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SES 09 demo boards?


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I couldn't go this year (grrrrrr.....) but had a chance to be the first rider of the prototype Bruce made of the Coiler Schtubette (for the ladies!) and it is without question the board i have been dreaming of.... i believe 160cm, 12m SCR (bruce correct me here) and it rides like nothing i have ever experienced. For me, in order to really be aggressive on my board i need to trust my equipment completely. After 1 run there was no question that i could go for it... i get nervous on steeps on my longer board because of the length but like the bigger scr, but on my short board i am very comfortable with the length but the scr is too short to allow to me hold the turn long enough to brush off speed before turning it back down hill (i know this is mostly mental, but that is a huge part of how we perform in anything we do)... the schtubette provided the perfect compromise... short so i am not scared by the length but long sidecut to hold a nice long turn... hope the ladies out there got a chance to ride it and love it! Bruce, i have been selling them for you here while you were away... you can thank me with a complimentary one hehehehehehehheeeeee!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I couldn't go this year (grrrrrr.....) but had a chance to be the first rider of the prototype Bruce made of the Coiler Schtubette (for the ladies!) and it is without question the board i have been dreaming of....

After this I was drooling to get my mitts on this board ... which I did, and took it back after two runs. The first heelside I hucked it into, it folded in half like a banana! I think I need to be less aggressive ... although I was 30lb over its recommended rider weight, which doesn't help.

One thing I do agree with you on, though ... Bruce's boards come with a can of "instant rock star" for me as well. The 176AM-T with the 21.5 waist was my dream board, and I had a stack of fun on Friday on the 170 AM-T with a 23.5 waist, riding every powder stash I could find and in the trees under Tiehack. Awesome. I also loved the 163WCR Prior metal, butter smooth, mmmmm.

On the other side of the coin, I rode the 171 Schtubby and got whipped. Admittedly punching over my weight as it was made for a 180lb rider, but it was like my very own version of "So You Think You Can Ride"...

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Have to change the name of the 161 Stub as a few male riders on the lighter side were also liking it. Sorry to say it is in Oregon now for OES and may return mid March to a hill near you if you live in Ontario that is.


Oh yeah, the new rule for building boards for ladies is

Build 2 cores as the first board is never right so at least you will have second one started(-:


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NOOOOOOOOO!!!! the small men will just have to get in touch with their feminine sides! Allee sorry you didn't like it... but i can understand how 30lbs over recommended weight would make it not good for you...

Bruce, can i bring it Tremblant for SQS if you aren't coming? I promise to share it for at least 1 run per day!!!!! Once i am done riding for the day:D

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I'm an intermediate carver that weighs 205 lbs.

My absolute favorite board was the 20cm wide Coiler Monster 185 (it might have been the 182, I'm not sure) with the starry night graphics, it was made for a 180 lb rider. It just held an edge through anything I encountered with the long running length and whatever mojo Bruce has worked with the flex pattern. I was able to bend it into darn near any radius that I wanted just by bending it in the middle. It had amazing edge hold on the few ice patches I could find. Like Allee said, the board came with a free can of rockstar juice. I chugged it and it was good!

I went to SES wanting a short slalom board for ice, but this Monster was so much fun even on ice that I want one now.

A close second was any of the Prior WCR metals (pick your size). Similar edge hold on ice and chop but a little less 'engaging' to ride. Not really in a bad way, but just different.

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I'm an intermediate carver that weighs 205 lbs.

My absolute favorite board was the 20cm wide Coiler Monster 185 (it might have been the 182, I'm not sure) with the starry night graphics, it was made for a 180 lb rider. It just held an edge through anything I encountered with the long running length and whatever mojo Bruce has worked with the flex pattern. I was able to bend it into darn near any radius that I wanted just by bending it in the middle. It had amazing edge hold on the few ice patches I could find. Like Allee said, the board came with a free can of rockstar juice. I chugged it and it was good!

I went to SES wanting a short slalom board for ice, but this Monster was so much fun even on ice that I want one now.

A close second was any of the Prior WCR metals (pick your size). Similar edge hold on ice and chop but a little less 'engaging' to ride. Not really in a bad way, but just different.

I never thought that James Ong's Monster design would be so popular. :biggthump :biggthump :biggthump

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As one of couple of quiver killers I tried(the other being the GForce 171),this board was the overall best performer I tried at SES.I am very aggressive and like to use up all the terrain within my peripheral vision.This board did whatever I asked of it without hesitaion or lag of any kind.I believe it was slightly narrower than the super friendly Prior WCR 177 x21 that I rode and seemed to reflect that in transitions.It also seemed to have the most pop of the metal boards I tried.I actually heard a couple of people weren't thrilled with it but they were a bit bigger than I am, and apparently Bordy designed it with average sized riders in mind.I'm just under 5'10", weigh about 155 ,and this board responded to my input well without feeling mushy or too damp.The only reason I still favor glass/carbon boards is that I like the energy return and durability is not a concern.It still does not seem to take something catostrophic to bend a metal board;however,I must admit to trying to over power this board and it took everything I threw at it,including catching air,riding through a big mogul field and maneuvering through trees.

For it's energetic ridability and still having the smooth ride of metal this board impressed me as one I would recommend to someone of average size(say 140 to 165 lbs),a high skill level and who only wants one board.The boring topsheet was not flashy enough for it to fly off the demo rack,but this is a Damn Good ride.

