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The first contender has arrived

Jack M

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Naw, it's just the layers of materials underneath causing ever so slight rises in the topsheet. The board is lit from the side in the photo, so they stand out. You can't even see them in person from most angles.

Dan.... you wish!

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That´s a cool stick ... Specs?

(You should also have an SG in your reviews. And a Black Pearl ... and one of the new white Oxess ... maybe an Apex or even a Sense :D)

I think Jack's Financing this experiment himself...you want to sponsor him for another $6000 worth of boards? 'm sure he'd appreciate it :eplus2:

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I think Jack's Financing this experiment himself...you want to sponsor him for another $6000 worth of boards? 'm sure he'd appreciate it :eplus2:

And I thought it is not about the money, but the truth, nothing but the truth :ices_ange

(Companies should appreciate our help more ... ;))

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That´s a cool stick ... Specs?

(You should also have an SG in your reviews. And a Black Pearl ... and one of the new white Oxess ... maybe an Apex or even a Sense :D)

Length: 185cm, waist: 20.5cm. Sidecut: ???. You fill out a form when ordering a Kessler and they ask for your desired "approximate" sidecut, so I put 16m. Who knows what the final multi-radius shape is.

Reviewing all those boards would be cool, but that would take me all season. I have a lot of work cut out for me as it is.

Prior, Coiler, and Donek are the most accessible high end boards for freecarvers here in North America. Also, race boards have always been the ultimate weapon for expert level freecarving. However race technology has made a quantum leap over the last 5+ years, with Kessler leading the way and the North American boards all but disappearing from the World Cup scene. Now that the North American mfrs are catching up, the idea here is to see how they stack up against the benchmark of racing from a freecarving point of view.

I think Jack's Financing this experiment himself...you want to sponsor him for another $6000 worth of boards? 'm sure he'd appreciate it :eplus2:

Well, not completely, I'm not made of that kind of money. It started with me ordering one board, and then wanting to see how it compares to a Kessler. I mean, at this stage in the game I should know these things, right? However it was hard to get a hold of them so I sort of gave up on that idea. Then Bola stepped up and offered to broker that purchase. So I ordered that too figuring I'd sell one after trying them. Then I figured I'd invite the other two to send demos for review. Thankfully they've agreed and I think this experiment will provide some good data for everyone.

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Wow, this Kessler is like a dream board for me - 185cm, 20,5cm, approx. 16m - it can´t get any better ... ;)

Because of the boards you have chosen I already guessed what you are trying to do and my comment at this point was rather a joke, but nevertheless it would be cool to have some other contenders involved ... :D ... maybe the season after the next ...

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Prior, Coiler, and Donek are the most accessible high end boards for freecarvers here in North America.


Logistically speaking maybe, but I or anyone can have “any” VIRUS model custom built and in my/their hands within 1-2 weeks either via Bola or Virus direct (unless Frank is on vacation!). How fast can you have any or all of the models in your hands from the brands you mentioned above Jack?

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Logistically speaking maybe, but I or anyone can have “any” VIRUS model custom built and in my/their hands within 1-2 weeks either via Bola or Virus direct (unless Frank is on vacation!). How fast can you have any or all of the models in your hands from the brands you mentioned above Jack?

Well, "accessible" means many things here. 1, being able to just go to a website and order it in English in the case of Donek and Prior; 2, not having to pay for shipping across the Atlantic (whether that's additional or rolled into the price) and any additional EU fees; and 3, the biggie, not having to pay $1500+. Coilers are about half that money, and Donek and Prior two thirds and I think that's about the limit for 90% of us. I'm 35 and until just this year a $1500 board would simply be out of the question. Even now it's still a stretch. No knock against the well known quality of Virus or SG or Black Pearl or anyone, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

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Well, "accessible" means many things here. 1, being able to just go to a website and order it in English in the case of Donek and Prior; 2, not having to pay for shipping across the Atlantic (whether that's additional or rolled into the price) and any additional EU fees; and 3, the biggie, not having to pay $1500+. Coilers are about half that money, and Donek and Prior two thirds and I think that's about the limit for 90% of us. I'm 35 and until just this year a $1500 board would simply be out of the question. Even now it's still a stretch. No knock against the well known quality of Virus or SG or Black Pearl or anyone, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

Come on Jack, point 1 is a joke. Bola and Frank both are pretty good in English. Sure good enough ;) to listen to a customer and make sure the board going into production is exactly what the customer expects to get… the people how don’t make an effort to call them up to consult them and to explain what exactly they are looking for, should not order a $1500+ VIRUS to begin with in my opinion…

Point 2 and 3 are always relative. I know several people who now own 5-6 VIRUS and can’t wait to order the next one… if there is a limit for 90% of all members here, hmm, not sure (I can’t speak for them), but also not arguing that part.

In your personal situation (you brought it up), again, I sure understand and am not judging. Everybody has to do whatever they can and want to do. If you have to draw the line somewhere, I sure understand.


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Come on Jack, point 1 is a joke.

Clearly.... the Virus online store is non-functional. I just tried to start an order and couldn't. And I'm no interweb dummy. If I was buying a Virus I'd want to start the order online so that it gets their attention and becomes a traceable transaction. Nowadays email is spotty at best - if your email makes it through the spam filters, it still might get buried in inbox limbo within hours. And calling across 6+ time zones is a hassle. But I know, if you <i>want</i> a Virus, you work around these things. My only point is that it's easier for North Americans to deal with NA manufacturers. The real breaking point is the price. A 50-100% premium is major.

the people how don’t make an effort to call them up to consult them and to explain what exactly they are looking for, should not order a $1500+ VIRUS to begin with in my opinion…

Hehehe... perhaps.

