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Give me my old, too-soft and seldom-used M6 asym with Snow Stix, my Scarpa AT's, and several wide Blues of good groom, and I'll be grinning from ear to ear at day's end, and looking forward to another session the next day.

What was that george carlin quote? ... oh yes: "After I'm done shoving this hot poker up my ass, I'm gonna chop my dick off!!"

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However, I'm also of the school that believes if you feel you have to own the latest-and-greatest board to truly have fun, you're really cheating yourself.

Give me my old, too-soft and seldom-used M6 asym with Snow Stix, my Scarpa AT's, and several wide Blues of good groom, and I'll be grinning from ear to ear at day's end, and looking forward to another session the next day.

For me, that's what it's all about.



Have fun!!! BINGO!!

So, years ago, I am walking slowly to the chairlift, it is mid morning and I have just gone back to the truck to change to another board deemed ideal for the changing conditions. I pass a cutie pie about 4yrs old on some little plastic skis. As I pass, she moves about 6" and looks up at Mom and with HUGE eyes she screems "Mommy, I'm SLIDING". Talk about an epiphany! Enjoy where you are, with who you are, and what you are on!!

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I just bought a new Prior WCR metal. I bought it after riding it for several days in a variety of conditions from new snow to hard pack and ice so I knew exactly what the board was like when I bought it.

Is the board more fun than my previous glass boards (oxygen proton and hot blast) - oh yeah. Its more grippy and better to ride in a variety of conditions, particularly in the spring morning hardpack and lower mountain ice.

Does it foster bad technique? Actually no - if I ride it badly then it feels just like any other board. Its only when I get my weight in the right place and angulate properly that it really comes alive. It gives me more feedback about what is right and wrong as the level of grip when I get it right is just unbeleivable. If I am lazy then it is merely ordinary. I feel that i have improved substantially since buying the metal board. Of course the proof of the pudding will be to get back on my proton to see if I am better on that but I wont get the chance until july or so

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I'm going to mount my bindings on my board backwards and ride it tail frist down the hill....

I bet it will revolutionize the sport !

People will be saying " Those snowboarders.... such anti-establishment-tarians" !


Boardy, You can have back your Rozzi WC 190, I dont wan't to be left out of the new technology loop with your leftover relics....... Credit me for it and Ill apply it to a new board of your choice..

K ?



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I'll go with a car analogy here.

If you learn to race on a car with traction control, anti-lock brakes, stability management, electronically managed suspension, and power steering then go to a car that doesn't have any of that, you'll probably get schooled and crash and die...

However, if you do it the other way around and learn to race a car that doesn't have any driving aids at all then go to a car with all that good stuff, you're probably a better driver for it.

I'm not ready for the cheater boards quite yet, got some things to learn on "old" tech first. Gotta confess, just put friction shifters on my bike, looking at 27M radius GS skis for next year, and might just buy a manual transmission car tomorrow.

I'm not against technology but just because it makes something easier doesn't make it better.

Totally agree Bullwings!

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I say "newbie" because I've hardbooted for about 10yrs, but never really that good. Mainly because of infrequency and sub par equipment. Most of the time I'd get sick and tired of it after about 2-3hrs and throw on my skis. After 5 boards, 2 types of bindings, and the "ski boot experiment", this year I finally served up the $$$ for a Coiler 176 AM-T, used Raichle 423s, and TD2s. Best thing I've done. Most days I don't want to get off it, and can ride it till the lifts close, on all conditions. This post is in reference to what Mike T said and, I think some others on this tread said about new riders and new board technology. The answer is yes, its made my riding much better. I'm no expert, but this board helps me rip like one at times, especially on greens and blues. Its a stock 176 AM-T, not really sure about the exact specs, but 176cm, 154edge, 21.5 waist, and 11sc. I admit it may not rail like a NSR or Stub, but it does a really good job, and can still make short quick turns.

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ok... Bordy hasn't responded. I call flamebait. ;)

Naw, Just love to see where the BOL board is currently at.

Remember s few years ago when I said metal was the action and most of the board went silly telling me I was a kook. Now most folks understand what metal is about. Lots who had the same vibe as many or the riders who rip so much they don't need any "New School" shape messing up their olympic push on their sick wood stick, have been educated. Now I am pitching Better shapes using metal and the response is much better, that means we are progressing, and thats nice.

