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Poll: How good are you?


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150 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate your skillz

    • World Cup/Olympic
    • Master Freecarver
    • One of the best on my hill
    • Right down the middle average
    • I suck
    • I only come here to chat with the cool carve geeks
    • I thought I was good, but BB said my equipment sucks, So I'm re-evaluating

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I don't think the results are so outrageous...

Majority is in "average" category, which has to be right.

There are only few more "one of the best" then "I suck", so these 2 categories almost annulate each other.

There are about 4x less "masters" then "average" which is also believable.

We've got as many WC racers as we've got, so that shouldn't be taken into acount.

Last two answers are jokes, so they don't count either.

No one should really be responding "I suck", as by being a carver you already work on the skill categorised as at least higher intermediate by most snow schools.

It is natural and, I would say, healthy to think that you are a bit better then you are. That gives you spirit to ride hard and push the limit. If you simply thought "I suck" all the time, you would be likely holding back all the time. However, the "I'm great" types need wake up calls from time to time, just to keep it real and still strive for improvement.

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sarcasticly..... I'da put "I suck" up there at the top of the list.

....then again I'd rather be humble, and go out and rip. As someone said earlier... "those who are good, people take notice, and they need not tout their own ability with horns blaring." or something like that.

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this makes no sense.

sure it does

think, hu⋅bris–noun excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.

and I'm sure that I am at the very least, as guilty as any :biggthump<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf", "speaker", "17", "15", "vbulletin", "6"); interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false"); interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high"); interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false"); interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t"); interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", "soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fluna%2FH04%2FH0420800.mp3&clkLog=http%3A%2F%2Fwzqa01oak%2Fi%2Fb.html%3Ft%3Da%26d%3Dd%26s%3Ddi%26c%3Da%26ti%3D1%26ai%3D51359%26l%3Ddir%26o%3D0%26sv%3D00000000%26ip%3D%26u%3Daudio"); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write(); </SCRIPT>

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A few years ago I wouldn't have hesitated to put myself in the Master Freecarver list. ( I did not btw).

Even now there are days when I carve everything I am on without skidding with a variety of turn shapes and styles. With the steepness of the runs here I have to be feeling pretty aggressive and "on" it for that to happen.

But mostly it depends on how stiff I am.

Often I am approached by other skiers, boarders and carvers to commend my carving. But I know I am not killing like I could. And that makes me a little sad.

Mostly though I am just so frigging happy when I actually can go ride for a few hours - if I ride reasonably well that is a bonus. Not being able to go more than occasionally sure does change the imortance of how "good" are you.

Looks like tomorrow might be a go day for me. :biggthump

I will evaluate more.

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Well.... I was born and raised just down the road from Lake Wobegon, where ALL the children are above average. And so it stands to reason that I am a well above average carver. (sorry Garrison K for stealing your bit)

Actually, after the few times I've had the opportunity to ride with other carvers (and specifically LCS'09) I have to wonder if I should turn my Prior into a park bench and take up knitting. But I won't because I enjoy being a legend in my own mind.:freak3:

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to assess one's own ability as 'master' level I'm going to go out on a limb and mention a few riders that looked that good to me this year at SES and OES.Several happen to be manufacturers.There is a catch though...Most of them practice a certain style, whether of their own creation or a blending of a couple styles.So it's mainly that particular style they look to have mastered.Still others blend and create so much that they are not easily catagorized in my mind.One last point before I get started;This is just a sample of riders who I think could say they have achieved Master level.But I would bet that all of them feel there is always room for improvement.Perhaps 'journeyman' level would be a less inflatable,er subjective term than master.

Marko Holm;Snowmass instructor; I most identify with his style and 'attitude'.He to seemed to ride every bit of available terrain while carving in whatever position he felt was right and fun.Strangely,we only did one run at SES and yet we were high fiving and hugging at the end of it.Anyone that thinks everyone looks alike when they carve is wrong and he is proof that there is room for uniqueness.

Joerg from Pureboarding;definitely a Master of the style he helped pioneer,

as well as an excellent all mountain rider.

Alexis from G Force;another with a recognizable Euro carving style but very distinct take on it.

Frank from Virus; athletic and powerful,and fast.

Bordy;He was riding his new 200 down Copper bowl during first tracks at Aspen with apparently very little effort even though he was passing everybody.

Bruce Varsava;Maybe it's just the boards:)

My roomie for the week;Ray from Cleveland;another who doesn't look like he cares what category you put him in as long as it's fun.Creative and dynamic rider.

And from OES with a couple of impressions from last year thrown in since I didn't get to ride with them this year;

Shane Groshong; looks like a master of the art of smooth powerful carving to me.