Point 2 and 3 are always relative. I know several people who now own 5-6 VIRUS and can’t wait to order the next one… if there is a limit for 90% of all members here

True, and 90% was just a guess. But Obama says I'm filthy rich so if the idea of a $1500 snowboard makes me swallow hard, I have to assume it does for most people here too!

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@Jack: Looks really nice, but please be careful...make sure your screws are long enough and that they not too long either and you put something underneath your bindings to equalize pressure at least a little.

My 1st one showed ruptures in the titanal sheet around the insert holes. After a few weeks it broke and my board was gone. Just keep an eye on this. My brother is riding a 2nd hand Kessler where someone mounted his F2 bindings directly onto the board: titanal sheet delaminated...

A quick review from me (slalom board): the ride is really awesome - smooth and like you're running on rails. So much time to focus on other things and the board will not run away with you. It gave me back the smile on my face, just like I had starting snowboarding! The nose is doing a really good job absorbing bumps and ruts and letting you decide where to choose the line. Slipping into the next turn is really easy due to the KST (Kessler Sidecut Technology and even better in the newer black models) and a much smoother transition exists between slipping and carving: ideal for racing. First you don't notice you're going fast, but if you just let it run it keeps on accelerating...

Have fun!!


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Jack, looks awesome. I can't wait for the comparison. Quick question, since yours is a new construction, how come it doesn't have the newer black topsheets?

That's an option I was given, and was told that the topsheet adds some dampness and weight to the board, so I opted for the classic Kessler metal look.

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That's an option I was given, and was told that the topsheet adds some dampness and weight to the board, so I opted for the classic Kessler metal look.

Should have gotten the black top.... Much more durable for freeriding. Plus who ever told you the black tops added dampness may have given you some bunk info. There is much more involed in the ride difference.

Jasey is really the only rider who is switching from Black tops to metals on a per condition per event bases(He can tell the difference but not many others can) Almost all other riders have picked one or the other based on there personal feeling. The black top is just another peice of base on top of the metal...

Any one could have bought a Kessler from Catek last year and they are all over BOL classifieds used for the last two years with or with out plates. Fin had a used one in his possesion for over a year befor he even rode it.

Any one can get a Kessler if they want one now that there are left overs out there.

Most of the riders in my area have Ks they bought within the last 3 years with out any help of a broker... etc. Of course I have been pushing Ks since 04 here so they have seen or ridden my sticks before buying their own. As a side note when Hanserg ask what side cut my athletes like for their boards they always say the same thing PGS or SL thats all. I hope he didn't make you a long board with a girls radius which is what 16 is...

I quess its fiting that you ordered your board just like any other free rider would though. with only help from the sales person and not input from a racer. Since your doing your own personal review.


I really love Franks boards. But as always when looking towards the podium SG and K are dominating. I wish there was a bigger mix of board up there but its clear whos prodects are winning races.


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I really love Franks boards. But as always when looking towards the podium SG and K are dominating. I wish there was a bigger mix of board up there but its clear whos prodects are winning races.


Hi there Billy! Yea, that is the case still. Will it ever change, who knows. Frank is working hard for the first time in a long time to provide some race sticks to some riders. Mostly in Europe so far, but also being tested in the US soon… Will see... You know, VIRUS was so far mostly concentrating on the best possible fun free carve boards, but as he received more and more demand for some race sticks, so he started to implement his ideas – you saw/rode one of his very first protos in Aspen...

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I bet that SG and Kessler boards are an amazing ride and I ordered some SGs for myself for next season.

But talking about dominating in the race courses what about certain other brands? What kind of board is the BX champ riding? What brand is the women´s overall champion using?

Maybe Kessler started the thing, but I think right now there are more than these two brands which can provide a competitive board.

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I bet that SG and Kessler boards are an amazing ride and I ordered some SGs for myself for next season.

But talking about dominating in the race courses what about certain other brands? What kind of board is the BX champ riding? What brand is the women´s overall champion using?


Thanks for making me look that up ;)

Markus Schairer - Oxess

Doris Guenther - Apex

Never seen an Apex - Any info on who is behind it??

also looks like they make their own plate system:


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You could have just looked at my first post in this thread ;).

I find it interesting that some brands are hardly mentioned in this forum.

Apex boards seem to be up to date and the Flex-Plate (which I have already mentioned in the HFP thread) seems to be an interesting system - it floats on the board and seems to be very light and easy to assemble ... but I haven´t really used it yet ... maybe something for the next season as well ... :D

By the way, here are the 2010 models of Apex - the Pro+ BX board also looks really nice!


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Never seen an Apex - Any info on who is behind it??

Bernd Wallner and Hans-Peter Maier from Salzburg started the company in 2005, I think.

At first they were specialized in making custom boards. With the help of Mario Fuchs and Doresia Krings (excellent BX riders) they started developing BX boards and later also alpine boards.

You can still order custom boards for all different aspects of the sport or get one of their production models.

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Hi there Billy! Yea, that is the case still. Will it ever change, who knows. Frank is working hard for the first time in a long time to provide some race sticks to some riders. Mostly in Europe so far, but also being tested in the US soon… Will see... You know, VIRUS was so far mostly concentrating on the best possible fun free carve boards, but as he received more and more demand for some race sticks, so he started to implement his ideas – you saw/rode one of his very first protos in Aspen...

For sure! I love Franks product and his craftsmen ship is as elite as possible. The board and Plate I rode where great. I see the plate has changed a bit. I really liked the concept and ride of the board. I gave Frank all the feed back I could. I would love to see a Virus on the Poduim.

I also Give Chris all the feed back I can as well as Sean. I want every one to win!

The APex plate is sick, I rigged up a similar set with some fisher plates I got from Steve Nyman. Lots of the girls love it. They make good binders also.

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