You can pitch your super sick board and what a sick rider you want all day long, you can also through down how sick a mega ripper you are on said wood prodect. How many old school wood boards are on the podium at any upper level event. If you think its cuz they don't know how to ride a wood board as sick as you do then your probably correct......NOT.

Taper the other other white meat......

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I am not saying there are not some fun wood rides that crush it, but there are much better items out there. I am not talking a little better and you need to be a racer to tell,



Argghhhhh Progress or get left behind…………..

Wow Kessler copys are cool .........never saw that coming:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:eek:

The gist of this thread reads eerily similar to the flame fest that was the how much better are the newer boards? thread from this time last year. Which eventually lead to Bordy's goodbye post. Will there be a repeat??

Bordy does sound like a car salesman. Last year it was "BUY METAL, YOUR GLASS BOARD SUCKS". This year, it's "BUY NEW METAL SHAPES, YOUR OLD METAL SHAPES SUCK".

I've ridden a metal Prior WCR 177 and own a Coiler Schtubby 171. I don't know if those boards are in the "new school" category that Bordy is talking about. But when I switched from glass to metal, my riding was NOT miraculously transformed. What did happen is that a wider range of snow conditions felt like HERO SNOW. It also felt like I rode faster compared to when I was on my Olympic construction Donek FC2 165.

An unexpected benefit of switching to metal was when I did chatter out on ice while riding the Schtubby, I knew I couldn't blame the board. So I analyzed my technique closer, found the problem and became a better rider.

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Let's put it in this context: how much can a newbie get out of these new designs? I feel like the people who will benefit the most already know what they're doing and they're not flopping around and figuring out the right technique.

Let's take a hypothetical scenario where a newbie has $1000 for board and lift tickets. Case 1: spend $900 on new metal board and $100 on lift tickets.

Case 2: spend $150 on Burton Coil and $500 for season pass (saves $350 for future board purchase). He then rides once per week.

At the end of one season, who's the better rider?

Summary: if you're on a limited budget, spend the money on a season pass and ride as often as possible. If you've got the cash, get the good stuff, because eventually you'll be able to tell the difference AND you can't blame the gear.

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But I'll still take fun over worrying about what board is best, as long as I can have fun on the boards I have (which I do).


let the lemmings run while I have fun

sour grapes? maybe but if I gave two chits about where the equipment peddlers said the sport is going and ditched my ride everytime one of them preached of his epithamy, I'd likely be on a rigid 650b wheeled single speed :cool:

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The gist of this thread reads eerily similar to the flame fest that was the how much better are the newer boards? thread from this time last year. Which eventually lead to Bordy's goodbye post. Will there be a repeat??

Bordy does sound like a car salesman. Last year it was "BUY METAL, YOUR GLASS BOARD SUCKS". This year, it's "BUY NEW METAL SHAPES, YOUR OLD METAL SHAPES SUCK".

I've ridden a metal Prior WCR 177 and own a Coiler Schtubby 171. I don't know if those boards are in the "new school" category that Bordy is talking about. But when I switched from glass to metal, my riding was NOT miraculously transformed. What did happen is that a wider range of snow conditions felt like HERO SNOW. It also felt like I rode faster compared to when I was on my Olympic construction Donek FC2 165.

An unexpected benefit of switching to metal was when I did chatter out on ice while riding the Schtubby, I knew I couldn't blame the board. So I analyzed my technique closer, found the problem and became a better rider.

Any of you fools that think I am pitching prodect to sell gear ar so beyond the relm of real life it's unthinkable...

No one make moneys selling alpine gear My web site is more in debt then any of you personally I bet. And Just so Dave and I can try and continue the growth of the sport by selling the newest gear to people so they can keep it real and progressive.

If i need to get on a friends web site and state the current trends since most of the board doesn't have the oppertunity to experance the current state of alpine riding, and i would consider my self hip on the current trends then so be it. Take what I say how ever you would like thoose of you theat know me know where i am coming from. Thoose of you who don't can sit at your desk and guess but you have no idea.

I also like the "Which eventually lead to Bordy's goodbye post. Will there be a repeat??

Make no mistake I left becuase the BOL community is way out of touch with the real world of alpine, The "heavys" on the board are the folks with the most desk time to bang on their computers and for most of the history of the board, I again have been here since the BOL was started, This info has been outdated or incorret. Helpful yes, usable by begginers and intro riders, yes. A great service to the alpine community, yes. Any where close to current trends in the alpine world, NO. Hip on current gear and trends, NO hip on current riding styles and true proggression of the sport hell no...

