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Sad loss- too young and too much power

C5 Golfer

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Last night at our men's club golf night a young kid of 16 years old riding his powerful crotch rocket in a quiet golf course neighborhood tried to pass a left turning car – possibly at 70 mph. He T-boned the 4 door car, it killed him instantly. Yes he had a helmet but it was in pieces.

3 months ago he lost control of the family Mercedes due to high speed driving and put the car into the decorative waterfall lake on the golf course, 2 months ago his parents were warned repeatedly of his very high speed driving, the dad said mind your own business. 1 week ago he was counseled by a neighbor for speeding in front of his house where the neighbor’s young kids were playing. The neighbor basically said to the 16 yr old, “you are going to kill someone here or yourself if you do not slowdown!” - Well last night was his last ride. He is survived by two older siblings and his mom and dad. I cannot imagine why any parent would allow a 16 year old to own a powerful motorcycle – especially with his past driving experiences. Very Sad. :confused:

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I had a rifle at like 11

some people are really stupid

this kid was, I'd not buy one for a dumb kid or if I did he'd lose it quick if I had bought it.

hahaha, I'd put diesel in it or something just to mess with him.

all that said, **** him, he makes the rest of the under 18 crowd look bad that rides and it's dumbfu cks like him that make the young motorsports enthusiasts bunch look bad enough so every once and awhile there's talk of making it 18 for all motorized vehicles with huge fine for parents who disobey they law letting Jr have anything from a powerwheels to a yz 80.

I've even had some chases, none of which ever endangered anyone other than the pigs trying to catch up with us on dirts roads. if I ever tboned a car other than a cruiser I probably deserve to die.

Now, about the police, they are exempt because they had a choice chase 13 year olds on dirtbikes and try to ram them off the road. they are *******s in many cases concerning this sort of thing.

I realize my anti police sentiment is flame bait but I am sick of the pork risks their life for you ****. they do it for other reasons in many cases.

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its kids like that who keep my insurance rates sky-high, make it damn near impossible to get a loan, and generally get looked at like a punk whenever I go to the track. It's a shame that someone had to die in this situation, but at least nobody else was physically injured.

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sadly we used to see this multiple times with young subschool students every summer. The Navy's rabid education program has reduced the occurrence but it's still common enough that the navy thinks up new things regularly (sportbike course)

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This is one of the most difficult situations to deal with as human beings.

In the affluent society that we live in, would you be "depriving" your offspring if you did not give them everything their heart desired. Would society look down on you if you if you weren't doing all you could to make your kids happy? I think his parents were motivated by love to try and provide all the things to make their son happy. I think maybe they just didn't know when to say no. Are his parents at fault. We don't know. There may be many mitigating factors to which we are not privy. I'm still young enough to remember what it's like trying to break away from my parents. There are some "kids" that you simply cannot talk sense into and to learn a lesson, they have to make the mistakes themselves. I rode sportbikes for many years, and have seen quite a few people crash in front of me, and end up in the hospital.

Life is all about choices. In this situation though, his parents undoubtedly financed the sportbike, and feel terrible about what has happened. They will be scarred and blame themselves as long as they draw breath on this earth.

I do not wish to judge Shane McConkey, but............................He knew that what he did was a very, very dangerous thing to do. It all fine and dandy to hang your balls out when you're single and have no kids. Once you're married and have kids, your desires should take a backseat in favour of your children. It's called sacrifice. Shane McConkey was not willing to sacrifice what gave him the biggest kick in the pants for the sake of his wife and children. As a result, they must now find a way to deal with life without him.

I had a few drinks when I wrote this, so read responsibly:) However I will most likely still stand by what I said, I haven't drank that much....................... (see sig beeotch)


Dave R.

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My 13-year-old son is (big time) ADHD and Oppositional/Defiant. He's also very, very, intelligent, very, very immature, and very, very impulsive

The thought of him driving any motor vehicle any time in the foreseeable future scares hell out of me. I obviously have no idea how this will all turn out, but given current trends, our 02 Beetle diesel , the slowest car I've ever driven, is the only ride he'll touch before he's 21 (though after he's 18, I'll probably not have the absolute power to enforce that.)

For the family of the too-young biker, I feel sadness. Ditto the young woman he frightened and wounded so badly.

Youth + horsepower is, at best, sketchy. Youth + horsepower + alcohol (or whatever) is downright deadly. (And if you're a young biker, please don't flame me. I was one, too, and enjoyed every adrenaline-pumped minute of it.) I wasn't always responsible, and I was very lucky a couple of times. I'm thankful I'm still here, and thankful I didn't hurt anyone.

Kudos for bringing this up, C5.


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I just feel bad for the family and for the kid. I'm really surprised at how quick everyone is to just blow the kid off as a statistic - he was 16. This thread reminds me of the Natasha Richardson thread, people ripped on her too.

I compared Shane and this kid because they both knowingly and willingly put themselves into a dangerous situation, and they both paid the price. I don't judge either for doing so. I don't believe that living in a box is any way to live a life - but I can't say that to the face of Shane's little girl who is now fatherless and I can't say that to the parents of the kid who was killed on a motorcycle.

I do believe that they both deserve respect.

Sinecure - you misunderstood me at some point. If Shane was a friend of yours, I'm sorry for your loss. You and your little girl are lucky to have each other. She's lucky to have your eyes to look into when she tries to understand why Shane is dead and why Shane's daughter doesn't have a father anymore. Give her a hug and help her to understand. As I said, she's fortunate to have a father. If your comments were made for some other reason, then I'm at a loss as to why.

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I think what some are thinking here is that the kid was also knowingly endangering others.He apparently had a history of that kind of behavior.Hey we were all teens and ,especially us boys ,engaged in selfish behavior with disregard for what might happen to others.But these days with news so immediately accessable,we so often read about teens that are more often involved in more destructive and even lethal behavior that it skews our attitudes toward situations like this one. As a social group modern teens seem to collectively have even less consideration and more sense of entitlement than they used to.As the father of two young boys I am constantly trying to direct them toward consideration of others when they make the split second decisions they do all day, everyday.It's one of my greatest hopes that my boys will not turn out be part of the problem.

But,when someone speeds down our narrow street while I am out front I'm out there waving at them to slow down and will give them a talking to if they happen to live nearby.The only thing angrier than a mamma grizzly is a human dad whose kid's lives are being endangered.

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I do understand the difference between the two situations. The kid put others in physical danger. That's blatantly obvious. I feel horrible for everyone involved.

If I say more on Shane I'm afraid I'll come off as judgemental, which is definitely not my intention. I don't doubt that he's done amazing things and he's obviously inspired many people, but I have a hard time accepting the wife and child left behind. Again, I feel horrible for everyone involved.

As a father, I am fiercly protective of the welfare of my family. I do not believe in sheltering my kids or keeping them from lifes opportunities. I believe that kids should learn their own lessons but under the guidance of a mature mind. For me, it's like walking a tightrope on that issue, finding the balance between enough guidance but not too much.

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It's funny I have been on a bike for 10 years now. Riding In Japan gave me a huge respect for alternative bikes, Biggest fastest what have you no longer a top priority...These days I looking for a Yamaha SR500 to restore/customize Flat Track or Cafe not sure

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