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This ended up being the board I liked most for myself because of it's turbo-like energy when exiting turns.I could get this thing in the air between turns easier than any other including Bordy's.It pretty much wants to be ridden that way,but was easy to tame in the bumps and trees.The only thing keeping me from saying this was the overall best performer is that I know most people are now looking for that smooth,damp easy feel of metal and this board handles like an enthusiast level sports car rather than a refined sports sedan like some of the metals do.That said,it was easier to ride each time I came back to it from other boards and it's price point is fantastic considering it's level of performance.That is if Alexis can get shipping costs to the US at a reasonable level.Without a doubt this board had the most performance per dollar based on that.

I would recommend this board to the 'one board' rider in a wide size range (say 145 to 200 lbs)who is skillfully aggressive and likes the pop and energy of a traditional board.

A non metal board with impressive performance? Absolutely.

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Rode the Schtub, want one. The others didn't do much for me, but it was always the left overs. (We were sleeping in) Didn't get a chance at Chris's WCRs, but everybody was raving about them.

Bruce, what are the spec.s on that Schtubby? When I order one I want to get it right. You ARE bringing it to OES?

Heard rave reviews on the Schtubette from more than one rider. What I don't understand is how Allee can be 30# over the weight range. She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her body?

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This board almost won my little personal board review contest.For going forward... it wins.Because it is not practical to ride backwards with,it does not win overall.See where I'm going with this?

Perhaps the 'Sweetest' feeling ride I have ever experienced.I manhandled this board and it took the abuse incredibly well;returning all my energy without wearing me out.Several times I spun onto the tail for multiple spins out of laidout toesides and it did that with the least effort of any board.Unbelievable;and a very cool looking swallowtail.

I don't have anything bad to say about this board.It's all good.Great,actually.

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Rode the Schtub, want one. The others didn't do much for me, but it was always the left overs. (We were sleeping in) Didn't get a chance at Chris's WCRs, but everybody was raving about them.

Bruce, what are the spec.s on that Schtubby? When I order one I want to get it right. You ARE bringing it to OES?

Heard rave reviews on the Schtubette from more than one rider. What I don't understand is how Allee can be 30# over the weight range. She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her body?

That one was a 171 x 121 x 13.2m tuned for 190 lbs. I did not get a chance to ride it but it is already in Oregon so will be ready for OES.

I think Allee has a secret gravitational field around her or something to that effect.

Just shows how important it is to get to try out stuff for a baseline to work from if having a custom board built.


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I never thought that James Ong's Monster design would be so popular. :biggthump :biggthump :biggthump

Everyone wants a monster !!! Soon i will be able to command royalties on par with Shred Gruumer:eplus2:

Although to be honest my design contribution to the monster was " hey Bruce, how bout a wide metal board ? ":lol:

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Everyone wants a monster !!! Soon i will be able to command royalties on par with Shred Gruumer:eplus2:

Although to be honest my design contribution to the monster was " hey Bruce, how bout a wide metal board ? ":lol:

Thats about the same amount of info I get from Mr. Gruumer:lol:

The amount of royalties also indicate that:lol::lol:

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Quick review from the airport as I wait patiently....



15 or so years riding

Loves smaller sidecuts, going slower than faster.

Lots of turns.

Boards: Coiler 173 FC, Burton R17 65.

Demos this week.

Prior WCR 177 metal. 20waist? Brought it home with me. Forgiving ride, cut thru chop with authority. carved the steeps with confidence. OK slalom turns, better GS turns. Great in hard conditions, great in mixed conditions, not good in soft conditions(too stiff to be fun without burying nose). Graphics were plain white...good for me.

gotta go...more tommorow night.

Donek 171 metal rocker.

Coiler171 schtub

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Quick review from the airport as I wait patiently....



15 or so years riding

Loves smaller sidecuts, going slower than faster.

Lots of turns.

Boards: Coiler 173 FC, Burton R17 65.

Demos this week.

Prior WCR 177 metal. 20waist? Brought it home with me. Forgiving ride, cut thru chop with authority. carved the steeps with confidence. OK slalom turns, better GS turns. Great in hard conditions, great in mixed conditions, not good in soft conditions(too stiff to be fun without burying nose). Graphics were plain white...good for me.

gotta go...more tommorow night.

Donek 171 metal rocker.

Coiler171 schtub

and the B-squared...............which in a nut shell was the Shiz. I had no idea it was as wide as it is untill I looked at it, felt small and quick and I had no problem at all finishing each turn..............now for Pauls review on it.:AR15firin

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Here's another board that surprised me.It was the first Virus I have ridden and it was much softer than I expected.It absorbed obstacles like a Cadillac with off road suspension.

I was able to twist this soft feeling board in whatever direction I wanted to but it seemed to be built for the lazier type of rider. Unlike the 186 Asym,hehe. I don't mean this in a bad way necessarily.I thought in fact,that it would fit nicely in a quiver as an 'end of the day' board. It was very easy on my feet and legs and so I lasted a couple of more runs the day I tested it.The Alpine Punk had a similar but more lively feel;of course,it was designed by Matts( really fun to follow you down the hill,btw),and is made by Virus.

If I had a friend that was my size or larger that wanted a dynamic but easy riding board the 180 Scalpel would be on the list.

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