Abel Davis from Diablo Composites;as fast as you think you can go;he'll probably go faster,while carving of course.

Bryan (oldsnowboards.com);super precise and powerful style.Fun to watch.

Don (noschoolrider) a nononsense, all around great looking rider.

And someone who undoubtedly thinks he's not as good as I think he has gotten since last year...Mike Tovino(Mike T.)

And Troy(b0ardski) who does it with ski poles here at home on some steep sht.

These are just a few who I have enjoyed watching or riding with.

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Why are the results such a surprise to some?

I picked average because I can carve a variety or turn shapes at my local hill. I would have picked below average because I'm still working to sort out a few things that will help me be more consistent and confident, but I don't quite suck either.

So that puts me and others like me who might be slightly above or below average in the middle. Surely there are plenty of riders better than us out there. I mean this is a message board aimed at hard-booting enthusiast right? Someone has to pick those spots. It's okay to think of yourself as being above average. That doesn't mean you think you are a "world beater" or that you will never be better, but if you rip with complete control, then you have mastered the majority of skills and likely master more along the way. If that's the honest truth, the vote that way.

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Some may think I am being overly full of myself or some such thing but here it goes...and i must say i agree with ohiomoto's points and that is why i voted as such.

I voted "master freecarver" ... here is why

I have the basics nailed to the wall.

I will rip any run on my local mountain.

I ride with total control.

I can EC on the steeps.

I can ride a skwal.

pretty much, i will play with any terrain i get on to make the most of it and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER skid a turn.

So there it goes... i have mastered the freecarve, i have no illusion that there are people that are better than me, a lot better, but i must say i feel i am a master freecarver.


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lol, I don't really care. I know how I feel about my riding and what people on the hill say to me. I don't really care what a kid online says. I just find it amusing that somebody who I have never ridden with or seen on the hill would call me out like that.


I'd have to definitely agree whole heartedly and yet the guy gave me a great tip, so I can't figure out where he was coming from.

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C'mon ! This whole thing is a joke, so let's not be too serious about it.

How can you compare objective/measurable levels, like WC/Olympic, with fully subjective self-assessment ?

Unless there is some kind of test or judgment, like in freeride contests, it's impossible to prevent these claims, so I propose that unless you can't do a 360 carve, you can't call yourself a master freecarver ! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Some may think I am being overly full of myself or some such thing but here it goes...and i must say i agree with ohiomoto's points and that is why i voted as such.

I voted "master freecarver"

So there it goes... i have mastered the freecarve, i have no illusion that there are people that are better than me, a lot better, but i must say i feel i am a master freecarver.

Cool. You have mastered the basics and you know it doesn't make you god. That's was my point.

Just remember that even though you have mastered the basics, it is still possible to learn more. That's the cool thing about it. Even once you have mastered something, you can continue to grow. Five years from now, you might be laughing at this, but that just means you've continued to grow. It doesn't mean that you haven't mastered the skills you have now.

I don't believe that a mastered means you know it all or are the best. I believe it puts you at a level to explore and learn things at a higher level. It's no different than attaining a MBA. It doesn't mean your are an expert in all aspescts of running a business. It simply means you have developed a base that will allow you to become very proficient in one of many areas. You still have to go out and get a job. You still have to work hard. You still have a lot to learn. You are not god, but you did earn a MBA.

There is no shame in claiming that level, just keep it real.

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actually i am beyond the basics but i was trying to be modest :eek: but in 5 years... i'll be happy even if i don't progress... i'll be happy if i am stuck at my current riding level for the rest of my life... but i'll do everything i can to progress a little more :eplus2:

Yeah, I said the same things about my skiing 5 years ago, but I got bored. I'm so glad I did because I remastered the basics again. I turned the basics upside-down (we'll sort of) and it opened up a whole new world. Hopefully I'll keep finding more to work on because it's so much fun.

Now I'm focusing on the alpine board so that should keep me busy for a few seasons. I'm hoping to master the basics so I can play with the little add-ons. I think I'm close to a breakthrough. I can't wait until next season.

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I've ridden with a few of the guys you mentioned and agree wholeheartedly.

Another one I'd mention is Tim aka Timinor. Solid, especially for an old guy! ;)

Hey watch the Old Guy stuff.. we got Viagra mentioned in this thread somewhere too!

George Burns says "somtimes my riding is like shooting pool with a rope.":lol:

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Hey watch the Old Guy stuff.. we got Viagra mentioned in this thread somewhere too!

George Burns says "somtimes my riding is like shooting pool with a rope.":lol:

Perhaps they should start making more rigid prophylactics. Something like one in the "Ride Mode".

Sorry cross threading here.

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