for coffee… Let them know that you appreciate the hard job they have. The more that local officers feel like they’re a PART of the community and not only there to “take out the garbage”, the less likely they are get the “bunker mentality”.

These men and women are the real last official line of defense between you and tyranny…. Because it doesn’t matter how many laws come out of the State Capitol or Washington D.C. What matters are the public servants that are out in the community choosing whether to serve the government or serve the people.

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My 2 cents is this... Serve and Protect... yea... when was the last time you heard of police preventing a unlawful act and not reacting to one that already happened... they are meter maids giving tickets to speeders or what ever...

Bars? outlaw them.. come on who comes out of them with just two beers... they patrol that , its a money maker..

giving tickets to law biding citizens is easy... going after the real ones is hard.. why waste there salary on that time..

I have seen it first hand.. the judicial system is even worse.. money money money!!!

If you cannot see that your blind.. sure there are good ones but for the most part its garbage!

To much power in the system, here we had many,,and I mean many that finnally the officers have been caught doing stupid karp that they get caught for. but its still goes on because of money revenue.

several occasions of going the speed limit then they right you a ticket... what recouse do you have, nothing... its your word against his .. and they will never believe you!!! never... rare!


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I don't dispute any of that, but my attitude towards cops was tempered when I had to enlist their services once. The officer was extremely professional, intelligent, competent, and got fast results. I was very impressed and grateful. They do protect and serve.

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I don't dispute any of that, but my attitude towards cops was tempered when I had to enlist their services once. The officer was extremely professional, intelligent, competent, and got fast results. I was very impressed and grateful. They do protect and serve.

I have had a couple impressive experiences with them as well, but lately they're just more and more militant "everyone's a criminal" and basically nothing but glorified tax collectors.

And then when they put your hands on you without provocation it's pretty hard not to get a little steamed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-MqBxwbeWg&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-MqBxwbeWg&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

show tunes while being tazed= awesome. and the crazy ****er gets away!

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Reminded me of this classic

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI3cocbIsto&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI3cocbIsto&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


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It would seem belief in Yaweh's angels is better protection against tazers, than belief in magick boots of escaping for outrunning the hot lead of debilitation.

Funny how the fat cop'll taze the guy on the ground with a knee in his back but won't bother to chase him down.

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Lawsuit: Cops tasered 3 kids, threatened one with sodomy

<IFRAME height=80 src="http://digg.com/api/diggthis.php?w=new&u=http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/07/20/illinois-officers-sued-for-unprovoked-tasering/&t=Lawsuit%3A+Cops+tasered+3+kids%2C+threatened+one+with+sodomy&s=normal" frameBorder=0 width=52 scrolling=no ?></IFRAME><IFRAME height=80 src="http://www.reddit.com/button_content?newwindow=1&url=http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/07/20/illinois-officers-sued-for-unprovoked-tasering/&title=Lawsuit%3A+Cops+tasered+3+kids%2C+threatened+one+with+sodomy&t=2 " frameBorder=0 width=52 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

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By Daniel Tencer

Published: July 20, 2009

Updated 2 days ago


policetaser.jpgA shelter for adolescents in southern Illinois is suing the local sheriff’s office for what it describes as an unprovoked attack by two police officers on four children, three of whom were tasered, and one of whom was threatened with sodomy by a sheriff’s deputy.

The Southern Thirty Adolescent Center near Mount Vernon, IL, filed the lawsuit on behalf of three children in its custody, who the lawsuit says were tasered by Jefferson County sheriff’s deputies who had been called to help subdue two misbehaving children, aged 11 and 12. Neither of those children were among those who were tasered during what one news service described as a police “rampage.”

The incident took place on July 4, 2008. The federal lawsuit was filed in an East St. Louis court on Friday. In the suit the children are named only by their initials: B.B., R.E., and Z.P.

According to the legal filing, quoted in the Mount Vernon Register, one deputy “physically pushed R.E. towards his bunk and shocked him repeatedly with a taser. … R.E. was tased multiple times to multiple locations on his person, including, but not limited to, his neck. Deputy Bowers shouted to B.B. to lie down in his bunk and physically forced him to lie down.

“Without physical provocation and/or physical gestures from B.B., Deputy Bowers held B.B. down on his bed and shocked him repeatedly with a taser. While he was tasing B.B., Deputy David Bowers threatened to sodomize B.B. As a result of this repeated and excessive tasing, B.B. urinated and defecated himself. Deputy David Bowers was aware that B.B. urinated himself after the tasing.”

The filing goes on to say that a 17-year-old female visitor to the center, who had pleaded with police to stop the attack, was grabbed by an officer, choked, and locked in a closet.

From the Mount Vernon Register, quoting the legal filing:

“As Z.P. was being repeatedly tased, [17-year-old] Megan Geisler pleaded with Deputy David Bowers and Deputy Lonnie Lawler to stop. Deputy David Bowers ordered Deputy Lonnie Lawler to handcuff Megan Geisler. … Deputy David Bowers grabbed Megan Geisler by her arms, lifted her off her feet, and carried her through the male dormitory to a nearby closet. On the way to the closet, Deputy David Bowers lifted Megan Geisler off the ground, pressed her against a wall and choked her. While choking her, Deputy David Bowers said, ‘do you want to live or die bitch’ to Megan Geisler. Megan Geisler was then thrown into a closet. At this time she began vomiting and heaving.”

According to AP, no criminal charges have been filed in the case, and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office says the deputies “acted appropriately.”

The Illinois Department of Family and Child Services told southern Illinois’ WSIL-TV that “shocking children with Tasers can result in serious physical and mental injury. Use of these weapons is especially troubling in cases where the children involved have committed no crime and have not even been charged with wrong doing.”

This video is from WSILTV.com, broadcast July 20, 2009.

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with this many incidences I think maybe it's time for a ban on these in police work since it seems police as a whole in this country can not be trusted with tasers.

You would prefer more officer involved shootings?

4 or 5 shocking headlines and you condemn all police and all use of tasers?

There's plenty of good cops out there and plenty of incidents of a taser being used to prevent injury or death to the officer or the suspect. Those never get the headlines, though. Our wonderful media and it's salacious shock culture.....

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none of these incidences were ones that would of required guns.

and yeah, when it's clear that there's enough ass holes working as police either you have to make it harder to be a cop or limit the tools that they abuse.

clearly, no one wants to tackle the issue of ****ty cops, so you have to limit their tools to prevent abuse.

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