And since you post is so set on saying I'm just preaching what the hell does this mean???

But when I switched from glass to metal, my riding was NOT miraculously transformed. What did happen is that a wider range of snow conditions felt like HERO SNOW. It also felt like I rode faster compared to when I was on my Olympic construction Donek FC2 165.

An unexpected benefit of switching to metal was when I did chatter out on ice while riding the Schtubby, I knew I couldn't blame the board. So I analyzed my technique closer, found the problem and became a better rider

Wow sounds like your new metal board made riding better for you and you a better rider just like I said it would 4 years ago when I started pitching metal to the BOL crew...... :smashfrea:smashfrea Of course that not what you said since it would go alone with what I have been saying and lets be real BOL is not about how you snow board or what you have brought to the community it is how good you are at pretending how well you can or do while sitting at your desk typing away...........

I probably wont't leave or post a rant about how i am leaving BOL again that was Silly. Its the same thing as always.

Unless you know me and I know you and who you are and what you bring to the table BOL works one way for me now

I know! you guess... I am on the hill working and forcing progress, you are at your desk wishing you could and trying your hardest to still be a part, and the only way to cut it is to get your shot at glory on BOL....

Remember this place is just like Wikapedia any one can have at it here.

My new mantra is simple unless your pushing the industry and gear with me then your opinion and point is mute.

Wood boards do not have the proformance of metal sticks, And the new school shapes of metal are the best riding snowboards to date.

You don't have to try and prove to me I am wrong, cuz I am not, if you think I am its cuz you don't know any better and thats cute...

Hardbooter.com going deeper in debt each year just so BOLers can use it as another reason to argue why they think I am spending time trying to share the real deal with them.

Sure it must be immposable that some one in the alpine aspect of the sport daily..since 87 Would get on a website about said sport and share his opinion and experance........

Again I am a alpine snowboarder/snowslider for work. Have been since 87.

Speaking my mind......Not what I read or have gathered from others.....:biggthump;)

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Your rants are not doing much for the sport either. You're not very persuasive. We all can't be as hip as you. I thought we figure this out last year.

you read the post and thought about it.......

That did something.......

Oh yea again not a penny into my pocket from selling alpine gear hows that for doing nothing to the sport. I have been selling gear to people and not making any profit hows that for a contrabution??????? How many riders do you think have gear under their feet cuz I wanted the sport to grow vs make money.

Do you really think BOL is the sport???? And that is all alpine riding is??

That this is the only place or way I condribute, like most posters?????


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If you think this post is about buying an island for the HB folks then you know as much about small businesses as you do about snowboarding.

Gold isn't just lying on the ground. You have to work to extract it.

If you can't filter through Bordy's style to get the metal nuggets just

run around here sporting your woodie.

If you have doubt, search his posts and engage your brain a bit.

Hang in there Bordy, there are plenty of lurkers here who actually rip better

than they type.

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This is a community. Not all of us like to be told we're doing it wrong because we don't have 09/10 gear. Step off your pedestal. You're not a martyr because you don't make money off the gear you sell. I probably agree with much of what you have to say - but I can't get past your holier-than-tho attitude.

Most of us are just out there to have fun with our friends and family on the snow. You can express your passion for gear and snowboarding - please, I'm all ears. But don't pretend that I can't enjoy the sport because I'm riding a board that was made in 03.

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We've never met, Bordy, and most likely never will.

And I'm certainly one of the too-much-time-on-their-hands poseurs who seems to frustrate you so. But, I've really enjoyed, and learned from, your many posts over the years.

I remember one particularly, when a member had asked if bad edge rust were terminal for a board. If I recall, correctly, you said, "Gimme a file and ten minutes and I'll fix any edge!," or something to that effect. That was tremendously helpful, and I now have a pretty good collection of files... and a number of rusted edges that are still waiting ...

but please know that in this scariest of economies and times, there are people who, when they can, will support your great persistence and advocacy of so many years

I've gone from an average of 10-15-20 days a year to two last year, and none in 08/09. But the economy will improve, and times will get better. And eventually, I will have a state-of-the art setup that will make my few on-slope days much more enjoyable.

Somebody has to be the pioneer who stirs things up and keeps em moving and makes that progress possible. You are certainly that!

Many thanks, good luck and best wishes


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